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188265 articles
Proceedings Article

OLAP Cube Processing of Production Planning Real-life Event Log: A Case Study

Rachmadita Andreswari, Mohammad Arif Rasyidi
Business process modeling in an application log can be done by using process mining technique. To analyze the process flow in more detail in several dimensions needs cube process. Multidimensional depiction in star schema to perform Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) can be done by drill-down, roll-up,...

Analysis of Arsenal FC debit card in Bank Muamalat Indonesia

Sugeng Hariadi, Dea Switani Juniar, Irzameingindra Putri Radjamin
Football is considered one of the most popular sports in the world. As a result, a reputable football club is deliberated to be a promising partner as it has many fans. Today, football is widely used by companies as the brand of products, including the financial sector in Indonesia. Several well-known...

Character Indexes of the People in the Works of Raja Ali Haji

Abdul Malik, Isnaini Leo Shanty
Character education has been re-implemented in every level of educational institutions in Indonesia. This paper is a result of the research of character indexes to the people in the works of Raja Ali Haji. Five works of Raja Ali Haji, namely Syair Abdul Muluk, Gurindam Dua Belas, Thamarat al-Muhimmah,...

The Literature Review and Future Prospects of Talent Management Research in China

Saipeng Xing, Qinxian Chen
Due to the tremendous changes in economic globalization, labor force structure, knowledge economy and information technology, the human resources market and management mode have been challenged severely. Talent management has become a new area of great concern to enterprises and academia. Through a systematic...

Primary School Pupils’ Perception On Mathematics In Context Of 21St Century Learning Activities And Skills

Norazlin Mohd Rusdin, Siti Rahaimah Ali, Md Nasir Masran
The purpose of this study was to identify primary school pupils’ perceptions toward learning Mathematics in 21st century education setting. These perceptions are based on four aspects which consist of: i) mathematics as a subject; ii) 21st century learning activities; iii) 21st century skills in learning...

A Preliminary Study on the Hybrid Teaching Model under the Background of “Internet+”

Shule Wei
The advantages of Internet teaching and traditional classroom can be combined organically, and complementary advantages can be achieved by virtue of the characteristics of Internet linking everything, interactive sharing, efficient dissemination of resources, as well as the advantages of efficient classroom...

A Comprehensive Model for Human Factor Risk Assessment: HFACS-FFT-ANN

Yu Liu, Yang Liu, Xiao-Xue Ma, Wei-Liang Qiao
With the development of technology and reliability, the human factors are becoming the most contributing casual for the occurrence of accident. In the present study, a comprehensive human factor analysis model, including Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS), Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis...

Smart-education as the Factor of Sustainable Development

Nataliya Burmistrova, Irina Kalnitskaya, Elena Ivanova, Natalia Simonova, Alexandra Shmakova
The following modern trends in the development of society (high rate of world variability, informatization of living environment, global communication) raise the problem of quality of training of university students. At the same time, the development of an education strategy for sustainable development...

Legal Culture and Human Rights System in the Era of Globalization

O. Tomyuk, A. Shutaleva, M. Dyachkova, N. Smolina, A. Novgorodtseva
The paper is devoted to examining the impact of globalization processes on the formation and development of legal culture and human rights systems. The global space of modernity is represented by many different legal cultures, the formation of which is determined by national, economic, social, cultural...

State control as an instrument for financial regulation of the market of audit services

A. Petrova, E. Pokivailova
This paper is dedicated to the regulation of activities in the audit market at the stage of forming the foundations of the digital economy, and a set of measures to control and improve the quality of audit activities in general. We review the issues of regulation of the market of audit services by a...

New Thinking on the Construction of the Blue and Yellow Economic Zone from the Perspective of "One Belt and One Road"

Bingjie Huang, Dongbin Liu
Blue-yellow economic zone is the combination of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone and Yellow River Delta High Efficiency Eco-Economic Zone. The development of Blue-Yellow Economic Zone is of great strategic significance not only to Shandong's economic take-off, but also to the rise of the Yellow...

English-Medium Instruction for the B&R students: A Blessing for the Internationalization of China’s Higher Education?

Zhijun Yan, Jun Wen, Yongjian Zong
Internationalization of higher education has grown into a global tendency in recent years, with English playing an ever-increasingly important role in it. In their effort to internationalize, more and more universities in non-Anglophone countries throughout the world are employing English-medium instruction...

