Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Governance, and Social Justice (ICoLGaS 2023)
302 authors
- Rachmanto, Arif
- Analysis of Supreme Court Decision No. 537.K/PDT/2011 (Dispute Over Ownership of Arable Land in Helvetia)
- Rafsanjani, Luthfi Hafidz
- The Institutional Studies of Ethical and Disciplinary Judiciary in the Medical Practice in Indonesia
- Rahayu, Mella Ismelina Farma
- The Existence of Inheritance in Indonesia against Customary Inheritance Law and Islamic Inheritance Law
- Rahmah, Alef Musyahadah
- Integration of the Village Fund Supervision System in Preventing Corruption in Banyumas District
- Rahman
- Application of E-Court in Different Countries: A Comparative Study in the Development of E-Court
- Rahman
- The Validity of Electronic Evidence as an Expansion of Evidence in the Criminal Justice System
- Ramadhani, Setiawan
- The Harmonization of Restorative Justice Regulation in Investigation and Prosecution
- Rannie, Mahesa
- The Threats to Freedom of Expression in the Law State of Indonesia in the Post-Truth Era: A Review The Act Number 19 of 2016 regarding Information and Electronic Transactions
- Retnanigrum, Dwi Hapsari
- An Insight Toward Better of Blood Services; Bioethical Review
- Retnaningrum, Dwi Hapsari
- Accountability for Corporate Crime in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 1 of 2023 Concerning the Book of Criminal Law
- Retnaningrum, Dwi Hapsari
- Establishing Advocate Synergy in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System to Actualize Community Justice
- Riaji, Isnandi Abdul Rozak
- Collaborative Governance on Mangrove Rehabilitation by Indralayang Village and PT. PLN West Java at Karang Modang
- Rifai, Anis
- Trademarks Via E-Commerce Media and Their Protection
- Romy, P. S. Jefri
- Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
- Ruhtiani, Maya
- The Use of Blockchain Technology for Legal Protection of Copyright in Indonesia
- Saibih, Junaedi
- The Urgency of Reactivation of the Outline of the State Policy (GBHN)
- Salsabilla, Fatimah Zulfa
- The Urgency of Regulating the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Suspicious Financial Transactions
- Sandy, Linn Sofarina
- National Health Insurance Participation Obligations in the Implementation of Land Sale and Purchase from a Human Rights Perspective
- Santoso, Imam Budi
- Protection of Women Migrant Workers from Exploitation and Trafficking
- Sanyoto
- The Role of the OJK (Financial Services Authority) in Preventing Illegal Investment Activities in Legal Entities in the Form of Cooperatives
- Sanyoto
- Establishing Advocate Synergy in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System to Actualize Community Justice
- Saputra, A. Ilham
- Implementation of Central and Local Government Relations Through Asymmetric Decentralization
- Saraswati, Retno
- The Institutional Studies of Ethical and Disciplinary Judiciary in the Medical Practice in Indonesia
- Sari, Dessi Perdani Yuris Puspita
- Implementation of Principles is Simple, Fast and Low Cost in the Banyumas District Court Class II
- Sari, Elsi Kartika
- Formation of an Association of Flat Owners and Tenants in Condominium Hotels
- Sekhroni
- Strategy on Combating International Economic Crime in the Fisheries Sector in Developing Countries
- Senjaya, Oci
- Protection of Women Migrant Workers from Exploitation and Trafficking
- Sidarta, Dudik Djaja
- Supervision and Law Enforcement of Dual Citizenship for the Indonesian Diaspora
- Simanjuntak, Ganda Sari Adil
- Trademarks Via E-Commerce Media and Their Protection
- Sinaga, Elvrida N.
- Transformational Leadership and Performance Metrics in the Indonesian Educational Sector
- Sinaga, Henry Dianto P.
- Transformational Leadership and Performance Metrics in the Indonesian Educational Sector
- Sinaga, Reny Y.
