Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Inter-professional Health Collaboration (ICIHC 2018)
87 articles
Proceedings Article
Qualitative study of asphyxia baby management in the perinatology room of Dr. M. Yunus Hospital Bengkulu year 2017
Ismiati, Rini Patroni
In the WHO’s Reports (2010) explained that in Southeast Asia the causes of infant mortality are 28% caused by neonatal infection, 26% caused by LBW, 20% caused by asphyxia, 4% caused by congenital anomaly, 3% caused by diarrhea, 1% caused by tetanus and the rest by other causes. That numbers was giving...
Proceedings Article
Efforts awareness and interest farmers palm sugar through health promotion media
Dino Sumaryono, Linda Sitompul
His study is aimed determine the effect of health promotion media regarding food production a good way to increase awareness, inteterst and evalution palm sugar farmers in air meles atas village Rejang Rejang. Quantitative research methods to the design of the Pre posttest control group interventions...
Proceedings Article
Animated Video Displaying Frequency To Changing Of Behavior In Consuming Fruit And Vegetable On The Students Of Baitul Izzah Islamic Elementary School Bengkulu
Wisuda Andeka Marleni, Reka Lagora Marsofely, Eliana
Consumption of enough vegetables and fruits is a simple indicator of balanced nutrition. Efforts to increase public awareness to consume vegetables and fruits, which ideally should begin to be familiarized from an early age (school age) through the family approach and the Healthy Living Community Movement...
Proceedings Article
Age Is A High Risk Of Low Birth Weight In The Working Area Of Seluma District
Linda, Lela Hartini, Meylani Novita Salam
High mortality rate one of the babies is caused by LBW. Based on data in the Seluma District Health Office in 2016 there was an increase in LBW rate of 94.2%, in 2015 1.5% to 3.2% in 2016. So the nutritional status, maternal age, pregnancy distance, parity, and normal Hb levels became very important...
Proceedings Article
The effect of sex education on youth knowledge about sexual behavior in storage in sma negeri 2 kaur
Rini Patroni, Ismiati
Adolescent reproductive health is part of overall adolescent health. The existence of deviant sexual behavior in adolescents can cause health problems and can reduce health status in Indonesia. Many things can cause sexual behavior irregularities, one of which is the lack of knowledge about sex. This...
Proceedings Article
Development of learning media for cadres for health promotion of maternal mothers in health centers ratu agung bengkulu city in 2017
Sri Sumiati, Diah Eka Nugraheni
The implementation of health promotion programs in Indonesia is one of the six basic health programs in the Puskesmas. These compulsory health efforts are one of the efforts to promote MCH in the class of pregnant women. Based on some research results indicate that the activities have not been effective...
Proceedings Article
Card scoring as prognosis tool elderly quality of life in the city of Bengkulu
Agung Riyadi, Hermansyah
Improvementquantity elderly(elderly) should be balanced with an increase in the quality of life. In addition to long life, the elderly are expected to have a good quality of life, stay healthy, productive, and independent. The quality of life of the elderly should be an important concern for health professionals...
Proceedings Article
The effect of hold-relax therapy in inflammation phase of patient with extremities fracture and length of stay in RSUD Dr.M.Yunus Bengkulu 2018
Annisyah, Pauzan Efendi, Husni
The rate of incidence in a well restorate fracture is only 10% from all incidence In 2013th Indonesia. The healing process of fracture takes a longer time and more special attention especially on mobilization actions which will lead to an increase in the lenght of stay patien in hospital. Hold relax...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of I-PED (ibu percaya diri) education on maternal confidence and maternal competence to care newborn at bengkulu city
Asmawati, Husni
The inability of postpartum women in caring for babies can cause emotional distress which occurs in 30% of women. This condition can make maternal confidence to be low. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of antenatal education on confidence and competence in caring for a baby. Research...
Proceedings Article
Culture traditional of betatap for antenatal care in community regency of lembak in rejang lebong district in 2017
Chandra Buana, Rustam Adjie, Hendri Heriyanto
The Lembak tribe in Rejang Lebong district in conducting the examination of their pregnancy still checks by traditional medicine (dukun). The way of traditional medicine is called by betatap. Research Objectives : To know the perception of culture perception of mourning in pregnancy and nursing care...
Proceedings Article
Effective gastritis healthy card games in increasing adolescent understanding about gastritis
Tri Bintang, Hermansyah, Dahrizal
Gastritis is inflammation (swelling) of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis is often triggered by inappropriate eating patterns and psychological factors. Wrong knowledge about foods that increase stomach acid can lead to complications. Prevention efforts that can be done are providing health education about...
