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188265 articles
Proceedings Article

Review on the research progress of modified recycled concrete

Yihong Wang, Tao Zhang, Jiawei Chen
Nowadays, more and more waste construction waste is abandoned in China, which makes the problem of environmental protection especially prominent. The reuse of waste concrete not only helps to solve the problem of landfill, but also contributes to sustainable development of resources. However, due to...

The Reflection of Socio-Cultural Change in Batik Motifs

Bani Sudardi
Batik is a typical art, depicted on the cloth and attire. Batik cloth portrays various meanings and reflection of social events which inspire the making of batik. This paper discusses the reflection of sociocultural changes contained in batik motifs. The studied motifs are batik motif or coastal beach...
Proceedings Article

Automation Control System against Driver Falling Asleep in Traffic

Ilya S. Dymov, Denis A. Kotin, Roman E. Derevyanko
The paper is devoted to the development of a new automation recognition and warning system against driver falling asleep in traffic. The issue of the physical condition of professional drivers on the trip is considered on the part of both efficiency and quality of determination, and in terms of improving...

Design of the Elements of Real Estate Tax on Possession from Real Estate Tax in the UK

Yan Huang
There exist problems that the fiscal revenue and expenditure authority are not asymmetric in China’s local governments for a long time. It also has aggravated a complicated situation to the imbalance between supply and demand in the real estate market, making it more difficult for the central government...

Attributive Words in Tourism Magazines in Australia

Regine Margareta, Lisetyo Ariyanti
This research explains the characteristics of attributive words in morphology and shows the function of common noun for determining an attributive use in pragmatics. This research uses qualitative method taken from some descriptions in the three Western Australian magazines. It must be noted that the...

Electronic Voting (E-Voting) in Indonesia: Reflection On E-Voting Practices in Some Countries

Eva Hany Fanida, Darman Manda, Marthinus Mandagi
Recently, the term e-voting has often been discussed in Indonesia. This is due to the emergence of the discourse on the implementation of the e-voting system in the Indonesian Presidential Election which will be held in 2019. This e-voting option is used as an alternative solution because the hope of...

Research on the Stereoscopic Hybrid Teaching Mode of Histology and Embryology against the Background of Information

Min Shi, Simin Ma
In order to evaluate the effect of the stereoscopic hybrid teaching mode of “the integration of theory, experiment and network teaching” in the teaching of Histology & Embryology (HE), we selected the students of class 1-3 freshmen (enrollment in 2017) (test group) of clinical medicine major. Based on...
Proceedings Article

Research on Network Security Based on IPSec

Yanru Liu
With the development of information technology, Network security issues are very prominent, Network security incidents occur frequently. In order to enhance network security, we must take certain measures that are the use of IP protocol. IP protocol also called Internet Protocol. As defined in the network...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Adaptive Generalized Synchronization of Hetero Structure Chaotic Systems

Chamika Dias, Shu-Yong Liu, Jiang Jian, Pan Su, Xiu-Lei Wei, Qing-Chao Yang, Yuan Fang
A mathematical model of adaptive generalized chaotic synchronization(AGCS) was established to investigate the synchronization between a multi-degree freedom non-autonomous(nonlinear vibration) driving system and an autonomous chaotic (Lorenz) response system. Within the heterostructure synchronization...
Proceedings Article

A Wrist-type Multi-physiological Signal Acquisition Device

Xinwei Zhou, Xiaoyong Ji, Xinyu Chai
Affective Computing is computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotion or other affective phenomena. Emotion recognition based on affective computing is an important part of affective computing. Electrodermal activity signal and heart rate signal are important parameters of...
Proceedings Article

Research on Web Application Vulnerability Scanning System based on Fingerprint Feature

Hao He, Lulu Chen, Wenpu Guo
In view of the existing network vulnerability scanning system does not distinguish between the characteristics of web applications, but in accordance with a single strategy to scan, resulting in scanning efficiency and accuracy is low, the scan results are not comprehensive and so on. In this paper,...

The exploration of the whole process of College Students' education through the sense of social responsibility

Liying Yin
The essence of the college students' social responsibility education is to cultivate college students' social others own the sense of responsibility to the motherland, improve college students' sense of social responsibility and the rich bear spirit, able to shoulder social responsibility and times mission...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Regression Analysis Method on the Linear Control of the Pavement on Concrete Beam Bridge with Wide Spans

Rongxiang Shan
Cantilevered construction is adopted in most concrete bridges with wide spans. Because of such factors as shrinking and gradually deforming of concrete, constructive error, and constructive load, the pavement cannot be perfectly flat when the bridge is accomplished. So it is necessary to adjust the linear...

