Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Animal Industry 2022 (ICESAI 2022)

219 authors
Mundana, Mangku
Performance Population of Kacang Goat as One of Indonesian Germplasm in Talawi District, Sawahlunto Regency, West Sumatera
Effect of pH on Clotting Properties from Moringa Oleifera Seeds with Focused Microwave-Assisted Soxhlet Extraction Method as Milk Coagulant
Mutisari, Dewi
The Effect of Giving Turmeric Flour (Curcuma domestica) on Performance and Relative Weight of Lymphoid Organs of Super Native Chicken
Nahak, Oktovianus R.
The Effects of Valine Supplementation in the Diet on Growth Performance and Giblet Weight of Native Chicken at the Starter Phase
Nanaie, Hojjat Asadollahpour
Unraveling the Genetic Population Structure of Mongolian Indigenous Cattle Breeds Using Whole Genome Sequencing Data
Ndaru, Poespitasari Hazanah
Toward Sustainable Feeding Systems of Madura Cattle: A Case Study in Bangkalan Regency
Ndaru, Poespitasari Hazanah
The Effect of Using Different Levels of Cassava Flour and Cassava Wastes on Dry Matter and Organic Matter Degradation and Rumen Fermentation Products in Vitro of Cassava-Based Concentrates
Ningrum, Sulistyawati Ayu
The Chemical Content of Fermented Black Soldier Fly Larvae with Trichoderma viride as an Alternative Protein Source Feed for Native Chickens
Ningsih, Eka Nur Rakhmawati
Physical Quality and Microstructure of Casein-Sodium Tripholyphosphate Edible Film Making
Novianti, Irida
A Variant of Insulin like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) Gene Affects Body Conformation Traits in Madura Bulls
Nur, Adyatma Muhammad
The Effect of Giving Turmeric Flour (Curcuma domestica) on Performance and Relative Weight of Lymphoid Organs of Super Native Chicken
Nuraini, Rizqi
Effect of pH on Clotting Properties from Moringa Oleifera Seeds with Focused Microwave-Assisted Soxhlet Extraction Method as Milk Coagulant
Nurgiartiningsih, V. M. A.
Production Performance of the Broiler Under Open, Semi-closed, and Closed House Systems During Rainy Season
Nurgiartiningsih, Veronica M. A.
A Variant of Insulin like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) Gene Affects Body Conformation Traits in Madura Bulls
Nurichsanto, Yoga
The Effect of Storage Time on Physical Quality of Vegetable Tanned Goat Leather
Physical Quality of Halal Propolis Extract Using the Ultrasonic as an Active Drug Ingredients
Nurjannah, Alif Oktavina
Successful Pregnancy Results from Double Dosage Artificial Insemination in Different Estrous Characteristics in Madura Cattle
Nursita, Ita Wahju
Biological Quality of Horse Manure Compost with the Addition of Azotobachter Culture Based on the Vegetative Growth of Pennisetum purpureum and Glycine max (L) Merill
Pakiding, Wempie
The Chemical Content of Fermented Black Soldier Fly Larvae with Trichoderma viride as an Alternative Protein Source Feed for Native Chickens
Pangesti, Indha Fitria
Physical Quality of Halal Propolis Extract Using the Ultrasonic as an Active Drug Ingredients
Pardosi, Lukas
The Effects of Valine Supplementation in the Diet on Growth Performance and Giblet Weight of Native Chicken at the Starter Phase
Pastawan, Viagian
The Effect of Storage Time on Physical Quality of Vegetable Tanned Goat Leather
Pebriani, Novia
Effect of pH on Clotting Properties from Moringa Oleifera Seeds with Focused Microwave-Assisted Soxhlet Extraction Method as Milk Coagulant
Pertiwiningrum, Ambar
The Effect of Storage Time on Physical Quality of Vegetable Tanned Goat Leather
Pranowo, Dodyk
Physical Quality of Halal Propolis Extract Using the Ultrasonic as an Active Drug Ingredients
Prasetianti, Dwinta
The Performance of KUB Chicken 2–12 Weeks at Agriculture Extension Center of Semarang Regency
Puastuti, Wisri
Scarification’s Effect on the Growth of Leucaena Leucocephala cv Taramba
Purnomo, Sutrisno Hadi
Analysis of Livestock Resources Potential for the Development of Beef Cattle in Mojogedang Sub-district, Karanganyar Regency
Purwanti, Sri
The Effect of Giving Turmeric Flour (Curcuma domestica) on Performance and Relative Weight of Lymphoid Organs of Super Native Chicken
Purwanti, Sri
The Chemical Content of Fermented Black Soldier Fly Larvae with Trichoderma viride as an Alternative Protein Source Feed for Native Chickens
Puteri, G. C. K.