- Transformational Leadership and Performance Metrics in the Indonesian Educational Sector
- Sinaga, Sarimonang Beny
- Strengthening the independence of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Indonesia
- Sinambela, Jamalum
- Harmonization of Padan Arrangements in the Batak Toba Traditional Communities in the National Legal System
- Siswanta, Anggitariani Rayi Larasati
- The Implementation of Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023 Regarding Marriages Between Adherents of Different Indigenous Beliefs in Indonesia
- Soemarmi, Amiek
- Partnership in the Utilization of Coral Reefs Area which Increases Women’s Economy and Sustainable Conservation
- Soemarmi, Amiek
- The Institutional Studies of Ethical and Disciplinary Judiciary in the Medical Practice in Indonesia
- Soemarmi, Amiek
- Development of Tourism Areas for Coral Reef Ecosystems in Maintaining Conservation and Sustainable Coastal Planning
- Solichien, Agus
- Equality of Justice for Honorarium Differences in Carrying out the Medical Profession: Binary Contamination Efforts
- Soraya, Joice
- Building a New Concept of the Purpose of Law: A Preliminary Effort
- Subekti
- Supervision and Law Enforcement of Dual Citizenship for the Indonesian Diaspora
- Sudrajat, Tedi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Sudrajat, Tedi
- Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
- Sudrajat, Tedi
- Assessing the Challenges of Implementing the Merit System in Local Governance
- Sugiyanto, Arif
- Agrarian Conflict Resolution Model Equitable Non-Litigation in Southern Part of Central Java
- Suhendar
- The Presence of Law and Social Justice in Realizing the Concept of a Welfare State
- Suherman, Ade Maman
- Indonesia Competition Commission (ICC) Role in Upholding Economic Democracy in Indonesia
- Suherman, Ade Maman
- Strategy on Combating International Economic Crime in the Fisheries Sector in Developing Countries
- Sulistyandari
- The Implementation of Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023 Regarding Marriages Between Adherents of Different Indigenous Beliefs in Indonesia
- Sulistyandari
- Cancellation of Parents’ Land Grant to Children Based on Indonesian Positive Law
- Sulistyandari
- Several Legal Issues in Cooperatives and the Role of Government and Supervisors in Indonesia
- Sulyanati
- Legal Reformulation of Coastal Lines Use with the Role of the Private Sector in Equitable Tourism
- Sunarti
- Cancellation of Parents’ Land Grant to Children Based on Indonesian Positive Law
- Sunggara, M. Adystia
- Splitting of Accusations: Criticism-Ideology Through a Relation of Trichotomy Approach
- Sunita
- The Comparison of Responsibilities of Owners and Directors in Individual Limited Companies Based on the Job Creation Law and the PT Law
- Suparman, Muhammad Ikhsan
- Accountability for Corporate Crime in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 1 of 2023 Concerning the Book of Criminal Law
- Suparto
- Legal Analysis on the Citizenship Status of Indonesian Citizens Ex-ISIS From the Perspective of International and Indonesian Law
- Suparto
- Legal Policy Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands in Indonesia
- Suryantoro, Eka
- The Unused of Diversion within Law Conflicted Children in Serious Abuse Case of David Ozora
- Sutrisno, Putri Ayu
- Several Legal Issues in Cooperatives and the Role of Government and Supervisors in Indonesia
- Swastiko, Aura Salsabila Ayodya
- Convict Rehabilitation Program in Investment Fraud
- Syamsumardian, Lisda
- Naturalization of Foreigners in the Perspective of State Sovereignty as a Consideration of State Security
- Syarifah, Fajar
- Legal Protection of Village Treasury Land in the National Land Law System
- Tanjaya, Willy
- Protection of Batak’s Tortor in The Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights
- Tanugraha, Dimas Sigit
- Pancasila Law Theory in Law Enforcement in Indonesia
- Tanuwijaya, Fanny
- The Urgency of Regulating the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Suspicious Financial Transactions
- Tanuwijaya, Fanny
