Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (ICAAIP 2017)

165 authors
Rachman, Muh. Ichwan
Contribution of self-efficacy towards career orientation on final-year students
Radde, Hasniar A.
Buginese self-construal in review of siri'' and pesse'
Rahmah, Nur Arifah
The Intention to be Police Officer
Rahmat, Muhammad
How peers influence Children's Smoking Behavior
Rahmatullah, Muhammad Alfatih
The Description of Learning Concentration Viewed from the Suggestibility Levels (Case on Students of Psychology Department Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarbaru)
Ramadhani, Sri Rezky
Job Satisfaction as Predictor of employee engagement
Ramdhani, Ayu
The Decision Making of Silariang
Ridfah, Ahmad
Correlation of Shyness towards Self-Esteem on High School Students in Bulukumba
Rivai, Fridawaty
Patient Experiences In Internal And Surgical Ward at State Hospital Labuang Baji Makassar
Riyadhsyah, Teuku
Virtual Ethnography Study of Inter-lecturer Communication in National Young Lecturers Forum WhatsApp Group
Rosmaladewi, Rosmaladewi
Ethical Leadership in English Language Education
Rosmaladewi, Rosmaladewi
Implementational Spaces of Language Policy in Indonesian Higher Education
Rusli, Rusdi
The Description of Learning Concentration Viewed from the Suggestibility Levels (Case on Students of Psychology Department Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarbaru)
Rusli, Rusdi
The Description of Conformity on Junior High School Students with High Interest in Fashion
Saggaf, M. Said
The Influence of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence on Learning Motivation of Student of Office Administration Expertise Package
Sahrul, Moh.
Identification of Public Perception to the Teacher's Social Competences and Status
Salam, Rudi
Impact of Income on Households Patterns of Consumption of Street Vendors in Makassar City
Salam, Rudi
The Influence of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence on Learning Motivation of Student of Office Administration Expertise Package
Saleh, Umniyah
Correlation Between Gratitude and Perceived Social Support in Parents of Children with Intellectual Disability
Samsidar, Andi
Enchanted Mantra of Senior English Teacher-mentors during Mentors-mentees sessions
Samsir, Andi
Impact of Income on Households Patterns of Consumption of Street Vendors in Makassar City
Sandy R, Grestin
Parenting styles as a predictor of social competence in medical profession students in dealing with patients in Makassar
Sandy R, Grestin
Perceived risk on smoking behavior and perception toward parenting style as predictors of smoking risk behavior in adolescents
Satwika, Pratista Arya
The Relationship between Emotion Maturity and Social Adjustment with Migrant Employees' Psychological Well-being at PT. Pelabuhan Samudera Palaran Samarinda
Saud, Syukur
Foreign Language Roles in Indonesian Education
Simanjuntak, Familia Novita
Teenagers' Knowledge and Perception about The Staple Food Diversity to Describe Daily Eating Habit
Siswadi, Ahmad Gimmy Prathama
Psychosocial factors associated with non-adherence in hemodialysis (hd) patients
Sudirman, Sulasmi
The Decision Making of Silariang
Suhariadi, Fendy
Career Wellbeing, The Challenging Role of Working Mothers
Suherlan, Qonita Amelia
Relationship Between Locus of Control and Organizational Commitement (Study on Employee of Multifinance Company PT.X Makassar Branch)
Suleha, Rezki
The Differences in Life Satisfaction between the Elderly Who Live in Senior Home Care and Living with the Family
Sumardi, Juajir
Educational and Learning
Taibe, Patmawaty
The role of intrinsic goal orientation on medical and allied health student' deep learning approach
Taiyeb, Mushawwir
Identification of Public Perception to the Teacher's Social Competences and Status
Tajriani, Tajriani
Meaning of Ussus as Belief of Mandar Tribe Society
Tajuddin, Istiana
The Differences in Life Satisfaction between the Elderly Who Live in Senior Home Care and Living with the Family
Tajuddin, Istiana
The Effect of Parenting Style on Bullying Behavior
Tamar, Muhammad
Intention to Complain in Costumer Who Receives Candies As Change
Tamar, Muhammad
Job Satisfaction as Predictor of employee engagement
Tamar, Muhammad
The Intention to be Police Officer
Tamar, Muhammad
Contribution of Self Efficacy in Work Engagement Towards the Nurses in Makassar City
Tamar, Muhammad
Adversity Quotient and Perception to Adversity in Differentiating Entrepreneurial Survival
Tamar, Muhammad
Difference of statuses of identity based on student's final year of career orientation in hasanuddin university
Tamar, Muhammad
The Decision Making of Silariang
Tamar, Muhammad
Contribution of self-efficacy towards career orientation on final-year students
Tamar, Muhammad
Work Ethics in Bugis; Connecting Culture and Entrepreneurial Behavior
Tamar, Muhammad
Buginese self-construal in review of siri'' and pesse'
Tamar, Muhammad
The Extrinsic Goals and The Meaning of Money for Student Who Has Career Profession Preference at Hasanuddin University
Tanjung, Hendri
Islamic Religious Based Mental Health Education: Developing Framework for Indonesia mental health policy analysis.
Usri, Kustimah
Psychosocial factors associated with non-adherence in hemodialysis (hd) patients
Utami, Karina Alfisah
The Effect of Parenting Style on Bullying Behavior
Virgintia, Ella
Determinants of Competence in Supporting Student's Career Goals
Wahyuni, Sri
Relationship Between Locus of Control and Organizational Commitement (Study on Employee of Multifinance Company PT.X Makassar Branch)
Wahyuni, Sri
The Extrinsic Goals and The Meaning of Money for Student Who Has Career Profession Preference at Hasanuddin University
Widyarini, Ika
The role of negative moral emotions (anger and disgust) in ethical decision making
Wirawan, Hillman
Contribution of Self Efficacy in Work Engagement Towards the Nurses in Makassar City
Wirawan, Hillman
The Influence of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence on Learning Motivation of Student of Office Administration Expertise Package
Wirawan, Hillman
Contribution of self-efficacy towards career orientation on final-year students
Wirawan, Hillman
Teacher's Work Satisfaction "The Role of Task Commitment and Quality of Teaching
Wulandari, Ririn Mamiek
Correlation of Shyness towards Self-Esteem on High School Students in Bulukumba
Yusri, Iin Karmila
Mobile Learning for Teachers Training in Indonesia: The Potential of Mobile Phones as the Device
Yusri, Yusri
The Influence of Teacher's Language Politeness in Improving Student's Academic Motivation
Zainuddin, Fauziah
Role of Teacher and Parents in Solving Students Learning Difficulties
Zainuddin, Kurniati
Meaning of Ussus as Belief of Mandar Tribe Society
Zainuddin, R.
Role of Teacher and Parents in Solving Students Learning Difficulties