Village Funds and Disaster Risk Reduction: Challenges to deal with the poverty cause by cultural belief systems

Yelladys Nuring Alifagusta, Didik Gunawan Suharto, Rutiana Dwi Wahyuningsih
Disasters affect the increasing vulnerability of the community and positively correlated with the risk of poverty. The risk of poverty will increase if traditional societies perpetuate a cultural belief system in which people depend on the help of others. To break the dependency culture, the government...

The Realistic Dilemma and Way Out for the Teachers Group of Early Childhood in the Remote Rural Areas of Western China

Wang Xiaorong, Guo Suoli
By investigating the professional quality, educational background, professional title, teaching age, salary guarantee and post-service training of preschool teachers in remote rural areas of S Province, we find that there are many practical problems in the construction of preschool teachers in remote...

Capitalize Local Resources with the OVOP Model: Concepts and praxis and beyond

Mukhtar Sarman
The article discusses how to use the Village Funds as a trigger for productive economic activities in rural areas in Indonesia. From the perspective of the collaboration concept, it takes the active role of various parties to work on this "project". One model of village economic development is the OVOP...
Proceedings Article

Single Image Defogging Method Based on Adaptive Modified Dark Channel Value

Peiling Li, Feng Wang, Yitao Liang, Xiao Zhang
In the conventional image defogging algorithm based on dark channel prior, the calculation deviation of dark channel value of image edge position could lead to halo effect on image. In this paper, a method for correcting dark channel value is proposed. Firstly, according to the gray difference between...

Analysis on the Evaluation of Solfeggio and Ear Training Courses

Chao Song
Based on the existing problems in the evaluation of Solfeggio and ear training courses, this paper, combining the theoretical and practical significance of Solfeggio and ear training courses, analyses the basic path of evaluation of Solfeggio and ear training courses from the orientation of curriculum...
Proceedings Article

The Extraction of Comment Information and Sentiment Analysis in Chinese Reviews

Li Danyang, Fan Huimin, Zhao Yingze
Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, refers to the emotional tendencies expressed by the critics through the analysis of the content of the text. The task of text sentiment analysis mainly includes the classification of sentiment, the extraction of sentiment information and the retrieval...

The Important of Physical Environment for Guest Satisfaction on Restaurant in Bali

I Gusti Ayu Dewi Hendriyani
The physical environment of a restaurant today, prioritized as one of the attractions of a restaurant for its customers. Customer satisfaction is the goal of all businesses including restaurants. Customer satisfaction is a dynamic condition associated with fulfilling customer expectations of the service...
Proceedings Article

Economic analysis of low-carbon economy and policy suggestions

Hongjun Cao, Guixin Han
Based on the finiteness of resources and the seriousness of environmental pollution, and considering that China is a large energy consuming country and a large country of carbon dioxide emissions, it is necessary to develop low-carbon economy. This paper analyses the application of environmental Kuznets...

A Prophetic Pedagogical framework for Islamic schools

Muhammad Abdullah
During the last 35 years Islamic or Muslim schools have sprung up in Europe, North America and Australia. Reasons for the establishment of these schools generally pertain to Islamic faith and quality of education. In the main the desire of parents is for their children to both maintain their faith and...
Proceedings Article

Effective IT Governance in Higher Education Institutions: The Conceptual Model

Muhammad Qomarul Huda, Meinarini Catur Utami, Nur Aeni Hidayah, Qurrotul Aini
Recently, a considerable literature has grown up around the theme of Information Technology Governance (ITG) in the organization. While some research has been carry out on ITG in general, there is still very little scientific understanding of Effective ITG in the context of Higher Education Institutions...

The Differences between Art and Design in Italy and China: Definition, Education and Practice

Yeqiu Yang, Daojing Wang
For a long time, people have never stopped studying the relationship between art and design, the two human spiritual creation activities. The Art emerging for the solution of spiritual forms and the Design for the solution of material functions have always been influencing each other. This article aims...

Research on Management Strategy of Network Public Sentiment in Chinese Universities

Jin Wen
With the rapid development of Internet information technology, the position and role of network public opinion in the work of security and stability in Colleges and universities is becoming more and more prominent. When the network public opinion occurs in universities, the result of university management...

Study on the Credit-based System with Chinese Characteristics from the Perspective of System Analysis

Jiaming Sun
There are two kinds of disputes in the credit-based system with Chinese characteristics: namely the theory of transition and the theory of innovation. Through the analysis from the institutional level, this system is the rational choice and institutional innovation of the college teaching management...

