Proceedings of 1st Annual International Conference: A transformative Education: Foundation & Innovation in Guidance and Counseling (AICGC 2022)
55 authors
- Ahdar, Ahdar
- Moodle: A Research and Development of E-Learning Media During Pandemic Covid 19
- Andini, Ade Yullya
- Academic Procrastination of Students in Online Learning
- Ariantini, Nisa
- Student’s Social Identity the Tidung Tribe’s Philosophy of Life
- Arsyad, Muhammad
- Analytical Study on Self-verification in Career Decision Making in Class XII Students at SMK Negeri 4 Banjarmasin
- Aryani, Eka
- Development of Angry Meter Digital Comics as Group Guidance Media to Improve Students’ Angry Management
- Aryani, Eka
- Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
- Aryani, Eka
- Design of Social Anxiety Measurement Tools for User of Social Media
- Astuti, Budi
- Development of Angry Meter Digital Comics as Group Guidance Media to Improve Students’ Angry Management
- Azhar, Muhammad
- Components of Spirituality for Clients in the Drugs Rehabilitation Process
- Azizah, Nur
- Components of Spirituality for Clients in the Drugs Rehabilitation Process
- Bahtiar, Ahmad Zuhudy
- Moodle: A Research and Development of E-Learning Media During Pandemic Covid 19
- Cahyono, Tri
- Student’s Social Identity the Tidung Tribe’s Philosophy of Life
- Fajria, Aulia Rachma
- Development of Reality Therapy E-Module to Improve Understanding of Reality Therapy for Guidance and Counseling Teachers
- Farozin, Muhammad
- Electronic Book About Information of Higher Education for Career Guidance Services in Senior High School: Is It Practically?
- Hadi, Abdul
- Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
- Izzaty, Rita Eka
- Design of Social Anxiety Measurement Tools for User of Social Media
- Karina, F. S. Beby
- Factors Affecting Loyalty in the Insurance Sector
- Khilmiyah, Akif
- Components of Spirituality for Clients in the Drugs Rehabilitation Process
- Kuncoro, M. Wahyu
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kurniawan, Luky
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kurniawan, Luky
- Academic Procrastination of Students in Online Learning
- Kurniawan, Luky
- Student Perceived Teaching Style Analysis
- Kusumawati
- Identifying the Learning Style to Investigate Senior High School Students’ Learning Loss Tarakan
- Laras, Palasara Brahmani
- Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
- Lubis, Arlina Nurbaity
- Factors Affecting Loyalty in the Insurance Sector
- Muliati Abdullah, Sri
- Peer-Review Statements
- Mu’alima, Kunti
- Student Perceived Teaching Style Analysis
- Ningsih, Ruly
- Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
- Ningsih, Ruly
- Development and Early Validation Friendship Identity Process Questionnaire (FIPQ)
- Noor Edwina DS., Triana
- Peer-Review Statements
- Nurbaiti, Anifa Tuzzuhroh
- Development of Angry Meter Digital Comics as Group Guidance Media to Improve Students’ Angry Management
- Nurbaiti, Anifa Tuzzuhroh
- Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
- Puryanti, Lina Dwi
- Electronic Book About Information of Higher Education for Career Guidance Services in Senior High School: Is It Practically?
- Putri, Rahmatika Nur Aisyah Windra
- The Importance of Shaping to Student Regulation Learning
- Rahmadani, Cut Munika Bastia
- The Profile of Online Mental Health’s Community Founders in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study
- Rahmi, Siti
- Identifying the Learning Style to Investigate Senior High School Students’ Learning Loss Tarakan
- Rini, Endang Sulistya
- Factors Affecting Loyalty in the Insurance Sector
- Sanyata, Sigit
- Development and Early Validation Friendship Identity Process Questionnaire (FIPQ)
- Sanyata, Sigit
- The Importance of Shaping to Student Regulation Learning
- Saputri, Nur Sholehah Dian
- Self-regulation and Resilience in Adolescents in Divorced Families
- Saputri, Nur Sholehah Dian
- Design of Social Anxiety Measurement Tools for User of Social Media
- Sari, Nina Permata
- Analytical Study on Self-verification in Career Decision Making in Class XII Students at SMK Negeri 4 Banjarmasin
- Savitri, Adienia Ayu
- Analytical Study on Self-verification in Career Decision Making in Class XII Students at SMK Negeri 4 Banjarmasin
- Setiawan, Antonius Ian Bayu
- Paper the Development of the Short Film “Gerak Bersama” for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in High School Students
- Sitepu, Rakesh
- Factors Affecting Loyalty in the Insurance Sector
- Sovayunanto, Riski
- Identifying the Learning Style to Investigate Senior High School Students’ Learning Loss Tarakan
- Sutanti, Natri
- The Profile of Online Mental Health’s Community Founders in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study
- Suwarjo
- Paper the Development of the Short Film “Gerak Bersama” for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in High School Students
- Suwarjo, Suwarjo
- Development of Academic Procrastination Scale for Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta
- Suwarjo, Suwarjo
- Development and Early Validation Friendship Identity Process Questionnaire (FIPQ)
- Suwarjo, Suwarjo
- The Profile of Online Mental Health’s Community Founders in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study
- Suwarjo, Suwarjo
- Development of Reality Therapy E-Module to Improve Understanding of Reality Therapy for Guidance and Counseling Teachers
- Wardah, Rahmah
- Development of Academic Procrastination Scale for Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Yogyakarta
- Widyana, Rahma
- The Correlation Between Stress and Emotional Eating Tendency in Final Students University During Thesis Writing
- Wulandari, Cahyanie
- The Correlation Between Stress and Emotional Eating Tendency in Final Students University During Thesis Writing