Proceedings of the Conference on Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2021 (BEST 2021)
289 authors
- Jakfar, Sayid
- Comprehensive Analysis of Safety Risk Assessment HRSG: PT. “X” Indonesia with the Combination Method of HAZOP, LOPA and SIL
- Juhardi, Muhammad Agung
- Simulation of X-Ray Plane Using Visual Basic Applications
- Kalijaga, M. Alfatah
- Risk Mitigation Design as a Proposed Improvement of Blood Supply Chain During the Covid-19 Pandemic Using House of Risk and System Dynamic
- Kansil, Laurenzo
- Impact of Traffic and Customer Switching Behavior of Hinterland Region on the Patimban Port Development
- Kasyifaturrahmah
- The Roles of Nutritional Knowledge on Culinary Students in Pandemic Covid-19
- Kevin
- A Comparison of Two Different Tuning Methods of PID Controller for Evaluation of the Dynamics Performance Deodorizing Column of the Crude Palm Oil
- Khahro, Shabir Hussain
- Challenges Faced in Managing Covid-19 Pandemic Case Study: Malaysia
- Kholil, Ahamd
- Effect of Particle Size on Tensile Strength Characteristics of Recycled HDPE Plastic
- Kridoyono, Agung
- A Perspective to Combat Covid-19 Disease: Manufacturing and Formulating Inhalable Pharmaceuticals
- Kulsum
- Bibliometric Analysis of University Timetabling Using Publish and Perish
- Kumala, Retno
- Ternary Liquid Equilibrium for Eugenol + Tert-Butanol + Water and Eugenol + 1-Octanol + Water System At 303.15 K and Atmospheric Pressure
- Kurdi, Ojo
- Static Linear Stress Analysis of Road Bike Frame Design Using Finite Element Method
- Kurniawan, Bobby
- Bibliometric Analysis of University Timetabling Using Publish and Perish
- Kurniawan, Teguh
- The Effect of Air Flow Rate on Oxygen Purity Level in Pressure Swing Adsorption Equipment with Zeolite 13x and Natural Zeolite Bayah
- Kurniawansyah, Amilia Firman
- A Perspective to Combat Covid-19 Disease: Manufacturing and Formulating Inhalable Pharmaceuticals
- Kustiningsih, Indar
- Comprehensive Analysis of Safety Risk Assessment HRSG: PT. “X” Indonesia with the Combination Method of HAZOP, LOPA and SIL
- Kusuma, Rama Indera
- Utilization of Eco-friendly Bamboo Leaf Waste as Subgrade Stabilizer
- Kuswandi
- Ternary Liquid Equilibrium for Eugenol + Tert-Butanol + Water and Eugenol + 1-Octanol + Water System At 303.15 K and Atmospheric Pressure
- Lamarque, F
- The Finite Element Modelling of a Rectangular Slab Lying on Multilayer Elastic Soil
- Latib, Siti Kursiah Kamalia Abdul
- The Readiness Level of Sarawak Disaster Management Agencies (SDMAS) in Managing Disaster in the Advent of Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0)
- Lestari, R Y
- Physical Properties Evaluation of Calcium Silicate Cement Board Based on Indonesia Local Kaolin
- Listijorini, Erny
- Preliminary Study of Door Opener Design in Automatic as a Prevention Means Spread of Coronavirus Diseases
- Listijoriny, Erny
- Door Handle Opener Controller Based on Arduino to Prevent Transmission of the Covid-19 Virus in Public Spaces
- Lusiani
- Comparative Study of Damper Effects of Steering Tail Fin Shapes: Part II
- Lusiani, Rina
- The Effect of Air Flow Rate on Oxygen Purity Level in Pressure Swing Adsorption Equipment with Zeolite 13x and Natural Zeolite Bayah
- Lusiani, Rina
- Door Handle Opener Controller Based on Arduino to Prevent Transmission of the Covid-19 Virus in Public Spaces
- Mahardika, Reza
- A Heat Control Mechanism on the Extruder System of the Chocolate 3D Printer Machine
- Mahdiyah
- The Roles of Nutritional Knowledge on Culinary Students in Pandemic Covid-19
- Mahmud, Nur Putri Najwa
- The Readiness Level of Sarawak Disaster Management Agencies (SDMAS) in Managing Disaster in the Advent of Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0)
- Maknun, Lu’Luil
- Analysis User Bus Rapid Transit (Brt) Transportation in Corridor IV as a Solution to Reduce Traffic Congestion in the Sangego, Tangerang City
- Maryam, Eryani Siti
- Utilization of Eco-friendly Bamboo Leaf Waste as Subgrade Stabilizer
- Mina, Enden
- Utilization of Eco-friendly Bamboo Leaf Waste as Subgrade Stabilizer
- Mualim, Annasit
- Pinch Based Approach Graphical Targeting for Multi Period of Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization
- Mualim, Annasit
