Proceedings of the 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities, Economics and Social Sciences (BIS-HESS 2019)
257 articles
Proceedings Article
Conception of Religion Teacher in Bugis Makassar Cultural Context
Firdaus, Hardianto Rahman, Umar, Siar Ni’mah, Harmilawati
The importance of becoming a teacher in the Bugis Makassar community has increased from year to year. Teacher expectations are increasingly shifting from the ideal paradigm as educators to the pragmatic orientation of high salaries. The Bugis Makassar local culture value has a relation in the developing...
Proceedings Article
Integration Science Technology with Islamic Values: Empowering Education Model
Moch. Charis Hidayat, Sokhibul Arifin, Asrori, Rusman
This study sought to investigate and describe the dichotomous view of science and technology with the religious consequences of ambivalence in the Islamic education system. On one side considers the issue of Islamic educational institutions muamalah, not the main areas to be assessed; while on the other...
Proceedings Article
Strengthening Human Security Through Para Diplomacy in Indonesia
Fadhlan Nur Hakiem, Ida Susilowati
This research intended to explain how strengthening human security could be done by Para diplomacy which carried out by sub-state actors in Indonesia. Globalization is driving significant changes in international relations. The impact of these conditions is the increase in the importance of human security...
Proceedings Article
Banks Contribution to Promote Indonesian Financial Inclusion
Tri Handayani, Lastuti Abubakar
The Micro Small Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector in several other countries is considered to be able to overcome unemployment, supporting the community to be able to prioritize entrepreneurship in order to create a sustainable business and even better if from the development of MSME businesses also can...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Ministry of Health Care for Teens Program with Peer Counselors Teens and Proposed Posyandu
Ratna Yunita Setiyani Subardjo
Various adolescent behavioral symptoms have featured prominently in the community; some of these behaviors are even criminal. Not only teenagers, but children are also exposed and have become perpetrators of criminal acts. The community itself has been anxious facing these symptoms. So far the biggest...
Proceedings Article
Green Sukuk: Sustainable Financing Instruments for Infrastructure Development in Indonesia
Lastuti Abubakar, Tri Handayani
Sustainable development goals open opportunities for the issuance of Sukuk (Islamic securities) as an alternative to sustainable financing for infrastructure development in Indonesia. In line with the rise of public awareness of the concept of sustainable development, a new investor market has emerged....
Proceedings Article
Framework for Collaborative Governance of Sustainable Economic Development
Anwar Sadat
Collaborative Governance in sustainable economic development has close relationship with people participation and the government itself. The problem that occurs in this context is viewed from the concept of Collaborative Governance that is the lack of contextual system inspected from the changing conditions...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis of Object-Based and Pixel-Based Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images for Mapping Coral Reef Geomorphic Zones
Muhammad Lutfi Mahasinul Akhlaq, Gatot Winarso
Coral reefs ecosystem has great value in terms of economy, culture, and biology for the global society and is the most productive and diverse biological ecosystem in the world. Earth observation from space so called remote sensing technology by using high-resolution Satellite, offers powerful capabilities...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Religiosity and Social Influence on the Intention to Use Sharia Banks in Aceh Singkil Regency
Purwanto, Yeny Fitriyani, Titis Rosowulan, Saebani, Milna Wafirah, M Pudail
Sharia banks in Indonesia had experienced significant developments in recent years both in terms of quantity and assets. One of the ways undertaken by the Indonesian government in improving the development of Sharia Banks was by converting conventional banks into Sharia Commercial Banks. It has done...
Proceedings Article
Risk Management in the Local Government of Indonesia: Drivers, Conditions, and Strategies
Oktaviani Ari Wardhaningrum, Kartika
Risk management is an emerging issue in the Indonesia government. This study seeks to reveal why and how risk management applied in local government. A case study conducted at the Banyuwangi Regency Government, which was one of the initiators of risk management in Indonesia. In-depth interviews conducted...
Proceedings Article
Intersectionality of Gender and Religious Politics in the Humanitarian Discourse of Ayat-Ayat Cinta Film
Sulkhan Chakim, Nawawi, Uus Uswatussolikah, Moh Roqib
Tension can lead to violence, competition and even hostility taking place at the intersection of power relations in the domestic and public sphere into the practice of domination and subordination simultaneously. This paper questions the resistance of religious and political gender relations in the relationship...
