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188759 articles

Female Labour Force Participation and Economic Development in Southeast Asia

Siti Amalia, Rizky Yudaruddin
The magnitude of women's role in the economy became a serious concern of the government in the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA). This study focusses on Female Labor Force Participation and Economic Development in Southeast Asia. Using panel data period 1993-2013, this study aims to prove the...
Proceedings Article

Simulation Tools and Methods of Physical Phenomena for Smart City

Eloi B. Keita, Valery Monthe, Pierre-Yves Lucas, Bernard Pottier
Many physical phenomena can be modeled as the propagation of sound or radio waves, the fluids flow, the dis-tribution of gas, the dispersion produced in a river, etc. With the help of the AC we can deduce very realistic situations. In previous work, we simulated the propagation of sound in the city using...

Islamic kamasutra: prevention from giving birth children with disability)

Maola Mochammad
Islamic literature regulates all aspects of human life, including the sex ritual. A number of literature such as Qurrot al- Uyun, Fath al-Izar, became mandatory subject in pesantren. The books teach the Islamic intercourse with its rules and prohibitions. Like a prohibition doing sex in a certain position,...
Proceedings Article

A Load Identification Technology for Wireless Smart Home Systems

Zhenchao Xie, Daohong Lin, Yufeng Chen, Xinshu Wan
Aiming at the applications in wireless smart homes, a wireless charging system based on LCL topology is designed. Moreover, the constant-current (CC) output of the system is realized according to the charging characteristics of lithium batteries. On this basis, a charging strategy is proposed, which...
Proceedings Article

Technology and Application of Large Data Analysis Based on Cloud Computing

Zhongyan Liu, Lizhe Zhang
With the rapid development of modern technology, massive data have been generated, such as micro-blog's message, video data, cell phone terminal, commodity label and so on, which generate a lot of data. Human beings enter the era of big data explosion, that is, the era of big data. The big data age is...
Proceedings Article

The Welfare of Women Safety Based on IoT

B Narmadha, M Ramkumar, M Srinivasan, T Priyanga, K Vengatesan
Now Recent trends are opening up to the era of Internet of Things (IoT), which is the communication between Internet and the devices. This is one of the emerging technologies, from the perspective of smart technologies, which is always been expected by the forthcoming generation. This System focuses...
Proceedings Article

Artificial General Segmentation

Daniel Hewlett, Paul Cohen
We argue that the ability to find meaningful chunks in sequential input is a core cognitive ability for artificial general intelligence, and that the Voting Experts algorithm, which searches for an information theoretic signature of chunks, provides a general implementation of this ability. In support...
Proceedings Article

An Improved Algorithm Research of Transit Signal Priority Based on Bi-objective Optimization Model

Tianhong Gu, Huijian Cao
Optimization of adaptive traffic signal timing is one of the most complex problems in traffic control systems. In order to obtain control parameters of bus signal priority of the urban roads, a bi-objective optimization model for signal timing is established based on real-time data of GPS. As the goal...

Idiom Structure with Plan Lexicon in German Language

Tri Edliani Lestari
The research study entitled "Idiom Structure with Plan Lexicon in German Language". The purposes of this study is to describe the structure of the German language idioms that use the lexicon of plants. The research uses qualitative research. The data used in this study is the idiom of German dictionary...

The Research on Efficiency of Commercial Banks in China

Huang Huiqing
Commercial Banks play an important role in China’s financial system. Under the background of financial integration, the competition among commercial banks is more and more obvious. In this paper, based on Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist index analysis, Deap2.1 software will be used to measure...

Internalization of Character Values in Pesantren School: Efforts of Quality Enhancement

A. Faizin
Educational institutions have sought a solution to improve quality, one of them is by making efforts to cultivate moral-based values in order to improve the effectiveness of education. The purpose of this study was to determine the internalization of character values in Pesantren school, and the implementation...

Model of Travel Planning and Tourism Costs with Integration of Creative Industries Information Using Web and Mobile Technology

Rahma Wahdiniwaty, Eko Budi Setiawan, Deden Abdul Wahab Syaroni
Travel arrangements in tourist activities are necessary so that the execution goes as expected and does not exceed the planned cost. This research provides a model that can use when planning tourist activities so that it can obtain several recommendations that are the total cost required, weather forecast...

Examining the Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Assisted Social Media Marketing on the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises: Toward Effective Business Management in the Saudi Arabian Context

Wael Basri
Pages: 142 - 152
Purpose: To examine the impact of artificial intelligence-assisted social media marketing (AISMM)on the performance of start-up businesses of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Saudi Arabia. Design/methodology/approach: A survey technique was employed whereby primary and secondary data was collected,...