Strategy for Tourism Development in Ex-Tin Mining, Lake Pongkar Tanjung Balai Karimun, Riau Islands, Indonesia

T. Putri Tiara, Darsiharjo Darsiharjo
Government aggressively explores mining potential because of the limited ability of the state to earn revenue from other sectors. The mining activities have been taking place in Riau Islands since many years ago. Tanjung Balai Karimun is one of the lead mining regions in Riau Islands that would have...
Proceedings Article

Research on the Algorithm of Simulation Location and Mapping of Mobile Robot

Qunying Chen
The simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) of mobile robot is the basic problem and hot spot in the field of robotics, and is also the key to realize autonomous navigation and control decision. This paper first introduces the source of the SLAM problem, and gives different solutions of the problem,...
Proceedings Article

Health Impact of Pesticide Using Method At Sprayed Worker Farmer in Sumber Mufakat Village, Karo

Eka Lestari Mahyuni, Muhammad Makmur Sinaga
Pesticide using was a problem concern specialized in safety and health aspect. Missing at work method and not in procedure could increasing of health problem specialize to occupational accident and occupational disease. The purpose of this research was to know the health impact of pesticide from pesticide...
Proceedings Article

High-Temperature Constitutive Equations of Q235 Galvanized Sheet

Sunyang Zhou, Huihui Zou, Xintang Wang
Based on a series of steady tensile tests and transient tensile tests of Q235 thin-walled galvanized sheet with depth of 2mm in elevated temperature using high temperature furnace, the formulas of high temperature mechanical property indexes and high temperature constitutive equations of the material...

Philosophical Consideration of Sustainable Development in Research Areas

Meiqing Lin, Weiming Huang, Yong Zhu
According to the problem of thinking way and sustainable development in research areas, on account of historical world outlook and systems ideas, and methodology of scientific research work which based on "connection and development" is established. Then, thinking and methods of marketing management...

Research on the Development of Chinese Financial Supervision System

Chao Lv
A very important reason for the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States is that the financial regulatory system has failed to keep up with the pace of financial innovation, resulting in the lack of regulation. "Capital firewall" makes our financial market in the subprime mortgage...

Social Development in the Urban Informal Sector Study on Street Vendors in Pasar Minggu Jakarta

Cucu Nurhayati
Economic development to the exclusion of the quality of human development has resulted in social inequality. The concept of social development is development that is societal and holistic aims to improve the quality of life . This riset aims to illustrate the concept of social development based on the...

Indonesia's Diplomacy in Tackling Terrorism Issue at the G-20 Summit in Germany 2017

Ibnu Zulian
The issue of terrorism cannot be separated from international relations; the meeting of President Joko Widodo at the German G-20 Summit brings a distinct impression to the politics of the world, as the head of the diplomacy of quality diplomacy is taken into account because it brings the national interest...
Proceedings Article

Kinematics Simulation of Planar 3-DOF Parallel Mechanism

Chao Jia, Allam Maalla, Fanshu Kong, Xijuan Guo
First, this paper establishes a three-dimension simulation model of the planar 3-dof parallel mechanism, and realized its kinematics simulation;Second, the velocity and acceleration curves of the mechanism are simulated by differential method and influence coefficient method, and the Singular configuration...

The Effect of Packaging Types on The Organoleptic Properties of Instant Ganyong Yellow Rice

Lilis Sulandari, Lucia Tri Pangesthi
The effect of packaging types: aluminium foil (Al foil), nylon, and oriented polypropylene combined with vacuum metallized oriented polypropylene (OPP-VMOPP) on the organoleptic properties of instant ganyong yellow rice was analyzed. The results showed that the type of packaging produced different effects...

A Study on the Construction of Vocational and Commercial Professional Integration Practice Teaching System Based on Innovation and Start-up Ability

Lianming Zhao
Entrepreneurial ability is listed by UNESCO as the third ability of college students after academic and vocational skills. How to launch a startup education has become a new subject for education. Education is the best way to tap students' potential to develop students' basic qualities and cultivate...
Proceedings Article

An Approach to Reduce Authentication Delay In Inter MSC Handover

K Regin Bose, V Sankaranarayanan, Belwin J Brearley
In Global System for Mobile (GSM) communication based wireless networks, authentication delay is an important factor during handover. In present system, mobile nodes are authenticated by its home Authentication Centre (AuC). In this paper a Mobile Information Centre (MIC) is introduced within a Mobile...