Proceedings Article
Factors that Affect Job Satisfaction of Academic Employee
Karina Putri Alamanda, Desita Dyah Damayanti, Dewi Kamaratih, Aniq Hudiyah Bil Haq
Employee satisfaction was a major issue affected organizational goals through the performance and achievements of its employees. Job satisfaction also affects employee’s life satisfaction and vice versa. The purpose of this research was to find out the factors that influence job satisfaction and the...
Proceedings Article
Description of Psychological Well-Being of Working Student in Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur
Dewi Kamaratih, Sri Wahyuni Jamal
Individuals who work then continue their education in college not only workers who go to college to get a high position in the company but among them, some student work to finance their education. For some students, adjusting to campus life can cause unpleasant feelings. This situation can have an impact...
Proceedings Article
Beyond Excessive Risk-Taking Behavior in Village- Owned Enterprises
M Elfan Kaukab, Romandhon, Agus Putranto, Susanti
Without adequate capital to be a reserved fund for the failure of a business, a risk-taking entrepreneur might fall into bankruptcy and suffer trauma to restart the business. Unfortunately, literature sees that risk-taking behavior is a positive characteristic of an entrepreneur and makes it a linear...
Proceedings Article
Self-Defeating Work Behavior in Wood Industry: An Empirical Investigation
M Elfan Kaukab, M Trihudiyatmanto, Heri Purwanto, Bahtiar Efendi
Self-defeating work behavior will become more common if human resources exploitation continues. A good organization practice needs to be performed to avoid employees’ self-defeating work behavior. Our research is among the first to examine the organizational antecedents of self-defeating work behavior....
Proceedings Article
The Antecedents of Culture-Based Tourism Destination Sustainability in Indonesia
M Elfan Kaukab, Atinia Hidayah, Christina
Awareness of tourism destination sustainability is important to protect the destination from damage and overexploitation. Studies on tourism destination sustainability are still in the early stages. Scholars have just developed the indicators and instruments that will be used to measure the destination...
Proceedings Article
Why the Happiest Country in the World is Not a Muslim Country?
M Elfan Kaukab, Z Sukawi, Sri Haryanto
Religions, especially the Abrahamic that include Islam, claim that faith can bring happiness to mankind. However, Islamic countries are among the unhappiest countries on Earth. The purpose of this article is to examine the happiness determinant of Islamic society in Islamic countries based on Islamic...
Proceedings Article
Social Advance of Rural Society and the Role of Islamic Economy
M Elfan Kaukab, Nurul Mubin, Imam Ariono
The current economic system is counterproductive for human development because it encourages the lower-class society to be consumptive by buying more than what they can afford. This impacts on the long-term social-economic problems, especially for society in the rural areas that have been contaminated...
Proceedings Article
Intercultural Communication in Borobudur Homestay Village
Annis Azhar Suryaningtyas, Lintang Muliawanti
Borobudur is one of 10 new Bali programs. Therefore, it is probable that residents around the tourist sites in Borobudur have the opportunity to interact with foreign tourists. With differences in cultural and linguistic backgrounds, it certainly raises the dynamics of intercultural communication between...
Proceedings Article
Online-Based Transportation Business Competition Model of Gojek and Grab
Dyah Estu Kurniawati, Rizka Zahrotun Khoirina
The transportation technology revolution has changed the lifestyle and power relations in business competition. The competition is not only between traditional transportation modes and online transportation modes, but also between online transportation business actors themselves. This paper addressed...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Project-Based Learning Through Boyolali Local Wisdom as a Milk Town
Triyono, Imam Sujadi, Diari Indriati
Since 2013, learning has been required to prepare pupils in developing skills in XXI Century. Project Based Learning is one of learning method suggested by teachers. However, obstacles and weakness can still be found at the process. The obstacles found by teachers are used to determine basic questions....
Proceedings Article
Legal Protection of Customers in Credit Agreements with Collateral of Land Rights
D Andara, IK Dewi, FM Ramadhan, Hardin
Economic development as part of national development, is one of the efforts to create a just and prosperous people’s welfare based on the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of legal protection for customers in credit agreements...
Proceedings Article
Cooperative Tax: Regulation, Implementation, and Expectation of Legal Avoidance
Sugiyanto, Anggi Andriani Rahayu
Cooperatives as one of the economic actors in Indonesia with a total of around 154,000 units, as a business entity legally has the same obligations as other business entities such as tax payments. However, the contribution of cooperatives as taxpayers is still relatively limited. This condition is not...