Discussion on installation quality Control of Building Mechanical and Electrical equipment

Zhongmin Zhou
The development of construction industry has been stagnant in the Chinese market, and various problems emerge in endlessly, especially in the aspect of mechanical and electrical equipment installation quality control. People pay close attention to this problem. It can even be said that this problem is...

The Role of Teachers in Strengthening Character Education to Prepare Students to Enter the Age of Disruption and Abundance Technology

Agus Yuliyanto, Setyabudi Indartono
Technological progress is one important element in the world of education, especially in the face of the age of globalization that has eroded the values of the character of Indonesian society. The role of teachers in preparing students to attend the era of technological progress is one effort to equip...

Test of FCFE Model and Dividend Discount Model in Book 4 Banking Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange

R. Hendrawan, T.Z. Rahayu
The banking industry is one of the industries that shares in great demand by the people who will invest in the capital market. Not only interested by local investors but also even banking industry stocks are in great demand from foreign investors. The purpose of this research is to know the fair price...

The Effect of Work Discipline and Organizational Culture on Service Quality in Teaching and Learning Process (Case study of civil servant teachers in Kuningan Area)

Nana Suryana, Abdul Azis Wahab
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of work discipline and organizational culture on Service Quality in learning and teaching process given by the civil servant teachers in order to improve student’s achievement in Public Junior High School in Kuningan area. The research method used...

The 21st Century Ideal Skills for Vocational High Schools

Apri Nuryanto, Kholid Yusuf Eryandi
This paper presents 21st Century Skills that are ideal for Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Indonesia using library research methods or approaches. Data collection is carried out by studying, exploring a number of books, documents and journals (both in printed and electronic form) as well as other sources...

Industry-University Synergy From the Perspective of Knowledge Complementation: Drives and Roles

Wei’e Wu
Industry-university synergy originates from the knowledge distance between universities and industrial enterprises, and meanwhile become feasible because of the complementarity of knowledge. In the process of industry-university collaboration, universities take the role of the source and supplier of...
Proceedings Article

New Research Agenda: Potentials Use of Machine Learning for Public Health

Kemal N. Siregar, Tris Eryando, Martya Rahmaniati, Indang Trihandini, Retnowati
In the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, the question is to what extent this development has been utilized in the field of public health? In fact, in this era there are a number of technological developments, especially information technology, among others, Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning that...

Bacterial Pollution of a Traditional Terasi, Shrimp Paste Rebon (Mysis relicta)

Affan Gaffar, Sri Sofiati Umami, Dadan Supardan
Terasi is a fermented shrimp or fish or a mixture of both with salt. It is commonly used as cooking ingredient to make food more delicious. However, people are less informed on bacterial contamination on processed of Terasi that made by traditional household. This study was conducted to examine physical,...

Study on the Images Formation of Fengxiang Woodcut New Year Picture with Only Male Kitchen God on It*

Jie Du, Zhen Wang
Fengxiang woodcut New Year pictures have been listed as one of China’s first national intangible cultural heritage, which have well preserved the original and simple natural features and strong local folk aesthetic features. Fengxiang woodcut New Year picture with only male kitchen god on it is an art...

Punishment and Reconciliation in Russian Criminal Law

S.V. Rosenko
The article is devoted to identifying areas for improving criminal punishment in cooperation with the Institute of Reconciliation in Russian criminal law. The author stresses that the problem of punishment is “eternal” for Russian and Western criminal law doctrine, although there is some difference in...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Biological and Leaf Insecticides to Control the Chilli (Capsicum annum) Pest in Ternate Island

Betty Kadir Lahati, Sugeng Haryanto
The aim of this research is to learn the effectiveness of biological and leaf insecticides against the population and attack intensity of pests on chilli crops. Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) was used in this experiment, while there are two factors,i.e. biological insecticide(isolate of Beauveriabassiana)...

The Effects of Conflict and Opportunism on Guanxi

Guangyang Yin, Chun Jin
From the perspective of channel destructive behaviors, we examine the impact conflict, opportunism on channel member flexibility, and analyze the effect of contract utilization on above-mentioned effects, and then analyze the impact of contract utilization on Guanxi with channel partners. Using data...