Proceedings Article
Psychoeducation On Quality of Life And Ureum Levels Of Hemodialysis Creatinine Patients At Curup General Hospital Rejang Lebong Regency
Derison Marsinova Bakara, Mardiani, Kurniyati
Chronic kidney failure is a world health problem because it is difficult to cure, the cost of treatment and treatment is expensive. Patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis are unable to maintain the balance of metabolism and electrolyte fluid, causing an increase in uremia in creatinine...
Proceedings Article
The influence of counseling guidance on mother coping with low birth weight infant in the incubator perinatology room of rsud dr. M yunus bengkulu 2018
Puzan Efendi, Elza Ariska, Husni
Low birth weight infant (LBW) are very vulnerable infant to the emergence of a disease. Handling of LBW infant cases should be done in special and intensive care rooms. Individual counseling guidance on mother's coping is very important to be given to mothers with LBW infant. To know the influence of...
Proceedings Article
Treatment compliance TB patients with the event of MDR TB in MDR TB polyclinic RSUD Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu
Erni Buston, Pauzan Efendi, Heru Laksono
The decline in the number of cases of disease incidence and prevalence of pulmonary TB become one of the MDGs must be jointly fought until 2025. A positive TB patients can be cured if patients take medication as recommended or routinely follow the advice of treatment for 2 months regularly to actively...
Proceedings Article
The effect of hypertension education on self management in elderly in the working area of puskesmas lingkar barat kota bengkulu 2018
Sariman Pardosi, Sahran, Friska Permata Sari
Hypertension is one type of chronic disease and tends to occur when a person's age is increasing. Hypertension can cause various complications. Prevention of hypertension complications in the elderly one of them by implementing self management hypertension. This study to know the effect of hypertension...
Proceedings Article
Effect Of Education On Life Quality Of Hemodialysis Chronic Kidney Failure Patient In Dr. M.Yunus Hospital Bengkulu City
Haifa Wahyu, Fitri Lina Vioneery, Liza
The life quality being a noteworthy measurement after the patient undergoes renal replacement therapy such as hemodyalisis or renal transplantation. The life quality of associated with chronic kidney disease, but also associated with lifelong therapy. As a result, the life quality of the hemodialysis...
Proceedings Article
The Maternal Mobile Message Program Can Increase Knowledge And Attitude To Antenatal Care In Pregnant Women In Seluma District
Epti Yorita, Demsa Simbolon, PS Kurniawati, Yuniarti, Reka Lagora Marsofely
The 2012 Indonesian Demographic Survey shows that the Maternal Mortality Rate is still high, this is also the case in Seluma District in 2015. Education disparities and regions are obstacles to access and quality of services received, so information technology is needed to facilitate the delivery of...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Pregnant Mother Assistance On The Complication Of Pregnancy And Childbirth In Bengkulu City, 2018
Elly Wahyuni
The results of the 2012 Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) stated that the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) reached 359 / 100,000 live births. The most significant causes of maternal death in Indonesia (95%) are complications of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Complications are the highest...
Proceedings Article
Comparison Of IMD Method, Plastic Wrap, And Conventional Care On Prevention Of Reduction Of Body Temperature Of New Baby
Diah Eka Nugraheni, Kosma Heryati
Newborns lose heat four times larger than adults, resulting in a decrease temperature. In the first 30 minutes the baby can experience a temperature decrease of 3-4 ⁰C. In a room with a temperature of 20-25 ⁰C the baby's skin temperature drops around 0.3 ⁰C per minute. The temperature reduction is caused...
Proceedings Article
Effects of Finger Handheld Therapy on Dysmenorrhea In SMKN 07 Kota Bengkulu
Elvi Destariyani, Sri Sumiati, Lusi Andriani, Desi Widiyanti
Women of reproductive age in Indonesia are estimated to be 55% experienced pain during menstruation. The impact of dysmenorrhea is very disturbing to women's comfort. Even about 10% of women who experience menstrual pain can not follow daily activities. The results of the initial survey found that students...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Pregnancy Class In Improving Knowledge And Skills Of Pregnant Mother About Maternal And Child Health
Afrina Mizawati, Rini Patroni
Maternal and child health education is mostly done through individual consultation when the mother comes for pregnancy, baby or check-up. This study aims to determine the influence of pregnancy class in improving knowledge and skills of a pregnant mother about maternal and child health. This research...
