Proceedings of the 2024 International Conference on Mechanics, Electronics Engineering and Automation (ICMEEA 2024)

92 authors
Bai, Yunzhong
Simulation based on Comsol Multiphysics for analyzing the effect of different heat dissipation methods on the thermal effect of microchip
Bi, Zihan
Design of Intelligent Obstacle Avoidance Car Based on STM32
Cao, Zhunan
Research of 3D anti-Gravity Printing Methods
Cao, Zirui
A Fast and Stable Motor Angle Based on PD Controller with Its Improvements
Chen, Fan
Safety Performance of Autonomous Driving Systems Based on Artificial Intelligence
Chen, Jinghong
Design and Performance Analysis of UAV Communication Networks
Chen, Junyi
Discussion on the Corneal Biomechanical Properties and Clinical Measurement Methods
Chen, Mofan
Development and Application of Wireless Charging Technology in the Field of Electric Vehicles
Chen, Xinsheng
Circuit Principles of Robust Control Techniques and Their Applications
Cui, Yongkang
Remanufacturing of Parts Based on 3D Printing and Digital Modeling
Dai, Rui
Development and Application of Wireless Charging Technology in the Field of Electric Vehicles
Dai, Yuang
Target Recognition and Body Length Measurement of Small Tailed Han Sheep
Dong, Jialiang
Wireless Charging Technology: Future Development Trend and Prospect Analysis
Du, Jinman
Research on Advanced Applications of Sensor Technology in Intelligent Prosthetic Limbs
Du, Rui
Research on Aerodynamic Shape Design of Wings of Hypersonic Aircrafts
Fan, Linhao
Research Statutes and Prospects of AI in Domestic Robot Manufacturing
Gang, Zhi
Adaptive Layering Method for Improving Printing Accuracy and Efficiency
Gao, Yonghao
Systematic Analysis of the Development of Strong EMP Protection
Gao, Yuankai
Implementation of Automatic Gain Control Circuit Based on AD603 Chip
Han, Wenxu
Systematic Analysis of Modern 5G and 6G Technology
He, Siqi
3D Printing Technique Application in the Smart Wearable Devices
He, Youjie
Magnetic Coupling Resonant Wireless Charging Principle Case Study
He, Yuxiao
Adaptive Layering Method for Improving Printing Accuracy and Efficiency
Hong, Jialuo
Simulation of the Effect of the Main Wing on the Tail Differential Pressure Force of an Aircraft Based on the Spalart-Allmaras Model
Hu, Junwei
Analyzing the Evolution and Challenges of Modern Wireless Network Spectrum Utilization Strategies
Huang, Yiwei
Circuit Principles of Robust Control Techniques and Their Applications
Huang, Zhihua
Frontiers and Applications of 3D Printing Technology in the Design of Prosthetic Orthotics
Ji, Zhijin
Adaptive Layering Method for Improving Printing Accuracy and Efficiency
Jing, Liqi
Research on Video-based Dynamic Mesh Compression Technology and Proposed Improvements
Kang, Ruijie
Research for Modern Spectrum Allocation Algorithms and Their Applications in Communication Systems
Ke, Yanhao
Current Study on Dry and Wet Electrodes in the Field of Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interface
Leng, Yinghan
Improvement of PID Algorithm by Fuzzy Control: Comparative And Analysis
Li, Lutong
Feedback Control-Based 3d Printing Product Quality Improvement Methods
Li, Meng
Research of 3D Printing Support Structure
Li, Peixuan
Application of Environmental Sensor Networks in Smart Agriculture
Li, Xingyu
Research on the Stability of Output Speed of DC Motor based on PD Control
Li, Yueqiang
3D Printing Technique Application in the Smart Wearable Devices
Li, Yuning
Enhancing PID Control with Neural Network Integration: Analysis of RBF, BP, and Fuzzy Neural Network Models
Li, Zhiwei
Topology and Operation Modes of Magnetically Integrated Switched Inductor Boost Converters
Liang, Heng
Deformation Perception of Germanium Based on Finite Element Force-Electric Coupling Field Simulation
Liang, Yiming
3D Printing Technique Application in the Smart Wearable Devices
Liao, Shuli
Effect of Coil Design on Wireless Charging Efficiency
Lin, Jiayuan
Optimizing Wireless Communication Performance using Hybrid Modulation: A Comparative Study
Lin, Yiyang
Research of 3D Printing Model Block Algorithm
Liu, Huaiyuan
Optimization Research on Certain Parameters of DC Motor Based on PD Control
