Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Governance, and Social Justice (ICoLGaS 2023)
302 authors
- Adeline, Agnes Listya
- The Existence of Inheritance in Indonesia against Customary Inheritance Law and Islamic Inheritance Law
- Adhi, Yuli Prasetyo
- Legal Study on Customary Land Business Agreements by Companies and Indigenous Peoples
- Adi, Yuli Prasetyo
- Impacts of Mining on Environmental Damage in Central Kalimantan
- Admiral
- Legal Analysis on the Citizenship Status of Indonesian Citizens Ex-ISIS From the Perspective of International and Indonesian Law
- Admiral
- Legal Policy Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands in Indonesia
- Affandi, Imanudin
- Application of E-Court in Different Countries: A Comparative Study in the Development of E-Court
- Affandi, Imanudin
- The Validity of Electronic Evidence as an Expansion of Evidence in the Criminal Justice System
- Afwa, Ulil
- Legal Standing of Parent and Subsidiary Companies of Indonesian Subsidiary State-Owned Enterprises
- Afwa, Ulil
- Legal Awareness of MSMEs on the Halal Certification Program for Micro-Medium Business in Banyumas
- Afwa, Ulil
- Legal Analysis of Micro-Medium Business Legalization Movement Program in Banyumas Regency
- Afwa, Ulil
- Integration of the Village Fund Supervision System in Preventing Corruption in Banyumas District
- Ajeng, T. Nurani
- Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
- Alam, Kodrat
- Reformulation of Chemical Castration Execution through Implementation Main Duties of the Police
- Alawiya, Nayla
- Integration of the Village Fund Supervision System in Preventing Corruption in Banyumas District
- Albariansyah, Hamonangan
- Tripartite Restorative as a Safety Crimes Resolution Model
- Alfauzan, Rakha Nazmi
- Convict Rehabilitation Program in Investment Fraud
- Amalia, Syarafina Dyah
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Desa Program: Implementation and Obstacles in Kedungbanteng, Banyumas
- Amrullah, M. Arief
- The Urgency of Regulating the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Detecting Suspicious Financial Transactions
- Amrullah, M. Arief
- Phrase “Suspectable” as the Criminal Liability of Foundations for Passive Performers of Money Laundering
- Angkasa
- Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
- Angkasa
- Implementation of the Restorative Justice Paradigm in Juvenile Judges’ Decisions Based on the Indonesian Juvenile Justice System
- Angriani, Jum
- Implementation of Central and Local Government Relations Through Asymmetric Decentralization
- Anugrah, Dikha
- Enforcement of Labor Laws in Relation to Banking Digitization
- Anugrah, R. Alam
- Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
- Anwar, Muhammad Syaiful
- Problems of Indigenous Community-Based Coastal Area Management in the Bangka Belitung Islands
- Aprillia, Lisa
- Phrase “Suspectable” as the Criminal Liability of Foundations for Passive Performers of Money Laundering
- Arafat, Muhammad Rusli
- Assistance by Community Counselors to Children Who Conflict With The Law in Online Trials
- Arafat, Muhammad Rusli
- The Validity of Electronic Evidence as an Expansion of Evidence in the Criminal Justice System
- Ardalya, Eli
- The Implementation of Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023 Regarding Marriages Between Adherents of Different Indigenous Beliefs in Indonesia
- Ardhanariswari, Riris
- Peer-Review Statements
- Ardhanariswari, Riris
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Desa Program: Implementation and Obstacles in Kedungbanteng, Banyumas
- Ardhanariswari, Riris
- Questioning the Independence of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Judicial Restraint
- Ardhanariswari, Riris
- National Health Insurance Participation Obligations in the Implementation of Land Sale and Purchase from a Human Rights Perspective
- Ardiyanti, Nadia Putri
- Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
- Ariefulloh
- The Reconstruction of Principles Legality of Terminating Prosecution by Restorative Justice in the Salatiga Prosecutor’s Office
