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188542 articles
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Surgery Opportunity Choice on the Prognosis of the Post-Necrotizing Enterocolitis Intestinal Obstruction

Jixue Zhao, Xin Fu
Objective: To investigate the treatment effect of the different surgery opportunity choice on the post- necrotizing enterocolitis intestinal obstruction. Methods: A retrospective analysis of our Hospital in recent 8 years, neonatal and pediatric surgery in the diagnosis and treatment of the post- necrotizing...

Research on the Transformation of the General Curriculum System in Colleges and Universities

Xiangxin Liu
As an important part of higher education and a powerful means of cultivating comprehensive talents. The curriculum system of general education is directly related to the success of general education. This paper will point out the difficulties and causes of the curriculum system construction of current...

Research on Improving Collaborative Innovation Ability of Higher Education and Manufacturing Development

Wei-Na LIU, Dong-Nan SU, Chun-Mei LI, Zhi-Gang LIU
This article starts from two aspects of higher education and manufacturing, Put forward the problems in the co-innovation of higher education and manufacturing development, combined with the actual situation of the school , make clear the five aspects of collaborative innovation ability of higher education...

A Study on Chinese Real Exchange Rate

Shuang-Qing PAN
Purchasing power parity theory is often used as an important basis for exchange rate policy, and also the most widely used in the theory of exchange rate decision. Since July 21, 2005, the exchange rate system of China is relatively stable, and also the economic development is the same. Therefore, this...

Research on the Infringement Identification of the Specific Name for the Well-Known Commodity??"Taking the Case of Lost in Thailand as an Example

Haiyan Qi
In the case of Lost on Journey and Lost in Thailand, the audience suddenly realize that they are not series. Meanwhile, the case also let people know that the specific names for well-known commodities have great commercial value and it is also an important right protected by law. Strengthening the protection...

Research on the design innovation and transformation mode of outdoor public recreation facilities on campus

Yepeng Qi, Xiaofan Zhao, Jiahui Dong
Social development has prospered since the 21st century.Based on the prosperity,our material and cultural needs growing continuously.In terms of material needs, when people use goods, the demand is not only about function,they are eager to have a better experience.In terms of cultural needs, there should...

Family Business in Agriculture: Challenge and Strategy to Face Global Business

Nyayu Lathifah Tirdasari, Dikky Indrawan, Idqan Fahmi
Family business as the most business practice in the agricultural sector faces a challenge from global business via the Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The purpose of this paper is to provide business strategies that support the competitiveness of the family business in the global value chain. We reviewed...
Proceedings Article

Correlations between Logistics and Infrastructure Digitalization and Gross Domestic Product Size

Natalia Alekseeva, Larisa Voronova, Nadezhda Grashchenko
The life of a contemporary person acquires a new quality due to smart solutions, hence the issue of what affects the appearance of smart solutions and what impact smart solutions have on economic activity indicators is relevant. The paper is aimed at identifying correlations between urban logistics and...

Analysis on the Comparative advantages of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Universities across the Taiwan Straits

Yanfang Zhang, Qingyun Xia
Since 2015, innovation and entrepreneurship education in universities has developed rapidly under the promotion of national policies in mainland China. Innovation and entrepreneurship courses have been gradually popularized, the education has developed in a diversified way, the construction of innovation...

The Role of Regional Government Expenditures on Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia

Agus Basuki, Yunastiti Purwaningsih, A Soesilo, Mulyanto
This research aims at empirically proving the composition of local government expenditure (education, health, marine and fisheries, agriculture, and general allocation fund) on economic growth in 18 provinces in Indonesia from 2010 to 2015. The model used in this research is panel data regression. The...
Proceedings Article

Comparative Assessment of Adhesion to Dental Enamel and Friction Forces of Bracers