Liu, Keyi
Driving towards a greener future: The role of artificial intelligence and 3D printing in advancing energy-efficient vehicles
Liu, Xin
3D Printing Technique Application in the Smart Wearable Devices
Liu, Yue
Coupled Physical Field Simulation based on Comsol
Liu, Yuxuan
Systematic analysis on the modulation technology
Lu, Junhan
Adaptive Layering Methods for Improving 3D Printing Accuracy
Ma, Zijun
Internet of Things Applications and Security in Communication Engineering
Mou, Xingyan
Position Control of Brushless DC Motor Using Improved Ant Colony Optimization Based Fuzzy PD Controller
Ning, Yu
Analyzing System Reliability and Performance in SWIPT Multiuser Cognitive Ratio Systems
Qi, Wenjie
Research on Aerodynamic Shape Design of Wings of Hypersonic Aircrafts
Qiu, Xingyu
Forward Kinematic and Inverse Kinematic Analysis of A 3-DOF RRR Manipulator
Ruan, Siyi
Research Statutes and Prospects of AI in Domestic Robot Manufacturing
Shen, Yushi
Advanced Applications of AI Technology in Automated Vehicles
Sun, Bowen
Research on Frontier Applications of 3D Printing in Autonomous Vehicles
Sun, Jiyong
Applications and Prospects of AI in Intelligent Artificial Limbs Design
Sun, Limin
Research on Output Stability of DC Motor Based on PD Control
Tang, Zhiyang
Applications of Dynamic Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles
Wan, Yuxin
Topology and Operation Modes of Magnetically Integrated Switched Inductor Boost Converters
Wang, Jinghua
Artificial Intelligence in Communication Network Management
Wang, Yulin
Evolution of Modulation Techniques: From Analog to Digital and Beyond
Wu, Wenxuan
Topology and Operation Modes of Magnetically Integrated Switched Inductor Boost Converters
Wu, Xudong
Noise shaping technology based on FIR filters
Xian, Bo
DC Motor Angular Speed Stability Study Using The Fuzzy PID Controller
Xing, Chenyu
Analysis of the commercial prospect of 6G communication
Xu, Xinshuo
Wireless Charging Technology: Future Development Trend and Prospect Analysis
Yan, Yukang
Optimization of Response Speed of DC Motor Based on PD Control
Yang, Bosheng
A Comprehensive Research of Image Tampering Detection Techniques Based on Deep Learning
Yang, Dongxin
Comparative Study on The Generation of Fused Deposition Modeling Support Structures
Yang, Guang
Research on the New Structure of Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles
Yang, Mingdian
The Future of the Smart Home: A Study of AI-based Automation for Home Robots
Yang, Tianjiong
Magnetic Coupling Resonant Wireless Charging Principle Case Study
Yang, Xiyao
Research on the New Structure of Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles
Yang, Yirong
Technical Challenges Affecting the Popularization of Virtual Reality Technology
Yin, Zihan
Research on Aerodynamic Shape Design of Wings of Hypersonic Aircrafts
Yu, Xuetong
Exploring the Future of Communication Technology: 6G Development, Applications, and Related Technologies
Yuan, Chengji
Research Status of 3D Printing Support Structure Optimization
Yue, Yang
Peer-Review Statements
Zhang, Genming
Progress and Prospects on Design of UAV Wing Shapes
Zhang, Huaqi
Surveying Amplifier Technologies: Understanding Applications and Advantages
Zhang, Shuai
The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Emerging MIMO Technologies
Zhang, Taiyao
Biologically-Inspired Design in Engineering: Current Perspective on Biomimicry Applications
Zhang, Yitong
Research on Aerodynamic Shape Design of Wings of Hypersonic Aircrafts
Zhang, Yuao
Security Vulnerabilities and Defense Mechanisms in Communication Networks
Zhang, Yueheng
Addressing Security Concerns in IoT: Insights from Communication Engineering
Zheng, Haowen
Research on the New Structure of Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles
Zhou, Junhao
Wireless Charging Technology: Future Development Trend and Prospect Analysis
Zhou, Shiyang
Comparative Study on The Generation of Fused Deposition Modeling Support Structures
Zhou, Yuhang
Properties of Different Structures of 2D MoS₂ and Their Applications in Solar Cells, Photodetectors and Transistors