Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Governance, and Social Justice (ICoLGaS 2023)

302 authors
Hermanto, Asep Bambang
Tracking The Validity Of Coercive Urgency In The Job Creation Act
Hidayah, Astika Nurul
Inheritance Distribution in Jalawastu Indigenous Community
Ibrahim, Dian Justian
Tracking The Validity Of Coercive Urgency In The Job Creation Act
Ikbaar, Okky Iman
The Harmonization of Restorative Justice Regulation in Investigation and Prosecution
Inayah, Asti
The Authority of the Pretrial Institution in Testing the Validity of the Determination of a Suspect According to Criminal Procedure Law in Indonesia
Inayah, Asti
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) from the Perspective of Islamic Civil Law
Indriati, Noer
Strategy on Combating International Economic Crime in the Fisheries Sector in Developing Countries
Irmanto, Andy
Ideological Critique of Instrumental Communication in Shareholder Loan Discourse at the General Meeting of Shareholders: Monologue Logic in Business Law
The Nyilih Manten Tradition in the Perspective of Islamic Law (Case Study in Planjan Village, Kesugihan District, Cilacap Regency in 2022)
Jati, B. Khalid Hidayat
Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
Jati, Baginda Khalid Hidayat
Indonesia’s Legal Measures in Combating Illegal Mercury Trade: Post-Minamata Convention Efforts
Jati, Baginda Khalid Hidayat
Examining The Synergy between Al-Mizan Principle in Shariah Economics and Green Economy: A Legal Perspective
Juita, Subaidah Ratna
Building a New Concept of the Purpose of Law: A Preliminary Effort
Kartika, Krisnhoe
Legal Awareness of MSMEs on the Halal Certification Program for Micro-Medium Business in Banyumas
Kartika, Krisnhoe
Legal Analysis of Micro-Medium Business Legalization Movement Program in Banyumas Regency
Kaur, Gagandeep
Strategy on Combating International Economic Crime in the Fisheries Sector in Developing Countries
Law Enforcement Against Payment of Wages Below the Minimum Wage
Kristianto, Heri
The Role of the OJK (Financial Services Authority) in Preventing Illegal Investment Activities in Legal Entities in the Form of Cooperatives
Kunarti, Siti
Analysis of Government Commitment Regarding the Land Conflict in Indonesia
Kunarti, Siti
Agrarian Conflict Resolution Model Equitable Non-Litigation in Southern Part of Central Java
Kupita, Weda
The Role of the OJK (Financial Services Authority) in Preventing Illegal Investment Activities in Legal Entities in the Form of Cooperatives
Kupita, Weda
Comparison of Settlement Public Service Compensation Disputes at The Administrative Court and Ombudsman Republic Indonesia
Kurniawan, Ferry M.
Optimization of Asset Recovery from the Results of Criminal Acts of Corruption Towards the Value of State Financial Losses
Kusyandi, Adi
Limits on the Value of Restitution for Victims of Crime A Form of Restorative Justice System
Lahae, Kahar
Legal Aspects of Implementing The Concept of Land Bank Agency on Sustainable Agricultural Land in Indonesia
Legowo, Pramono Suko
Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
Leonard, Tommy
Medical Professional Protection Insurance as One of the Equitable Media for Medical Dispute Resolution
Leonard, Tommy
Harmonization of Padan Arrangements in the Batak Toba Traditional Communities in the National Legal System
Listyani, Ajeng Aditya
The Implementation of Dispute Resolution Containing Local Wisdom as a Peace Solution
Lubis, Khairani
Creating Professional Officials Through the Application of The Merit System in Filling Primary High Positions in West Sumatra
Lubis, Muhammad Ikhsan
The Authority of the Pretrial Institution in Testing the Validity of the Determination of a Suspect According to Criminal Procedure Law in Indonesia
Lubis, Muhammad Ikhsan
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) from the Perspective of Islamic Civil Law
Maharani, Novira
Mahkamah Konstitusi Post Judicial Review of the 11/2020 Job Creation Law: Toward Politization of Judiciary?