SEAMEO Basic Education (SEA-BES): Common Core Regional Learning Standards (CCRLS) in Mathematics: A Tool for Enhancing STEM Education

Pedro Montecillo, Jr., Teh Kim Hong, Prof. Masami Isoda
Most countries in South East Asia came out among the last third in TIMSS 2011 and PISA 2012 in both mathematics, science and reading except Singapore who tops among all nations. The same performance standing appeared in 2015. Presently, there is no agreement on the scope, breadth, width and content of...

Research on the Education and Training Mode of Innovative Talents of New Engineering in Colleges and Universities

Yan Li
With the launching of the construction plan of "new engineering", the research and discussion about new engineering in China is unprecedentedly active. And practical exploration is already on the way. This paper reviews the literature on new engineering, the characteristics of new engineering and so...
Proceedings Article

Recommender System based on Higher-order Logic Data Representation

Linna Li, Bingru Yang, Zhuo Chen
Collaborative Filtering help users to deal with information overload and guide them in a personalized way to interesting or useful objects in a large space of possible options. In this paper, we present a novel and elegant hybrid recommender system called HOLCF, which use higher-order logic as data representation...
Proceedings Article

Research on Random Vibration Control Algorithm Based-on EV Model

Haoyang Yu, Guangfeng Guan, Chenlu Feng
In order to improve the accuracy of random vibration power spectrum playback experiment The traditional FRF H1 estimation has improved .The methods of FRF estimation have been proposed based on EV model for the H1 under-estimation problems. The FRF H1 estimator is updated based on the power spectral...
Proceedings Article

Trust in Cyberspace: New Information Security Paradigm

R. Uzal, D. Riesco, G. Montejano, N. Debnath
This paper is about the differences between traditional and new Information Security paradigms, the conceptual difference between “known computer viruses” and sophisticated Cyber Weapons, the existence of a Cyber Weapons “black market”, the differences between Cyber War, Cyber Terrorism and Cyber Crime,...
Proceedings Article

CMOS Design And Single Supply Level Shifter Using 90nm Technology

Shilpa Thakur, Rajesh Mehra
The design and application of level shifter circuit which is based on single power supply is presented in this paper different from conventional level shifter circuitry. A level shifter may be used to shift any voltage level to a desired level without any leakage current. To reduce the supply routing...
Proceedings Article

The Problem and Countermeasure of Personnel File Administration in the Flow of Talent in University

Jimin Lu
With the increasing trend of college talent flow, it is becoming a new serious problem in personnel file administration, also it brings some new challenges. Personal file is the important carrier and reliable source of personal information, and it plays a more and more important role in talent flow....

Building Professionalism of Lecturers through the Development of Blended Learning

Warih Handayaningrum, Autar Abdillah
Unesa takes the role of a tertiary institution that provides digital learning by opening websites providing e-books, e-learning, journals and libraries to facilitate campus residents accessing information. Lecturers in the millennial era must really be the center of change and become professional figures...

The Teacher’s Response to the Supervision Approach of Supervisors with Cultural Insights: Huma Betang Cantik City, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) the approach to learning supervision by school supervisors with insightful culture and culture (2) the response of Dayak ethnic teachers to the approach of supervising culture-minded school supervisors. This study uses a qualitative approach type of case...

Implementation of the Critical Thinking Concept as an Effort to Strengthen Automotive Electrical Charging System Competency

Febrian Arif Budiman, Dwi Widjanarko, Abdurrahman, Basyirun
One of the practical activities at automotive education program is the practice of automotive electrical system. The practice of automotive electrical system studies the electrical charging system used in motorized vehicles, which must be mastered as a provision of competency for automotive education...

The Impact of the Birth Year on the Company’s Actual Controller Over-Investment Behavior Based on 2007–2017 A-Share-Listed Company Data

Qijun Wang
The year of fate is a special cultural phenomenon between Chinese folk custom and religious belief in Chinese traditional culture, and culture as an informal institutional arrangement may affect the behavior of enterprises and their managers. The thesis conducts an empirical analysis on the impact of...

“Green” Financing for National Sustainable Development*

Evgeniya Atamas, Maria Bitarova, Elena Belyaeva, Veronika Panaseykina
The system of green financing for purposes of sustainable development is considered in this article. The system of green financing is being developed across two scales, which are financial market and environmental performance in all of its aspects, including manufacturing process management and rendering...

