Proceedings of the International Conference on Art and Arts Education (ICAAE 2018)
170 authors
- Akbar Andrian, Sumaryadi
- Jazz in Capital Industry: The Dynamic of Bourgeois and Proletarian Classes
- Allam, Rizqi
- Application of Design Method in Attempt to Improve Creativity in Drawing Learning for Students in Junior High School
- Anggraheni, Galuh Krispadmi Wahyu
- The Opportunity Space in Kinanti Sekar Rahina’s Mitoni Dance: A Study of Sacrality Accyology in the Mitoni Ceremony
- Ani, Kusnadi
- The Opportunity Spaces in JamJaneng Cultures as the Basis of Creating Works do Janeng Mas Dance
- Animayong, El Riza
- Symbolical Meaning of Langen Puspitosari Dance in Building Students Character in Suryokencono Arts Association
- Anjaswari, Puput
- Existence of The Bungo Offering Dance in Welcoming Guests at Bungo Regency Jambi Province
- Annisa, Wiharsih
- Educational Values in Choreography Analysis of Rentak Bulian Dance in Riau Province
- Anung Awalia Nur, Kuswarsantyo
- The Existence of Kuda Kepang Turonggo Lestari Mudo’s Art in Purbalingga Regency
- Astusi, Kun Setyaning
- The Model Learning of Vocalista Angels Children Choir in District of Klaten and Its Relevance to Character Education for Children
- Astuti, Binarti Dwi
- Symbolic Meaning of Tandang Mendet Dance in Ngayu-ayu Ceremony in Nusa Tenggara Barat
- Astuti, Binarti Dwi
- Cultural Study of Sugriwa Subali Relief as Identity of Kiskendo Cave in Kulon Progo
- Astuti, Kun Setyaning
- Efforts to Improve the Ability Technique Play Music Keroncong Uses the Drill Method in Extracurricular in SMAN 1 Pemalang
- Astuti, Ni Luh Putu Wiardani
- The Values of Taksu in Pendet Dance at Saraswati Balinese Dance Studio Yogyakarta
- Bambang, Girindraswari
- Effectiveness of the Application of Mind Maps in Learning Illustration in Elementary Schools
- Binarti Dwi, Pamadhi
- Cultural Study of Sugriwa Subali Relief as Identity of Kiskendo Cave in Kulon Progo
- Chong, Eddy K.M.
- Teaching and Learning Music through the Lens of Computational Thinking
- Cindy, Kuswarsantyo
- The Creation of Ceng-Ceng Krinceng Dance as Therapy of Wiraga, Wirasa, Wirama on Autistic Children with Kinesiology Approach
- Dedy, Retnowati.
- Study of the Value of Yogyakarta Batik Character and Its Implementation in Learning Batik in Vocational School
- Dewinta Widhi
- The Changing Motive and Function of Tapis Inuh in Lampung
- Dian Puji, Sunarya
- Traditional Batik as Education Media of 21st Century Art in Shaping Creativity
- El Riza, Sayuti
- Symbolical Meaning of Langen Puspitosari Dance in Building Students Character in Suryokencono Arts Association
- Enis Niken
- Nyadran Ceremony as an Introduction to Art in Kulonprogo Regency
- Erin Kartika, Sumaryadi
- The Social Ethics Values in Dancing Motions of Kejei Dance on Rejang Ethnic Marriage Tradition in Curup Rejang Lebong Bengkulu
- Faridah, Faridah
- The Meaning of Symbols and Moral Values in Equipment of Mappaccing Tradition of Bugis Race
- Faridah, Sutiyono
- The Meaning of Symbols and Moral Values in Equipment of Mappaccing Tradition of Bugis Race
- Fathurrahman, Fathurrahman
- Batik Tembe Renda: Straightening Out Misconception about Culture
- Fathurrahman, Sunarya
- Batik Tembe Renda: Straightening Out Misconception about Culture
- Fitrianto, Yunia
- Local Wisdom Values of Batik Semen Gede Sawat Gruda and its Relevance to Character Education
- Galuh Krispadmi Wahyu, Pamadhi
- The Opportunity Space in Kinanti Sekar Rahina’s Mitoni Dance: A Study of Sacrality Accyology in the Mitoni Ceremony
- Garbo, Anom
- Local Wisdom Values in Kawung Batik and Its Relevance to Moral Education
- Girindraswari, Nawung Asmoro
- Creative Network in Hand: Instagram’s role in building the Creative Industry Network for SMSR Students Yogyakarta
- Girindraswari, Nawung Asmoro
- Effectiveness of the Application of Mind Maps in Learning Illustration in Elementary Schools