Proceedings Article
The Influence Of Sari Green Nuts In Breastfeeding Products In Postpartum Mother In Bengkulu City In 2018
Mariati, Afrina Mizawati, Regita Aprilian Arvianti
Mung beans essence is a kind of drinks containing Laktagogum which is a nutrient to increase and expedite milk production for mother. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference of breastfeeding production in postpartum mothers given mung beans essence with not given mung beans essence...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Oxytocin Massage Method Using Lavender Essential Oils On The Smooth Production Of Breast Milk At Mother Postpartum In Rejang Lebong Regency
Kurniyati, Derison Marsinova Bakara, Eva Susanti
Breast milk is the most important food for babies, especially in the first month of a baby life. The lack of production of breast milk after childbirth can be caused by a lack of stimulation of the hormone prolactin and oxytocin. Oxytocin massage is one solution to overcome the non-smooth production...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between The Number Of Sperm Quality And Testosterone Hormone Levels In Tiara Sella Hospital Bengkulu
Sahidan, Mu’alim
Indonesia has 12% or about 3 million infertile couples. Only half of that amount can be helped according to desire. 30% of these infertile partners are male as a cause in infertile couples. And there is a tendency for a meaningful increase. Almost every couple in the world wants a child, but unfortunately...
Proceedings Article
Test Effectiveness Antimicrobial Extract Etanol Leaves Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) On Growth Of Bacteria Propionibacterium Acnes
Resva Meinisasti, Wenti Puspita, Raden Sunita
Background : Propionibacterium acnes includes gram-positive bacteria in the form of stems and normal skin flora that play a role in the occurrence of inflammation in acne. The prevalence of acne ranges from 47-90% during adolescence. African, American and Hispanic women have a prevalence of 37% and 32%...
Proceedings Article
Lower Uric Acid Levels in Subjects Consuming Coffee compared to Not Consuming Coffee
Raden Sunita, Yose Anggraini, Krisyanella
Background: Uric acid as the nitrogen compounds produced from catabolism purine from both diet and from endogenous nucleic acids (DNA deoxyribonucleic acid). One of the factors that can increase uric acid levels is the factor of excessive purine intake. The habit of consuming coffee can reduce levels...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness Of Liquid Waste Treatment With Tofu Industry Aeration Method
Agus Widada
The tofu industry is processed from soy extract which mostly is a household industry producing waste with high protein and carbohydrate content. Waste produced by washing process, boiling, pressing give burden of high enough contamination because without going through the processing process before disposed...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Diabetes Self Management Training Independence of Patients Diabetes Mellitus Type II
Susiwati, Ida Samidah, Jon Farizal
Diabetes Mellitus if not managed properly, can cause complications in all organs of the body, from head to foot, in all places where the high glucose levels are flowing. The aim of the research to determine the effect of diabetes self-management training (DSMT) The ability of the patient to perform self-examinations...
Proceedings Article
Urine Protein Level In Pregnant Women Trimester Second And Third In Singaran Pati District Of Bengkulu City
Zamharira Muslim, Sahidan, Syifa Alfa Rahma
Proteinuria in pregnancy screening focused on the detection of plasma and renal glomerular filtration rate, and changes in pre-eclampsia as the most common cause of proteinuria in pregnancy. Protein urine exceeds the normal values
Proceedings Article
The Determination Of Coliform Bacteria Numbers In Beverages Iced Cappucino Sold At Roadside Stall On Pantai Panjang Of Bengkulu City
Krisyanella, Sahidan, Resva Meinisasti, Heti Rais Khasanah
Consuming ready-to-drink beverages is now a lifestyle. However, consuming bacteria contaminated drinks can cause a number of diseases. There are still many traders who do not understand the importance of using good ingredients and maintain the hygiene of the manufacturing process in making this beverages,...
Proceedings Article
Description Of Triglyceride Levels In The Elderly Who Have Hypertension
Dira Irnameria, Vhira Nurjumareta, Leni Marlina
Triglyceride is one of the types of fat that can be found in the blood and various organ in the body that can cause problems for human health when the level is above the normal range or it can be called as hypertriglyceridemia. A highly level of triglycerides is one of the cause from the increasing of...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis Of Rbmy1 STS RBMI Microdeletion Gene On Azoospermic Factor (Azf) Region Of The Y Chromosome In Infertile Men In Palembang
Tedy Febriyanto
Approximately 50-80 million couples have infertility problems, and every year appeared about 2 million new infertile couples. As many as 40% of them are caused by male factors. Male infertility generally occursdue to abnormal spermatozoa. One of the causes is related to the deletion of gene onAzoospermic...
