Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018)

371 authors
Siregar, Ridha
The Role of Good Government Governance Principles in Enhancing the Performance of Public Organization in Aceh, Indonesia
Sitompul, Zulkarnain
Profession Role as Reporting Parties in Preventing and Eradicating Money Laundering Crimes
Sjafii, Achmad
Phenomenon of Civil Servant Investigator Position (PPNS)
Soeparno, Wahyu Sugeng Imam
The Relevance of the Fair Value of Securities Investment in Predicting the Income and Stock Prices of the Banking Industry in Indonesia
Sofyan, Hizir
Role of Memorability Phase Strategy as a Mediating Variable in Forming Loyalty of Tourists in Aceh
Soufyan, Dara Angreka
Human Capital in Teuku Umar University, Indonesia
Sudiro, Achmad
Is Product Innovation always Beneficial for Small and Medium Enterprises?
Is Product Innovation always Beneficial for Small and Medium Enterprises?
Sugianto, Sugianto
An Inherent Ambiguity of CSR Disclosure Concept: Evidence from IPO Prospectuses of Indonesian Listed Companies
Suharyono, Suharyono
Perceived Sustainability and its Influence on Tourist Trust
Sukarman, Sukarman
Planning of Malay Cultural Development Center in Bengkalis Regency
Sulaiman, Angga
The Declining Pancasila Industrial Relations and the Increasing Industrial Conflicts: Research Findings from Karawang- Indonesia
Sulaiman, Daniel
The Knowledge Levels of International Business and Economics’ Students on the Conventional and Sharia Cooperatives: The Case of Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Sulaiman, Sulaiman
The Role of Good Government Governance Principles in Enhancing the Performance of Public Organization in Aceh, Indonesia
Sulaksono, Tunjung
Political Kinship Networking in Bantanese Local Election
Suliyanto, Suliyanto
The Moderating Role of Dynamic Marketing Engagement in Marketing Function for SMEs Business Performance
Sumartias, Suwandi
Social Media as an Aceh Tourism Promotions Tool by Department of Aceh Culture and Tourism
Sunarti, Sunarti
Perceived Sustainability and its Influence on Tourist Trust
Supriadi, Supriadi
The Moderating Role of Dynamic Marketing Engagement in Marketing Function for SMEs Business Performance
Suranto, Suranto
Political Kinship Networking in Bantanese Local Election
Suratna, Suratna
The Role of Satisfaction as Mediation Influence Relational Benefits against Bank Customer Commitment: Survey on Institutional Customers
Suriani, Suriani
Can Sukuk Support Sustainable Development through Monetary Policy Transmission?
Suroso, Agus
The Moderating Role of Dynamic Marketing Engagement in Marketing Function for SMEs Business Performance
Suryani, Ade Irma
The Effect of Work Family Conflict on the Job Satisfaction Moderated by Chronic Regulatory Focus
Suryani, Irma
How Intrinsic Motivation and Innovative Work Behavior Affect Job Performance
Susanta, Susanta
The Role of Satisfaction as Mediation Influence Relational Benefits against Bank Customer Commitment: Survey on Institutional Customers
Syahbandir, Mahdi
A Political Dynasty in Nagan Raya District
Syahnur, Sofyan
Factors Influencing Asset Revaluation by Indonesian Listed Companies in IFRSs Implementation
Syahnur, Sofyan
Carbon–Methane Emissions and Sustainability of Agriculture: Empirical Evidence of Rice Cultivation
Syahnur, Sofyan
Dynamic Causal Relationship between Government Expenditures and Revenues in Indonesia
Syahnur, Sofyan
Sukuk and Endogenous Growth in Indonesia: Generalized Method of Moments Approach
Syamni, Ghazali
Financial Performance Analysis before and after Status Change to Regional Public Service Agency of General Hospital dr.Fauziah Bireuen, Indonesia
Syarfina, Sofira
The Effect of Work Family Conflict on the Job Satisfaction Moderated by Chronic Regulatory Focus
Syukri, Syukri
The Sarakopat Government System and the Relevance in the Implementation of Regional Autonomy in Central Aceh Indonesia
Tabrani, Mirza
Maintaining the Quality of Aceh Tuna Loin for Japan Export Market
Tan, Jacob Donald
Financial Technology as an Innovation Strategy for Digital Payment Services in the Millenial Generation
Tohari, Moh. Amin
Indonesian Migrant Workers: Online Communication on Financial Management
Ubaidullah, Ubaidullah
Community Responses toward Implementation of Government-Sponsored Community Based Programs in 2017: A Case in Aceh Jaya District
Ubaidullah, Ubaidullah
The Cycle and Risk of Conflict in Aceh Post MoU Helsinki
Ubaidullah, Ubaidullah
Radicalism Phenomenon at Higher Educational Institution in Aceh: Risks and Recommendation
Umaruddin, Usman
Analysis of Economic Development Disparity across Regencies in Aceh, Indonesia
Usman, Bustami
The Analysis of Village Budgeting by Using Performance-Based Budgeting in Meeting the Basic Service Standard (A Case Study in Aceh Besar District)
Utami, Sorayanti
Mediated Effect of Consumer Satisfaction on the Influences of Experiential Marketing and Product Quality on Customer Loyalty of Maybelline Cosmetic Products in Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Utomo, Humam Santosa
Perceived Sustainability and its Influence on Tourist Trust
Utomo, Humam Santosa
The Role of Satisfaction as Mediation Influence Relational Benefits against Bank Customer Commitment: Survey on Institutional Customers
Varlitya, Cut Risya
Do Fiscal Decentralization and Human Development Index Affect Poverty in Indonesia?
