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188265 articles
Proceedings Article

Research on Computer Digital Means of Film post-production

Xiao Han
Film is the product of human scientific and technological progress, and film technology innovation is the inevitable result of scientific and technological progress. Computer digital production technology can bring this revolution in the film, a great boost to the development of the film industry. Now...
Proceedings Article

Inconsistent Neighborhoods and Relevant Properties in Neighborhood Rough Set Models

Shu-Jiao Liao, Qing-Xin Zhu, Rui Liang, Xin-Zheng Niu
Rough set theory is an important branch of data mining and machine learning, among which neighborhood rough set is presented to deal with numerical data and hybrid data. In this paper, we propose a new concept called inconsistent neighborhood, and explore the relations between it and the existing notions...

Comparative Analysis of International Competitiveness of Chinese - American Automobile Industry

Xinying Liu, Shenyingjie Zhang, Xueyao Feng
Along with the repaid development of the transportation industry and the demand of the residents, the automobile industry has gradually developed into a pillar industry of the national industry. The level of a country's automobile industry development can also reflect the overall level of the country's...

Attuning a Problem Based Learning Model for Out of School Children using Design-Based Research

Iip Saripah
The problem of dropout students is closely related with economic weakness of a family, social environment, and the awareness of the importance of education. Concerning dropout students, it is difficult to raise parents' awareness of the importance of education, because from the family perspective, dropout...
Proceedings Article

The Applied Research of Video Image Processing Technology in Athletics Programs

Jin Wen
In this paper, it adopts the document literature and comprehensive analysis methods and it studies the use of video capture images in athletics programs. Then it draws the appropriate conclusions, so that the athletic coaches will use and guide the athletes a reasonable training.
Proceedings Article

Analysis of OTT Service Influence on Mobile Communications Network

Y. Li, J. Li
The influence of Over the Top (OTT)service on network is studied, impact of mobile terminal on the network mainly include heartbeat, push mechanism, and fast dormancy mechanisms. Permanent online heartbeat has little effect on the network. Fast dormancy mechanisms of mobile terminals on the network is...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Application of Rapid Excavation Technology in Rock Tunneling

Jingfeng Hou, Zhong Xu, Dongming Guo
Based on the situation of low level on coal mine excavation in China, the paper discusses the main influence parameters in rock blasting design. And through a case study, the paper delivers a way to improve excavation velocity by optimizing blasting parameters and labor organization.

Simulating the Spread of Ebola based on Cellular Automaton Model

De Di Li
To eradicate Ebola and reduce the current strain, we simulate the spread of it based on cellular automaton to obtain the spread regularity to control the outbreak and reduce death in time. We establish a basic SEIR model at first, base on which we extend the model with a cellular automaton-based approach....
Proceedings Article

Random Finite Element Computation Analysis of Deformation of Multi-pivot Foundation Pit

Ming Yang, Jun Wang, Zhengxiang Wang, Chaofeng Wu
The paper selects shear strength index of soil as the random variable, and applies elastic foundation beam system finite element method and load incremental method to establish random finite element computing model of multi-pivot piling wall supporting foundation pit deformation and deduct the partial...

Reference to Shari’ah Advisory Council in Islamic finance: Effect of Changes to the Stakeholders

Nurauliani Jamlus Rafdi, Surianom Miskam, Noor Aimi Mohamad Puad
The passing of the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009 has granted the authority to the Central Bank of Malaysia for the establishment of the Shariah Advisory Council as the highest and sole authority for the purpose of Islamic financial business in Malaysia. The intention of the Parliament is to rectify...
Proceedings Article

NAND Flash Bad Block Management Research Based On FPGA

Guohui Wu, Yongjie Hu, Jian Wu
For the requirement of the stability in large-capacity data storage, this paper proposes a management method of bad block based on setting up block address mapping table in the interior of FPGA. While operating the NAND Flash , we can take advantage of the mapping tables to shield inherent bad blocks...
Proceedings Article

Innovation Education of Advanced Vocational Technical Colleges Based on Mechanical Cases Analysis

Du Jitao
The keypoints of Made in China 2025 is to transform Creation-CHINA, Quality-CHINA Products-CHINA from Made-CHINA, its core is Innovation and Talents with innovating consciousness. Advanced vocational education as one education mode takes on the significant role in cultivating innovation talents. In this...