Proceedings Article
Tomato Sauce Coliform Bacteria In The Hawker At Long Beach City Bengkulu
Putri Widelia Welkriana, Heti Rais Khasanah
Background: Coliform is a type of bacteria that is used as an indicator of contamination of food tomato sauce is a thick liquid made from a mixture of pureed tomatoes and spices. The tomato sauce contains acid, sugar, salt. In an open sauce, packaging can increase the risk of contamination by microbes...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness Test Antimicrobial Infusion Gotu Kola Leaf Extract (Centella asiatical) On The Growth Staphylococcus Aureus
Heti Rais Khasanah, Putri Widelia Welkriana, Krisyanella
Infection is a disease that causes tissue damage. One cause of skin infections is bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Utilization of natural materials as traditional medicine in Indonesia is now increasing. Centella Asiatica is one of the nutritious plants for medicine, contains antibacterial active components...
Proceedings Article
Analysis And Wide Spread Of Dengue History Dengue With Spatial Approach Of Geographic Information System (Sig)
Deri Kermelita, Mualim
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by dengue virus transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Health profile of Bengkulu Province, recording cases of dengue fever in 2013-2015; in 2013: 443 cases, 4 people died. In 2014: 467 cases, with 2.8% Case Fatality...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness Of Water Filter With Circulation Method As A Control Of Larva Aedes Aegypti And Clean Water On Household Enterprises
Jubaidi, Yusmidiarti
Cartridge filter is a tool that can filter solid substances dissolved in water both organic and inorganic substances. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) is an important indicator in water sanitation, the greater the TDS the greater the level of pollution. Aedes aegypti mosquito is a vector of dengue disease...
Proceedings Article
Psychosocial Relationship With Working Stress In Workers Of Sinar Harapan Trading Company In Padang Serai Bengkulu City
Mely Gustina, Mualim, Ullya Rahmawati, Ranti Ashabul Jannah
Safety and Health at Work (K3) is a condition of factors that influence the safety and health of workers (including workers from contractors) and also guests or other people at work. This study aims to determine the psychosocial relationship with work stress on workers of Sinar Harapan Teknik Trading...
Proceedings Article
Fast Food Contribution Toward Obesity In The Students Of Junior High School
Jumiyati, Lisma Ningsih, Miratul Haya
An imbalance between nutrient intake and the recommended nutritional adequacy causes the emergence of nutritional problems in adolescents. One of the causes of obesity in adolescents is an increased frequency of consumption of fast food that contains high calories, fat, sodium, and low fiber. The effect...
Proceedings Article
Physical Examinations, Chemicals and Microbiology on Drinking Water Refill
Mualim, Deri Kermelita
While the variables that are not related to the incidence of obesity are age, gender, knowledge, pocket money, parent’s motivation, friend’s motivation, and parent’s job. The most variable contribution to obesity is fast food consumption (p = 0, 006). Conclusion is the fast food can increase body weight...
Proceedings Article
Combination Of Coal Waste And Pecans Shell Waste In Reducing Iron (Fe) In Dig Wells
Riang Adeko, Defi Ermayendri
Air source chosen because it is relatively better than the air of the river which is viewed from its quality aspect for its turbidity factor. Ground water as a source of clean water in general can be directly used for everyday life. But without realizing that ground air contains a lot of metal dissolved...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Work Posture And Musculoskeletal Disorders (Msds) In Laundry Workers In The Area Of Puskesmas Sukamerindu Bengkulu
Sri Mulyati
Central health of Sukamerindu Bengkulu city is a working area of Sukamerindu Public Health Center which has informal business spread in 7 regions. one of the informal businesses in Sukamerindu Village is laundry. Laundry which is spread in Sukamerindu area has 18 laundry with 49 workers. Based on observations...
Proceedings Article
Assistance for Pregnant Women Final Trimester and the Success of Early breastfeeding initiation in the City of Bengkulu
Demsa Simbolon, Hartina Susanti P.U, Widia Lestari
The behavior of giving Early breastfeeding initiation by mothers to infants is still very low, one of which is due to the lack of knowledge of mothers about breastfeeding. Mothers who do not do Early breastfeeding initiation are at risk of failing in giving exclusive breastfeeding. The study aimed to...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Counseling On Knowledge, Attitudes, And Practices Of Mothers breastfeeding In The Work Area Of Sawah Lebar Community Health Center, Bengkulu 2017
Desri Suryani, Kusdalinah, Jumiyati, Yandrizal, Wulan Anggraini, Bintang Agustina P
A lack of knowledge and an attitude can cause the failure in exclusive breastfeeding (ASI). Counseling has a significant role in enhancing abilities and encouraging someone to behave. The study aimed to determine the effect of counseling on knowledge, attitudes, and practices of mothers in relation to...