M.A. Khastsaeva, F.A. Dzutseva, Z.A. Shaova, I.V. Baroeva, S.K. Khetagurov, O.A. Farnieva, L.S. Kanukova
The study is devoted to comparative analysis of some technical aspects of braces. According to some reports, the prevalence of dentofacial anomalies in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania reaches nearly 40 %, which is slightly higher than the level across the Russian Federation in general. Undue detection...
Proceedings Article

Implementation Concept of Industry 4.0 to Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia in Order to Optimize Supply Chain Management

M Y P Pane, R Hartono, Y Yuwana, S Raharno
Common manufacturing Industries in Indonesia are labour intensive industry, paper-based information flow thus un-well recorded. This behaviour can’t give real time and accurate information from shop floor which is important to make an effective production planned. This paper presents an approach to change...
Proceedings Article

Midwife service coverage, quality of work, and client health improved after deployment of an OpenSRP-driven client management application in Indonesia

Kevin Kurniawan, Inraini FitriaSyah, Ahmad Rafi Jayakusuma, Resty Asmauryanah Armis, Yusran Lubis, Muhammad Abdi Haryono, Benyamin Harefa, Anuraj Shankar
The quality of maternal and child health services remains suboptimal in most low and middleincome countries (LMIC). Data are routinely collected with paper-based systems but are incomplete, underutilized, and reported as poorly-usable aggregated indicators. Therefore, we developed the Open Smart Register...

Study on Management System of Major Scientific Research Projects

Wei Zhang
In response to the needs of major national scientific research projects, especially the implementation of “Strategic Priority Program” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, from the perspective of project operation management, we focus on the following five aspects, which involve project setting, project...

The Influence Of Participation In Budget Preparation And Uncertainty Of Environment Towards Managerial Performance Of Village Government Through Organizational Commitment As Moderating Variable (Empirical Study in Bantul Regency)

Suryo Pratolo, Muhamad Fandi Indra Santo Simali
This study aims to determine the influence of participation in budget preparation and uncertainty of environment through organizational commitment as moderating to managerial performance of Village Government in Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study uses purposive sampling method with...

Comparing conventional public transport to ride-hailing apps: A snapshot of user experiences from Metro Manila

Godofredo Ramizo Jr
Ride apps offer alternative and controversial solutions to commuters in Manila, a Southeast Asian megacity characterized by inadequacies in transport infrastructure and law enforcement capabilities. In the literature, there is scarce empirical analysis of how ride-hailing technologies compare with pre-existing...
Proceedings Article

Method for a Multi-Objective Selection of a Fluid Power Drive Based on Analysis of Its Design, Operational and Dynamic Characteristics

P. Kazakov, V. Kazakov
The approach for a multi-objective selection of fluid power drive based on information of its design, operational and dynamic characteristics is proposed. It uses the optimal Pareto variants of a fluid power drive found at the stage of multi-objective optimization. The operational and dynamic characteristics...

Digital technologies development factors in the industrial park structures

A.E. Plakhin, M.S. Khokholush, M.V. Selezneva
The relevance of the study is due to the need of accelerating the digitalization of Russian industry. According to foreign authors, sectoral and territorial imbalances in the level of digitalization are one of the main reasons for the slowdown in economic growth. On the other hand, the challenges facing...

Need Analysis of Developing Digital-Based Promotional Media Designs for the Dissemination of Indonesian Marathon Athlete Profiles

Hamdan Syafril Sayuti
Many people are not too familiar with the profile of a marathon athlete who has succeeded in the championship inside and outside the country. The purpose of this research is to know the achievements that the Indonesian marathon runners have achieved. The type of research used is a type of qualitative...

Research on the development of live streaming industry in China

Junfeng Wang
Live streaming industry has developed rapidly and become a new type of Internet culture industry with the rapid development of Internet technology in the past two years in China. However, there are also many problems behind the prosperous development of live streaming industry, such as profit model and...