Psychological empowerment as mediator on perceptions of organizational environment with commitment to change

Wustari L Mangundjaya
An organization is an open system; consequently, any changes in the external environment will have an impact on the organization. This condition makes the organization must change. However, based on the previous experiences, not every change program had succeeded, and even can be categorized as a failure....
Proceedings Article

Design of IoT Web Server Communication Platform based on Netty and WebSocket

Xiongfei Liu, Jiakang Liu, Beiping Liao, Yunyi Zhu, Huimin Liu
With the development of the Internet, in the home, medical, transportation and other aspects of the Internet of Things large-scale application, more and more IoT gateways are connected to the cloud. Users interact with the Internet of Things gateway through the Internet of Things web server. The traditional...

Local Wisdom Based on the Social Science Literacy in Elementary Education

Rokayah Rokayah, C. Rochman
Local wisdom is one of the important competencies that must be possessed by students who support 21st-century skills. The formation of the local wisdom of students can be built by literacy skills on social science. The study of local wisdom and the literacy of social sciences in basic education are still...

Implementation of Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) on Reading, Writing and Numeracy Skills for Autistic Children

Nurika Miftakul Janah, Sari Rudiyati
Autistic children have complex developmental obstacles that require measurable assessment techniques. However, teachers often find it challenging to conduct quantifiable assessments, primarily to monitor academic abilities because of the incompatibility of cognitive development of autistic children....

Prescribing Patterns for Acute Respiratory Infections in Children in Primary Health Care Centers, Makkah Al Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia

M.H. Shaheen, M.I. Siddiqui, H.A. Jokhdar, A. Hassan-Hussein, M.A. Garout, S.M. Hafiz, M.M. Alshareef, A.M. Falemban, A.A. Neveen, A.A. Nermeen
Pages: 149 - 153
Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are a major public health problem and one of the commonest reasons for visiting primary health care centers (PHC). In developing countries, seventy-five percent of the cases are treated with antibiotics, although the majority are caused by viral infection. Our aim was...

Sticking Fault Detecting Method for CARIMA Model

Toyoaki Tanikawa, Henmi Tomohiro
Pages: 149 - 152
This paper proposes a sticking fault detecting method for controlled auto-regressive integrated moving average model (CARIMA) which detect the sticking fault of control input and feedback signal. It consists of model estimation using recursive least square method with the forgetting factor and fault...

Position and Importance of Strategic Human Resources Management in Internal Environment of Companies in the Czech Republic

Jarmila Straková, Jan Váchal
The contribution defines the category of Strategic Human Resources Management in the context of corporate internal environment. The importance of strategic human resources management in comparison with other internal resources in terms of the company profitability was tested on a sample containing 456...

Financing of Education as a Process of Formation of Human Capital and an Instrument of Socially Oriented Policy of the State

E.N. Nidziy
The priority of science and education is a factor in the dynamic development of both a separate region and the state as a whole. The introduction of science-intensive technologies into production is a key task, the solution of which will help to take Russia's leading positions in the global economic...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Cognitive Frequency Hopping Detection Algorithm

Tong Li, Chenglin Miao, Huiming Wu, Cheng Chang
Cognitive frequency hopping technology is to apply cognitive radio to frequency hopping communication. The spectrum hole in cognitive frequency hopping spectrum can be detected effectively to avoid the collision of frequency points and improve the spectral efficiency to update the frequency hopping points....

Project Management System as a Reputation Factor of an Educational Organization

E.S. Yakhontova, N.A. Shturbina, S.A. Protsenko
This article is devoted to the features of the project management system in Russian educational organizations. The empirical base of the research is based on a survey of employees of educational organizations in several Russian regions. The study revealed such characteristics of the project management...

Smart Tourism Strategy in Increasing the Number of Tourist in Indonesia

Dimas Yudistira Nugraha, Lili Adi Wibowo, Disman Disman, Ratih Hurriyati
The number of tourists in Indonesia are increasing rapidly. Tourism programs from Indonesian government plays an important role in numerous parts of tourism. One of Indonesian government tourism program is by implementing smart tourism. Smart tourism program is potentially increasing experience of the...
Proceedings Article

Analysis on the Exploitability and Utilization of Sea Area Based on ESV: A Case Study of Dengsha Estuary Eco-region

Shanshan Jin, Tianyi Li, Minjie Kang
The Dengsha estuary area is taken as the research area, and the value of marine ecological services is calculated from the perspective of opportunity cost, the exploitability of marine units is analyzed, and the current situation of marine utilization is analyzed and evaluated. By constructing an evaluation...

The Dynamics of Strengthening Socio-Economic Capacity of Rural Community Through Thematic Kampong in Semarang

Hartati Sulistyo Rini
The development of rural communities has become a central issue developing lately. Various policies both at the national and local levels surfaced and placed the village's socio-economic strengthening as the top priority of development. One policy that has implications for the socio-economic dynamics...