Proceedings Article
The relationship of Energy and Fat intakes, Physical Activity to Body Mass Index Among Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu Employees
Afriyana Siregar, Tetes Wahyu W, Arie Krisnasary
Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu employee is one of the jobs at risk for obesity. In addition, the support of economic capacity is also one of the supporters of greater intake of food than the calories removed from physical activity. The study aim was to investigate the relationship between intake of energy...
Proceedings Article
School Lunch: Menu Variation, Suitability of Portion Standards and Nutrient Analysis and RDA Percents in Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT)
Arie Krisnasary, Afriyana Siregar
Organizing lunch at school must be able to contribute one third of the total energy needs of children. Food service systems are determined by interrelated components, that is in the form of menu planning which underlies all of the activities in the food service system. The purpose of this research was...
Proceedings Article
The Formulation Of Analog Sausage With High Protein And Cork Sea Fiber (Channa Striata), And Oyster Mushroom As The Healthy Snacks For The School Children
Emy Yuliantini, Kamsiah
The nutritional problems experienced by Indonesia today are multiple nutritional problems. The problem of malnutrition has begun to be overcome, but on the other hand, the prevalence of over nutrition or obesity has reached 9.2% in school children. Children who are obese are at high risk when they are...
Proceedings Article
Selection of Food Materials and Diet Intervention of Casein Free Gluten Free (CFGF) on Children Nutritional’s Status of Autism in Bengkulu City
Kamsiah, Emy Yuliantini
Background: The prevalence of autistic children has a significant increase. Autism can happen to all children from various social and cultural levels. Autistic behavior can be handled with several steps including through medical treatment, psychological therapy, behavior management, and diet regulation....
Proceedings Article
Haidina Ali
Medical and non-medical solid waste Puskesmas can be one of the causes of the spread of diseases and can disrupt the environment if not managed properly. The research objective was to find out the description of medical and non medical waste management in the Bengkulu City Health Center. This study uses...
Proceedings Article
Intake of Protein and Calcium and Serum Albumin of Stunted Elementary School Children in Bengkulu
Mutia Yuristi, Kusdalinah, Emy Yuliantini
The level of adequacy of protein nutrients, calcium is an important nutrient in the growth of children. Low protein and calcium intake is a risk factor for stunting. Albumin has a function to help the formation of new cellular tissues in the body at the time of growth and speed up the healing process...
Proceedings Article
Identification Of Vitamin A Content Of Moringa Wet Noodles With Various Boiling Times
Darwis, Okti Agu Liu, Yenni Okfrianti
Wet Noodle Moringa oleifera leaves are food products made from the main raw material of flour with the addition ofleaf extract Moringa oleifera after the noodles are printed in the form of noodles, then the boiling process with a variety of time against the wet noodles is the most preferred by panelists....
Proceedings Article
Effects of Red and Yellow Watermelon Juice on The Blood Pressure in Pre-Elderly Prehypertension
Tonny C Maigoda, Bela Dwi Oktavia, Yenni Okfrianti
Hypertension is a condition when there is an increase in systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg. The more age can increase the risk of someone affected by hypertension. Non-pharmacological therapy is considered safer and has no unexpected side effects of pharmacological...
Proceedings Article
Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Traditional Fermented Rejang Shoot 'Lemea'
Yenni Okfrianti, Darwis, Ayu Pravita Sari
Lemea is one of the traditional fermented foods of the Rejang Tribe in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia, which has the potential to be used as a probiotic. Caused by Lemea fermentation which utilizes a number of lactic acid bacteria. The process of processed lemea by fermentation produces several types of...
Proceedings Article
A Retrospective Case – Control Study : Consumption Pattern and Nutritional Status For Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patient at Pakis Community Health Center District of Malang
Sandy Ardiansyah, Emy Yuliantini, Kamsiah
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In the control of the immune system, tuberculosis is a cell-mediated disease. The availability of food household and fulfillment of energy and nutrients will affect on nutritional status sufferers patient of TB during the healing....
