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188759 articles
Proceedings Article

Sustainability Reports Based on XBRL through a Service-Oriented Architecture Approach

Mota Edson, Costa Daniela, Caetano da Silva Paulo
The practice of disclosure of information on corporate sustainability represents a breakthrough in relations between business and society. The initiative of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in the adoption of XBRL in the process of dissemination of sustainability reporting contributes to the increase...

Change of Ideological and Political Education Strategy under New Media Environment

Shan Tang
New media not only changes the process of the public receiving education, but also makes traditional ideological and political education face great challenges. The research on implicit cognition of cognitive psychology provides an implicit working path for ideological and political education. The ideological...
Proceedings Article

Study on aerodynamic performance of offshore wind turbine with floating platform motion

X.M. Ding, L. Zhang, Y. Ma
In order to study the effect of the floating platform motion on the aerodynamic performance of offshore wind turbine, this paper analyzes the aerodynamic performance under different amplitudes of tossing movements on unsteady Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEM).The numerical model for aerodynamic performance...
Proceedings Article

Categorical Management of Faculty in High Education: a case of University of Queensland

Chen Sichao, Ying Biao, Lv Chunfeng, Xu Qing
This study introduced the detail of categorical management of faculty in the University of Queensland, which would provide potential suggestions for domestic universities in their reforms on faculty management. The results indicate: first, the University of Queensland adopts, the University of Queensland...

Medical Resource Sharing Under Background of Information Technology

Juandai Cheng, Changyong Liang, Jian Shu
Disequilibrium and ineffective is a common and long-term contradiction existed in Chinese medical resource area. However, the new healthcare reform, application of information technology and arising of smart health give new ideas to solve this problem, as healthcare reform offer political and financial...
Proceedings Article

Design of University Students’ Entrepreneurial Simulation Platform based on "Internet+"

Rui Wei
Combined with the theoretical knowledge of entrepreneurial decisions, the author designs and develops the university students' entrepreneurial simulation platform with the information technology of analog simulation based on the mode of “Software as a Service” (SaaS) of the Internet. This platform can...

Iconity in Haji Backpacker Novel by Aguk Irawan MN

Hidayat Hidayat, Teguh Setiawan
The aim of this research was to describe iconity of Haji Backpacker novel by Aguk Irawan MN by using theory of Charles Sanders Piersce (Piercean). this research used qualitative descriptive method. Collecting data used documentary technique. The problem that would be solved in this research was iconity...

Evaluation of the Cell Phone Microbial Contamination in Dental and Engineering Schools: Effect of Antibacterial Spray

Reihaneh Hosseini Fard, Raziyeh Hosseini Fard, Mohammad Moradi, Maryam Alsadat Hashemipour
Pages: 143 - 148
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbial contamination of cell phone in dental and engineering schools and also investigating the effect of an antibacterial spray. Method and Materials: A questionnaire was completed by participants, including the pattern of using mobile...

Point prevalence survey of antimicrobial utilization in a Canadian tertiary-care teaching hospital

Colin Lee, Sandra A.N. Walker, Nick Daneman, Marion Elligsen, Lesley Palmay, Bryan Coburn, Andrew Simor
Pages: 143 - 150
Objectives: Inappropriate antimicrobial use can promote antimicrobial resistance, which is associated with increased patient morbidity and mortality. Identifying the pattern of antimicrobial use can provide data from which targeted antimicrobial stewardship interventions can be made. The primary objective...

Students and Starting of Businesses

Daniela Hrehová
Business is a complex phenomenon. Global business is easier than ever before. The lands are getting closer together. This paper looks at the issue of motivating and factors individuals entering into the global market environment that is important in studying business creation. The author said that the...

Formation the Innovative Drivers of Regional Eco-nomic Development

V.N. Nemtsev
The research focuses on the formation of regional diversified corporate structures with the participation of defense enterprises with high innovative potential. The aim of the research is to increase the innovative activity of the defense complex enterprises as drivers of regional development, based...

Analysis on Characteristics of Technical Barriers to Trade Countries along the “Belt and Road” Had against China and Strategies in Response

Yao Lei, Wei Ran
With the implementation of China’s “Belt and Road” policy, China’s economic and trade relations with the countries along the “Belt and Road” have become increasingly closer. In the meantime, these countries have placed multitudes of trade barriers, especially technical barriers to trade (TBT), in a bid...
Proceedings Article

Service business-model of enterprises of agricultural engineering as the most important factor of digitalization of agro-industrial complex

Zinaida Varlamova, Elena Ilchenko
The digitalization of the economics of the Russian Federation as a prior direction of the country development requires taking decisions in the key sectors of economics, one of which is agro-industrial complex (AIC) of Russia. It seems that one of the most important factors of the digitalization of the...

