Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Arts Language and Culture (ICALC 2020)
25 articles
Proceedings Article
Character Education Values in the Basic Movement of Tuping Dance
Armayyeni Nurillia Marsim, Mulyanto, Sudiyanto
Tuping dance is a dance originating from South Lampung which depicts army troops. This dance is usually performed during traditional celebrations in the South Lampung area, especially in Kuripan village, Penengah sub-district, South Lampung district. Tuping dance consists of 14 types of movements consisting...
Proceedings Article
The Implementation of Zoom Cloud Meeting on Choir Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Lukas Gunawan Arga Rakasiwi, Anik Ghufron
This research based of the COVID-19 pandemic which makes choir activities must change the direct learning system into online learning. This study aims to describe online choir learning using Zoom Cloud Meeting based on the learning strategies and find out the role of Zoom Cloud Meeting on the self-regulated...
Proceedings Article
Implications Imagery Practice Towards the Final Result of Prawira Watang Dance Learning Process in Isi Surakarta
Mega Cantik Putri Aditya
The learning process in any field is always based on measurable methods and systems, both in practical education and theoretical. This study raises the imagination of imagery in the artistic world, namely learning Prawira Watang dance at the Department of Dance, Indonesian Institute of the Art Surakarta....
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Traditional Dance Art Extracurriculars in Elementary School
Mutiara Dana Elita, Slamet Subiyantoro, Roemintoyo
One of the considerations of globalization is the inclusion of other countries’ cultures which has replaced the erosion of Indonesia’s original culture. This can be seen from the lack of understanding and knowledge of children in Indonesia of their own regional culture, one of which is dance. Therefore,...
Proceedings Article
The Analyze of Garap Technique on Sekaten Gamelan at Keraton Surakarta
Nur Frida Setyawati, Soetarno, Margana
This research to describe about garap technique instrument on gamelan sekaten. This is qualitative description research. The location and time this research at Keraton Surakarta and need three months between October until December 2019. This research focus on garap technique instrument at Keraton Surakarta....
Proceedings Article
Puppet Art Extracurricular for Education Noble Values of Javanese Culture in Elementary Schools
Ria Ratnawati, Slamet Subiyantoro, Budi Usodo
The entry of various advances in the political, economic, social, cultural, and technological can have a negative impact if we cannot respond properly. One of the negative impacts is the lack of understanding and preservation of puppetry among the younger generation. Many students today are unable to...
Proceedings Article
The Future of Art Education: Enhancing Character Values Through Karawitan at Prymary School
Rohmadin, Mulyanto, Edy Try Sulistyo
This study was held to determine the learning process and future set goals of the karawitan as a part of musical arts extracurricular at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta due to learning objectives and learning materials. Qualitative method was chosen to describe the results of this study using the data on...
Proceedings Article
The Uniqueness of Mangrove Forests in State of Sabah as a Source of Natural Color on Batik Fabric
Erren Jossie Baeren, Humin Jusilin
Mangrove swamp forests in Malaysia can reach maturity up to over 70 years and have 100 mangrove swamps that cannot sin other countries. Mangrove swamps are coastal wetlands that cannot find around the tropics and subtropics. The characterized Mangrove plants as halophyte trees live in high salt content...
Proceedings Article
The Creativity of Designing Batik Serumpun Melayu Through Indonesian-Malaysian Cultural Acculturation
Pujiyanto, Robby Hidajat, Swastika Dhesti Anggriani, Nurul Aini, Nazlina Shaari
The occurrence of claiming the cultural results of one country makes other countries unwilling to release because they feel that the culture that other countries claim belongs to them. This condition causes the relationship between the two countries to be less harmonious. If viewed from the Malayan’s...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Social Workers in Empowering Socioeconomic Women in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic
Rezka Arina Rahma, Sucipto, Monica Widyaswari
Covid-19 pandemic had changed all the social life and economic. Empowerment is one of the efforts to strengthen the ability and skill, which refers to the condition or results attained by a social change, through the enhancement of physical, mental, social, and economic ability to fulfill the basic needs....
Proceedings Article
The Use of Funny Story in Teaching Reading
Brigitta Septarini Rahmasari
Mastering reading skill needs learners’ experiences. The experiences could be enriched by the motivation of the learners to read. It is believed a funny story is an interesting reading material that can help the learners achieve comprehension. The purposes of this research are to describe the procedures...
Proceedings Article
English Subtitle Video in Teaching Vocabulary to the Junior High School Students in Palu
Fikri, Aminah Suriaman, Ferry Rita
The aim of this research is to find out whether the use of the English subtitle video of the eighth-grade student of SMPN Madani Palu can improve the students’ vocabulary or not. The researchers applied classroom action research to solve students’ problems in the vocabulary of noun, verb, adjective in...
