Proceedings of the International Conference on Social, Economics, Business, and Education (ICSEBE 2021)
The low competence and competitiveness of university graduates makes the absorption capacity of graduates in the field also low. As a result, many educated unemployed have difficulty finding work. This is because the graduates do not have the competencies desired by the industry. The outputs of educational institutions have competencies that are not related (linked) and in accordance with the (matched) needs of employment.
In anticipating the increasingly high unemployment rate, especially in educated unemployment, the role of universities is very important, especially in facing the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0 era, by preparing graduates to have competencies that are able to compete, especially in industries that have high standards of human resource needs. This is in accordance with the purpose of educational activities, namely increasing human potential through an integrated learning process to develop individuals to be able to build their self-potency through the learning process. Self-potency in question is a character that is full of independence and creativity contained in edupreneurship, namely placing the concept and attitude of entrepreneurship in the world of education.
Edupreneurship is a combination of the words education and entrepreneurship. Edupreneurship wants to place entrepreneurial concepts and attitudes in the world of education. Education is often understood as a process of self-maturation combined with entrepreneur which means adventurer, risk taker, and entrepreneur. The implementation of edupreneurship is directed at forming the mental and entrepreneurial spirit of students in an effort to achieve success in the field of education.
In the context of sustainable development, edupreneurship is expected to be able to strengthen competitiveness with the availability of skilled workers, in adequate levels, so that people are able to increase their creativity. In sustainable development, the development and application of science and technology as a competitive demand in global life is absolutely necessary. Strengthening science and technology as state assets is very important, in relation to replacing natural resources (renewable resources) owned by the state. Based on this, The International Conference on Social, Economics, Business, and Education (ICSEBE 2021) is conducted with the theme: "Edupreneurship and Sustainable Development of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem”. This conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 Pandemic on October 23, 2021. The leading speakers at this conference were academics and practitioners from Indonesia, the United States, China, Japan, and Malaysia, with 42 papers published in Atlantis Press.