The contemporary interpretation of Laozi's thoughts on War and Peace

Dianqing Niu
The Five Thousand Words of the Tao Te Ching contain Laozi’s concept of war and peace in the world. He believes that as long as the country “does not take the military as its strength to master the world”, war can be avoided. In addition, Laozi believes that seeking peace in the world is the way for countries...
Proceedings Article

Instruments of human resource management based on the digital technologies in Russia

Oksana Evseeva, Olga Kalchenko, Svetlana Evseeva, Kristina Plis
The article is dedicated to the research on the use of digital instruments in human resource management in the leading Russian companies. The companies were chosen from the leading companies in their business field based on Ranking Top-100 leading companies in Russia on capitalization by the Agency Riarating...

Innovation for Islamic Education Instruction through Reflective Learning

Dwi Noviani
This current research aimed at elaborating an innovation for Islamic Education instruction through reflective Learning. Constructivism paradigm was used utilizing a descriptive qualitative approach in the form of library research, and data were collected from the documentation. While the content analysis...

Unpaid work performed by younger members of household up to 26 years in Slovakia

Mariana Považanová, Ján Kollár, Marián Kika, Gabriela Nedelová
The paper deals with unpaid work in Slovak households whilst focusing upon unpaid work performed by younger members of the household. Studies of unpaid work of people up to 26 years are still not well documented in literature. The aim of this paper is twofold: First, it seeks to answer the question whether...

Collection Point for Take-out——A Method of Improving the Distribution System of Takeout for Campus

Siran Wang
In order to solve management problems of takeout at the peak of meals, leadership of colleges or universities have made rules that delivery personnel must hand over food directly to the students rather than put packs at temporary places. Due to the fact that students’ time is inflexible, such regulations...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of Balance Exercise for Older People in Posyandu Wreda Pratama Padukuhan Kalirandu, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta

Dinasti Binoriang
Aging is a natural process characterized by the decrease in the function of various organs of the body. This process is causing older people to have the risk of various health problems. One of the health problems this experienced by older people is body balance disorders. Body balance is influenced by...

Indonesian Business Law: Legal Construction Between Bank-Creditor and Bank-Debitor in the Sub-Participation Contract

Krista Yitawati, Adi Sulistiyono, Pujiono
The papers aims to analyze the legal construction between bank-creditor and bank-debtor in the sub-participation contract, which apparently has not been well covered by the two legal fields in the event of a dispute, whereas the funds lent in the banking business are very important to immediately withdraw...

Strategies to Improve the Quality of Academic Service at Bali State Polytechnic Based on Student Satisfaction Inventory

I Wayan Siwantara, Ni Wayan Sumetri
The objectives of this study were: (1) to determine the level of the quality of academic service in Bali State Polytechnic based on Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI), (2) to formulate a strategy in order to improve the quality of academic services in Bali State Polytechnic (BSP) based on SSI. The...

Quality of U15 Gatra Semarang Badminton Club Players in 2019

Suratman, Moh. Nasution, Wiga Nurlatifa Romadhoni
Gatra Semarang Badminton Club players at low achievement are suspected of having quality problems. This research is to describe the technical and physical quality of them. This research is a quantitative study with descriptive results. The population as well as the research sample of nine male players...

Understanding Terrorism, Peace, and Tolerance from the Institute for the Study of Islam and Civilizations (INSISTS) Activists in Indonesia

Yanuardi Syukur Firdaus
Although known as an anti-liberalism Islamic organization, the activists of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Civilizations (INSISTS) also have positions related to terrorism, peace, and tolerance. This paper seeks to explore the perspectives of INSISTS activists on these three issues, which are...

Risk Evaluation of Fresh Products Supply Chain under New Retail Mode

Hua Gao, Xiaopeng Wang
The risk of Fresh Products Supply Chain includes supplier risk, retailer risk, customer demand risk and the e-commerce platform risk from the perspective of supply chain depot under new retail mode. Based on the analysis of these risk factors, we established a risk evaluation index system, built an unascertained...
Proceedings Article

Disentangling the Antecedents of Relationship between Deep Approach to Learning and Student Learning Outcomes

Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Sheng-Hwa Tuan
The multiple characteristics of students encourage universities to provide a learning environment that integrates teaching and learning in one and to strengthen students’ learning motivation through student-oriented teaching model, so as to enhance students’ input in study. In this study, the concept...

The Accessibility of Inclusive Schools in Surabaya

Muchamad Irvan, Muhammad Nurrohman Jauhari
Inclusive education is a form of education that is currently being implemented by the government in providing educational services for all children without any limitations or discrimination. Basically, inclusive education has a philosophy of education and social form. Inclusive education in Permendiknas...