Proceedings Article
Management Infrastructure Facilities of Production Units “Musaba Authorized” in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul
Hilda Sabrina Nirwanti, Zainal Arifin
Vocational High School is one part of the national education system that prepares workers with special skills needed by the business world. The Production Unit is one of the learning media in vocational high schools which functions as a place of production. This research was conducted with the aim of...
Proceedings Article
The “Power Director” Application as a Media for Indonesian Language Teaching Using “Ruang Guru” Style at PGRI Wiranegara University
Ilmiyatur Rosidah, Sugianti
Universities and public/ private tertiary institutions are places and processors for prospective educators who have good quality in order to achieve the goals of national education. As a form of responsibility, educators at universities and public / private colleges fully contribute to creating students...
Proceedings Article
Application of Contextual Teaching and Learning Models Based on Creative Thinking in Elementary Schools
Miratu Chaeroh, St.Y. Slamet, Sandra Bayu Kurniawan
This study aims to describe the analysis of the contextual learning model (CTL) in social science subjects based on creative thinking in class IV SDIT An Nisa ‘Kedawung Sragen. The problem in research is related to the implementation of the learning model and learning system at SDIT An Nisa ‘Kedawung...
Proceedings Article
Developing E-learning Module by Using Telegram Bot on ICT for ELT Course
Rasyidah Nur Aisyah, Dewi Masitho Istiqomah, Muhammad Muchlisin
Pre-service teachers who are taking undergraduate education after graduating will face generation z students, where students are already facing the 21st century and gadgets have become their playmates. Using gadgets that only for playing games and social media has been deemed less useful. It needs to...
Proceedings Article
Correlation Between Students’ Motivation and English Achievement at Secondary School Level
Rosmawati Mastur, Rofiqoh, Aminah Suriaman
The study is aimed at investigating the correlation between students’ motivation and English achievement at secondary school level. This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Banawa Tengah. The population of the research was all ninth grade students of SMPN 1 Banawa Tengah. The total number of the population...
Proceedings Article
Development of Science Comic Media Based on Local Culture Wisdom to Improve HOTS
Tri Widiyastuti, Sty Slamet, Sandra Bayu Kurniawan
We conducted this research because the teacher only uses lectures, books that have been provided by the government, and student worksheets. The purpose of this study was to determine the benefits of using instructional media in elementary schools to produce comic media based on local wisdom that can...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Perceptions of Student Council Activity in New Normal Era at Junior High School
Wira Jaya Hartono, Hadion Wijoyo, Fery Wongso, Ahmad Khoiri, Denok Sunarsi, Gunartin, Gatot Kusjono, Akhmad Sobarna
During the Covid-19 pandemic era, student activities are not so active than before. Most of the schools start prioritizing on formal teaching-learning process online activities. At the same time, they ignore student activities that have been prepared by the student council. As we know that schools already...
Proceedings Article
The Value of Character Education in Engklek Games at Primary School
Yuli Ana Sitio, Budi Usodo, Riyadi
Rapid technological advances have an impact on students. One of the negative impacts is the occurrence of moral degradation in the child’s environment. Moral degradation in children is shown in data from the KPAI (Indonesian Child Protection Commission) taken from of 2019 which...
Proceedings Article
Project-Based Learning (PBL) for Teaching English in SMA
Ngadiso Sutomo, Teguh Sarosa, Muh. Asrori
Project-based learning (PBL) is used to make learning like acquisition so that it is more natural and interesting and the students are interested and motivated in learning English. The objective of the research is to develop a model for teaching English using PBL which is feasible to develop the students’...
Proceedings Article
Listening Class Distance Learning for German BIPA Students
The pandemic situation had an impact on the program of sending foreign students to Indonesia for learning Bahasa Indonesia (BIPA). One of them is the students of HTWG from Konstanz, Germany. This situation, consequently, makes BIPA learning process should be carried out online. The listening class of...
Proceedings Article
Error Analysis of Silent Letters and Its Relevance to the Teaching of English
Widya Astuti, Hasan Basri, Anshari Syafar, Aminah Suriaman
This research analyzes pronunciation errors of English words containing silent letters made by the first-year students of English Education Study Program at Tadulako University. The methodology used in this research is qualitative descriptive studies. The sample was selected by using purposive sampling...
Proceedings Article
Stimulation Booklet Content Development for Information and Early Childhood Development
Lailatul Fitriyah, Zaini Gunawan, Tristan Rokhmawan
In the context of the availability of literacy sources about early childhood development, the people of Kotaanyar District, Probolinggo Regency are constrained by limited access and understanding. The limited access in this case is the limitation in finding main literacy sources such as books and online...
Proceedings Article
Aesthetical Transformation on Ramayana Stories of Indonesia- Thailand Versions
Robby Hidajat, Pujiyanto, Hartono, Muh. ‘Afaf Hasyimy
Aesthetical transformation of Ramayana stories in Indonesia and Thailand has a power that can substantiate the existence of each entity in developing their own culture. Aesthetical aspect are presented in various expression media, including visual art (fine art) and performing art. Ramayana performing...