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188265 articles

Potrait of Accountability and Transparency in Local Budget Management by the Regional Government in West Sumatera Province, Indonesia: An Anomaly in Digital Era

Henri Agustin, Fefri Indra Arza
This study aims to provide an overview to the public whether the publication of increasing the status of BPK opinion from qualified to unqualified opinion on district and city government financial reports in West Sumatera province is directly proportional to the consistency of district and city governments...

The Understanding of Religion Related to Motivation and Attitude of Religion

Riris Johanna Siagian
This article tries to describe and critize the understanding of religion relate to motivation and attitude. Usually, everybody knows his or her religion by doctrine, ritual, church order, ideology. This research aims to know how the followers especially men as a father in District V of the HKBP, North...

Initiating New Regulations on Personal Data Protection: Challenges for Personal Data Protection in Indonesia

Russel Butarbutar
The issue of privacy and personal data protection has often made headlines in recent years, especially in the context of social networking, consumer profiles by online advertising companies, and cloud computing. In Indonesia through the EIT Law and MoCI Regulation 20 have not been comprehensively able...

The Study of Discourse Markers on Passage Reading of College English Test

Jing Li
This paper, based on the scholar, Fraser’s theory on classifications of discourse markers, targets CET-4 passage reading from 2014.6 to 2019.6 and analyzes the characteristics of discourse marker application. The results present that topic markers, contrastive markers, elaborative markers and inferential...

Application of Machine Learning Algorithm in Human Resource Recommendation: From Tradition Machine Learning Algorithm to AutoML

Xiaoan Pan
In the decades since artificial intelligence was proposed, machine learning, the main branch of artificial intelligence, has achieved remarkable results in various fields such as natural language processing, image recognition, and computer vision. This article mainly introduces machine learning from...

Research on College Students’ Etiquette Driving Method

Shuxin Zheng, Bin Zhang, Weiwei Xu, Zhongguo Zhang
Based on the full analysis of the reasons for the lack of college students’ etiquette and image, this paper is aimed to construct the force field system that drives college students’ etiquette teaching and to proposes specific solutions. The experimental system is built with the students taught as the...

On the Causes and Countermeasures of the Psychological Problems of “Good Children” from Their Own Perspective

Hu Yan
Through the discussion of the individual self-reasons for the psychological problems of “good children”, it is helpful for “good children” to better understand themselves, know themselves and accept themselves, so as to promote “good children” self-education in real life, consciously Change Self, truly...

Research on the Relationship Between the Volume of Shenzhen Stock Market and Economic Growth

Guanglu Li, Susheng Wang
In 2019, the trading volume of Shenzhen stock market increased by 46.38%,which contributing 0.1% to China’s GDP growth, 0.41% to Guangdong’s GDP growth and 0.30% to Shenzhen’s GDP growth. The impact of the turnover of stock market on economic growth is different in different stages of the development...
Proceedings Article

Lufenuron: A Potential Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor Against Aedes aegypti L.

Kungreiliu Panmei, P Lanbiliu, Roopa Rani Samal, Sarita Kumar
Chemical control of dengue vector, Aedes aegypti is impaired due to development of resistance to conventional insecticides. Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) are considered more suitable and effective vector control agents as they specifically inhibit chitin biosynthesis, a process absent in vertebrates,...

Financial Literacy, Risk Perception and Cashless Services

Samadi W. Bakar, Reza Ghasarma, Ahmad Maulana
This study aims to examine the effect of financial literacy and risk perception on financial services without cash to get a comprehensive picture of the policy framework in supporting movements without cash. The analysis technique uses cross-sectional data design, obtained by self-reporting using a questionnaire...

Recruitment/Regeneration Function of Political Party in Indonesian Local Elections

Junaidi Junaidi
Political parties as pillars of democracy need to be organized and refined to realize a democratic political system, especially to realize good governance, both at the center and in the regions. This paper seeks to examine the relationship between the function of recruitment / regeneration of political...