- Phrase “Suspectable” as the Criminal Liability of Foundations for Passive Performers of Money Laundering
- Tanuwijaya, Fanny
- Building a New Concept of the Purpose of Law: A Preliminary Effort
- Taufiq, Muhammad
- Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
- Taun
- Application of E-Court in Different Countries: A Comparative Study in the Development of E-Court
- Taun
- The Validity of Electronic Evidence as an Expansion of Evidence in the Criminal Justice System
- Tinambunan, Wahyu Donri
- Assistance by Community Counselors to Children Who Conflict With The Law in Online Trials
- Tunggaesti, Dea
- Implementation and Challenges of Environmental Law in The Context of the Nusantara Capital City
- Turisno, Bambang Eko
- Partnership in the Utilization of Coral Reefs Area which Increases Women’s Economy and Sustainable Conservation
- Turisno, Bambang Eko
- Development of Tourism Areas for Coral Reef Ecosystems in Maintaining Conservation and Sustainable Coastal Planning
- Ulya, Saufa Atika
- Creating Professional Officials Through the Application of The Merit System in Filling Primary High Positions in West Sumatra
- Utami, Nurani Ajeng Tri
- Optimizing Restorative Justice Value in Prosecution Using Victim Impact Statement
- Utami, Nurani Ajeng Tri
- Establishing Advocate Synergy in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System to Actualize Community Justice
- Utami, Prasasti
- How to Overcome Agricultural Land Ownership Absentee in Boro Wetan Village?
- Wachid, Nur
- The Implementation of Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023 Regarding Marriages Between Adherents of Different Indigenous Beliefs in Indonesia
- Wahyudi, Setya
- Implementation of the Restorative Justice Paradigm in Juvenile Judges’ Decisions Based on the Indonesian Juvenile Justice System
- Wardaya, Manunggal Kusuma
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Desa Program: Implementation and Obstacles in Kedungbanteng, Banyumas
- Wardaya, Manunggal Kusuma
- National Health Insurance Participation Obligations in the Implementation of Land Sale and Purchase from a Human Rights Perspective
- Wibowo, Eko Arief
- Development of a Diversion Model for Optimizing Legal Protection for Children Who Are Facing the Law, Which Is Penalty for 7 (Seven) Years
- Widiyaningrum, Widdy Yuspita
- Collaborative Governance on Mangrove Rehabilitation by Indralayang Village and PT. PLN West Java at Karang Modang
- Widodo, Selamat
- Inheritance Distribution in Jalawastu Indigenous Community
- Wijaya, Endra
- Speech Acts of Government Officials as Illegal Acts by the Ruler
- Wijayanti, Linda
- An Insight Toward Better of Blood Services; Bioethical Review
- Wijayanti, Pramita
- Settlement of Land Disputes Indicated Overlapping Through Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Wildana, Dina Tsalist
- The Urgency of Regulating the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Suspicious Financial Transactions
- Wildana, Dina Tsalist
- Phrase “Suspectable” as the Criminal Liability of Foundations for Passive Performers of Money Laundering
- Wiryani, Made
- Legal Study on Customary Land Business Agreements by Companies and Indigenous Peoples
- Wismaningsih
- Strategy on Combating International Economic Crime in the Fisheries Sector in Developing Countries
- Wulandari, Maria Mu’ti
- Indonesia’s Legal Measures in Combating Illegal Mercury Trade: Post-Minamata Convention Efforts
- Wulandari, Maria Mu’ti
- Legal Awareness of MSMEs on the Halal Certification Program for Micro-Medium Business in Banyumas
- Wulandari, Maria Mu’ti
- Examining The Synergy between Al-Mizan Principle in Shariah Economics and Green Economy: A Legal Perspective
- Yanto, Oliviani
- A Legal Concept of Post COVID-19 Telemedicine Practices in Foundation and Corporate Hospital
- Yuherawan, Deni Setya Bagus
- Building a New Concept of the Purpose of Law: A Preliminary Effort
- Yuliantiningsih, Aryuni
- Peer-Review Statements
- Yuliantiningsih, Aryuni
- Strategy on Combating International Economic Crime in the Fisheries Sector in Developing Countries