Economic Efficiency Analysis of Tourism Poverty Alleviation in Wuling Mountain Area of Guizhou

Hui Sheng
Tourism poverty alleviation is an important part of poverty alleviation. In order to investigate the performance of tourism poverty alleviation, this paper selected 12 districts in Wuling Mountain Area of Guizhou as research objects, and then built DEA model to measure the total efficiency, pure technical...

One to One Identification of Cryptosystem Using Fisher’s Discriminant Analysis

Xinyi Hu, Yaqun Zhao
Pages: 155 - 173
Distiguishing analysis is an important part of cryptanalysis. It is an important content of discriminating analysis that how to identify ciphertext is encrypted by which cryptosystems when it knows only ciphertext. In this paper, Fisher’s discriminant analysis (FDA), which is based on statistical method...
Proceedings Article

Indicators of the Sustainability of Historical Tourism of Communities Surrounding Phra Nakorn Sri Ayutthaya Historical Park

Somchai Seviset, Sittichai Charoensettasilp
Due to objectives of the research on studying behaviors, level of knowledge of people and analysis of indicators affecting the sustainability of historical tourism in communities surrounding Phra Nakaorn Sri Ayutthaya Historical Park. Questionnaire and interviews are used as research instruments in collecting...

Increasing Children with Autism Understanding of Their Daily Activities Schedules Using Wacker Daily Activity

Imam Yuwono
One of the characteristics of children with autism is their inability to understand the audible instructions properly. It is easier for them to understand commands visually. As a result, children with autism need adaptive media to understand their daily activities schedule. By employing a behavior modification...

Preliminary Research: The Influence of Customer Lifestyles on the Decision of Choosing an Online Design Studio Services

Benedicta Adriela
The objectives of this reseach was to find out the influence of customer lifestyles on their decisions in using the services of online design studios. In order to know whether the use of the service is due to preferences, and finally to know whether it’s influenced by the lifestyle or not. For that,...
Proceedings Article

Modeling and Simulation of High Voltage Circuit Breaker Based on PSCAD

Tie Chen, Haoyun Ke
The black box model can describe the process with only a few related parameters and avoid the complicated description like the physical mathematical model. Based on these advantages, a black box model of circuit breaker based on arc was established. Firstly, the two typical arc black box models were...

Study on the Cultivation Mode of Business English Talents under “the Belt and Road Initiative”

Xiaomei Wang
The Belt and Road Initiative puts forward new requirements for business English talents. Based on the analysis of the new requirements, the study first presents the problems in the present business English talent cultivation. In order to meet the needs in the new situation, the study explores effective...
Proceedings Article

Fertility of Arable Chernozems of Western Siberia during Long-Term Application of Mineral Fertilizers

Dmitry Eremin
Western Siberia is the area of risk farming; however, it has always been and still remains a promising region for the development of modern agriculture. Unlike well-developed European chernozem or black soil, their Siberian counterparts are unstable to the anthropogenic impact. Therefore, the farming...

Study on the Evaluation System of Flipped Classroom Teaching in Colleges and Universities

Zhao Ang, Sun Chang-an
With the rise and development of open online courses such as SPOC and MOOC, more and more researchers are paying attention to how to carry out the practice of flipping class and make use of information technology to innovate teaching methods. Based on the analysis of flipped classroom teaching mode and...
Proceedings Article

Pharmacognostic study of the leaf of Ageratina adenophora

Nungshioba Jamir, Muslek Uddin Mazumder, P. Khazeo, K. Nusalu Puro, Rosamund Jyrwa, Lalzikpuii Sailo
Ageratina adenophora (Asteraceae), commonly known as Crofton weed or sticky snakeroot, leaves are used for various health conditions in traditional medicines. They are used for treatment such as wound, itching, measles, skin diseases, uterine bleeding and also acts as antibacterial and astringent activity....