- Arisanti, Trisnaulan
- Optimizing Restorative Justice Value in Prosecution Using Victim Impact Statement
- Arnetti, Sri
- Creating Professional Officials Through the Application of The Merit System in Filling Primary High Positions in West Sumatra
- Astutik, Sri
- Supervision and Law Enforcement of Dual Citizenship for the Indonesian Diaspora
- Asyik, Noor
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Desa Program: Implementation and Obstacles in Kedungbanteng, Banyumas
- Athalla, Muhamad Fahkri
- Speech Acts of Government Officials as Illegal Acts by the Ruler
- Aulia, Eza
- Legal Protection of the Geographical Indication of Nutmeg as a Leading Commodity in South Aceh Regency
- Azharudin
- Protection of Batak’s Tortor in The Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights
- Azzahro, Fathimah
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Desa Program: Implementation and Obstacles in Kedungbanteng, Banyumas
- Baried, Rizky Ramadhan
- The Influence of the Digital Age on the Development of Private Procedure Law in Indonesia
- Baswono, Handityo
- Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
- Basworo, Handityo
- Implementation of Principles is Simple, Fast and Low Cost in the Banyumas District Court Class II
- Bintoro, Rahadi Wasi
- Establishing Advocate Synergy in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System to Actualize Community Justice
- Budiyono
- Establishing Advocate Synergy in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System to Actualize Community Justice
- Cahyani, Enny Dwi
- Questioning the Independence of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Judicial Restraint
- Candra, Nur Ade
- Inheritance Distribution in Jalawastu Indigenous Community
- Cantiqa, Karenina
- Law Enforcement Against Payment of Wages Below the Minimum Wage
- Cason, Christopher
- Case Comment: Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe on Its Own Behalf and In Its Capacity As Sahkuméhu Ex Rel Tsuladxw V. City of Seattle
- Devison, Reinhard John
- Medical Professional Protection Insurance as One of the Equitable Media for Medical Dispute Resolution
- Dewi, Diar Kusuma
- The Implementation of Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023 Regarding Marriages Between Adherents of Different Indigenous Beliefs in Indonesia
- Dewi, Friska Santika
- Law Enforcement and Protection of Victims of Environmental Crimes: A Green Victimology Perspective
- Dewi, I Gusti Ayu Gangga Santi
- Impacts of Mining on Environmental Damage in Central Kalimantan
- Dewi, I Gusti Ayu Gangga Santi
- Development of Tourism Areas for Coral Reef Ecosystems in Maintaining Conservation and Sustainable Coastal Planning
- Dewi, Iga Gangga Santi
- Legal Study on Customary Land Business Agreements by Companies and Indigenous Peoples
- Dewi, Iga Ganggasanti
- Partnership in the Utilization of Coral Reefs Area which Increases Women’s Economy and Sustainable Conservation
- Dharmawan, Aditya Riza
- Regional Tax Management Patterns as a Source of Regional Development Financing
- Dialog, Bias Lintang
- Enforcement of Labor Laws in Relation to Banking Digitization
- Effida, Dara Quthni
- Legal Protection of the Geographical Indication of Nutmeg as a Leading Commodity in South Aceh Regency
- Elfudllatsani, Bahar
- The Authority of the Pretrial Institution in Testing the Validity of the Determination of a Suspect According to Criminal Procedure Law in Indonesia
- Elfudllatsani, Bahar
- Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) from the Perspective of Islamic Civil Law
- Elvany, Ayu Izza
- Towards Climate Change Resilience: Curtailing the Offense Against Seagrass Meadows
- Estriyana, Pasca Puja
- The Implementation of Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023 Regarding Marriages Between Adherents of Different Indigenous Beliefs in Indonesia
- Fadlian, Aryo
- Assistance by Community Counselors to Children Who Conflict With The Law in Online Trials