- A Comparison of Two Different Tuning Methods of PID Controller for Evaluation of the Dynamics Performance Deodorizing Column of the Crude Palm Oil
- Muharni, Yusraini
- Development of Water Tap Control Systems and PDAM Cost Monitoring Based on IoT
- Muharni, Yusraini
- House of Risk (HoR) Analysis Application for Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) in Micro Small and Medium – Sized Enterprises (MSMSs)
- Muharni, Yusraini
- Bibliometric Analysis of University Timetabling Using Publish and Perish
- Mukhlishien
- Data Analysis for Hyaluronic Acid Production Using Principal Component Analysis
- Musthofa, Muhammad
- A Heat Control Mechanism on the Extruder System of the Chocolate 3D Printer Machine
- Muttaqin, P S
- Design of Vendor Selection System Using FAHP and FTOPSIS in Engineering-To-Order Manufacturing Industry
- Muttaqin, Prafajar Suksessannp
- Optimization of Heavy Equipment Costs in Coal Mining Overburden Production Using Match Factor and Linear Programming
- Nazir, Umber
- The Readiness Level of Sarawak Disaster Management Agencies (SDMAS) in Managing Disaster in the Advent of Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0)
- Noche, Bernd
- A Sustainable Simulation Model Based on the Indonesia Sea Toll way
- Noche, Bernd
- The Pathway to Decarbonization: Flettner Rotor Application in Maritime Logistics
- Novitasari, Nia
- Feasibility Analysis of Financial Aspect in Determining Optimal Last Mile Warehouse Location Using P-Median Method
- Nugraheni, Murien
- A Case-Based Reasoning for Detection Coronavirus (Covid-19) Using Cosine Similarity
- Nurdin, Rafiq Aly
- A Heat Control Mechanism on the Extruder System of the Chocolate 3D Printer Machine
- Nurhaliza
- Design of Carbon Monoxide (Co) Pollutant Gas Detection and Monitoring System Using Mobile Detection Model Based on Internet of Things (IoT)
- Nurhidayati
- Physical Properties Evaluation of Calcium Silicate Cement Board Based on Indonesia Local Kaolin
- Nurmilatina, N
- Physical Properties Evaluation of Calcium Silicate Cement Board Based on Indonesia Local Kaolin
- Osman, Gunawan
- Simulation of X-Ray Plane Using Visual Basic Applications
- Osman, Gunawan
- Analysis of Lte 900 Implementation to Increase Coverage and Capacity of 4g Lte Network On Telkomsel Provider
- Otong, M.
- Initial Planning and Estimation of 2.4 Kw Solar Power Plant Using PVsyst Software in Faculty of Engineering, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University – Cilegon Banten Province
- Ovchinnikov, D.E
- Electronically Controlled Plasma Power Devices for Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Electric Energy Technologies
- Pangestu, Y I
- Implementation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in the Sand Mine Project
- Patrick, Johan
- Analysis of Student Satisfaction Using Online Video Conference Application Based on Usability Criteria
- Pinem, Mekro Permana
- The Effect of Air Flow Rate on Oxygen Purity Level in Pressure Swing Adsorption Equipment with Zeolite 13x and Natural Zeolite Bayah
- Prabawa, I D G P
- Physical Properties Evaluation of Calcium Silicate Cement Board Based on Indonesia Local Kaolin
- Pradana, Muhammad Fakhruriza
- A Sustainable Simulation Model Based on the Indonesia Sea Toll way
- Pradana, Muhammad Fakhruriza
- The Pathway to Decarbonization: Flettner Rotor Application in Maritime Logistics
- Pramudyo, AS
- Development of Water Tap Control Systems and PDAM Cost Monitoring Based on IoT
- Prasetyo, Andik Bagus
- Identification of Critical Point in the Design of Halal Logistics System for Granular Organic Fertilizer
- Priambodo, Bintang
- Preliminary Study of Door Opener Design in Automatic as a Prevention Means Spread of Coronavirus Diseases
- Putra, Bagas Swardhana
- Measuring Performance of Halal Supply Chain Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) 12.0 Approach: A Case Study
- Putri
- The Roles of Nutritional Knowledge on Culinary Students in Pandemic Covid-19
- Qurtubi
- Identification of Critical Point in the Design of Halal Logistics System for Granular Organic Fertilizer
- Qurtubi
- Measuring Performance of Halal Supply Chain Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) 12.0 Approach: A Case Study
- Radenko, A.V