Proceedings Article
Effect Of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) On EPDS Score On Post Partum In Midwife Independent Practice Bengkulu Indonesia
Lusi Andriani, Rachmawati, Desi Widiyanti, Elvi Destriyani
Most women experience emotional disturbance after childbirth such as depression, irritability, especially easily frustrated and emotional. Nearly 70 percent of women experience sadness after the birth, and most mothers can quickly recover and achieve stability, but 13% of them will experience post partum...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between PIK-KRR Information Center And Adolescents Of Reproductive Health With Activity Violence In Dating (KDP) Behavior In Bengkulu City High School
Lela Hartini
Adolescent health status is something that needs to be maintained and improved in order to produce the next generation of the nation that is healthy, resilient and productive and able to compete. The puspose of this study in to know the relationship of youth activeness in PIK-KRR (Information Center...
Proceedings Article
Factors Related to the Performance of Cadre in the Implementation of Toddler Posyandu at the Working Area of Puskesmas Sulau in South Bengkulu Regency
Rialike Burhan, Reka Lagora Marsofely, Suryanti
Posyandu is one of health efforts sourced from community who is managed and organized from, by, for and with the community. In South Bengkulu visit of toodler lowest in Puskesmas Sulau. The purpose of this research is to analyze factors that related te performance of Cadre in the implementation of Posyandu...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness Of Mentoring And Training In Increasing Integrated Service Post Cadre Skills Doing Early Detection Of Risk Factors In Pregnant
Ratna Dewi
Maternal Mortality Rate 2015 in the world reaches 303.000 people and in Indonesia is 305 per 100.000 live births. About 80% of Maternal Mortality Rate are due to increased complications during pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth. One of the causes is the presence of pregnant women who do not get...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness Of Lime Addition To The Decrease Of Phosphate Levels On Liquid Waste At ** A ** Hospital Bengkulu City
Yusmidiarti, Jubaidi
The hospital is a health service institution with core activities of preventive, curative, rehabilitative and promotive service. In general, the main function of the hospital is to provide need of health care and recovery. According to the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Use Of Gadget Duration And Development Of Preschool Children In Bengkulu City 2018
Yuniarti, Rialike Burhan, Epti Yorita, Reka Lagora Marsofely, Ika Puspa Dewi
World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 5-25% of preschool-aged children suffer from developmental disorders, one of the factors that influence is the use of gadgets. If a child experiences a social development disorder, it is feared that the child will experience difficulty in adjusting himself,...
Proceedings Article
The Determinant of Perinatal Mortality in Bandung Regency West Java, Indonesia
Deni Maryani, Dara Himalaya, Linda Yusanti
75% of infant mortalities occur in the early neonatal period. 2/3 of perinatal mortalities come from preventable determinant, namely patient, health service utilization behavior, medical reconciliation, and facility. This study aims to determine the determinant related to perinatal mortality. The method...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Giving The Rest Cleanser Of Manjakani Decoction Seeds (Quercus Infectoria Gall) Against Leucorrhoea Complaints On Hormonal Contraception Acceptors In The Work Area Of Puskesmas Sukajadi The City Of Bandung
Kurnia Dewiani, Yetti Purnama
The high family involvement in KB (family planning) is an indicator of GERMAS (Healthy Living Community Movement) success which is one of the government's efforts to control the growth of population and improve the qualifying small families. Most family planning programs used by KB acceptors are hormone...
Proceedings Article
Factors Contributing to Maternal Mortality in Bekasi Regency, Indonesia
Suriyati, Novianti, Asmariyah
Maternal mortality can still be largely prevented if it is followed by changing patient behavior, quality health services by institutional providers, or health service system policies. Factors that cause maternal mortality that can still be prevented are patient factors, factors of health personnel,...
Proceedings Article
Qualitative Study Attitude Of Housewife To Hiv Aids In Bengkulu City
Reka Lagora Marsofely, Wisuda Andeka Marleni, Yuniarti, Yorita Epti
Data shows the first rank based on the type of work for women infected with HIV / AIDS in Indonesia are housewives with a total of 11,725 cases. The prevalence of AIDS infection in the province of Bengkulu is increasing every year. Data shows the cumulative number of PLWHA in Bengkulu Province from 2014-2016...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Sleep Quality And Depression During The Third Trimester Of Pregnant Women In The Public Health Center In Bengkulu City
Anisah Tifani Maulidyanti, Desi Widiyanti, Kosma Heryati
Based on data from The National Sleep Foundation (2007), There is more than 79% of women in the United States reported experiencing sleep disturbances during pregnancy than at other times. According to the World Health Organization (2015), depression is the fourth most serious health problem in the world....
