Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Governance, and Social Justice (ICoLGaS 2023)
302 authors
- Hermanto, Asep Bambang
- Tracking The Validity Of Coercive Urgency In The Job Creation Act
- Hidayah, Astika Nurul
- Inheritance Distribution in Jalawastu Indigenous Community
- Ibrahim, Dian Justian
- Tracking The Validity Of Coercive Urgency In The Job Creation Act
- Ikbaar, Okky Iman
- The Harmonization of Restorative Justice Regulation in Investigation and Prosecution
- Inayah, Asti
- The Authority of the Pretrial Institution in Testing the Validity of the Determination of a Suspect According to Criminal Procedure Law in Indonesia
- Inayah, Asti
- Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) from the Perspective of Islamic Civil Law
- Indriati, Noer
- Strategy on Combating International Economic Crime in the Fisheries Sector in Developing Countries
- Irmanto, Andy
- Ideological Critique of Instrumental Communication in Shareholder Loan Discourse at the General Meeting of Shareholders: Monologue Logic in Business Law
- Istikharoh
- The Nyilih Manten Tradition in the Perspective of Islamic Law (Case Study in Planjan Village, Kesugihan District, Cilacap Regency in 2022)
- Jati, B. Khalid Hidayat
- Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
- Jati, Baginda Khalid Hidayat
- Indonesia’s Legal Measures in Combating Illegal Mercury Trade: Post-Minamata Convention Efforts
- Jati, Baginda Khalid Hidayat
- Examining The Synergy between Al-Mizan Principle in Shariah Economics and Green Economy: A Legal Perspective
- Juita, Subaidah Ratna
- Building a New Concept of the Purpose of Law: A Preliminary Effort
- Kartika, Krisnhoe
- Legal Awareness of MSMEs on the Halal Certification Program for Micro-Medium Business in Banyumas
- Kartika, Krisnhoe
- Legal Analysis of Micro-Medium Business Legalization Movement Program in Banyumas Regency
- Kaur, Gagandeep
- Strategy on Combating International Economic Crime in the Fisheries Sector in Developing Countries
- Khairani
- Law Enforcement Against Payment of Wages Below the Minimum Wage
- Kristianto, Heri
- The Role of the OJK (Financial Services Authority) in Preventing Illegal Investment Activities in Legal Entities in the Form of Cooperatives
- Kunarti, Siti
- Analysis of Government Commitment Regarding the Land Conflict in Indonesia
- Kunarti, Siti
- Agrarian Conflict Resolution Model Equitable Non-Litigation in Southern Part of Central Java
- Kupita, Weda
- The Role of the OJK (Financial Services Authority) in Preventing Illegal Investment Activities in Legal Entities in the Form of Cooperatives
- Kupita, Weda
- Comparison of Settlement Public Service Compensation Disputes at The Administrative Court and Ombudsman Republic Indonesia
- Kurniawan, Ferry M.
- Optimization of Asset Recovery from the Results of Criminal Acts of Corruption Towards the Value of State Financial Losses
- Kusyandi, Adi
- Limits on the Value of Restitution for Victims of Crime A Form of Restorative Justice System
- Lahae, Kahar
- Legal Aspects of Implementing The Concept of Land Bank Agency on Sustainable Agricultural Land in Indonesia
- Legowo, Pramono Suko
- Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
- Leonard, Tommy
- Medical Professional Protection Insurance as One of the Equitable Media for Medical Dispute Resolution
- Leonard, Tommy
- Harmonization of Padan Arrangements in the Batak Toba Traditional Communities in the National Legal System
- Listyani, Ajeng Aditya
- The Implementation of Dispute Resolution Containing Local Wisdom as a Peace Solution
- Lubis, Khairani
- Creating Professional Officials Through the Application of The Merit System in Filling Primary High Positions in West Sumatra
- Lubis, Muhammad Ikhsan
- The Authority of the Pretrial Institution in Testing the Validity of the Determination of a Suspect According to Criminal Procedure Law in Indonesia
- Lubis, Muhammad Ikhsan
- Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) from the Perspective of Islamic Civil Law
- Maharani, Novira
- Mahkamah Konstitusi Post Judicial Review of the 11/2020 Job Creation Law: Toward Politization of Judiciary?