Transformation of Labor Relations under the Conditions of Digitalization and Institutional Changes in the Pension System

.N. Apenko, E.Y. Legchilina, O.M. Kiriliuk, T.V. Tsalko
This article is related to the transformation research of social labor relationship under the conditions of digitalization and institutional changes the pension system. The authors suggest a regulatory model of transformations of the system components of social-labor relationship in conditions of digitalization...

Design and Optimization Analysis of Automobile Electronic and Electrical structure

Gaosheng Nie
At present, as an important means of transportation, automobile plays a more and more important role in modern human life and production process. With the expansion of the scope of use and the use of the population, consumers pay more and more attention to the technology and function of the automobile,...

Inclusive Early Childhood Education Management in Disaster Areas of Wonosobo Regency, Central Java

Lilis Madyawati, Hamron Zubadi, Khusnul Laely, Dwi Prihati
As the response of the right on education for the children with special needs, inclusive preschools emerge. This study questions the management of inclusive preschool in disaster areas in Wonosobo. It was a qualitative research that used interview, observation, and documentation as the method of data...

The Effect of Psychological Factors on Entrepreneurial Intention

K. Kurjono, H. Mulyani, Y. Murtadlo
The low intention of student entrepreneurship has an impact on unemployment. Assessing the intention of entrepreneurship is important because students when graduated are required to create jobs. Lecturers must be able to analyze and review psychological aspects because it will increase entrepreneurial...

Research on Port Integration and Sustainable Development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Xuan-Fei Wang, Zhong-Hao Lin, Shan Liang
As an important foundation and key link in the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, port integration is facing multiple pressures such as internal industrial upgrading and international shipping competition. Building a matching supply chain and accelerating the upgrading of port...

Institutional Approach as a Learning Innovation in Social Praxis Learning

Muhammad Mujtaba Habibi, Margono, Sudirman, Rista Ayu Mawarti
This study aimed to describe the design, implementation, feedback, and the impact of learning on an institutional approach to learning social praxis in the Department of Law and Citizenship, Universitas Negeri Malang. Naturalistic study was conducted on 144 students. Other research subject is the manager...

The Effect of Interval Training on Running Speed of 40-Meter on Elementary Students’ Running Performance

Suparlan, Syamsul Arifin, Maruful Kahri
The students of SDN Tebing Siring 3 have a low running performance, so the researcher concludes that the students of SDN Tebing Siring 3 do not good running speed. This research aims to determine the effect of interval training on the running speed of 40 meters of the students of SDN Tebing Siring 3...

Educational Management Based on Indigenous Knowledge (Narrative Studies of Culture of Indigenous Knowledge in South Nias)

Martiman Suaizisiwa Sarumaha
Education is for all nations and belongs to all people of all ages, social status, regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, and customs. Unfortunately various educational problems arise when cultural values shift from their nature. Education emerged as an institution deliberately formed by the community...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Physical Fitness and Principal Leadership on Physical Education Teacher Performance in the City of Ambon

Siti Divinubun, Moh. Asmawi, Firman Dils
The essence of the problem in this study is “How big is the influence of physical disability and Principal Leadership on the Performance of Physical Education Teachers?” The aim is to find out the effect of physical disability and Principal Leadership on Physical Education Teacher Performance. The hypothesis...

On the Connotation and Characteristics of China’s Road Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China 70 Years Ago

Zhao yaping
Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China 70 years ago, China has found its own path of development. This is a road of scientific development, of innovative development, of open development and of peaceful development. The successful experience of the Chinese road lies in adhering to the leadership...

Analysis on the Path of Local Application-Oriented College Students’ Rural Self Entrepreneurship

Jie Jiang
How to make Local Application-oriented College students achieve greater effectiveness in entrepreneurship should be explored in depth. This paper discusses the basic conditions of Local Application-oriented College Students’ Rural self entrepreneurship, analyzes the problems existing in Local Application-oriented...

Deforestation and Power in Joko Pinurbo’s Poems: A Literary Ecology Analysis

Sri Muniroch, Luthf Annisa, Wulan Arifiany
In this era, the problem of natural damage and environmental damage is a problem for every country. The natural and environmental damage that often occurs is reduced forest land or deforestation. There are various causes of the reduction of forest land or deforestation, such as forest fires, illegal...

Research on the Improvement of Timebank Operation Based on Blockchain Technology

Xidi Zhang, Wen Si
Timebank provides a resolution for mutual provision of the elderly in China.But because of the pain points such as low trust and recognition,giant room for improvement in recording veracity and difficulties in cross-regional exchange of voluntary time, which exist in the long-acting Timebank operation,...