Theoretical Thinking and Practical Research on the Establishment of Teaching Base for Sino-Russian Folk Artworks A Case Study of Heihe University

Wang Yuyun
According to the spirit of the document of Construction Planning of Strong Higher Education Province of Heilongjiang by China and the Education Department, and the “Longjiang Silk Road Economic Belt” construction spirit to implement “the Belt and Road Initiative” strategic planning, this paper explores...

Communication Therapy Model for People with Asperger Syndrome

F P Kusuma, Mr Subyantoro, A Su’udi, H B Mardikantoro
Cultural transformation in the industry 4.0 era has become an inevitable phenomenon. One of its impacts can be found in the form of human interaction revolution. Individuals who are unable to manage this wind of change shall be left behind in the current competition. People with Asperger Syndrome (PAS)...

Perception of Message on the Display “Foto Acrylic Ini Dapatkan Diskon Seumur Hidup” to Used Batik Trusmi Groups for Customers Sambal Layah Cirebon

Farida Nurfalah
The management company is required to communicate and disseminate their products to the customer in order to convince customers to buy the product by spreading the advertising in various categories among which are using posters, displays installed in several public spaces. Identify the problem in this...
Proceedings Article

Development and research of aerodynamic stand

Y.F. Davydov, E.A. Asangaliev, M.V Dudkin, A.E. Erulanova, A.D Daurenov
the hydrodynamic processes occurring in devices and the influence of various factors on the flow regime were analyzed. A working section of the aerodynamic stand was developed and models that make it possible to investigate the flow by measuring the pressures, velocities, and resistance of the device...

Bargaining Power of Suppliers, Customers and Enterprise Accounting Conservatism Based on the Empirical Data of Listed Companies in China

Rui Xiang, Hongyan Yang
Suppliers and customers lie in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain, and are the providers and exchangers of the essential resource which the enterprise’s survival and development must depend on. Accounting conservatism is an important measure of the quality of corporate financial reporting,...

Reformation Protection On Indonesian Worker Regim To Asean Community 2025

Lanny Ramli, Ms. Koesrianti
Until now Indonesian worker not fully protection faced ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) free trade liberalism in ASEAN COMMUNITY especially undocumented Indonesian worker. Actually, there is regulation Act Number 39 Year 2004 for protection Indonesian worker but we should finding the new model for more...

Public Relations Management Concept of ATLU (Asking, Telling, Listening, and Understanding) in Public Communication Implementation at PTNBH, a Study in Universitas Padjadjaran

Feliza Zubair, Ade Kadarisman, Retasari Dewi
PTNBH (Perguruan Tinggi Berbadan Hukum or Higher Educational State Institution with Legalized Body) is a concept of managing higher education institution in state universities, which has autonomous status to regulate themselves. This autonomous right for higher education is written in Government Rule...

Synthetical Weather Index Insurance Product Design - A Case of Millet in Wuzhai, Shanxi

Yueqin Wang, Sijian Zhao, Qiao Zhang, Qian Nie
Using the daily meteorological data from 1957 to 2015, the time series data of millet yield from 1980 to 2015, and the investigation and previous studies of meteorological disasters in Wuzhai County of Shanxi Province , the key meteorological disasters affecting the yield of millet at various growth...

Evaluating Senior High School English Language Teachers’ Perception and Practices Regarding Learner Autonomy

Sudarsono Mr., Lies Amien Lestari
Learner autonomy (LA) is still as an interesting and trending topic for English Language practitioners, either for teachers or researchers. Promoting learner autonomy should be begun earlier at all levels of age at school or at home. This research paper reports the findings of how senior high school...
Proceedings Article

The Use of interactive multimedia in balancing redox reactions for facilitating learning style differences

Sukarmin Sukarmin, Suyono Suyono
This study aims to determine, students' learning styles, the improvement of learning outcomes, and student responses to interactive multimedia. The Interactive multimedia “ChemTutor” in balancing redox reactions to be applied in research class. The results of this research showed that from 15 students...