Proceedings Article
Relationship of Dental Health to Nutritional Status in Children in Grades I and II SDN 03 Curup Kota
Hendri Heriyanto, Almaini, Chandra Buana
Oral health is very important because the teeth and gums are damaged and not treated will cause pain in the teeth, chewing disorders and can disrupt the body's health. Dental caries or cavities in Indonesia for tooth pains that interfere with 13% of the population per month or as much as 2.62 million...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Solving Puzzles and Listening to Music to Reduce Anxiety in Preschool Aged Children in Edelweis Room RSUD Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu
Agung Robby Ichwanda, Hermansyah, Nehru Nugroho
Hospitalization is one of the stressors for children that causes discomfort and anxiety because of nursing actions that impact varies depending on the development of age, an experience of pain, support system, and coping skills in dealing with stress. Various activities can be used as alternatives to...
Proceedings Article
Education and Early Prevention of Sexual Violence in Children Basic School
Husni, Asmawati
Sexual violence can be experienced by children anywhere including in the school environment. Teachers play an important role in preventing sexual violence through education. The objective of the study was to know the effect of education on knowledge, attitudes and skills of elementary school students...
Proceedings Article
Implementation Of Health Bpjs Service System In Cervical Cancer Screening In Bengkulu City
Desi Widiyanti, Elvi Destariyani, Kosma Heryati, Lusi Andriani
Cervical cancer is a disease with the highest cases in the world. Primary services with cervical cancer screening use IVA tests as a form of promotion and preventive health services. Health BPJS provides guarantees to participants who have performed cervical cancer screening without fees. The coverage...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Ethanol Extract of Noni (Leaves Morinda citrifolia) on Parasitemia in Balb/c Mice infected with Plasmodium bergh
Jon Farizal, Leni Marlina, Susiwati
Malaria fever is a disease that is still a problem in developing countries. Plasmodium berghei is a facultative intracellular parasite, the immune system that plays a role in the cellular system. Morinda citrifolia is a traditional medicinal plant that contains many active compounds that can reduce the...
Proceedings Article
The Role Of Drug-Drink Supervisor by Decreasing The Resitance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Germs
Leni Marlina, Susiwati, Jon Farizal
Tuberculosis(TB or TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This bacterium is a very strong basil bacteria that takes a long time to treat it. In 2010 WHO Global Report, obtained Indonesian TB data, the total of all TB cases in 2009 were 294,731 cases, of which...
Proceedings Article
Effect Of Fluid Restriction Education To Interdialytic Weight Gain In Hemodialysis Patients In Rsud Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu
Septiyanti, Msy Martikasari, Gusnilawati
Renal function decrease less than 60% led to the inability of kidney to run the function. Efforts to maintain order not to decrease the function lower with dialysis twice in a week. To create restriction of fluid intake in hemodialysis patient by monitoring the intake and output per day measured using...
Proceedings Article
Maternal Factors, Gender, and Relationship to the Length at Birth
Nur Elly, Erli Zainal, Iin Nilawati
Birth length is an important indicator for assessing stunting risk and for subsequent development in adulthood. Maternal factors, height and gender characteristics have implications for fetal linear growth. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between maternal factors: upper arm circumference...
Proceedings Article
Rustam Aji, Chandra Buana
Dengue hemorrhagic disease is a vector-based disease. Transmission by Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. Handling by deciding the vector life cycle, by killing Aedes aegypti larvae, to eradicate Aedes aegypti larvae, with natural ingredients such as lemon grass (Andropogon nardus L) which can be used as...
Proceedings Article
The Differences Duration Of Activators To Composting Cabbage (Brasicca Oleracea) At Panorama Market Of Bengkulu City
Ullya Rahmawati, Mely Gustina, Rosalia Rina Bathari
Panorama Market is one of the largest contributor of organic waste in Bengkulu City, such as vegetable waste of cabbage (Brasicca Oleracea). Referring to Law on Waste Management No. 18/2008, the utilization of organic waste into compost is an effective way in reducing the amount of waste generation from...
Proceedings Article
Sofia Februanti, Dudi Hartono, Tetet Kartilah
ASI/ breastmilk is the best nutrition for babies, but many factors can influence mothers to be failed breastfeeding. The low achievement of exclusive breastfeeding is influenced by lack of knowledge, lack of maternal experience, lack of implementation of Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) and the incessant...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge, Attitude, Parenting Against Sex Behavior Of Teen
Eliana, Wisuda Andeka Marleni, Dina Anggraini
Teen sexual behavior in the form of desire encourages adolescents to perform the sexual behavior, both with the opposite sex or same sex. So there are still many teenage girls who drop out due to sexual behavior that deviates. The purpose of this study was to investigate factor analysis related to female...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Quercetin for Salt Induces Renal Fibrosis by Suppressing Collagen Production
Widia Lestari, Sri Lestari Sulistyo Rini
The bad effect of salt have been suspected for a least one hundred years. High salt intake increased production of TGF-β where as TGF-β activates a receptor serine/threonine kinase (RS/TK). Through phosphorylation Smad2/3 and Co-Smad cascade they recruited transcription factors and co-activator for initiates...