Re-thinking Tax Leakage: Is it the Impact of Public Policy Failure?

Silvi Asna Prestianawati, Sri Mulyaningsih, Asfi Manzilati, Khusnul Ashar
The aim of this paper is to analyze the tax leakage of sand mining in Lumajang Regency-the area which has abundant high quality sand. Quantitative descriptive approach is used. The finding of this paper is the amount of sand tax leakage in Lumajang regency as much as IDR 48,300,092,850. The system of...

The Development of an Educational Game Tool (APE) Based on Environment for Scientific Learning on Animal Themes for Early Childhood Teachers of Earthquake Victims in Sub-District Narmada, Nusa Tenggara Barat

Nurhasanah, I Nyoman Suarta, Ika Rachmanyani, Siti Maulida Ababil
This research is motivated by the earthquake that occurred in August 2018 ago caused a lot of APE were damaged due to damage to the building, exposed to rain, and have disappeared so that the formulation of the problem of this research is how to model the development of APE, forms APE, and group APE-based...

Research on the Application of Blockchain Technology in the Field of Supply Chain

Xin Zhu, Yao Wang
This paper analyzes the development of China’s logistics industry, combined with the characteristics, architecture and core technology of blockchain, and puts forward corresponding solutions. Blockchain technology removes many constraints in various system applications and provides technical possibilities...

Methodological Foundations of Managerial Accounting Policy

I.V. Kalugina, O.N. Tarasenko, A.Yu. Bunina, T.N. Pavluchenko
This paper presents methodological aspects of forming a set of information for development of a managerial accounting policy. It considers the main managerial issues and provides concrete content for the system of managerial accounting in the part of application of the managerial accounting policy. Elements...

Assessment of the Level of Digitalization of the Economy and Society in Russia

E. Dmitrieva
The subject of the paper is to study the development level of digitalization of the economy and society in Russia. The aim of the study is to review the available statistics in order to quantify the development level of digitalization of the economy and society of the country and determine its position...
Research Article

Effects of Weight Loss on Vascular Function in Obese Individuals with Poor Cardiovascular Health: Design and Research Protocol of an Interventional Clinical Trial

Michelle Rabello Cunha, Samanta Souza Mattos, Marcia Regina Simas Torres Klein, Wille Oigman, Mario Fritsch Neves
Pages: 154 - 160
Introduction: Excessive adipose tissue is associated with adverse metabolic effects and is an important risk factor for chronic diseases. According to the American Heart Association, most cardiovascular events can be prevented by adhering to healthy practices, reflecting cardiovascular health as poor,...

Model of Internal Marketing in Enhancing Tourism Brand of North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Nancy Mandey, Mikke Marentek, Daisy Sundah, Cysca Langi
The restaurant industry in Indonesia has experienced very rapid growth in recent years. Restaurants are increasingly aware of the need to market, develop and promote the restaurant industry as part of tourism products. Currently in North Sulawesi, the internal marketing brand has not been well developed....

Spatial Analysis on the Utilization of Mosque in the Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in Padang

Azhari Syarief, Dian Adhetya Arief, Triyatno, Endah Purwaningsih
Mentawai megatrusth is a subduction zone which is currently very active in an earthquake and is expected to be a threat to the city of Padang against tsunami hazards. The mosque’s institution acts as a centre of religious and social activities by Muslim communities for centuries in West Sumatera. In...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Cardiovascular System of Teenagers Aged 12–14 Years at Medium Intensity Aerobic Physical Load

V.V. Gorrelik, V.N. Vlasov, A.A. Podlubnaya, A.N. Pianzin
The paper considers peculiarities of aerobic physical exercises for 12–14-year old teenagers suffering from arterial hypertension. Cardiovascular diseases in teenagers affect the development of the body and its functional stability. In this regard, this paper discusses the peculiarities of CVS optimization...