The Influence of Financial Ratios and Firm Size on Firm Value (An Empirical Study on Manufacturing Companies Sector Consumers Goods Industry Listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013–2017)

Khoirin Azaro, Ludfi Djajanto, Padma Adriana Sari
The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of firm size, leverage, profitability, and price earnings ratio on firm value. The sample consisted of 11 manufacturing companies sector consumer’s goods industry listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2013-2017. The sampling method in this research...

Grey Correlation Analysis of Sports Industry in Xiamen

Wen Huiyun
Regional economy, as a relatively independent and closely interconnected organic system, has a complex relationship between industrial development and economic development. Exploring the law of regional economic development is helpful to provide reference for regional industrial development. The author...

The Influence of Soft Skill Competence, Altruism, Team Work, and Innovative Work Behavior on the Quality of Human Resources in BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Eni Lestariningsih, Moch Asmawi, R. Madhakomala
The advancement of communication and information technology forces each organization to continue to develop including improving the quality of human resources. The BPS-Statistics Indonesia, as an important information provider institution in Indonesia, must be able to keep up with all these developments,...

Personal Media Trajectories in the Digital Sphere: Educational Potential

N.A. Simbirtseva
In the epoch of post-literacy, the traditional practice activities of reading and writing got enriched with new means of information coding and decoding. In relation to it, appeared a special text format – the multimodal one, offering to a subject the information for simultaneous reading/comprehension,...

System Usability Scale Measurement on Synhcronous Online Argumentation Learning System

Ayu Nuswantari, Ying-Tien Wu, Herman Dwi Surjono
Usability measurement on a system is an essential aspect to meet the user’s needs. To resolve the user’s problem and fill their needs, should be done in the effective way. There are many measuring instruments to examine the usability aspect in a system, but not many of them are effective and efficient....

The Knowledge and Students’ Interest to Investing in Investment Gallery

Lukman Hidayat, Nusa Muktiadji, Yoyon Supriadi
The Higher Education Investment Gallery was established to increase the number of investors from students. Empirical study showed that investment knowledge has a significant effect on investment intentions of individual investors. This study aims to analyze the influence of Capital Market Knowledge,...

Enabling Favourable Investment Climate in the Leading Agrarian Sector of the Ukrainian Economy

Vitaliy Rusan
The agrarian sector now represents the leading engine for the development of the national economy that provides a significant contribution to the GDP, over 40% of foreign exchange earnings, as well as food security of the state. At the same time, the lack of stable positive dynamics of production in...

Method of Extracting Sensibility from Time Series Data and Converting it to Vibrotactile

Yasuhiro Suzuki
Pages: 142 - 145
We propose a method to convert sensory information into non-contact tactile sensation by vibrating of very low-frequency sound. The vibrator does not directly touch the object in a non-contact tactile sensation. Then, the object vibrates with the extremely low frequency. Previous research has shown that...

Transaction Cost: Institutional Efficiency of Sugar Cane Contract in Malang Regency

Asfi Manzilati
The purpose of this study is to determine the transaction costs that arise in contracts made by sugar cane farmers. The research method used to view transaction costs is a qualitative approach with unstructured interviews, observation, and documentation as data collection techniques. Transaction costs...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Personal Hygiene, Environmental Sanitation, and the Nutritional Status of Toddlers Age 12–59 Months in the Settlements Wetlands

Imelda Gernauli Purba, Elvi Sunarsih, Inoy Trisnainy
Underweight among toddlers is a chronic problem in wetland settlements. The objective of this research, therefore, was to analyze the association between a toddler’s personal hygiene and environmental sanitation with nutritional status. The focus on this research was on children in Ogan Ilir Regency....

The Development of Educational Tools (APE) Based on the Environment for Scientific Learning on the Type of Play Development for Teachers of Earthquake Victims in West Praya Sub-District

Baik Nilawati Astini, Ika Rachmayani, Nurhasanah, Raudatul Jannati
This research is motivated by the learning process in schools that still have many shortcomings one of which is a limitation of the APE for children. Not only that, an earthquake that occurred in August 2018 ago caused a lot of APE were damaged due to the destruction of the building, exposed to rain,...

Text Mining of Network Public Opinion Based on Link Template

Tianzhi Wang
Collecting information is the basis of network public opinion analysis, judgment and developing countermeasure. How to improve the efficiency and accuracy of retrieval is an important problem. This paper expounds the selection of search words from the forms of synonym, antonym, hypernym and hyponym,...

Mise-en-Scène Analysis on Heteronormativity in Queer Narrative “San Junipero” from Black Mirror

Dominick Wulandhani, Andika Wijaya
As one of the most interesting episodes from the famous sci-fi British TV series Black Mirror, “San Junipero” warrants analysis, specifically from the perspective of science and technology. Nevertheless, gender and LGBT issues have not commonly been explored in sci-fi content like Black Mirror. Through...