Mahmudah, Siti
Partnership in the Utilization of Coral Reefs Area which Increases Women’s Economy and Sustainable Conservation
Mahmudah, Siti
Development of Tourism Areas for Coral Reef Ecosystems in Maintaining Conservation and Sustainable Coastal Planning
Manullang, Herlina
Jinayah Regulations and Local Wisdom of the Acehnese People Against Child Offenders
Marbun, Rocky
Tracking The Validity Of Coercive Urgency In The Job Creation Act
Marbun, Rocky
Epistemological Errors in the Concept of Justice Collaborators: A Critical Discourse Analysis Study
Marbun, Rocky
Implementation and Challenges of Environmental Law in The Context of the Nusantara Capital City
Marbun, Rocky
Throwing (Gowerfen-Sein) in Positivistic Logic Against Victims of Sexual Harassment: A Study of Simulacra in Carnival Theory
Marbun, Rocky
Epistemological Errors of Criminal Law Politics in the Criminal Code: The Loss of Authority of the Chief of Adat
Marbun, Rocky
Electronic Device Confiscation as Personal Data Breach: A Throw in the Truth-Games
Marbun, Rocky
Splitting of Accusations: Criticism-Ideology Through a Relation of Trichotomy Approach
Marbun, Rocky
Speech Acts of Government Officials as Illegal Acts by the Ruler
Mardianto, Agus
Legal Awareness of MSMEs on the Halal Certification Program for Micro-Medium Business in Banyumas
Mardianto, Agus
Legal Analysis of Micro-Medium Business Legalization Movement Program in Banyumas Regency
Marpi, Yapiter
Probability of Employee Rights Submitting a Commercial Court Bankruptcy Application Without a Decision of the Industrial Relations Court
Maulana, Jefrie
Legal Protection of the Geographical Indication of Nutmeg as a Leading Commodity in South Aceh Regency
Miftah, Mokhamad
Analysis of Government Commitment Regarding the Land Conflict in Indonesia
Mubarok, Muhammad Fikri
The Role of Law Enforcement in Case Resolution Through Restorative Justice
The Implementation of Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023 Regarding Marriages Between Adherents of Different Indigenous Beliefs in Indonesia
Mediation as Legal Protection for Doctors in Resolving Death-Case Medical Disputes
Mulyani, Sri
Enforcement of Labor Laws in Relation to Banking Digitization
Implementation and Challenges of Environmental Law in The Context of the Nusantara Capital City
Nainggolan, Flora
Protection of Batak’s Tortor in The Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights
Najmuddin, Arel Raghib
Cancellation Cancellation of Peace in Insolvency Cases of KSPPS BMT CSI Syariah Sejahtera
Nasihuddin, Abdul Aziz
Peer-Review Statements
Nasihuddin, Abdul Aziz
Legal Reformulation of Coastal Lines Use with the Role of the Private Sector in Equitable Tourism
Nasution, M. Andriady Saidi
Mediation as Legal Protection for Doctors in Resolving Death-Case Medical Disputes
Ningsih, Ratna
Legal Aspects of Implementing The Concept of Land Bank Agency on Sustainable Agricultural Land in Indonesia
Nitisara, Talitha Apta
Ethical and Legal Review of Doctors Advertising and Joining Multi Level Marketing of Health Products
Novikasari, Siti Rahma
Tax Incentives in Spatial Planning and Regional Taxes: A Conflict of Norms for the Acceleration and Ease of National Strategic Project
Nugraha, Fiska Maulidian
Phrase “Suspectable” as the Criminal Liability of Foundations for Passive Performers of Money Laundering
Nur, Sri Susyanti
Legal Aspects of Implementing The Concept of Land Bank Agency on Sustainable Agricultural Land in Indonesia
Nursetiawan, Eko
Questioning the Independence of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Judicial Restraint
Octaviani, Rury
Throwing (Gowerfen-Sein) in Positivistic Logic Against Victims of Sexual Harassment: A Study of Simulacra in Carnival Theory
Oedoyo, Wibisono
Epistemological Errors of Criminal Law Politics in the Criminal Code: The Loss of Authority of the Chief of Adat
Oktavia, Fathya Neysa
Legal Standing of Parent and Subsidiary Companies of Indonesian Subsidiary State-Owned Enterprises
Oktobrian, Dwiki
The Harmonization of Restorative Justice Regulation in Investigation and Prosecution
Oktobrian, Dwiki
Comparison of Settlement Public Service Compensation Disputes at The Administrative Court and Ombudsman Republic Indonesia
Oktobrian, Dwiki
Convict Rehabilitation Program in Investment Fraud
Omara, Andy
Mahkamah Konstitusi Post Judicial Review of the 11/2020 Job Creation Law: Toward Politization of Judiciary?