Facial Colorization Using Transfer Learning

Fucheng You, Yangze Zhao, Shuren Lai, Hechen Gong
This paper applies transferring learning to facial colorization and The main body is based on DNN. However, considering the less complexity of the dataset and the equipment constraints. We extracte global features from VGG16 pre-tained model instead of Inception-resnet-v2. In adition ,we cmpare the test...
Proceedings Article

Research on Interpreters' Professional Development under the Background of "The Belt and Road" Construction

Juan Lu
On November 8, 2014, the General Secretary Xi announced that China would invest $ 40 billion to set up the "Silk Road Fund", aiming to provide financial support for the infrastructure construction, resource development, industrial cooperation, and other relevant projects of "The Belt and Road" Construction....
Proceedings Article

Delay Estimation Based on Compressed Sensing Subspace Pursuit Algorithm

Xue-dong LENG, Zi-lun ZHAO, Bin BA
In this paper, a novel method is constructed to estimate the time delay. The purpose of this article is to deal with the lack of measurement data in small sample (single snapshot) and low signal to noise ratio environment during wireless location. First, the sparse representation model of received signals...
Proceedings Article

The Application of D2D Communication Used in Train Control System

Peng Wang, Kaicheng Li
Internet of Vehicles is a research focus of wireless internet transmission, and it is of great significance introducing Internet of Vehicles into railway. This paper introduces the background and significance of the Internet of Train research, and describes the design scheme and key rooting protocols...
Proceedings Article

Sensitivity analysis for shear strength of flat interface between shotcrete and granite in high temperature tunnel

Xinghua Tang, Mingnian Wang, Congyu Dong, Jianjun Tong, Yicheng Wang
For the sensitivity on the shear strength of flat interface between shotcrete and granite in high temperature tunnel, shear experiments were performed with concrete-granite combined specimens. By calculating the sensitivities of temperature, relative humidity, normal stress and concrete strength, the...

Study of a Reading-Writing Project Based on Connectionism in China's EFL Classrooms

Qing Yang, Wei Yao
Under the framework of connectionism, the present research designed a new syllabus - a reading-writing project for EFL students in a Chinese university. The project established a net for connection: reading materials as input units, self-reflection and peer discussion as hidden units, and writing as...
Proceedings Article

Theoretical Calculation of Polymeric Nano-Composite Interface: A Review

Wei Huang, Jia-qi Lin, Wen-long Yang, Yu Wang
The theoretical studies on the relationship between the structure and properties of polymeric nano-composite (PNC) were reviewed in this paper. Some mechanical properties of the PNC by calculation and simulation technology in recent years were also analyzed. The theoretical study results showed the efficiency...
Proceedings Article

The treatment technique of dynamic analysis of highway slope diseases under complicated geological conditions of high temperature and rainy area

Haiping Li, Rongxiang Shani
Under abnormal climatic conditions, a large number of cutting slope deformation instability problems that plagued expressway operation have become one of the major security issues. The formation lithology, geological structure and other inner factors are closely related to the stability problem of expressway...
Proceedings Article

Study on Fiber Optics Distributed Acoustic Sensing Technology

Jianghe Liu, Siyuan Wei, Zhongxin Qi
Distributed fiber optics sensing technology is a technology ofbroad application prospect. It allows a long distance and a wide range of acoustic emission source positioning and monitoring, while perform a real-time, online, dynamic monitoring of damage to the structural building materials, as well as...
Proceedings Article

Finite-Time H-Infinity Filter Design for Discrete Jump Time-Delay Neural Networks

Yingqi Zhang, Yang Yang, Caixia Liu, Jiankang Mu
This paper studies the problem of finite-time H-infinity filter design of discrete Markovian jump neural networks with time-varying delays and norm-bounded disturbance. The definitions of stochastic finite-time boundedness and stochastic H-infinity finite-time boundedness are first given. Then, an H-infinity...