- Handayani, Tity Sari
- Virtual Teacher Determinant on Special Needs Children Accomplishment in Learning Batik
- Handayani, Utami
- Learning of Hands Saperarian Motion with Demonstration Method to Class V SD Muhammadiyah 5 Palembang
- Hantari, Dewinta Widhi
- The Changing Motive and Function of Tapis Inuh in Lampung
- Hariana, Kadek
- Eco Art Education through the Indigenous Wisdom Concept of Tri Hita Karana
- Hendra, Pamadhi
- Museum as a Source of Learning Art Appreciation
- Hendri, Zulfi
- Revitalizing Reyog Kendang Tulungagung in the Globalization Age
- Herawati, Enis Niken
- Nyadran Ceremony as an Introduction to Art in Kulonprogo Regency
- Herdiyono, Nurasa Arief
- Developing Interactive Multimedia for Macramé Learning for Grade VIII Students of SMPN 1 Ngemplak
- Imanda, Anung Awalia Nur
- The Existence of Kuda Kepang Turonggo Lestari Mudo’s Art in Purbalingga Regency
- Jazuli, Jazuli
- Inheriting the Values of Mask Puppet Dance-Drama in Malang, Indonesia
- Kadek, Kasiyan
- Eco Art Education through the Indigenous Wisdom Concept of Tri Hita Karana
- Kasiyan, Kasiyan
- Eco Art Education through the Indigenous Wisdom Concept of Tri Hita Karana
- Kasiyan, Kasiyan
- The Values of Taksu in Pendet Dance at Saraswati Balinese Dance Studio Yogyakarta
- Kholif Luqman, Retnowati
- Learning Strategies of Ornamental Fine Arts with Manuscript Ilumination: Saintificial Correlation and Approach Study
- Kusnadi
- Experiential Learning and Differential Instructional in Dance Creation Learning for Teacher Education Students
- Kusnadi, Kusnadi
- Improving the Quality of Expression of Bedana Dance Movement through Musical Examination Exercise in SMP Students
- Kusnadi, Kusnadi
- The Functional Changes of Jepin Arts in Banjarnegara
- Kusnadi, Kusnadi
- The Opportunity Spaces in JamJaneng Cultures as the Basis of Creating Works do Janeng Mas Dance
- Kusnadi, Kusnadi
- Experiential Learning and Differential Instructional in Dance Creation Learning for Teacher Education Students
- Kusnanto, R Angga Bagus
- Femininity in Painting of Dyan Anggraini and its Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming
- Kuswarsantyo
- Educational Value Implementation of Yogyakarta Classic Dance Style: The Character for Children's Media for Facing the Globalization Challenge
- Kuswarsantyo, Kuswarsantyo
- The Creation of Ceng-Ceng Krinceng Dance as Therapy of Wiraga, Wirasa, Wirama on Autistic Children with Kinesiology Approach
- Kuswarsantyo, Kuswarsantyo
- The Existence of Kuda Kepang Turonggo Lestari Mudo’s Art in Purbalingga Regency
- Kuswarsantyo, Kuswarsantyo
- Existence of The Bungo Offering Dance in Welcoming Guests at Bungo Regency Jambi Province
- Kuswarsantyo, Kuswarsantyo
- Symbolic Meaning of Tandang Mendet Dance in Ngayu-ayu Ceremony in Nusa Tenggara Barat
- Kuswarsantyo, Kuswarsantyo
- The Dance of Condong Legong Keraton in Yogyakarta: Transfer the Character Education to Children
- Kuswarsantyo, Kuswarsantyo
- The Relevance of Kebagh Dance Moral Values in Improving Besemah Society Local Wisdom
- Kuswarsantyo, Kuswarsantyo
- Relevance of Character Education Values in Rampak Dance: The Work of Untung Muljono towards Character Development of Children Age 5-8 Years
- Kuswarsantyo, Kuswarsantyo
- Educational Value Implementation of Yogyakarta Classic Dance Style: The Character for Children's Media for Facing the Globalization Challenge
- Laente, Hendra
- Museum as a Source of Learning Art Appreciation
- Laente, Hendra
- Learning Strategies of Ornamental Fine Arts with Manuscript Ilumination: Saintificial Correlation and Approach Study
- M. Okta Dwi Sastra F.M., Sumaryadi
- On Kecimol and Nyongkolan’s Values Transformation
- Maharani, Ni Luh Enita
- The Dance of Condong Legong Keraton in Yogyakarta: Transfer the Character Education to Children
- Marijo, M. Okta Dwi Sastra F.M.