Macroscopic and Microscopic Isolation and Identification of Cellulolytic Bacteria from Mixtures of Coal and Beef Cattle
Puteri, Gina Chynthia Kamarudin
The Effect of Using Milk Sludge in Liquid Waste from Dairy Farming on Organic Soil Ingredients/Soil Conditioner
Puteri, Gina Chynthia Kamarudin
Anaerobic Bacteria and Biogas Volume in POME and PPF Mixed Media with Starter from Buffalo Feces
Rachmawati, Achadiah
The Estrus Character of Successful Artificial Insemination in Holstein Friesian Crossbred Cow
Rachmawati, Ayunitasari
Physical Quality and Microstructure of Casein-Sodium Tripholyphosphate Edible Film Making
Radiati, Lilik Eka
Implementation of Ozonation Technology on Microbiological Quality of Milk: Study of Differences Fat and Protein Percentages Against Pathogenic Bacterial Resistance
Radiati, Lilik Eka
The Use of Kefir Grains as an Anaerobic Method for Removal of β-Lactam Antibiotic Residue on Cows Milk
Radiati, Lilik Eka
Effect of Goat Kefir Utilization on Physicochemical Quality and Sensory Attributes of Ice Cream Probiotic
Rahardja, Djoni Prawira
The Effect of Giving Turmeric Flour (Curcuma domestica) on Performance and Relative Weight of Lymphoid Organs of Super Native Chicken
Rahardjo, Yogi Purna
Utilizing Cattle Livestock Waste for Biogas Energy Production in Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan
Rahayu, Endang Tri
Analysis of Livestock Resources Potential for the Development of Beef Cattle in Mojogedang Sub-district, Karanganyar Regency
Rahayu, Premy Puspitawati
Powder Milk Fortified with Whey Protein and Meniran Extract (Phyllanthus niruri L.) Encapsulated Casein Hydrolysate
Rahayu, Sri
A Variant of Insulin like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) Gene Affects Body Conformation Traits in Madura Bulls
Rajendran, R.
Application of IoT Based Smart Farming in Sustainable Production and Improvement of Animal Genetic Resources
Ramadhan, Rizky
The Use of Kefir Grains as an Anaerobic Method for Removal of β-Lactam Antibiotic Residue on Cows Milk
Ramadhani, Fariz
Anaerobic Bacteria and Biogas Volume in POME and PPF Mixed Media with Starter from Buffalo Feces
Ramadhani, Gita Zulfie
Implementation of Ozonation Technology on Microbiological Quality of Milk: Study of Differences Fat and Protein Percentages Against Pathogenic Bacterial Resistance
Ramadhaniarti, Millenia Wahyu
The Use of Kefir Grains as an Anaerobic Method for Removal of β-Lactam Antibiotic Residue on Cows Milk
Rifai, Rifai
Relationship of Lactation Period Between Colostrum Production and Colostrum Fat on Friesian Holstein Crossbred
Rohaeni, Eni Siti
Potency and Strategy for Developing Beef Cattle Business in South Kalimantan
Rohaeni, Eni Siti
Utilizing Cattle Livestock Waste for Biogas Energy Production in Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan
Rosyidi, Djalal
Implementation of Ozonation Technology on Microbiological Quality of Milk: Study of Differences Fat and Protein Percentages Against Pathogenic Bacterial Resistance
Rosyidi, Djalal
Effect of Goat Kefir Utilization on Physicochemical Quality and Sensory Attributes of Ice Cream Probiotic
Rosyidi, Djalal
Physical Quality Duck Jerky with Liquid Smoke Sonication
Rusdiana, Supardi
Productivity Indexes of Sumatera Cross Sheep from Birth to Weaning Lambs
Saleha, Rischa Amalia
Powder Milk Fortified with Whey Protein and Meniran Extract (Phyllanthus niruri L.) Encapsulated Casein Hydrolysate
Salsabila, Nitya
Physical Quality Duck Jerky with Liquid Smoke Sonication
Sandi, Hari
Performance Population of Kacang Goat as One of Indonesian Germplasm in Talawi District, Sawahlunto Regency, West Sumatera
Saptati, Ratna Ayu
Sustainable Wool Production and Management System in Small Enterprise
Saptati, Ratna Ayu
Potency and Strategy for Developing Beef Cattle Business in South Kalimantan
Saptati, Ratna Ayu
The Demand of Maize by Feed Mill in Indonesia During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Saputra, Didik Bagus
Correlation Between Egg Size (Length, Width and Weight) and Hatching Weight of White-Nest Swiftlets (Collocalia fuciphaga) from Buntok, Central Kalimantan
Saputra, F.
GH, GHRH, and PIT Genes Polymorphisms of Local Swamp Buffalo in Pandeglang District, Banten Province
Saputra, R.