The Impact Of Over Capacity On Fulfilling The Basic Rights Of The Assisted Citizen In Prison In The Perspective Of Human Right

Henny Nuraeny, Tanti Utami
Prison is actually a place for people who have obtained a fixed decision from the Judge, with the aim of providing guidance to criminal offenders to realize their mistakes, improve themselves, and cause deterrent effects, so that they do not commit criminal offenses and can fulfill their life needs....

Banking liquidity as a leading approach to risk management

Stanislav Arzevitin, Igor Britchenko, Anatoly Kosov
For the modern model of the market there are inherent existence of both a set of possibilities and a large number of hazards that are waiting for economic agents and which are generated by the need to make decisions in the conditions of considerable uncertainty about the future. Liquidity risk is one...

The Effect of Venue Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Jakarta Convention Centre

Cyndiana Bidasari, Gita Siswhara, Taufik Abdullah
Jakarta Convention Centre is one of the venue where many events are held. The problem faced by Jakarta Convention Centre is the fluctuating and declining of the number of events that are held. Based on the results of pre-research, they are caused by the dissatisfaction of the client in holding the event...

Urban Heritage Conservation in the Second Half of the 20th Century: from Monuments' Restoration to Sustainable Development

Irina Butorina
The following article describes evolution of approaches in urban heritage conservation in the second half of the 20th~beginning of the 21st century. Recognition of the complexity and diversity of cultural heritage has changed our understanding of the conservation goals and approaches, especially in the...

Symbolic Meaning of Tandang Mendet Dance in Ngayu-ayu Ceremony in Nusa Tenggara Barat

Kuswarsantyo Ummi Risti Ayuni, Ummi Risti Ayuni Rahman, Kuswarsantyo Kuswarsantyo, Binarti Dwi Astuti
Tandang Mendet is a sacred dance that must be performed in Ngayu-ayu ceremony in Sembalun village, Lombok Timur regency, NTB in the month of Rajab. This study aims to describe the symbolic meaning of Tandang Mendet dance in Ngayu-ayu ceremony in Sembalun village, Lombok Timur regency. It used qualitative...

Development Strategy of Art Tradition Performance as the Teaching Material in the Education of Art and Culture

Muhammad Jazuli, Udi Utomo
Almost every part in Indonesia has a traditional performance as a part of its culture. The existence of this traditional performance (dance, music, theater) is related to meaning and usefulness. Furthermore, empowerement and development of traditional performace as the learning material in education...

The Indirect Speech Acts of College and University Students’ Meant Intentions in Social Media Communication

Dewi Rosaria Indah
Communication in social media does not necessarily take place by making use of words. Words in written form, texts in social media communication are often combined with images. This qualitative descriptive study addresses young people’s meant intentions by interacting using emoji in posts and comments...

Challenges and Strategies of the International Dissemination of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yao Song
In the globalized age, TCM international dissemination is confronted with rigorous challenges derived from cultural conflicts on the way to its internationalization. This essay has made a detailed analysis of the factors obstructing its international communication---shortage of professionals, cultural...

A Web-based Teaching Case in Basic Mechanical Experiments: Design, Application and Evaluation

Jingmei Zhai, Xiao Xu, Xianwen Zeng
The traditional on-site laboratory is now facing a challenge such as cost, space or time. As a complement, a web-based teaching platform has been established for basic mechanical experiments at South China University of Technology. All processes of an experimentation including preparation, execution,...

Process Types of Transitivity System in English Department Students’ Narrative Texts

Tengku Thyrhaya Zein, Tengku Silvana Sinar, Nurlela Nurlela, Muhammad Yusuf
The present study is aimed at discovering the process types of transitivity system in English department students’ narrative texts and its pedagogical implementation in teaching writing. Qualitative content analysis was utilized as the design of the research and the instrument used was writing sheet....

Tegalan Decorative Diversification and The Symbolic Meaning In The Millennial Era

Moh. Fathurohman, Suhardi, Noto Suharto
This study aims to describe the types and forms of development of decorative fields in the millennial era as a representation of current developments. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive method or approach. Data collection techniques used was observation, interviews and documentation....

Effect of Elements of Internal Control System on Management of Pro Deo Case and Quality of Financial Statements (Study on Religious Courts in DKI Jakarta)

Wiwi Idawati, Yusuf Yusuf
The aim of this research is to know the significance effect of internal control elements to the effectiveness of Pro Deo case management, and the financial statement quality at religion court in Jakarta Province. Data, that is used in this research is primary data, that researcher give the respondent...

Influence of New IT on Development of Information Society in Kazakhstan

Saule Barlybayeva
The global information process is strongly influenced by regional and national levels. Some countries have already developed and some are developing country entering state concept in the information society and the global information space taking into account the technological, socio-economic and cultural...