- Faradz, Haedah
- Legal Awareness of MSMEs on the Halal Certification Program for Micro-Medium Business in Banyumas
- Faradz, Haedah
- Implementation of Principles is Simple, Fast and Low Cost in the Banyumas District Court Class II
- Farhan, R. Deris
- Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
- Fauzan, Muhammad
- Questioning the Independence of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Judicial Restraint
- Faz, Aisya Thalia
- Throwing (Gowerfen-Sein) in Positivistic Logic Against Victims of Sexual Harassment: A Study of Simulacra in Carnival Theory
- Febrianto, Surizki
- Legal Analysis on the Citizenship Status of Indonesian Citizens Ex-ISIS From the Perspective of International and Indonesian Law
- Fitri, Dini Amalia
- Protection of Human Rights of Women in the Registration of Believers’ Marriage
- Gettari, Trie Rahmi
- Law Enforcement Against Payment of Wages Below the Minimum Wage
- Gupta, Chander Mohan
- Strategy on Combating International Economic Crime in the Fisheries Sector in Developing Countries
- Gusminarti
- Creating Professional Officials Through the Application of The Merit System in Filling Primary High Positions in West Sumatra
- Hamara, Yohanes Osa
- The Phenomenon of Wrongful Arrests by Law Enforcement Officers in Indonesia Related to the Code of Criminal Procedure (KUHAP) Reviewed from the Theory of Legal Effectiveness
- Hamidah, Wanda
- Epistemological Errors in the Concept of Justice Collaborators: A Critical Discourse Analysis Study
- Handayani, Sri Wahyu
- Peer-Review Statements
- Handayani, Sri Wahyu
- How to Overcome Agricultural Land Ownership Absentee in Boro Wetan Village?
- Handayani, Sri Wahyu
- Analysis of Government Commitment Regarding the Land Conflict in Indonesia
- Handayani, Sri Wahyu
- Analysis of Supreme Court Decision No. 537.K/PDT/2011 (Dispute Over Ownership of Arable Land in Helvetia)
- Handayani, Sri Wahyu
- Agrarian Conflict Resolution Model Equitable Non-Litigation in Southern Part of Central Java
- Handayani, Sri Wahyu
- Legal Protection of Village Treasury Land in the National Land Law System
- Handayani, Sri Wahyu
- Settlement of Land Disputes Indicated Overlapping Through Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Handayati, Nur
- Supervision and Law Enforcement of Dual Citizenship for the Indonesian Diaspora
- Hapsari, R. Dwi
- Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
- Harahap, Salman Paris
- The Authority of the Pretrial Institution in Testing the Validity of the Determination of a Suspect According to Criminal Procedure Law in Indonesia
- Harahap, Salman Paris
- Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) from the Perspective of Islamic Civil Law
- Haryanto, Tenang
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Desa Program: Implementation and Obstacles in Kedungbanteng, Banyumas
- Haryanto, Tenang
- National Health Insurance Participation Obligations in the Implementation of Land Sale and Purchase from a Human Rights Perspective
- Hastuti, M. I Wiwik Yuni
- Legal Awareness of MSMEs on the Halal Certification Program for Micro-Medium Business in Banyumas
- Hastuti, M. I Wiwik Yuni
- Legal Analysis of Micro-Medium Business Legalization Movement Program in Banyumas Regency
- Hefni, Hanna Adistyana
- Analysis on Adat Community’s Rights to Customary Lands in Indonesia: An International Perspective
- Hendriana, Rani
- Compensation (“Ganti Rugi”): Regulatory Laws and Their Problems in Diversion, Restorative Justice, and Restitution Verdicts in Indonesia
- Hendriana, Rani
- Implementation of the Restorative Justice Paradigm in Juvenile Judges’ Decisions Based on the Indonesian Juvenile Justice System
- Herawati, Netty
- Jinayah Regulations and Local Wisdom of the Acehnese People Against Child Offenders
- Herawati, Ratna
- The Institutional Studies of Ethical and Disciplinary Judiciary in the Medical Practice in Indonesia
- Heriyanto, Dodik Setiawan Nur
- Analysis on Adat Community’s Rights to Customary Lands in Indonesia: An International Perspective