Wahid, Nazaruddin A.
Can Sukuk Support Sustainable Development through Monetary Policy Transmission?
Wan Daod, Wan Norhayate
A Comparative Analysis on Takaful Acts between Malaysia and Indonesia
Weri, Weri
Is Zakat Important in Reducing Poverty?
Wicaksono, Baskoro
Planning of Malay Cultural Development Center in Bengkalis Regency
Widjanarko, Hendro
The Role of Satisfaction as Mediation Influence Relational Benefits against Bank Customer Commitment: Survey on Institutional Customers
Widjaya, Andree E.
Financial Technology as an Innovation Strategy for Digital Payment Services in the Millenial Generation
Yahya, Afrida
Consumer Actual Purchase Behavior for Organic Products In Aceh, Indonesia
Yahya, Afrida
Impact of Electronic Word of Mouth on Tourist Attitude and Intention to Visit Islamic Destinations
Yana, Syaifuddin
Measuring Export Performance Commodities: A Proposed Model
Yazid, Ahmad Shukri
Teacher Satisfaction in Jordanian High Schools: A Proposed Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses Development
Yuliana, Rosi
Financial Performance Analysis before and after Status Change to Regional Public Service Agency of General Hospital dr.Fauziah Bireuen, Indonesia
Yunus, Mukhlis
Analysis on Internet Banking Services in Indonesia: Impact of Customer Value to Converting Intention
Yurnalis, Yurnalis
The Effect of Job Insecurity on the Welfare and Performance of Contract Employees at the Administration Center Office, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
Yusnandar, Yandi
High-skilled Workforce and Productivity Growth: the Knowledge-based Economics Perspective
Yusnita, Y.
Preliminary Study: Green Practices, Awareness and Knowledge about the Environment among Homestay Operators in Selangor, Malaysia
Zainol, Fakhrul Anwar
A Comparative Analysis on Takaful Acts between Malaysia and Indonesia
Zainul, Zaida Rizqi
Are Foreign Investors Smarter than Domestic Investors? Empirical Evidence from Indonesia
Zikra, Naswatun
Does Migration Matter for Agricultural Productivity?
Zuhra, Syarifah Evi
How Intrinsic Motivation and Innovative Work Behavior Affect Job Performance
Zulfa, Andria
Analysis of Economic Development Disparity across Regencies in Aceh, Indonesia
Zulham, T.
A Comparative Relationship of Quality of Life Factor to Achievement in MDGs’– SDGs’ Indicators of Poverty and Hunger Index with variations in PHI Data Input
Zulkifli, Zulkifli
The Quality of Service and Cooperative Benefits to the Member Participation of Koperasi Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan (KBQB), Aceh, Indonesia
Zulkifli, Zulkifli
The Role of Cooperatives in Reducing Poverty in Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Zuraida, Zuraida
An Inherent Ambiguity of CSR Disclosure Concept: Evidence from IPO Prospectuses of Indonesian Listed Companies
Zuraida, Zuraida
How the Use of PowerPoint Presentation Slides from Textbook Publishers is perceived by Accounting Students in Facilitating Learning Efficacy?