Proceedings Article
The Application of the Nurse's Critical Thinking Model in Implementing Nursing Care of Post Operative Patients
Yanti Sutriyanti, Misniarti, Yossy Utario
Background The demands of the workplace in carrying out out the practice in the hospital can increase stress because it requires sharpness, and speed in carrying out tasks, so to be competent are needed more professionally. This study aimed to applay the critical thinking model of nurses in carrying...
Proceedings Article
Effect Of Baby Care On Mother's Ability To Take Care Of Newborn In Bengkulu City
Yulia Putri Utami, Demsa Simbolon, Daisy Novira
Postpartum depression is a mood disorder after childbirth that occurs due to unpreparedness to give birth to a baby and become a mother. This will have an impact on the mother's ability to care for newborns. It is important to educate newborn care management so that mothers are able to care for their...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Training Mother Class Of Toddlers On Increased Mothers Ability In Caring Toddlers At Puskesmas Kampung Delima Rejang Lebong Regency
Yusniarita, Mulyadi, Farida Esmianti
Mother’s class to toddler (KIB) in order to increase the empowerment of mothers through increased knowledge, attitude and skills of a toddler care. To improve the ability of mothers in caring toddler this research was conducted a structured training class used training modules in order to improve the...
Proceedings Article
Contraceptive Use Among The Early Marriage Couples in Langkat District
Abdul Jalil Amri
The village ofPulauKampaiPangkalanSusu Sub-district in Langkat District which become a study conducted in 2017 were drawn the girls who marry early or girls married before 20 years old were 82 persons (16.01%), married girls among those who were had been using a modern contraceptive use such as injectables...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between Perception Of Body Images, FertilityAnd Side Effects To Postpartum Contraception Use
Dewi Nopiska Lilis
The postpartum period was a period where there was a change in emotional , physical, social. changes in physiology, body image, fertility, and sexual behavior. Disruption of body image due to the use of hormonal contraceptives can make the acceptor feel worried and anxious about the side effects caused...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness Of Different Toothbrush Type On Plaque Removal In Orthodontic Patients
Rina Kurnianti, Pahrur Razi
Current treatment of fixed orthodontic currently used by many, not only for orthodontic treatment but also part of popular lifestyle. Treatment of fixed orthodontic is treatment aimed to fix malocclusion and increase awareness of dental care, mastication function, and esthetic. Aims: This research is...
Proceedings Article
Effect Of Glutinosa Oriza Sativa On Adolescent Menstrual Cycle
Yulinda, S Pasaribu Saur, Ida Widiawati
Menstrual cycle is one of the vital signs of health for teenage girls because of the risk for anemia due to increased iron requirements due to growth, menstruation, often restricting food consumption, and eating patterns and habits less than the recommended nutritional adequacy rate. the regularity of...
Proceedings Article
Arif Jauhari, Kuat Prabowo, Arfia Fridianti
Occupational health is the right of every worker to be guaranteed by the business owner. Workers are free to choose the type of work so as to obtain fair and prosperous working conditions. In the scope of occupational health prosperous has a very broad meaning covers all aspects of life...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Diet Adjustment On Blood Sugar Fluctuation In Patients Of Diabetes Mellitus Type II In RSUD Raden Mattaher Jambi In 2017
Vivianti Dewi, Yellyanda, Mashudi
Diabetes Mellitus is a group of heterogeneous disorders characterized by increased levels of glucose in the blood or hyperglycemia, with criteria, namely: random plasma glucose> 200 mg / dl (11.1 mmol / L), fasting plasma glucose / nuchter> 140 mg / dl (7.8 mmol / L) and plasma glucose from the samples...
Proceedings Article
Teenagers Perception Of Prevention Cervical Cancer Through Healthy Life Patterns In Public Senior High School 10 Of Bengkulu City
Sri Yaniarti, Afrina Mizawati, Evi Arjah
Cervical cancer incidence does not only affect women > 35 years old but also teenagers 15-19 years. Sexual activity a role in the development of cervical cancer. In Bengkulu Province, teenagers have had free sex since age of 14 by 11.11%. While in Senior High School 10 of Bengkulu City highest incidence...