Pahlevi, M. Reza
Protection of Women Migrant Workers from Exploitation and Trafficking
Pakpahan, Elvira Fitriyani
Harmonization of Padan Arrangements in the Batak Toba Traditional Communities in the National Legal System
Pakpahan, Kartina
Medical Professional Protection Insurance as One of the Equitable Media for Medical Dispute Resolution
Pakpahan, Kartina
Mediation as Legal Protection for Doctors in Resolving Death-Case Medical Disputes
Pambudi, Lintang Ario
Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
Pambudi, Lintang Ario
Comparison of Settlement Public Service Compensation Disputes at The Administrative Court and Ombudsman Republic Indonesia
Pamuji, Kadar
Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
Pandamdari, Endang
The Role of Land Banks in Land Redistribution for Agrarian Reform
Pradana, Adhitia
The Authority of the Pretrial Institution in Testing the Validity of the Determination of a Suspect According to Criminal Procedure Law in Indonesia
Pradana, Adhitia
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) from the Perspective of Islamic Civil Law
Pramahyana, R. Ganjar Tirta
The Concept of Constitutional Importance to Human Rights in Indonesia
Prananingrum, Dyah Hapsari
A Legal Concept of Post COVID-19 Telemedicine Practices in Foundation and Corporate Hospital
Prasetyo, Abigail
A Legal Concept of Post COVID-19 Telemedicine Practices in Foundation and Corporate Hospital
Prasetyo, Agung Basuki
Legal Study on Customary Land Business Agreements by Companies and Indigenous Peoples
Prasetyo, Agung Basuki
Impacts of Mining on Environmental Damage in Central Kalimantan
Prasetyo, Teguh
Medical Professional Protection Insurance as One of the Equitable Media for Medical Dispute Resolution
Prasetyo, Teguh
Jinayah Regulations and Local Wisdom of the Acehnese People Against Child Offenders
Prasetyo, Teguh
Protection of Batak’s Tortor in The Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights
Prasetyo, Teguh
Mediation as Legal Protection for Doctors in Resolving Death-Case Medical Disputes
Prasetyo, Teguh
Harmonization of Padan Arrangements in the Batak Toba Traditional Communities in the National Legal System
Prayitno, Kuat Puji
The Harmonization of Restorative Justice Regulation in Investigation and Prosecution
Prayitno, Kuat Puji
Convict Rehabilitation Program in Investment Fraud
Prihatinah, Tri Lisiani
The Implementation of Dispute Resolution Containing Local Wisdom as a Peace Solution
Prihatinah, Tri Lisiani
Cancellation of Parents’ Land Grant to Children Based on Indonesian Positive Law
Prihatinah, Tri Lisiani
The Comparison of Responsibilities of Owners and Directors in Individual Limited Companies Based on the Job Creation Law and the PT Law
Purwaningrum, Dian
Electronic Device Confiscation as Personal Data Breach: A Throw in the Truth-Games
Putri, Alnandya Auriell
Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
Putri, Kezia Annabel Rinda
A Legal Concept of Post COVID-19 Telemedicine Practices in Foundation and Corporate Hospital