A Perspective on Computer Programming Education for Children in China

Yizhe Sun, Chu Luo
Computer programming education for children is currently a roaring industry in China. For the cultivation of children’s logical thinking ability and innovation ability, the government and investors have been making diverse efforts to develop the industry. Yet, there is more room to improve for efficient...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of Rubber Auction Market Towards Transmission Price for Farmers in Jambi Province

Mirawati Yanita, HD Ernawati, Zulkifli Alamsyah
Rubber is a small-scale plantation cultivated by smallholders. Jambi Province is one example that crucially depends on its agricultural sector, like rubber. Rubber does have the potential to be one key to economic and social development in the rural area, improving the socio-economic situation of millions...

The Status Quo and Analysis of Residents’ Financial Management — Taking Guangdong as an Example

Yu Zeng
With the development of China’s economy and the increase of residents’ disposable income, investment and financial management have increasingly entered the lives of residents. However, China’s financial market is still undergoing transformation and there are many weak links. At the same time, there are...

Ethnographic Study of the Umma Kalada Values of the Indigenous People of Loura and Its Application in Elementary Social Studies Learning

Heronimus Delu Pingge, Nana Supriatna, Sapriya, Abdul Azis Wahap, Rahel Maga Haingu
Education and culture are two inseparable aspects. Education uses the student’s culture or environment as a learning resource. Education too prepare students to work or live in a community environment. The research was carried out aimed at; 1) knowing the form of local wisdom and the values it containsin...

Imitation and Theory of Mind in Autism: A Review of Mirror Neuron System

Yupeng Yuan, Chenxi Zhu
Individuals with autism spectrum disorder usually suffer a combination of social interaction impairments, imitation deficits, theory of mind difficulties, sensory hyperreactivity, and repetitive behaviours. Researchers strive to identify the etiology or risk factors of this disability by developing a...

Teaching Techniques Applied in Speaking Classes: Lecturers’ Voice of What and Why

Rahmah Isnaniah, Nanik Mariani, Jumariati
This research aimed to investigate the teaching techniques used and mostly used by the lecturers in Basic Speaking classes. Furthermore, the factors underlie their choice in using certain techniques more often than other techniques. It used descriptive qualitative involving three lecturers who taught...
Research Article

Prevalence and Factors Associated with under-5 Mortality in Nigeria: Evidence from 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey

Ashis Talukder, Nusrat Jahan Sathi, Md. Akhtarul Islam, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam, Iqramul Haq
Pages: 154 - 161
Under-five mortality is a substantial indicator of children’s health, well-being, and consequently, socioeconomic development of a country. The primary focus of this study was to estimate the prevalence and identify the factors associated with under-5 mortality in Nigeria. This research utilized the...

A Literature Review of Northeast Farmer Painting Art

Lili Sun
With the continuous development of farmer painting art in China, the heat of farmer painting research continues to increase, and the research perspectives are becoming more diverse. This paper summarizes the research directions and research results of many Chinese scholars in recent years, summarizes...

Matching Relationship Between Strategic Objective and Policy Theme of China’s Pension Policy: Based on Text Analysis From 1978 to 2019

Xuelan Wang, Xiaoshen Cai, Yuan Zhang
This paper used text mining to analyse matching relationships between the strategic objective and policy theme in different stages since 1978. It is found that the systematization of pension policy system is increasing by degrees with the strategic objective gradually clear. However, there are insufficient...