Endoparasitic Worms in Timor Deer (Cervus timorensis) Which Are Kept in the Pangandaran Nature Reserve Pangandaran Regency West Java Province
Sari, Ayu Intan
Analysis of Livestock Resources Potential for the Development of Beef Cattle in Mojogedang Sub-district, Karanganyar Regency
Sasongko, Heru
Antibacterial Activity of Sargassum sp. Extract Encapsulated into Chitosan-Tripolyphosphate Nanoparticles
Sasongko, Heru
Effects of Brown Seaweed Extract Nanoparticles on Liver Enzymes of Broiler Chickens
Sawitri, Manik Eirry
Powder Milk Fortified with Whey Protein and Meniran Extract (Phyllanthus niruri L.) Encapsulated Casein Hydrolysate
Sepriadi, Sigit
Brahman Crossbred Cattle's Performances Were Extensively Reared Based on the Integration of Oil Palm Cattle in South Arut District, West Kotawaringin Regency
Setiawati, Mieke Rochimi
The Effect of Using Milk Sludge in Liquid Waste from Dairy Farming on Organic Soil Ingredients/Soil Conditioner
Sharmin, Mst Mamuna
Sustainable Milk Production from a Lactation Biology Perspective
Shiddieqy, Mohammad Ikhsan
Sustainable Wool Production and Management System in Small Enterprise
Sinaga, S.
Endoparasitic Worms in Timor Deer (Cervus timorensis) Which Are Kept in the Pangandaran Nature Reserve Pangandaran Regency West Java Province
Sompie, Florencia N.
The Use of Mangosteen Leaf Flour (Garcinia mangostana L) on Weight, Egg Yolk Index and Egg White Index of Layers
Sompie, Meity
Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Plant Seeds as Fatty Acids Source on Nutrients Digestibility, Performance, Carcass and Cutting Percentage and Physical Properties Evaluation of Meat of Broiler
Subiharta, Subiharta
Overview of KUB Chicken Rearing at the Small Farmer Level in Central Java
Sudrajad, Pita
Sustainable Wool Production and Management System in Small Enterprise
Sudrajad, Pita
Overview of KUB Chicken Rearing at the Small Farmer Level in Central Java
Sulistyo, Hanief Eko
Correlation Between Egg Size (Length, Width and Weight) and Hatching Weight of White-Nest Swiftlets (Collocalia fuciphaga) from Buntok, Central Kalimantan
Surjowardojo, Puguh
Relationship of Lactation Period Between Colostrum Production and Colostrum Fat on Friesian Holstein Crossbred
Susilawati, Trinil
Successful Pregnancy Results from Double Dosage Artificial Insemination in Different Estrous Characteristics in Madura Cattle
Susilawati, Trinil
The Estrus Character of Successful Artificial Insemination in Holstein Friesian Crossbred Cow
Susilo, Agus
Physical Quality of Halal Propolis Extract Using the Ultrasonic as an Active Drug Ingredients
Susilo, Agus
Physical Quality Duck Jerky with Liquid Smoke Sonication
Susilorini, Tri Eko
Relationship of Lactation Period Between Colostrum Production and Colostrum Fat on Friesian Holstein Crossbred
Sutedi, Endang
Scarification’s Effect on the Growth of Leucaena Leucocephala cv Taramba
A Variant of Insulin like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) Gene Affects Body Conformation Traits in Madura Bulls
Suyadi, S.
Production Performance of the Broiler Under Open, Semi-closed, and Closed House Systems During Rainy Season
Syamsu, Jasmal A.
The Chemical Content of Fermented Black Soldier Fly Larvae with Trichoderma viride as an Alternative Protein Source Feed for Native Chickens
Talib, Chalid
Productivity Indexes of Sumatera Cross Sheep from Birth to Weaning Lambs
Thalib, C.
GH, GHRH, and PIT Genes Polymorphisms of Local Swamp Buffalo in Pandeglang District, Banten Province
Thiruvenkadan, A. K.
Application of IoT Based Smart Farming in Sustainable Production and Improvement of Animal Genetic Resources
Thohari, Imam
Physical Quality and Microstructure of Casein-Sodium Tripholyphosphate Edible Film Making
Tian, Rugang
Peer-Review Statements
Tian, Rugang
Unraveling the Genetic Population Structure of Mongolian Indigenous Cattle Breeds Using Whole Genome Sequencing Data
Tiesnamurti, Bess
Sustainable Wool Production and Management System in Small Enterprise
Tiesnamurti, Bess
Morphometric of Etawa Crossbred Goat in Breeding Stock Development Area in Banjarnegara District
Ton, Vu Dinh
Peer-Review Statements
Umam, Ahmad Khoirul
The Use of Kefir Grains as an Anaerobic Method for Removal of β-Lactam Antibiotic Residue on Cows Milk
Umboh, Sintya J. K.
Feasibility Analysis of Beef Development Based on Local Resources