Research on the Application of Sports Prescription in College Students

Zong-cheng PU, Guang-bin BAI, Zhao WANG, Bi-tian PAN
In order to curb the declining trend of College Students’ physical fitness in recent years and the orderly development of the “Healthy China” program, this paper summarizes, summarizes and analyses the problems existing in the application of College Students’ Group Sports Prescriptions in recent ten...
Proceedings Article

Microbiology Teaching Development in Nutrition Material, Growth and Metabolism of Microbial Based on Community Technology Science (STM) for Students of Biology of Padang State University

Nita Ella Demelia, Dwi Hilda Putri
Initial investigations obtained reference data used by students so far have been taken from microbiology books with a long publication year. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the students felt the benefits of studying microbiology in daily life, but the student references did not support because...

The Impact of Students’ Initial Decisions in Choosing Tertiary Institutions Towards Student Satisfaction on Learning Quality

Kartin Aprianti, Amirulmukminin Amirulmukminin, Muhammad Yusuf
The increasingly fierce competition in higher education is marked by the emergence of a variety of new tertiary institutions which certainly influences the decision of prospective students to choose a quality tertiary institution. Tertiary institutions must be able to provide a quality and meaningful...

Exploration and Practice of Online Teaching During COVID-19 Period

Wu Xiujun, Sun Xinyu
During the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, All college courses are taught Online which has given higher demands and challenges to the self-discipline, self-consciousness and initiative of students and the information literacy of teachers. This paper introduces the development of online teaching...

Development of M-Learning Media With Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education’s Approach

Haris Kurniawan, Eva Susanti
This study aimed to develop a valid and practical M-learning based learning media using an approach of Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI). The study adopted Tessmer’s Development Research. The study produced an M-learning medium being able to lead students to go through the learning process...

Research on the Premiere of Chinese Drama “Peony Pavilion”

Fen Liu, Ping Zhou
The Chinese drama “Peony Pavilion”, created more than 400 years ago, is the representative work of Tang Xianzu, the great dramatist of the Ming Dynasty. “Peony Pavilion” describes the touching story of the spoony Du Liniang and the intellectual Liu Mengmei, who knows each other and die because of being...

Public Perceptions of Grab Online Taxi Activity in Sub-District of Tataaran 1 South Tondano District Minahasa Regency

Abd. Rasyid Umaternate, Alan Samau, Ferdinand Kerebungu, Awaluddin Hasrin
Sub-district Tataaran I, South Tondano District, Minahasa Regency is a village located close to Universitas Negeri Manado (UNIMA). The community is not only a native of the sub-district but has also been mixed with many students who live in Tataaran. They need transportation in their activities. But...

Overview of the Externalities Between Optimization and Overfishing of Fisheries

Muhammad Ikbal, Badriah Sappewali, Wahyuni Ismail
The externalities are conditions or side effects that arise due to economic activities. The externalities can bring positive and also negative impact for ecosystems, one of which is the marine ecosystem. Moreover, the government plays an important role in controlling economic activities so as not to...

Sumbang Duo Baleh: Education-Valued Expression for Minangkabau Women

Erizal Gani
This paper discusses issues related to traditional expressions used by the Minangkabau people in educating their women. The expression is sumbang duo baleh. which is an expression that are loaded with the values of local content education. The emphasis is on women, because the problem of women with all...

Analysis of Photographic Image from the Perspective of Chinese Traditional Aesthetics

Song Yao, Zhang Yansong
In recent years, traditional Chinese culture has received wide attentions from the public and has become a symbol with Chinese characteristics. And Chinese cultural elements have been widely used in photography creation. When the photographer explores traditional Chinese culture during his creation,...

Laplacian Singular Values

Jiří Janeček, Irina Perfilieva
In this contribution, we focus on extending the Laplacian processing used in data-driven dimensionality reduction based on weighted graphs by incorporating the concept of singular value decomposition. We indicate a novel point of view on generalized eigenvalue problem by pointing out geometric meaning...

The Size of Asset of Private Company’s and Its IPO’s Underpricing, A Study in Indonesia for Period 2010-2016

Dwi Armaya, Buddi Wibowo
This paper is conducted to examine the influence of the company’s size (assets) on IPO’s underpricing in Indonesia. The sample used is stocks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and actively traded during the period January 2010 to December 2017. The number of stocks that meet the research criteria...