The formation of the cost of overhaul of apartment buildings in the budget of the region

Olga Antonyan, Olga Maksimchuk, Anna Solovyova, Alexander Chub
One of the main tasks in the formation of the regional program of overhaul is its cost estimate. In other words, it is necessary to know the amount of financial resources required for its implementation, both in the short and long term. The size of the marginal cost of work of common property overhaul...

Guidelines for Integrating Character Education in Materials

Elsa Maria Marahati, Pangesti Wiedarti
Character education has been considered necessary for the development of students’ characters. Therefore, English language teaching should include character values in its materials. Considering the existance of English textbooks which included values contradicting with...

Architecture of Soviet Avant-garde in the South of Russia: Past and Future

Arthur Tokarev
The study examines the architectures during 1920s-1930s in the south of Russia (a vast territory of the North-Caucasus and the Southern Federal Districts), in the context of issues of continuity, traditions and innovations. Both well-known architectural monuments designed by the leading masters of the...
Proceedings Article

A Handover Decision Algorithm Based on Evolutionary Game Theory for Space-ground Integrated Network

Zhuo Yi, Delong Jiang, Lifeng Cao, Xuehui Du
When handovers occur to user in space-ground integrated network, handover decisions should be made to select the optimal access point. However, existing decision indexes are not suitable to handover scenarios in space-ground integrated network and overlooks the overall performance of network. To address...

Local Wisdom Values of Batik Semen Gede Sawat Gruda and its Relevance to Character Education

Sunarya Yunia, Yunia Fitrianto, I Ketut Sunarya
Semen Gede Sawat Gruda is one of batik motifs originated from the palace of Yogyakarta sultanate. The sawat batik motif of Yogyakarta style possesses the meaning of prayer and hope that the person wearing it is blessed with protection in life. This is a qualitative research with semiotic approach. The...

The Effect of Work Behavior and Work Target on Lecturers Performance

Haeruddin, Susilo, Edi Rachmad
Other component that affects the quality and carrying capacity of a higher education institution such as a university is the performance of lecturers. This research conducted in an effort to measure the work behavior and Work targets toward the performance of lecturers to support the sustainability of...

Random Event and Probability in Mathematical Modeling of Economic Processes

A.I. Bogomolov, V.P. Nevezhin, E.P. Zvyagintseva
The article substantiates the necessity of including future random variables in the model of economic processes, considers various concepts of types and descriptions of their probability that are different from the frequency probability. An example of the use of Bayesian subjective probability for assessing...
Proceedings Article

Green Industry Evaluation Index System Based on Cluster Rough Set Analysis

Xinyue Yang
Building a reasonable green industry evaluation index system is the key to green industry evaluation. According to the connotation of green industry, the criterion of eliminating information duplication index and the criterion of screening the index with the largest quality coefficient of approximate...

Academic Dishonesty: How Students Do the Learning Assessment and Project

Wiwit Sariasih, Christy Tisnawijaya
Academic dishonesty becomes a big concern for the lecturer when it is dealing with the assessment which is done by the students. The suspicious address to students whether they really do their assessment or have practice the act of dishonesty such as cheating or copying from other fellow students or...

Becoming Vocational Teachers for 21st Century in Indonesia

Didik Nurhadi, Siti Zahro
Various efforts have been made by the government in improving the quality of vocational education in Indonesia. However, some research has been conducted by overseas institutions shows that the quality of teachers and graduates of vocational education still low performance. In order to address this issue,...

The Influence Between Ice Breaker And Learning Motivation Toward Learning Achievement Of Elementary School Social Science Subject

Eko Purwanti, Dianita Solihati, Sri Sulistyorini, A. Busyairi
This study aims to examine the influence between ice breaker and learning motivation toward social science subject learning achievement. This study used correlational research design with quantitative approach. The sample of this study were 117 of fourth grade students of Elementary School in Dawe Sub-district,...
Proceedings Article

Anthropometric and Motor Performance of Junior Badminton Athlete

Prayogi Dwina Angga
This study aims to describe the anthropometric and motor performance profile of junior male badminton athletes in South Kalimantan. The model of this research is descriptive quantitative. The used method is survey with data retrieval technique using test and measurement. This research was conducted on...

