Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2020)
130 articles
Proceedings Article
Transforming Sundanese Script
From Palm Leaf to Digital Typography
Agung Zainal Muttakin Raden, Rustopo Rustopo, Timbul Haryono
The impact of globalization is the loss of local culture, transformation is an attempt to offset the global culture. Globalization has influenced the structure of the global community in the political, economic, social, and cultural fields, bringing the impact on the displacement of local culture. Sundanese...
Proceedings Article
Kapamalian in Cikondang Traditional House Lamajang Village Sub-District of Pangalengan Bandung Regency
An Ethnopedagogy study
Santi Nurjanah, Ruhaliah
The study aimed to expand knowledge regarding tradition, to describe kapamalian, and to explain kapamalian ethnopedagogy values in Cikondang Traditional house which is located in Lamajang Village Sub-district of Pangalengan Bandung Regency. The meaning of kapamalian or pamali can be categorized as local...
Proceedings Article
The Representation of Harassment Object in Incident of Cyber Sexual Abuse
Selik Zakiyah Rahmah, Dadang Sudana
The potency of cyber bullying to women gives rise to varied responses, including many who consider that it is trivial to even blame the injured party. The data in this study are comments on the video on a bullied woman. This research is a case study relying on a descriptive qualitative method. The data...
Proceedings Article
Phonological Process Analysis of Shukuyakukei (Contracted Form) in Gintama Hōsōkyoku
Shabrina Almash Ramadhani, Dewi Kusrini, Juju Juangsih
Japan provides many opportunities for Japanese language learners to study in their country. However, researchers are aware that there are learners who are not familiar with casual conversation in Japanese language, because of many uses of shukuyakukei (contracted form). This study attempts to analyze...
Proceedings Article
Moving towards 21st Century English Language Teaching
Developing ESP multiliteracies-based materials
Siti Kustini, Didi Suherdi, Bachrudin Musthafa
Learning materials are considered as one of the primary agents of conveying knowledge to learners that their roles are undoubtedly pivotal in the teaching and learning process. This paper attempts to delineate course materials development in the context of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Informatics...
Proceedings Article
Moral Value in Tteutbakkui Saeng (뜻밖 의 生 (생)) Novel by Ju Yeong Kim
A Sociopragmatic Study
Sitta Arsita Tisnaliani, Tri Indri Hardini, Risa Triarisanti
This paper examined moral values of speech acts in Tteutbakkui Saeng (뜻밖의 生 (생)) novel by Ju Yeong Kim. This research employed qualitative descriptive, focusing on the analysis of moral values with the framework of socio-pragmatic studies. Data collection techniques included reading and note-taking....
Proceedings Article
Investigating Distinctive Problems Observed in Post-editing of Machine Translation Output Made by Indonesian Undergraduate Students
Sri Harto, Bachrudin Musthafa, Sri Setyarini
This research aims to explore the distinctive problems encountered by students in the process of post-editing of machine translation output in the translation of academic texts. Fifty-eight undergraduate students majoring in English language education sitting in fourth semester and taking Practice of...
Proceedings Article
Cross-Cultural Folklore Enhancement Book for BIPA Learners of Japanese Speakers
Sri Ulina Br Sembiring, Yulianeta, Halimah
The background of this research is the lack of teaching materials for BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing/Indonesian language for foreign speakers) learners, especially Japanese learners. In this regard, cross-cultural based teaching materials can be an alternative to meet the needs of BIPA teaching...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Solidarity Values in the Torok Oral Tradition of the Manggarai Society Through Multicultural Education
An Ecolingustic Studies
Stefania Helmon, R. Kunjana Rahardi
Cultural diversity in Indonesia is one of the characteristics of society that we should be proud of. However, without realizing it, this diversity also holds potential conflicts that can threaten the life of the nation and state. This challenge in diversity has resulted in various clashes in society...