Content Based Instruction and its Effect in Teaching Speaking

Saroh Fitriani
The paper reports the effect of using Content Based Instruction in teaching speaking especially English for Communication majoring in hotel at first semester of the student at one of the higher education institutions. The sample of this study was 25 students of experiment group and 25 students of control...

Environmental Journalism in the Flood News: An advocacy model

Septiawan Santana, Zulfebriges Zulfebriges, Doddy Iskandar
The purpose of this study was to find out about mass media advocacy activities in flood reporting through environmental journalism activities. This study uses the Case Study Method. In conclusion, the media uses model advocacy: Evaluation and rehabilitation, and fostering and structuring the environment,...

Evidence of Greenhouse Effect : Commitment to Disclosure Gas Emissions

Fighting against global warming is a problem that is being fought in the world, because it can increase the surface temperature of the earth and affects the reduced ability to absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Currently the disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions has only been done voluntarily...

Effect of Good Corporate Governance, Profitability and Leverage on Tax Avoidance Behavior Before and After Tax Amnesty (Empirical study on manufacturing company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2015-2016)

Jaeni Jaeni, Achmad Badjuri, Zati Rizka Fadhila
This study aims to analyze the effect of good corporate governance, profitability, and leverage on tax avoidance behavior and analyze differences in corporate tax avoidance behavior before and after the implementation of tax amnesty. Differences in tax avoidance behavior of companies that follow tax...

The Effect of Internet of Things Implementation on Inclusive Practices in High School

Rafiudin Nurdin, Achmad Hufad, Didi Tarsidi, Imas Diana Aprilia
The purpose of this study is to determine the application of IoT (internet of Things) for the practice of inclusion in secondary schools (SMA) in Bogor. The research method used was a quasi-experimental research design with a control group design pretest random pretest. The research sample was students...

Avoiding Tax using Hybrid Mismatch Arrangement Schemes in Indonesia

Errine Nessy, Ning Rahayu
The present study investigates the habit in Indonesia of avoiding tax by means of hybrid mismatch arrangement schemes. A qualitative approach and data collection by means of library and field study was adopted in the present study. In-depth interviews were done with key respondents representing practitioners,...

Simulation of Fluid Movement Through a Gravel Filter

N.D. Bulchayev, A.Sh. Khaladov, I.G. Gairabekov, A.S. Abumuslimov
Many oil companies have serious difficulties with complicating factors as the appearance of mechanical impurities in the production of wells, the deposition of asphalt-resin-paraffin substances (ARPSs) on the equipment walls, salt deposition, and corrosion of metals. The presence of mechanical impurities...

Construction of Evaluation Index System of University Students’ Innovation Ability Based on Social Network Analysis

Fei Bian
University students can drive the country’s technological progress with their innovative ability. However, in reality, most researches have not gone in-depth into the study of the components of university students’ innovation ability or the evaluation index system. This paper, on the basis of the quantitative...

Effectiveness of Sexuality Education Training To Improve The Knowledge of Self-Protection From Sexual Harrasment in Teenage Girl in Junior High School X Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Rara Salsabila Syani, Mayreyna Nurwardani
This study aims to increase the knowledge of self-protection from sexual harassment in teenage girls through training in sexuality education at SMP X Sleman. The participants of this study were teenage girl with a age range of 12-15 years, students of SMP X Sleman, VII grade students and had a low pretest...

Feminist Writing in Notes of a Desolate Man

Yang Xiang
Owing to the controversial feature of the topic — gender, identity cognition, and political metaphor, and the gorgeous but downcast scene of the last phase described by Zhu Tianwen, Notes of a Desolate Man has been well received since it was published. However, deeper things are hidden behind the "homosexual...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation of Contextual Learning in Improving the Quality of Motor Development Course for PETE Students

Agus Mahendra, Nuryadi Nuryadi, Lukmannul Haqim Lubay, Mesa Rahmi Steppani
Learning a theoretical lesson with so many contents related to facts and information like the course of “Children Motor Development,” can be so boring and non-motivating to the students. From repeated experiences, it can be observed that the class atmosphere is mostly relatively passive and characterized...

Efficient Searching for Essential API Member Sets based on Inclusion Relation Extraction

Yushi Kondoh, Masashi Nishimoto, Keiji Nishiyama, Hideyuki Kawabata, Tetsuo Hironaka
Pages: 149 - 157
Search tools for Application Programming Interface (API) usage patterns extracted from open source repositories could provide useful information for application developers. Unlike ordinary document retrieval, API member sets obtained by mining are often similar to each other and are mixtures of several...