Research on China's rural land market reform with the perspective of modern property right theory

Yuan Tian
agricultural land market reform is the key to China's land system reform, but also to promote the overall planning of urban and rural strategy of an important breakthrough. From the aspects of urban-rural overall economic planning strategy, the development of socialist market economy, the improvement...

Learning and Singing: Thematic Children Songs in Kindergarten

Fajry Sub'haan Syah Sinaga, Esy Maestro, Emah Winangsit, Yensharti Yensharti
Based on Permendikbud No. 137 of 2014, the Early Childhood Education Curriculum was implemented as the basis of education which was divided into eleven themes: (1) Self, (2) My environment, (3) My Needs, (4) Animals, (5) Plants, (6) Recreation, (7) Jobs, (8) Water, Air, Fire, (9) Communication Equipment,...
Proceedings Article

Design of Vehicle Safety Belt Motion Detection Platform Based on Digital PID Regulation

Baojun Yu, Xinru Feng, Wenhan Yu
Parker linear motor, mounting plate, acceleration sensor and magnetic displacement sensor are designed in the platform.F28M35H52C1 processor, 410-4A-LC-WD1-S coil and 41026S linear motor were selected and the acceleration of 0.5g was tested. The experiment shows that the digital PID controller can reduce...

Reconstructing Clean Water Policy Based on the Perspective of Idea Law of Pancasila the Indonesia’s Principles

Arinto Nurcahyono, M. Husni Syam, Eka An Aqimuddin
The purposes of the research are to create a clean water policy formulation or model which is based on justice for future generations and to reconstruct the clean water management policy which is currently oriented to economic interests, not the public interest. Water is a basic human need and cannot...

Using H.Cohen's Approach to Actualize E.Husserl's Ideas

Dmitry Popov, Anton Skutin, Vladimir Sokol
In the course of research concerning the phenomenology approach, the authors have found out that many of E. Husserl's ideas lost their significance even in the phenomenology framework due to the transition to post-phenomenology. When previously it happened to the ideas of I. Kant, H. Cohen managed to...

Research on Internal Control Strategy of Group Company under Financial Shared Service Center Model

Hang Sun, Juan Du
The model of financial shared service center (FSSC) has been developed prosperously and obtained fruitful achievements in China. However, the introduction of this new model into the group company also brings with a variety of management risks. In this paper, the necessity for group company to introduce...

The Innovative Methods of Competency Assessment

Nataliya Burmistrova, Irina Kalnitskaya, Olga Maksimochkina, Alexandra Shmakova, Viacheslav Filimonov
The problem of competency assessment of students of Russian universities is relevant. The reason for this is the integrative nature of competency, which makes it difficult to assess it in a rapidly changing socio-economic environment. From the standpoint of an open education system focused on the interaction...

Study on Trade Potential between Shandong Province and Countries Along "One Belt and One Road"

Detian Zhou, Chenxue Wang
After the “One Belt One Road” strategy was put forward, Shandong Province’s export trade has a good momentum of development. This paper analyzes the degree of trade dependence between Shandong Province and the countries along the “Belt and Road” and selects the export trade between Shandong Province...

Applying Literature Circle to teaching Critical Reading in the EFL University Student

Djoko Sutrisno, Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati, Dwi Rukmini, Sri Wuli Fitriati
This study explores and designed in accordance the effect of Literature Circle on EFL students critical reading skill. Thirty students out of a private university in Semarang, Indonesia, were involved in the study and it having been decided on based on their English talents of at least advanced level....
Proceedings Article

A Product Similarity Method Based on Deep Confidence Network

Hong Liao, Zhuchao Yu, Yaxin Cao, Mengjin Du, Chengcheng Sun
To improve product recommendation network, this paper mainly proposes a product similarity calculation algorithm based on deep confidence network. A high-dimensional product is firstly constructed and then input into the DBN model to obtain low-dimensional product feature data. Founded on the low-dimensional...
Proceedings Article

Problems of Electric Power Systems Flexibility: Definitions and Measures

Nikolai Voropai
The paper focuses on flexibility as a new property of electric power systems (EPSs). The definitions of EPS flexibility are analyzed. The enhancement of the flexibility of generation, network, load, protection and control systems is considered as measures to provide EPS flexibility. Current trends in...