“Ajeg Bali” Discourse In Dynamics Of Craft Of Ceremonial Tools In Bali

Ni Kadek Karuni, I Wayan Suardana, I Made Supartha
Nowadays, increasing public interest to carry out religious ceremoniesin Bali is also based on the responsibility to preserve Balinese art and culture which are implemented in “Ajeg Bali Discourse”. To support the ceremony, it needs various tools in accordance with the form and function of the ceremony...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Water Cinnamon at a Dose of 150 Mg/Kg Body Weight To Level of Adiponectin on Diabetic RATS

Yoni Astuti, Rika Mega Selfia, Hajar Mar’atussolikah S, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Citra Ayuma Rupamiza
Cinnamon is a member of the family Lauracea that is popular as an aromatic evergreen tree or shrub. In daily life cinnamon is used in fragrance of many things such as foodstuffs, perfumes, and medical products. Cinnamon contains polyphenols such as vanillic, gallic, protocatechuic, and ferulic acids,...

Institutional Investors' Shareholding Ratio and Stock Return Volatility: Empirical Findings from the a Share Market

Qian Yu, Tao Li
This paper uses the non-balanced panel data of A-share listed companies from 2001 to 2017 to conduct an empirical study on the relationship between the shareholding ratio of institutional investors and stock return volatility before and after the split share structure reform . It is found that after...

Do Teachers of Lecturers need to Write Children’s Literature?

Rina Ratih
Appropriate texts for children may contribute to support their self-development in many aspects. Text selection should consider cultural values, for children do not grow up in an empty culture environment. Children’s literature are mostly the creation of men of letters. Thus, do teachers or lecturers...

Ideology Of Domestication And Foreignization Translation Of Madogiwa No Totto-Chan Novel

Poppy Rahayu, Emzir Emzir, Zainal Rafli
Throughout Japan Association for Interpreting and Translation Studies journal, ideology is a system of ideas and beliefs that are born from the influence of economy base,politic, law, philosophy, moral, and etc., which exist in certain communities. Moreover, it gives aninfluence on society and forms...
Proceedings Article

Cow Weight Estimation Using Local Adaptive Thresholding Method And Connected Component Labelling

Rosida Vivin Nahari, Novita Subagiarti, Achmad Jauhari, Riza Alfita, Kunto Aji Wibisono, Achmad Fiqhi Ibadillah, Mirza Pramudia
The development of technology, information and communication provides a new alternative to predict cow weight through Image Processing. This study utilizes Image Processing in visualizing the measurement of Chest Circumference and cow body length automatically. The cow weight estimation are very dependent...

Characteristics of Chinese Composers’ Art Songs from the Twentieth Century to the Early Twenty-first Century

Yi Liu
This article is an overview of the characteristics of Chinese art songs from the Twentieth Century to the early Twenty-first Century. The article has analyzed the role of art songs in the national music art and culture development and demonstrated the development regularity of Chinese art songs from...

Vocational Teacher Training Process in Professional Education for Principle of Router

Di Miao, Shixin Li, Xin Su, Linglin Li
The problems of vocational teacher training process in professional education has rigid teaching mode and single educational means. With the development of router technology, the curriculum of the principle of routers is the core course for information majors. In this paper, we show the vocational teacher...

Correlation Between Extreme Fandom and Homosexual Behaviors of Teenager Korean Bands Fans

Ambar Sulianti, Aa M Idharul Haq, Elvariana Valencia Arisanti, Wawan Hernawan
Social media observations indicate that adolescents who excessive adore their idol partners tend to have sexual orientation that leads to homosexuality. Women who love manga, anime, homosexual-themed novels are called fujoshi while men are called fudanshi. The purpose of this study was to find out whether...

Research on the Targeted Poverty Alleviation under the Background of Rural Revitalization in China

Wang Xiaofen
Targeted poverty alleviation is an important work that the Chinese government determined to realize, which is the premise and foundation for implementing the strategy of rural rejuvenation. At present, the government has to face the problems which result from targeted poverty alleviation, such as the...
Proceedings Article

The effect of using L1 in EFL teaching on secondary school students’ vocabulary achievement

Siti Fatimah, Susilo Susilo, Hasby Sjamsir
This study aims at answering three research questions: 1) how is the vocabulary achievement of the SMPN 27 Samarinda eight grade students who were taught English subject (L2) by using both L1? and 2) is there any significant different between students’ vocabulary achievement of the eight grade students...

Yemeni Crisis Dynamics: Water Security and Possible Routes to Civilian Casualty Minimization

Darcy Pollard
In a 2013 report released by the United Nations water insecurity was identified as a national security issue. This is due to the close correlation between mismanagement of water resources and acute conflict. With humanity's available potable water table under increasing stress from pressures like population...