Proceedings Article
Social Identity of Santri: A Case Study in Politics
Min Hajul Abidin, Mustadin
As the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, the Nahdlotul Ulama (NU) has members (santri) which have contributed to the development of Indonesia. Some of Santri either became politically active as a party member or involved a strategic nonpolitical position. The purpose of the study is to find...
Proceedings Article
Developing Positive Risk Management Culture in Public Sector: Case Study in Sunrise of Java
Resha Dwi Ayu Pangesti Mulyono, Sudarno, Nining Ika Wahyuni
The aim of this study is to develop positive risk culture in a specific Banyuwangi Government. The research results will be used to make recommendations on how to entrench risk culture so that it forms part of the organization’s daily activities at all levels of operations. Building Risk Management Culture...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Ritual Activities and Tendency to Depression in Elderly
Diah Septiani, Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih, Retna Tri Astuti
Depression is a common problem in elderly and recognized as a life-threatening mental health problem in Indonesia. The initial study at Gelangan Village, Magelang city exposed the depression is currently being a concern in elderly population. Even though a number of depression studies were undertaken,...
Proceedings Article
Supplying 2C (Critical and Creative Thinking) Basic Concept as an Effort to Build the Ventures of Vocational School Students in Product Design
Asep Sufyan Muhakik Atamtajani, Sheila Andita Putri
Vocational education is part of the education system that prepares a person to be more able to work in one occupational group or one occupation than other fields of work. Vocational High School (SMK) is one of the educational unit level institutions that has the role of creating quality and competent...
Proceedings Article
Developing Bamboo Fraction Media for Teaching Fractions in Elementary School Level
Tria Mardiana, Ari Suryawan, Ismah, Rahmita Nurul Muthmainah, Nurbaity Widyasari
Development of appropriate media for students in understanding the basic concepts of fractions is needed. This study aims to generate mathematical learning media in the form of Bamboo Fraction on the material fractions to elementary school students. Method development in this research using the 4D model,...
Proceedings Article
Capturing Multiple Intelligences Profiles of Muhammadiyah Junior High School Students
Iswan, Herwina Bahar, Misriandi, Agrissto Bintang Aji Pradana
Multiple Intelligence Theory has been integrated in educational settings, including in ELT classrooms. Some scholars attempt to find the impacts of this theory. However, as a basic data in applying this theory, profiles of MI is required. This study is an attempt to describe students’ MI profiles. It...
Proceedings Article
Improving Number Ability Through Demonstration Method in Children Aged 4–5 Years
Munifah Bahfen, Khaerunnisa, Muhamad Sofian Hadi, Lilis Madyawati, Reza Edwin Sulistyaningtyas
This study aims to improve numerical abilities through demonstration methods at 4–5 years of age. This type of research is Classroom Action Research conducted in 2 cycles. The subjects of this study were 13 children consisting of 7 boys and 6 girls. Research data on cognitive development in recognizing...
Proceedings Article
The Parents’ Parenting Patterns Who Work in Borobudur Temple Area with Development of Student Characters in Elementary Schools
Imam Mujtaba, Ahmad Susanto, Dewi Lianasari, Arif Wiyat Purnanto, Puji Rahmawati
This study aims to identify and analyze the parenting of parents who work in the Borobudur Temple Area on the character development of elementary school students, especially in Ringin Putih Elementary School 01 Borobudur. This type of research is a qualitative study with research subjects of parents...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Growth Asset, and Earning Per Share on Dividend Per Share (Empirical Study on Property, Real Estate and Building Construction Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014–2018)
Syamsul Bahari Bahar, Rudi Abdullah, Hardin
This study aims to find out 1). To analyze the effect of the current ratio on dividends per share. 2). To analyze the effect of debt to equity ratio on dividend per share. 3). To analyze the effect of growth assets on dividends per share. 4). To analyze the effect of earnings per share on dividends per...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Law Discourse Through Van Dijk Model Approach
Muhammad Syukri, Muh. Azhar Nur, Karina Alifiana Karunia
This paper present analysis of law discourse relates to the study of language or language usage. The analysis approach that is used in this research is a critical model of discourse analysis as known as Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is seen in the use of speech and writing as social practice. The...
