Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Creativity, Innovation and Technology in Education (IC-CITE 2018)
145 authors
- Sari, Nina Permata
- The Study of the Concept of Child-Friendly Schools Programs in the Riverbank Areas of North Banjarmasin
- Sari, Raihanah
- The Improvement of Learning Outcomes of Social Theme Using Group Investigation and Mind Mapping Models for Students in SDN 3 Alalak Selatan Banjarmasin
- Setiawan, Muhammad Andri
- The Relevance of Job Selection of Guidance and Counseling Department Graduates of Lambung Mangkurat University
- Setiti, Sri
- Identification of Economic Learning Resources Based on Ecopedagogy
- Sofiawati, Nurina
- Problem Solving Learning, Think Pair and Share (TPS) based on Audio Visual Media Improving Oral Activities
- Suci, Indah Sari
- Evaluation of Adiwiyata Program Implementation in SMAN 1 Martapura
- Suciati
- The Development of Diagnostic Test Instrument Based Online Multimedia to Describe Students Difficulties in Integer and Fraction Operation
- Sudarma, I Komang
- The Power of Group Investigation Model on Student Critical Thinking, Attitude, and Character in Learning Physics
- Sugianto, Akhmad
- Evaluation Program Planning Individual Learning Plans for Education in SMP Negeri 1 Barabai: Discrepancy Model
- Suhaimi
- The Management of Character Education Curriculum at Vocational High School 2 Kandangan
- Sukani, Mohamed Ayob
- Competency Teaching and Learning 21st Century Education: Preschool Teacher
- Sukmawati, R. Ati
- The Relationship Between Mathematical Ability and Programming Ability of Computer Science Education Students
- Sukmawati, R. Ati
- The Implementation of Flipped Classroom Assisted by Learning Management System for Numerical Method Courses
- Sulistiyana, Ms.
- The Effectiveness Guidance on Group Career Self-Efficacy Student Media Tree With Career
- Suriansyah, Ahmad
- The Factors Influencing Quality Work Culture in Education in Indonesia: A Case Study at Graduate Program of Educational Management, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
- Susilawati
- The Implementation of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), Explicit Instruction, and Crossword Puzzle Models for Increasing the Indonesian Language Student Outcomes
- Syahmani
- The Effect of E-learning Based Schoology on the Learning Outcomes and Problem Solving Skills in Chemistry
- Tahir, Lokman
- The 21st Century Learning in Malaysian Primary School: Exploring Teachers’ Understanding and Implementation of HOTS
- Talib, Rohaya
- The 21st Century Learning in Malaysian Primary School: Exploring Teachers’ Understanding and Implementation of HOTS
- Tanau, Meydiisa Utami
- Perception of Freshmen Students on Statistical Subject in Psychology Study Program
- Taqwiem, Ahsani
- The Character of Love to the Country in the Novel '5 cm'
- Thaibah, Hayatun
- Intelligence Search with WISC Test Equipment For Students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Tiara, Ratna
- Efforts to Increase Mathematical Learning Activity Material of Space Building Using Problem Posing Model Combination of Group Investigation and 3D Media
- Tjandrakirana
- Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Student Responsibilities Through Collaborative Based Science Learning (CBSL) Model
- Tripuspitaningrum, Galuh
- Improving Students Learning Outcome Using Group Investigation Model Combined with Think Pair Share and Course Review Horay
- Umagapi, Juniar Laraswanda
- Early Childhood Education and the Reforming of Universal Program: Radicalism Movement in Indonesia
- Utami, Nurul Hidayati
- The Identification of Scientific Attitude on Biology Education Department in Plant Botany I
- Wahyu
- A Strategy of Preparing Character Social Science Teachers
- Wahyudi, Mohammad Dani
- Developing Skill of Art Using the Explicit Instruction Model with Finger Painting Media in Kindergarten
- Wahyudi, Mohammad Dani
- Improving Students Learning Outcome Using Group Investigation Model Combined with Think Pair Share and Course Review Horay
- Warpala, I Wayan Sukra
- The Power of Group Investigation Model on Student Critical Thinking, Attitude, and Character in Learning Physics
- Wati, Mustika
- Developing Cognitive Instruments Based on Science Literacy on Sound Materials
- Widianti, Aritya
- The Exploration of Empathy of the Inclusive Elementary School Teacher in Denpasar
- Yasin, Mohd Hanafi Mohd
- Electronic Information Resources Usage of Afghan International University Students in Malaysia
- Yuanita, Leny
- Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Self Efficacy Through Scientific Critical Thinking Model
- Yudhistira, Irene
- Teachers and Parents’ Perception toward English as a Local Content Subject at Elementary School in Banjarmasin
- Yurika, Purnama Sari
- Evaluation of Adiwiyata Program Implementation in SMAN 1 Martapura
- Yusof, Sanitah Mohd
- The 21st Century Learning in Malaysian Primary School: Exploring Teachers’ Understanding and Implementation of HOTS
- Yusuf, Ode Yahyu Herliany
- Evaluation Learning Program "You And Me" At The Kindergartens Built by PKBI In Central Java
- Yuwono, Imam
- Evaluation of Curriculum Implementation and Curriculum Modifications in Inclusive Schools
- Zaini
- Senior High School Students’ Attitudes Through Inquiry-Based Learning
- Zainuddin
- Developing a Teaching Material Oriented to Science and Technology and Local Wisdom in Wetland Environment
- Zannah, Fathul
- Senior High School Students’ Attitudes Through Inquiry-Based Learning
- Zulkarnain, Iskandar
- The Relationship Between Mathematical Ability and Programming Ability of Computer Science Education Students
- Zulkifli, Mr.
- Teacher's Role in the Implementation of Character Education on Students