- Mahmudah, Siti
- Partnership in the Utilization of Coral Reefs Area which Increases Women’s Economy and Sustainable Conservation
- Mahmudah, Siti
- Development of Tourism Areas for Coral Reef Ecosystems in Maintaining Conservation and Sustainable Coastal Planning
- Manullang, Herlina
- Jinayah Regulations and Local Wisdom of the Acehnese People Against Child Offenders
- Marbun, Rocky
- Tracking The Validity Of Coercive Urgency In The Job Creation Act
- Marbun, Rocky
- Epistemological Errors in the Concept of Justice Collaborators: A Critical Discourse Analysis Study
- Marbun, Rocky
- Implementation and Challenges of Environmental Law in The Context of the Nusantara Capital City
- Marbun, Rocky
- Throwing (Gowerfen-Sein) in Positivistic Logic Against Victims of Sexual Harassment: A Study of Simulacra in Carnival Theory
- Marbun, Rocky
- Epistemological Errors of Criminal Law Politics in the Criminal Code: The Loss of Authority of the Chief of Adat
- Marbun, Rocky
- Electronic Device Confiscation as Personal Data Breach: A Throw in the Truth-Games
- Marbun, Rocky
- Splitting of Accusations: Criticism-Ideology Through a Relation of Trichotomy Approach
- Marbun, Rocky
- Speech Acts of Government Officials as Illegal Acts by the Ruler
- Mardianto, Agus
- Legal Awareness of MSMEs on the Halal Certification Program for Micro-Medium Business in Banyumas
- Mardianto, Agus
- Legal Analysis of Micro-Medium Business Legalization Movement Program in Banyumas Regency
- Marpi, Yapiter
- Probability of Employee Rights Submitting a Commercial Court Bankruptcy Application Without a Decision of the Industrial Relations Court
- Maulana, Jefrie
- Legal Protection of the Geographical Indication of Nutmeg as a Leading Commodity in South Aceh Regency
- Miftah, Mokhamad
- Analysis of Government Commitment Regarding the Land Conflict in Indonesia
- Mubarok, Muhammad Fikri
- The Role of Law Enforcement in Case Resolution Through Restorative Justice
- Mukhsinun
- The Implementation of Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023 Regarding Marriages Between Adherents of Different Indigenous Beliefs in Indonesia
- Mulyadi
- Mediation as Legal Protection for Doctors in Resolving Death-Case Medical Disputes
- Mulyani, Sri
- Enforcement of Labor Laws in Relation to Banking Digitization
- Mustakim
- Implementation and Challenges of Environmental Law in The Context of the Nusantara Capital City
- Nainggolan, Flora
- Protection of Batak’s Tortor in The Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights
- Najmuddin, Arel Raghib
- Cancellation Cancellation of Peace in Insolvency Cases of KSPPS BMT CSI Syariah Sejahtera
- Nasihuddin, Abdul Aziz
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nasihuddin, Abdul Aziz
- Legal Reformulation of Coastal Lines Use with the Role of the Private Sector in Equitable Tourism
- Nasution, M. Andriady Saidi
- Mediation as Legal Protection for Doctors in Resolving Death-Case Medical Disputes
- Ningsih, Ratna
- Legal Aspects of Implementing The Concept of Land Bank Agency on Sustainable Agricultural Land in Indonesia
- Nitisara, Talitha Apta
- Ethical and Legal Review of Doctors Advertising and Joining Multi Level Marketing of Health Products
- Novikasari, Siti Rahma
- Tax Incentives in Spatial Planning and Regional Taxes: A Conflict of Norms for the Acceleration and Ease of National Strategic Project
- Nugraha, Fiska Maulidian
- Phrase “Suspectable” as the Criminal Liability of Foundations for Passive Performers of Money Laundering
- Nur, Sri Susyanti
- Legal Aspects of Implementing The Concept of Land Bank Agency on Sustainable Agricultural Land in Indonesia
- Nursetiawan, Eko
- Questioning the Independence of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Judicial Restraint
- Octaviani, Rury
- Throwing (Gowerfen-Sein) in Positivistic Logic Against Victims of Sexual Harassment: A Study of Simulacra in Carnival Theory
- Oedoyo, Wibisono
- Epistemological Errors of Criminal Law Politics in the Criminal Code: The Loss of Authority of the Chief of Adat
- Oktavia, Fathya Neysa
- Legal Standing of Parent and Subsidiary Companies of Indonesian Subsidiary State-Owned Enterprises
- Oktobrian, Dwiki
- The Harmonization of Restorative Justice Regulation in Investigation and Prosecution
- Oktobrian, Dwiki
- Comparison of Settlement Public Service Compensation Disputes at The Administrative Court and Ombudsman Republic Indonesia
- Oktobrian, Dwiki
- Convict Rehabilitation Program in Investment Fraud
- Omara, Andy
- Mahkamah Konstitusi Post Judicial Review of the 11/2020 Job Creation Law: Toward Politization of Judiciary?
