Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Asian Association of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology (ICAAIP 2017)
The themes of the Eight International Conference of Indigenous and Cultural Psychology is Entrepreneurship (ICAAIP-17), are team management and organizational effectiveness: promoting sustainable development through creativity, innovation and indigenous knowledge. Within these themes are five goals. The first goal is to investigate sustainable solutions through entrepreneurship, team engagement, and organizational effectiveness. The second goal is to examine how we can promote creativity and innovation through indigenous and cultural knowledge. The third goal is to examine how human thoughts, emotional actions in local, cultural and global contexts influence sustainable development and promote health and well-being. The fourth goal is to integrate arts and humanities with social sciences to understand sustainable development and healthy lifestyles. The fifth goal is to contribute to the development of psychosocial knowledge that is relevant, useful and universal.
Please click here for the conference website.
Please click here for the conference website.