Proceedings Article
Symbol Meaning and Dialectic Perspectives on Social Media
Rofiq Nurhadi, Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri
In a political issue, some communities play a role and perform behind the chair. They usually have a different stance. In Indonesia, before and after a general election; president, governor, district, and sub-district election, it is involving the people, actually, become both a user and victim of a...
Proceedings Article
The Limit of Legal Subject of Criminal Act of Corruption
Basri, Budiharto, Yulia Kurniaty
The objective of this study is to explain the limit of legal subject of corruption. So far, it has been understood only in terms of people and corporations. However, this definition needs to be clarified. The question of what the definitions of people and corporations are is answered by conducting a...
Proceedings Article
Criminological Juridical Study on Narcotics Abuse
Heni Hendrawati, Johny Krisnan
The objective of the research is to identify the causal factors of drug abuse and the preventive effort done by the police. The research was done by analyzing the laws about drugs and by interviewing police officers in Magelang Police Resort. The result showed that in 2019, there was an increase of drug...
Proceedings Article
Multicultural and Citizenship: Reconstruction of Indonesia Islamic Thought
Muhammad Fazlurrahman Hadi, Muhammad Arfan Mu’ammar
Multiculturalism and Citizenship are two discourses that are still interesting to study, efforts are needed that minimize and open new insights about multiculturalism and Citizenship. The main cause involves religious emotions, called religious commitment and religious claims which enable a person to...
Proceedings Article
Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir as a model of Colportage that Improves the Prosperity of the Community Based on Religious Literacy
Naqiyah, Adul Wachid Bambang Suharto, Supriyanto
Taman Baca (colportage) in Indonesia, are institutions designed to enhance the reading tradition for Indonesians. According to The Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), the reading enthusiasm of Indonesian is ranked the second lowest of the 61 countries studied in 2016. Recently, there have been...
Proceedings Article
The Meaning of Truant Behavior for Junior and Senior High School Students in Indonesia
Siti Atiyyatul Fahiroh
Truant behavior has become a national concern that requires attention. In general, truant behavior is often explored mainly from the perspective of parents, teachers, and society who views students as being at fault. Very few have observed this phenomenon from the students’ perspective. This study aimed...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Baron Tourism Areas on Local Economic Development and Changes in Land Use in Gunungkidul Regency
Ratika Tulus Wahyuhana, Annisa Mu’awanah Sukmawati, Lilla Fitri Annisa, Ihza Iskandar Yusuf
Baron area is a tourism superior area in Gunungkidul. Based on the Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPPDA) of Gunungkidul Regency, the Baron Region is an integrated area with functions in the education and tourism sector. The supported by the existence of the Baron Coast area as marine tourism and Baron...
Proceedings Article
Legal Protection for Children with Disabilities as a Victim of Sexual Violence
Satria Unggul Wicaksana Prakasa, Aulia Septias
There is a legal fact that children with disabilities have the highest level of vulnerability to violence, especially sexual violence, in Indonesia it is increasing every year. Indonesia as a legal state that has the obligation to protect, respect and fulfill the rights of children with disabilities....
Proceedings Article
Regional Cooperation in East Java Province, Indonesia: Selfishness and Necessity
Ardhana Januar Mahardhani, Sri Suwitri, Soesilo Zauhar, Hartuti Purnaweni
Regional cooperation among local government is a must for the efficient management of public administration. The state has been implementing regulations on such cooperation. However, there are regions which reluctant to cooperate, especially with the adjacent areas. This method used is the study of literature,...
Proceedings Article
Causation in Environmental Offense
Mahrus Ali
This study is aimed at analyzing the inadequacy of theories on causality in criminal law to be applied to the offenses of environmental damage/pollution, and ideas about its use in relation to characteristic of environmental offense. This study belongs to normative legal research using the statutory,...
Proceedings Article
Mother–Grandmother Co-Parenting in Multigenerational Urban Family in Indonesia
Dewi Ilma Antawati
Multi-generational families are common in Indonesia, but research in this context is still very rare. This study is conducted to understand how grandparents and parents in the context of multi-generational families jointly carry out childcare using a qualitative case study approach. In-depth interviews...
Proceedings Article
Habitus in the Salt Productions Based People (Study About Mantongan: The Salt Production Workers in Surabaya)
Moch. Imron Rosyidi, Ani Dwi Wimatsari
The production of salt-based people still supports most of the national salt needs today, but one of the salt production centers whose existence is threatened is the salt production in Surabaya. The salt production in Surabaya relies on mantongan salt production workers from Madura as the spearhead production....