From Digital Literacy to Digital Intelligence

A Comparative Study of Digital Literacy Frameworks

Taufiqur Rahman, Ayu Amalia, Zuhdan Aziz
Digital literacy is an essential requirement for every individual to survive in the digital society. Initiatives have been done to develop a comprehensive digital literacy framework in many countries. These initiatives use different names for the framework including digital literacy, digital competence,...
Proceedings Article

Using Whatsapp Group to Increase Mother’s Knowledge on TBC in Sambisari Village, Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta

Falasifah Ani Yuniarti
The Covid-19 pandemic period that occurred lately, directly changed the plan for the community service process. Health education which is done by face to face meeting, must be changed to an online meeting. Definitely, for people who have not been familiar yet with the applications used, it becomes a...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Eye and Leg Coordination to Sepak Sila Skill in the Sepak Takraw Game in Extracurricular Students Activities

Alwin Saputra
Based on observations, found the phenomenon, among others there are students who do football but the leg cannot touch the ball properly. This is due to the weak coordination of eye and foot coordination of students in doing sepak sila. Furthermore the ball of sepak sila is not well controlled, this is...

The Role of Curator as a Mediator in Indonesian Film Festival Program

Nala Nandana Undiana
This research shows the perspective of a curator in creating an atmosphere for a program that will be rolled out in a film festival. The research method is a descriptive analysis of the program that took place in organizing a film festival. Interviews with several film curators will became the research...

Polylactic Acid as Biodegradable Plastic Material Based on Tofu Dregs

Mohammad Manarul Lubab, Zahratul Aflah Fatharani Rahimah Sudianto, Permata Maratussolihah, Mustika Nuramalia Handayani
Polylactic acid (PLA) is an environmentally friendly plastic raw material. However, the synthetic lactic acid raw materials needed are relatively expensive. There is an alternative solution to produce lactic acid from other natural resources that are abundant and untapped, such as tofu industrial solid...

Correlation of Wages and Labor Productivity in Russia and Abroad

Alexander Chernopyatov, Ludmila Makuschenko, Maksim Mordanov, Mariya Zalevskaya, Anna Korepanova, Vera Popova
Current article represents research in the field of labor productivity and wages, as well as their correlation. The authors highlight the main tasks and set the goal of analyzing the correlation between wages and labor productivity in the Russian Federation in comparison with the EU countries and the...

Implementation of Lesson Study to Improve Basic Teaching Ability of Geography Education Students, University of Kanjuruhan Malang

Suwito, Ika Meviana
In order to improve teaching abilities, prospective teachers must understand eight basic teaching skills, namely organizing group and individual work, explaining, questioning, reinforcement, variation, discussion guiding, class management and opening and closing skills. Lesson study is a model that is...

A Model of the Integration of Science in State Islamic Universities in Indonesia

Deden Makbuloh, Ruswanto
The transformation of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) into State Islamic University (UIN) in Indonesia is aimed at developing the ideal model for the integration of science with Islam. UIN is given more authority and financial supports to develop basic and applied sciences in the fields of...

Exploration on the Construction of General Education Curriculum System Under the New Business Concept in School of Business

Yinhua Yao, Tingting Yang
This thesis introduces the “new business” concept and its requirements for business talent training, analyzes general education curriculums of benchmarking business schools in US and UK, and finally puts forward some implications on how to reconstruct the general education curriculum in business school....

Application of Distance Learning Technologies in Teaching Practice of Bachelor Students

A.V. Antonova, G.A. Kruglikova
The article is devoted to one of the most important components of training of a future teacher - teaching practice. The article reveals the purpose, objectives and content of teaching (pedagogical) practice of students of the profile “History and social studies” in the 4th year of bachelor’s degree studies....

Female Rebelliousness on the Economy and Gender Relations in the 19th Century British Literature: From Jane Austen to Charlotte Brontë

Xinyang Wei
The eighteenth and the nineteenth century witnessed serious gender inequalities in British society. Patriarchy gained dominance of everything in the fields of economy, politics and literature. At the end of the eighteenth century, female writers such as Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë bravely broke...

The Struggles and Gains of the Soviet Union: The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

Hanxiao Li
The Non-Aggression Pact between Nazis Germany and Soviet Russia, also noted as the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, was signed in August, 1939 — right before the invasion of Poland. It is commonly interpreted that the Non-Aggression pact was one of the essential triggers of WWII, and the center of the thesis...