- Pahlevi, M. Reza
- Protection of Women Migrant Workers from Exploitation and Trafficking
- Pakpahan, Elvira Fitriyani
- Harmonization of Padan Arrangements in the Batak Toba Traditional Communities in the National Legal System
- Pakpahan, Kartina
- Medical Professional Protection Insurance as One of the Equitable Media for Medical Dispute Resolution
- Pakpahan, Kartina
- Mediation as Legal Protection for Doctors in Resolving Death-Case Medical Disputes
- Pambudi, Lintang Ario
- Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
- Pambudi, Lintang Ario
- Comparison of Settlement Public Service Compensation Disputes at The Administrative Court and Ombudsman Republic Indonesia
- Pamuji, Kadar
- Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
- Pandamdari, Endang
- The Role of Land Banks in Land Redistribution for Agrarian Reform
- Pradana, Adhitia
- The Authority of the Pretrial Institution in Testing the Validity of the Determination of a Suspect According to Criminal Procedure Law in Indonesia
- Pradana, Adhitia
- Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) from the Perspective of Islamic Civil Law
- Pramahyana, R. Ganjar Tirta
- The Concept of Constitutional Importance to Human Rights in Indonesia
- Prananingrum, Dyah Hapsari
- A Legal Concept of Post COVID-19 Telemedicine Practices in Foundation and Corporate Hospital
- Prasetyo, Abigail
- A Legal Concept of Post COVID-19 Telemedicine Practices in Foundation and Corporate Hospital
- Prasetyo, Agung Basuki
- Legal Study on Customary Land Business Agreements by Companies and Indigenous Peoples
- Prasetyo, Agung Basuki
- Impacts of Mining on Environmental Damage in Central Kalimantan
- Prasetyo, Teguh
- Medical Professional Protection Insurance as One of the Equitable Media for Medical Dispute Resolution
- Prasetyo, Teguh
- Jinayah Regulations and Local Wisdom of the Acehnese People Against Child Offenders
- Prasetyo, Teguh
- Protection of Batak’s Tortor in The Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights
- Prasetyo, Teguh
- Mediation as Legal Protection for Doctors in Resolving Death-Case Medical Disputes
- Prasetyo, Teguh
- Harmonization of Padan Arrangements in the Batak Toba Traditional Communities in the National Legal System
- Prayitno, Kuat Puji
- The Harmonization of Restorative Justice Regulation in Investigation and Prosecution
- Prayitno, Kuat Puji
- Convict Rehabilitation Program in Investment Fraud
- Prihatinah, Tri Lisiani
- The Implementation of Dispute Resolution Containing Local Wisdom as a Peace Solution
- Prihatinah, Tri Lisiani
- Cancellation of Parents’ Land Grant to Children Based on Indonesian Positive Law
- Prihatinah, Tri Lisiani
- The Comparison of Responsibilities of Owners and Directors in Individual Limited Companies Based on the Job Creation Law and the PT Law
- Purwaningrum, Dian
- Electronic Device Confiscation as Personal Data Breach: A Throw in the Truth-Games
- Putri, Alnandya Auriell
- Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
- Putri, Kezia Annabel Rinda
- A Legal Concept of Post COVID-19 Telemedicine Practices in Foundation and Corporate Hospital