Proceedings Article
Sharia Retail Competitiveness and Consumers’ Behavior: Should Sharia Retail Capitalize Islam?
M. Elfan Kaukab, Aksamawanti, Machfudz
This research aims to formulate the sharia retail marketing framework, focusing on minimarkets and supermarkets capitalizing Islam to sustainably compete with conventional retail. To reach the goal, literary reviews on neuromarketing and the Islamic perspective of consumerism were carried out. After...
Proceedings Article
Religious-Socialistic Analysis of Land Ownership in Muslim Countries
Ridwan, Muhammad Fuad Zain
This paper aims to analyze the system of land ownership in Muslim countries with socialism-religious theory, based on ethics, morals, justice, and divinity. The data of this article refers to the sources of classical Islamic literature as a basic concept of land ownership in Islam and the practice of...
Proceedings Article
The Mediating Effect of Intrapreneurship on Concept of Employee Performance
Laili Qomariyah, Aning Az Zahra
Intrapreneurship is the important variable in shaping employee performance better. This study aims to investigate the effect of intrapreneurship as a mediator for job satisfaction and gender on employee performance. The study was conducted using a quantitative approach with a survey method by filled...
Proceedings Article
Can Political Information Media Exposure Affect Young People to Participate?
Muhammad Wahyu Kuncoro, Koentjoro, Arie Sujito
In a democratic country, participation in general elections can be interpreted as a form of citizens’ responsibility towards sustainability for their country. In general, this study examines the effect of political information exposure from media on political participation of young people in the Indonesian...
Proceedings Article
School-Based Prevention Child Sexual Abuse Program for School Age Children at Surabaya Indonesia
Fety Khosianah
According to recent Indonesian statistics based on report from Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of Indonesia at Juli 2019, there are increasing cases of child sexual abuse are reported. A lot children are becoming a victims of child sexual abuse. Experiencing child sexual abuse is...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of REBT Group on Developing the Meaningfulness of Self Life
Muhammad Japar, Purwati, Dewi Lianasari, Ari Suryawan
This research aims to examine the effect of religious music-based group counseling to develop the meaningfulness of teenagers’ life. The single-subject design was used to obtain data from 40 teenagers, divided into four groups. Furthermore, a religious music-based Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Audio-Visual Learning Media in Elementary School
Azmi Al Bahij, Khaerunisa, Munifah Bahfen, Ari Suryawan
This study aims to describe the use of audio-visual learning media in the teaching and learning process in the low class at Elementary School students related to the use of audio-visual media in the classroom, the responses and results of the varied and unique learning processes. This approach uses a...
Proceedings Article
The Importance of User Experience Analysis in the Design of an Education Information System Application
Dizyi Orlando Putra, Agus Setiawan
One of the main factors in developing a website is the ease of use in carrying out the purpose of the website. Without proper design analysis, of course, website utilization cannot be optimized. Often websites that are used by users are considered to be very complicated and not user friendly so that...
Proceedings Article
The Evaluation of Narcotic and Psychotropic Reporting Systems (SIPNAP)
Diah Kartika Putri, Prasojo Pribadi, Agus Setiawan
SIPNAP is a system used to report the use of narcotics and psychotropic drugs in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the level of usability in the narcotics and psychotropic reporting system (SIPNAP). This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a purposive sampling approach and with Cross-Sectional...
Proceedings Article
The Massive Development of Web-Based Office Applications
Esa Hanis Lam’an, Agus Setiawan
The development of information and communication technology is no longer unstoppable because of the demands it demands. The use of information and communication technology goes into all fields of service and goods industries. The internet has become a trigger of developments in information and communication...
Proceedings Article
Web-Based Monitoring Information System for Scholarship Holder
Dian Prijayanti, Emilya Ully Artha, Endah Ratna Arumi
Scholarship monitoring is one of the efforts made by institutions to monitor whether the student contribute to the institution or not. Monitoring also aims to increase the capacity of its human resources through education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang is one of institution do this kind of monitoring....
Proceedings Article
Applying Heuristic Evaluation for Evaluate and Gain Perspective of Online Transportation: A Case Study
Pristi Sukmasetya, Muhammad Kholid Shalahuddin
E-transportation gave rise to a business and is currently developing, namely the business of transportation. In Indonesia the use of online transportation such as Go-Jek has been done a lot. The user interface or application display will more or less influence the user in using the application. This...