The Model Construction of Knowledge Organization System in Terminography — Taking Chinese Linguistic Terminology as an Example

Jie Zheng
Chinese linguistic terminology has the characteristics of a combination of systematicity and hybridity, which brings challenges and opportunities to the research and practice of terminography, and makes the integration of interdisciplinary theories inevitable. Combining the theoretical perspectives of...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria in Snapper Fish (Lutjanus sp.) from Banda Aceh Waters

Wahyu Eka Sari, M. Nur Salim, Teuku Reza Ferasyi, Muhammad Hambal, Henni Vanda, T. Zahrial Helmi, Mudhita Zikkrullah Ritonga, Sukmawan Fajar Santosa, Windy Budi Setiawandi
Snapper (Lutjanus sp.), which is an important marine fish resource, is known to have relatively low movement activity and form relatively small groups. These characteristics make these fish susceptible to various diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria. This study aims to identify the pathogenic bacterial...

Effective Supervision Development Models to Improve Cooperation Supervisor Performance

I Made Marsa Arsana, Ketut Arya Bayu Wicaksana, I Nyoman Sugiarta, Ni Luh Gede Mahayu Dicriyani
The research objective is to find out the effectiveness of the development model of supervision to improve the performance of Cooperative supervisors. The research method uses an experimental design consisting of a control group and a treatment group. The control group without treatment while the treatment...

Key Performance Indicators for Influencer Marketing on Instagram

Claudia Primasiwi, M. Isa Irawan, Rita Ambarwati
The emerging field of information technology has been going through a drastic shift since social media this decade. Social media has become a new medium to share information and news rapidly. The swift flow of information in social media causes a new phenomenon called ‘social media influencer.’ The marketing...

Revitalization and Actualization of Politeness in Javanese Disclosures and Attitudes to Builds the Nation Character

Pradnya Paramita Hapsari, Supardjo
The background of this research is a change in values in Javanese society, one of which is caused by the waning understanding of politeness in Javanese expressions and attitudes which contain pedagogical values and are no longer used as a guide in everyday life. The data of this research are politeness...

A Comparison Study of Bank Efficiency in Indonesia Before and After Crisis in 2008 Based on Data Envelopment Analysis

Cut Nabila Saraziva, Dony Abdul Chalid
During financial crisis, the profitability of businesses tend to decline. Therefore, managements aim to minimize inefficiencies in running their businesses. Using 35 banks in Indonesia, we analyze the crisis effect on bank’s efficiency before and after crisis in 2008. Methods used in this study are data...

Branding of Purwakarta Regency Through Gempungan di Buruan Urang Lembur in Health Services

Moh Faidol Juddi, Susie Perbawasari, Susanne Dida, Aaat Ruchiat Nugraha
The branding of the Purwakarta Regency Government with the local wisdom of Sundanese culture through Gempungan di Buruan Urang Lembur activity has succeeded in gaining an appreciation by receiving the ISO 9001: 2008 certificate and Metamorphosis iNews Indonesia Award 2017 in the field of public services...

Research on Nintendo’s Marketing Strategy During the Epidemic

Jialong Liu
COVID-19 happened unexpectedly. The adverse impacts brought by COVID-19 are profound and continuing. For example, the revenues of firms in various fields are suffered from it. But there are still some surviving companies. So the marketing strategy of these companies is significant. This research studies...

Using MIDI and the Drill Method to Improve Student Singing Ability at SMK Negeri 2 Maros

Sri Wahyuni Syukur, Dra Kun Setyaning Astuti, Nurul Fathimatul Izzah
This research is conducted by implementing the Drill Method and using learning media, namely MIDI, as an alternative medium used which contains the resulting scale intervals so that it is more practical to teach, especially in improving vocal techniques in singing. The research participants are 20 students-members...