Views of University’s Top Management Leaders on University-Community Engagement

Aida Suraya Md.Yunus, Norzaini Azman, Shukran Abdul Rahman
University-community engagement (UCE) activities may be side-lined by academics due to the greater emphasis given to research, publication and teaching in promotion and yearly appraisal. Thus, communities close to a university may not receive any benefits from the existence of a university in their larger...
Proceedings Article

Zn-Al Hydrotalcite As Adsorbent on Metal Waste (Cu2 +): Case Study of Liquid Waste in Integrated Laboratory Center UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Nurmaya Arofah, Eka Fitriani Ahmad
Central Chemical Laboratory of Integrated Lab UIN Syarif Hidayatullah is one of the largest wastewater containing hazardous materials is high enough, one of which is metal Cu 2+. The most effective method for reducing heavy metal pollutants are adsorption, adsorbent consists of two types namely cationic...

A Study of the Role of Negotiated Teaching in College English Teaching

Li-hua Tang
Negotiated teaching is a new mode in College English teaching. This paper expounds the forms, functions and existing problems of negotiated teaching in College English classroom, and then puts forward the role played by negotiated teaching in stimulating students' interest in classroom learning and cultivating...

Intellectual Property Management of E-commerce Enterprises -- From a Policy Driven Perspective

Ke-Xin YANG, Jing-Jing ZHENG
China is currently the world’s largest E-Commerce market. With a forecasted compound annual growth rate in double digits, online retailing is expected to grow from 17% of total retail sales in 2017 to 25% by 2020. E-Commerce, more than other business systems, often involves selling products and services...

Research and Implementation of the Tolling Audit Analysis Platform in Yunnan Smart Highway Project

Xiuzhen Sun
Based on the status quo and actual requirement of Yunnan highway operation and management, this paper focuses on the solution of the comprehensive governance of the highway toll evasion and operation decision support service by means of the development of the toll audit analysis Platform in first phase...
Proceedings Article

The Evaluation of Road Safety Programs District Level at Banyumas and Pasuruan

Bambang Istiyanto
Sustainable development Goal serves as a guideline for the implementation of regency/city government in Indonesia. One of the indicators is the reduction in the number of deaths caused by traffic accidents. With a five-pillar safety instrument from the decade of action for road safety, data collection...

Reform and Practice of the Cultivation of Engineering Quality and Creative Ability through the Specialty Experiment Teaching

Zaibo Li, Yongping Zhang
In order to meet the requirements for the chemical professional personnel, teaching reform and practice in the cultivation of engineering quality and creative ability was performed. The reform methods included presenting engineering views during the teaching course, opening laboratory for students, establishing...
Proceedings Article

Design of a Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall with Geotextile Reinforcement in Accordance with the Federal Highway Administration Standard

Budijanto Widjaja, Vincent Justin Wismanto
Geotextile is a geosynthetic constructed for embankment functioning as reinforcement to support tension force from the loading design and decrease the failure potential of embankments. In accordance with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) standard, geotextiles are designed under static and dynamic...

Developing of Superior Tourism Products for Sustainable Competitive Advantage at Kenderan Rural Tourism in Bali

Ni Made Sudarmini, Ni Made Rai Sukmawati, I Nyoman Meirejeki
This study aims to identify tourism products and develop them into superior tourism products to create a competitive advantage that is sustainable. The study was conducted by observing, and to the and in-depth interviews with village leaders related to the products that were the object of this study....
Proceedings Article

OPNET-Based Simulation of Wireless Ad Hoc Network Protocol

Minghui Zhang, Suimin Jia
Currently, Ad Hoc on-demand Distance Vector (AODV) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) are the most frequent protocols in the vehicle-mounted network. Compared with other routing protocols, AODV and DSR effectively reduce the resources occupied by the network. Therefore, based on the OPNET simulation environment...
Proceedings Article

Assessment of specific agility in volleyball: reliability and validity of modified X running test

Nikola Majstorović, Goran Nešić, Vladimir Grbić, Zoran Savić, Milivoj Dopsaj
It is very important to develope, as a part of training technologies, appropriate tools, or tests to validly and objectively control the level of specific skills development. This study aims to determine reliability and validity of the test for evaluation of specific running agility development level...

Discussion on the Teaching Reform of Civil Engineering Mechanics Based on the Difference of Students

Wenting Qu, Hongfei Xu
Engineering mechanics is an important basic course for civil engineering major, and its teaching effect directly affects students' professional level and career development. Due to the differences in student sources, different students have different mechanical foundations, so the adoption of unified...

A Formal Model of Peer-to-Peer Digital Product Marketplace

Sylvanus A. Ehikioya
Pages: 143 - 154
Peer-to-peer (P2P) electronic commerce has become increasingly popular over the last few years. This popularity of P2P is due mainly to the many advantages it offers, such as the ease of sharing of computer resources and reducing cost. This paper uses both semi-formal and formal specification methods...