Proceedings Article
Word Choices as Linguistic Features and Mantra Functions in Mantra Pupuh Dhandhanggula
Sutarsih, Budi Agung Sudarmanto
Mantra is a Javanese cultural heritage. Mantra uses the Javanese language. It has unique diction and magic power. This research aims at describing the meaning of word choice, usage, and the functions of mantra. The mantra used in this research is a kind of pupuh dhandhanggula. The Mantra in this paper...
Proceedings Article
Contrastive Analysis of Final Particle Ne and Yo in Japanese with Ya and Loh in Indonesian
Tanty Triana, Nuria Haristiani
This research aimed to compare and contrast the use of final particles Yo and Ne in Japanese with the particles Ya and Loh in Indonesian. It was motivated by Japanese language learners who often have difficulty in understanding or distinguishing between the functions and meanings of final particle Yo...
Proceedings Article
Nini Randa’s Subjectivity in “Tango & Sadimin” Novel by Ramayda Akmal
Tasya Isarina Maghfira, Yulianeta
The idea of subjectivity enables women to think outside the mainstream ideology which perpetuates an oppressive patriarchal system. In the novel “Tango & Sadimin”, Akmal tried to portray women’s subjectivity through its women characters, especially Nini Randa. Therefore, the aim of this study is...
Proceedings Article
The University Student Voices on Online Language Classes during Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Teresa Angelina Kaluge
Covid-19 pandemic outbreak happened in the beginning of the year 2020 but learning should be done on purpose based on the course outline. This study aimed to find out students’ voices according the effect of switching Japanese Kanji and grammar course to online courses during the pandemic. The courses...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Types of Figurative Language in Aam Amalia’s Jangji Asih
Tiara Camelia, Dingding Haerudin, Nunuy Nurjanah
This research analyses the comparative types of figurative language in Aam Amilia’s novel, Jangji Asih. It employed a qualitative approach and used the data collection through immediate constituent analysis technique by identifying the figurative language in the text. The results of the research indicated...
Proceedings Article
HOTs-based Needs Analysis of the Indonesian Language Assistants in Victoria, Australia
Teachers’ Voices
Tri Indri Hardini, Sri Setyarini, Sri Harto
Needs analysis in a language teaching is one of important elements to undertake before starting the lesson. The implementation of Higher Order Thinking skills (HOTs)-based needs analysis is expected to achieve the objectives of Indonesian language learning for foreign speakers to master the language...
Proceedings Article
English Education Program Evaluation
Students’ Perspectives in an Indonesian Private University
Uun Muhaji, Lasim Muzammil, Andy
Despite its pivotal role in the successive curriculum evaluation process, program evaluation focusing on investigating the final semester students’ voices, particularly in the Indonesian private teacher training institution contexts has been under-studied. The present study evaluated an English education...
Proceedings Article
Internalizing Environmental Literacy of Elementary Students During Covid-19 Pandemic
Uus Kuswendi, Hana Sakura Putu Arga
The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on changes in the learning process. On of such changes is the lack of attention to the socialization of environmental literacy, which is usually done in schools. Environmental literacy can foster a sense of caring for the environment as students are taught...
Proceedings Article
Speech Acts Analysis of Corner Discourse in Javanese Language Magazines
Wening Handri Purnami
Language is a communication tool that is used by people to express their thoughts both in oral and written form. Likewise, Javanese is the language of everyday communication used by the community, especially Javanese ethnic, both spoken and written. The data of this study is Javanese language used in...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing the Social-Transcendental Functions of Kidung Sedekah Gunung
An Anthropolinguistic Study
Wuri Wuryandari, R. Kunjana Rahardi
Kidung Sedekah Gunung is a part of tradition held by a community in the southern slope of Merapi. Although the tradition is held annually, little is known about the functions of this song. This study thus aims to describe the social-transcendental function of the Kidung Sedekah Gunung and its optimization...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Move and Linguistic Features in Indonesian and English Humanities Dissertation Abstracts
A Comparative Study
Yalma Rifqiya Mauludini, Eri Kurniawan
Move analysis investigates the rhetorical patterns of texts, mostly in academic writing. This approach focuses on the communicative purposes and rhetorical strategies referred to as moves and steps. The present study aims to disclose whether the authors’ backgrounds affect the rhetorical organization...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Brexit on France’s Stance in European Union
Yasmine Athirah Mulya, Airin Miranda
The history of Europe in forming a union has gone through many challenges and changes in direction. The latest crisis in the European Union is the withdrawal of British membership in 2016 which is formally known as Brexit. Britain joined the integrated Europe when it was still called the European Economic...