- On Kecimol and Nyongkolan’s Values Transformation
- Martono, Martono
- The Use of Media Audio Visual Learning Appreciation of Visual Art at Junior High School Class IX
- Martono, Martono
- Developing Interactive Multimedia for Macramé Learning for Grade VIII Students of SMPN 1 Ngemplak
- Maulana, Kholif Luqman
- Museum as a Source of Learning Art Appreciation
- Maulana, Kholif Luqman
- Learning Strategies of Ornamental Fine Arts with Manuscript Ilumination: Saintificial Correlation and Approach Study
- Mayang, Muharam Bunga
- The Influence of Yogyakarta Style Classical Dance Technique Mastery towards of Limpapeh Dance Learning Achievement on Semester V Educational Dance of Faculty of Languages and Arts Students
- Muharam Bunga, Sumaryadi
- The Influence of Yogyakarta Style Classical Dance Technique Mastery towards of Limpapeh Dance Learning Achievement on Semester V Educational Dance of Faculty of Languages and Arts Students
- Nareswari, Uli Rizky
- Jaranan Senterewe Turangga Wijaya in Sleman: A Study of Text and Context
- Nawatri, Yuni
- Relevance of Character Education Values in Rampak Dance: The Work of Untung Muljono towards Character Development of Children Age 5-8 Years
- Nawung Asmoro, Retnowati
- Creative Network in Hand: Instagram’s role in building the Creative Industry Network for SMSR Students Yogyakarta
- Ni Luh Enita, Kuswarsantyo
- The Dance of Condong Legong Keraton in Yogyakarta: Transfer the Character Education to Children
- Ni Luh Putu Wiardani, Kasiyan
- The Values of Taksu in Pendet Dance at Saraswati Balinese Dance Studio Yogyakarta
- Ni Nyoman, Wahyuni
- Reinterpretation of Traditional Dance through Contemporary Dance
- Nimas Ayu, Pamadhi
- Local Wisdom Values in Kawung Batik and Its Relevance to Moral Education
- Nurasa Arief, Martono
- Developing Interactive Multimedia for Macramé Learning for Grade VIII Students of SMPN 1 Ngemplak
- Nurbaiti
- Educational Values of the Character in Variety of Movement in “Klana Topeng Condroradono Dance”
- Nurbaiti, Nurbaiti
- Educational Values of the Character in Variety of Movement in “Klana Topeng Condroradono Dance”
- Nurnaningsih, Nurnaningsih
- Batik Tembe Renda: Straightening Out Misconception about Culture
- Nurul Ridha, Pamadhi
- An Axiological Study of Tumpal Batik Motif and Its Relevance to the Character Education
- Nurvita, Renowati
- The Influence of Dance Education Values "Nawung Sekar" to the Development of Emotions and Dance Learning Achievement of SLBN Pembina Yogyakarta
- Pamadhi, Hadjar
- Application of Design Method in Attempt to Improve Creativity in Drawing Learning for Students in Junior High School
- Pamadhi, Hadjar
- Museum as a Source of Learning Art Appreciation
- Pamadhi, Hadjar
- An Epistemological Study of Rejang Tribe’s Kejei Dance in Bengkulu Province
- Pamadhi, Hadjar
- Cultural Study of Sugriwa Subali Relief as Identity of Kiskendo Cave in Kulon Progo
- Pamadhi, Hadjar
- An Axiological Study of Tumpal Batik Motif and Its Relevance to the Character Education
- Pamadhi, Hadjar
- The Opportunity Space in Kinanti Sekar Rahina’s Mitoni Dance: A Study of Sacrality Accyology in the Mitoni Ceremony
- Pamadhi, Hajar
- Local Wisdom Values in Kawung Batik and Its Relevance to Moral Education
- Pasha, Rintik Fidya
- Efforts to Improve the Ability Technique Play Music Keroncong Uses the Drill Method in Extracurricular in SMAN 1 Pemalang
- Pham Tran Minh, Retnowati
- Developing a Learning Media of Múa Rối Nước as an Introduction of Vietnamese Culture for Art Extracurricular Teaching in a Yogyakarta State Primary School Indonesia
- Pramesti, Nimas Ayu
- Local Wisdom Values in Kawung Batik and Its Relevance to Moral Education
- Prihadi, Bambang
- Effectiveness of the Application of Mind Maps in Learning Illustration in Elementary Schools
- Pujiasih, Ani
- The Opportunity Spaces in JamJaneng Cultures as the Basis of Creating Works do Janeng Mas Dance
- Puput, Kuswarsantyo
- Existence of The Bungo Offering Dance in Welcoming Guests at Bungo Regency Jambi Province
- Puspaningrum, Sri Nugraheni
- The Functional Changes of Jepin Arts in Banjarnegara
- Putri, Wiharsih.
- Multimedia Feasibility of Kondan Dance Interactive Learning for Junior High School Students