Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (ICAAIP 2017)
165 authors
- Rachman, Muh. Ichwan
- Contribution of self-efficacy towards career orientation on final-year students
- Radde, Hasniar A.
- Buginese self-construal in review of siri'' and pesse'
- Rahmah, Nur Arifah
- The Intention to be Police Officer
- Rahmat, Muhammad
- How peers influence Children's Smoking Behavior
- Rahmatullah, Muhammad Alfatih
- The Description of Learning Concentration Viewed from the Suggestibility Levels (Case on Students of Psychology Department Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarbaru)
- Ramadhani, Sri Rezky
- Job Satisfaction as Predictor of employee engagement
- Ramdhani, Ayu
- The Decision Making of Silariang
- Ridfah, Ahmad
- Correlation of Shyness towards Self-Esteem on High School Students in Bulukumba
- Rivai, Fridawaty
- Patient Experiences In Internal And Surgical Ward at State Hospital Labuang Baji Makassar
- Riyadhsyah, Teuku
- Virtual Ethnography Study of Inter-lecturer Communication in National Young Lecturers Forum WhatsApp Group
- Rosmaladewi, Rosmaladewi
- Ethical Leadership in English Language Education
- Rosmaladewi, Rosmaladewi
- Implementational Spaces of Language Policy in Indonesian Higher Education
- Rusli, Rusdi
- The Description of Learning Concentration Viewed from the Suggestibility Levels (Case on Students of Psychology Department Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarbaru)
- Rusli, Rusdi
- The Description of Conformity on Junior High School Students with High Interest in Fashion
- Saggaf, M. Said
- The Influence of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence on Learning Motivation of Student of Office Administration Expertise Package
- Sahrul, Moh.
- Identification of Public Perception to the Teacher's Social Competences and Status
- Salam, Rudi
- Impact of Income on Households Patterns of Consumption of Street Vendors in Makassar City
- Salam, Rudi
- The Influence of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence on Learning Motivation of Student of Office Administration Expertise Package
- Saleh, Umniyah
- Correlation Between Gratitude and Perceived Social Support in Parents of Children with Intellectual Disability
- Samsidar, Andi
- Enchanted Mantra of Senior English Teacher-mentors during Mentors-mentees sessions
- Samsir, Andi
- Impact of Income on Households Patterns of Consumption of Street Vendors in Makassar City
- Sandy R, Grestin
- Parenting styles as a predictor of social competence in medical profession students in dealing with patients in Makassar
- Sandy R, Grestin
- Perceived risk on smoking behavior and perception toward parenting style as predictors of smoking risk behavior in adolescents
- Satwika, Pratista Arya
- The Relationship between Emotion Maturity and Social Adjustment with Migrant Employees' Psychological Well-being at PT. Pelabuhan Samudera Palaran Samarinda
- Saud, Syukur
- Foreign Language Roles in Indonesian Education
- Simanjuntak, Familia Novita
- Teenagers' Knowledge and Perception about The Staple Food Diversity to Describe Daily Eating Habit
- Siswadi, Ahmad Gimmy Prathama
- Psychosocial factors associated with non-adherence in hemodialysis (hd) patients
- Sudirman, Sulasmi
- The Decision Making of Silariang
- Suhariadi, Fendy
- Career Wellbeing, The Challenging Role of Working Mothers
- Suherlan, Qonita Amelia
- Relationship Between Locus of Control and Organizational Commitement (Study on Employee of Multifinance Company PT.X Makassar Branch)
- Suleha, Rezki
- The Differences in Life Satisfaction between the Elderly Who Live in Senior Home Care and Living with the Family
- Sumardi, Juajir
- Educational and Learning
- Taibe, Patmawaty
- The role of intrinsic goal orientation on medical and allied health student' deep learning approach
- Taiyeb, Mushawwir
- Identification of Public Perception to the Teacher's Social Competences and Status
- Tajriani, Tajriani
- Meaning of Ussus as Belief of Mandar Tribe Society
- Tajuddin, Istiana
- The Differences in Life Satisfaction between the Elderly Who Live in Senior Home Care and Living with the Family
- Tajuddin, Istiana
- The Effect of Parenting Style on Bullying Behavior
- Tamar, Muhammad
- Intention to Complain in Costumer Who Receives Candies As Change
- Tamar, Muhammad
- Job Satisfaction as Predictor of employee engagement
- Tamar, Muhammad
- The Intention to be Police Officer
- Tamar, Muhammad
- Contribution of Self Efficacy in Work Engagement Towards the Nurses in Makassar City
- Tamar, Muhammad
- Adversity Quotient and Perception to Adversity in Differentiating Entrepreneurial Survival
- Tamar, Muhammad
- Difference of statuses of identity based on student's final year of career orientation in hasanuddin university
- Tamar, Muhammad
- The Decision Making of Silariang
- Tamar, Muhammad
- Contribution of self-efficacy towards career orientation on final-year students
- Tamar, Muhammad
- Work Ethics in Bugis; Connecting Culture and Entrepreneurial Behavior
- Tamar, Muhammad
- Buginese self-construal in review of siri'' and pesse'
- Tamar, Muhammad
- The Extrinsic Goals and The Meaning of Money for Student Who Has Career Profession Preference at Hasanuddin University
- Tanjung, Hendri
- Islamic Religious Based Mental Health Education: Developing Framework for Indonesia mental health policy analysis.
- Usri, Kustimah
- Psychosocial factors associated with non-adherence in hemodialysis (hd) patients
- Utami, Karina Alfisah
- The Effect of Parenting Style on Bullying Behavior
- Virgintia, Ella
- Determinants of Competence in Supporting Student's Career Goals
- Wahyuni, Sri
- Relationship Between Locus of Control and Organizational Commitement (Study on Employee of Multifinance Company PT.X Makassar Branch)
- Wahyuni, Sri
- The Extrinsic Goals and The Meaning of Money for Student Who Has Career Profession Preference at Hasanuddin University
- Widyarini, Ika
- The role of negative moral emotions (anger and disgust) in ethical decision making
- Wirawan, Hillman
- Contribution of Self Efficacy in Work Engagement Towards the Nurses in Makassar City
- Wirawan, Hillman
- The Influence of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence on Learning Motivation of Student of Office Administration Expertise Package
- Wirawan, Hillman
- Contribution of self-efficacy towards career orientation on final-year students
- Wirawan, Hillman
- Teacher's Work Satisfaction "The Role of Task Commitment and Quality of Teaching
- Wulandari, Ririn Mamiek
- Correlation of Shyness towards Self-Esteem on High School Students in Bulukumba
- Yusri, Iin Karmila
- Mobile Learning for Teachers Training in Indonesia: The Potential of Mobile Phones as the Device
- Yusri, Yusri
- The Influence of Teacher's Language Politeness in Improving Student's Academic Motivation
- Zainuddin, Fauziah
- Role of Teacher and Parents in Solving Students Learning Difficulties
- Zainuddin, Kurniati
- Meaning of Ussus as Belief of Mandar Tribe Society
- Zainuddin, R.
- Role of Teacher and Parents in Solving Students Learning Difficulties