Proceedings Article
Sundanese Language Code-mixing in “Kabayan Jadi Milyuner” Film
Yatun Romdonah Awaliah, Suminto A. Sayuti, Dingding Haerudin
Language is a tool of communication. By using language, a person can convey information and messages to the interlocutor. When someone is communicating, sometimes a code-mixing event is identified. This is due to the speakers who master language 1 (B1) and language 2 (B2) with the same ability (B1 is...
Proceedings Article
Investigating the Students’ Weaknesses in Writing Academic Papers
Yayan Nurbayan, Mohamad Zaka Al Farisi, Anwar Sanusi, Rinaldi Supriadi
Academic writing skills are an essential thing that must be mastered by students. This research investigated the weaknesses of postgraduate students of Arabic Language Education (ALE) of the Indonesian University of Education (IUOE) in writing scientific journal articles. This study used a qualitative...
Proceedings Article
Politeness on the Social Media
A Study on the Response of West Java City Information Instagram Account
Yayat Sudaryat, Temmy Widyastuti, Hernawan
This research investigates the politeness of the language of Instagram users, especially in comments that citizens posted on West Java city information accounts. Currently, many accounts contain information about the development of cities in West Java, and various comments are posted on the accounts,...
Proceedings Article
The Use of BAIK Card as Learning Media to Improve Learning in The Animal Caring Lesson
Yeni Hadianti, Rahman
Based on preliminary data obtained at an elementary school in Indonesia, where students experienced problems with low learning outcomes when only using provided teaching materials or thematic textbooks. Difficulty in reading texts and sentences about caring for animal material made student learning outcomes...
Proceedings Article
Socratic Seminar Method to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in Indonesian Language Learning
Yohana Rina Kurniasari, Yuliana Setyaningsih
This study aims to describe the implementation of the Socratic seminar learning method to improve students’ critical thinking skills in learning Indonesian language in elementary schools. The data collection methods used was interviews, observation, and tests. The data of this study were interviews results...
Proceedings Article
The Inclusion of the Unity Values in Teda Oral Tradition Through Multicultural Education
Ecolinguistic Perspective
Yuliana Sesi Bitu, R. Kunjana Rahardi
Pluralism is the wealth of the Indonesian people. However, diversity also has the potential to give birth to various conflicts that can divide national unity. Exploring the values of local wisdom becomes important to do in the framework of unity. This study aims to describe the value of unity in the...
Proceedings Article
BIPA Students’ Responses towards Web-Based Indonesian Folklore Enrichment Materials
Yulianeta, Dewi Prajnaparamitha Amandangi, Halimah, Suci Sundusiah
The development of science and technology encourages the innovation of web-based enrichment materials in folklore texts learning for intermediate-level BIPA students. This article describes the BIPA students’ responses to using web-based Indonesian folklore enrichment materials that can be accessed through...
Proceedings Article
Read Aloud Training Module
Research and Development to Improve Literacy
Yulianeta, Vismaia S. Damaianti, Dewi Prajnaparamitha Amandangi, Inggri Dwi Rahesi
A reading aloud practice from parents to children is a concrete form of providing information and introducing skills in the family literacy program to foster children’s interest in reading books. Consequently, an appropriate module is necessary as a means of delivering training materials. In addition...
Proceedings Article
The Acquisition of French Morphosyntax and Structures by Indonesian Students Learning French
Yuliarti Mutiarsih, Dudung Gumilar, Dante Darmawangsa
This study describes the interlanguage in French produced by the students. The main objective of this study is to argue that the students the abstract structure containing morphosyntactic features that can be realized by overt morphology or abstract morphemes. Two approaches explain the relationship...