- Electronically Controlled Plasma Power Devices for Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Electric Energy Technologies
- Radenko, V.V
- Electronically Controlled Plasma Power Devices for Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Electric Energy Technologies
- Rahman, F A
- 3D Model of Pavement Distress Based on Road Gradient Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Rahmayanti, Henita
- Analysis User Bus Rapid Transit (Brt) Transportation in Corridor IV as a Solution to Reduce Traffic Congestion in the Sangego, Tangerang City
- Rahmi, Dwinna
- Physical and Mechanical Properties of Antimicrobial Film Form Lemongrass Oil Incorporated with Chitosan/Ascorbic Acid
- Ramdani, M A
- Implementation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in the Sand Mine Project
- Rengga, Wara Dyah Pita
- Calcined Kiln Analysis and Proximate Simulation of High-Quality Coke Products Using Aspen Plus
- Ridwan
- Design of Carbon Monoxide (Co) Pollutant Gas Detection and Monitoring System Using Mobile Detection Model Based on Internet of Things (IoT)
- Ridwan, A Y
- Design of Vendor Selection System Using FAHP and FTOPSIS in Engineering-To-Order Manufacturing Industry
- Ridwan, Ari Yanuar
- Optimization of Heavy Equipment Costs in Coal Mining Overburden Production Using Match Factor and Linear Programming
- Ridwan, Ari Yanuar
- Feasibility Analysis of Financial Aspect in Determining Optimal Last Mile Warehouse Location Using P-Median Method
- Ridwan, Asep
- House of Risk (HoR) Analysis Application for Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) in Micro Small and Medium – Sized Enterprises (MSMSs)
- Ridwan, Asep
- Trailer Vendor Selection with Fuzzy-Quality Function Deployment (Fuzzy-QFD) Approach and Goal Programming (Case Study: Krakatau Argo Logistics Inc.)
- Rif’an, M.
- IoT Based Smart Energy Meter Using Modbus Protocol as Electricity Saving Effort
- Rismawan, A B
- Comparative Study of Damper Effects of Steering Tail Fin Shapes: Part II
- Riza, Medyan
- Data Analysis for Hyaluronic Acid Production Using Principal Component Analysis
- Rizqi, Muhammad
- The Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Fluidized Bed Spray Dryer with a Vortex Generator 30° toward the Y Axis
- Rochendi, Agus Dendi
- 1 X 1000 Kva Transformator Measurement Analysis Using Vector Group Dyn-11 and Off Load Tap Changer
- Rochendi, Agus Dendi
- Simulation of X-Ray Plane Using Visual Basic Applications
- Rochendi, Agus Dendi
- Analysis of Lte 900 Implementation to Increase Coverage and Capacity of 4g Lte Network On Telkomsel Provider
- Rochman, Yuli Agusti
- Lean Implementation Framework for Small and Medium Enterprises Based on Sciencedirect Database: A Systematic Literature Review
- Rosadi, Imron
- Initial Planning and Estimation of 2.4 Kw Solar Power Plant Using PVsyst Software in Faculty of Engineering, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University – Cilegon Banten Province
- Rosdiyani, Telly
- Optimization of Parking Areas at the Bintaro Market–Bekasi City
- Rosyadi, Imron
- The Effect of Air Flow Rate on Oxygen Purity Level in Pressure Swing Adsorption Equipment with Zeolite 13x and Natural Zeolite Bayah
- Rosyadi, Imron
- A Study on the Design of Vaccine Cooling Boxes for Remote and Border Areas
- Rudyah, Fildzah
- The Roles of Nutritional Knowledge on Culinary Students in Pandemic Covid-19
- S, Iwan
- Effect of Particle Size on Tensile Strength Characteristics of Recycled HDPE Plastic
- Sabah, Benzeghda
- A Comparative Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Based on Inalas /Ingaas
- Safira, Immanuella Juan
- Calcined Kiln Analysis and Proximate Simulation of High-Quality Coke Products Using Aspen Plus
- Safitri, Atika
- Calcined Kiln Analysis and Proximate Simulation of High-Quality Coke Products Using Aspen Plus
- Sahara, Siti
- Analysis of Factors Causing Delay in Unloading Imported Goods
- Sakti, Ibnuh
- Design of Carbon Monoxide (Co) Pollutant Gas Detection and Monitoring System Using Mobile Detection Model Based on Internet of Things (IoT)
- Salman, Nidya Jullanar
- The Effect of Air Flow Rate on Oxygen Purity Level in Pressure Swing Adsorption Equipment with Zeolite 13x and Natural Zeolite Bayah