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188542 articles

Influence of Local Wisdom-Based Blended Learning Module for Environmental Geography Towards Problem-Solving Skill

Mrs Sumarmi
The module aims at guiding and directing activities in a learning process as well as helping students in learning and mastering certain competencies. In addition, the module is also a type of assessment tool to evaluate learning achievement. The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of local...

Construction Industry Needs for Vocational High School Graduates

Nurlita Pertiwi, Irma Aswani Ahmad
The purpose of this study is to identify the competencies of vocational high school graduates and describe strategies for the achievement of these outcomes. This study formulates particular competencies required by the construction industry. The research method is quantitative. Data of competence graduates...
Proceedings Article

A Hybrid Fusion Algorithm for Integrated INS/UWB Navigation and Its Application in Vehicle Platoon Formation Control

Yingmao Lu, Jianjun Yi, Liang He, Xiaomin Zhu, Pengfei Liu
The vehicle positioning technology is playing an important role in Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System (CVIS). In those single positioning modes, the precision of wireless positioning is greatly affected by the environment. However, the accumulative errors of inertial navigation system (INS) and...
Proceedings Article

Application of Geographic Information Technology in Natural Disaster Emergency Management System

Fei Liu
This paper analyzes the characteristics of emergency management system of natural disasters and the content of management work, and on this basis, discusses the important role of geographic information technology in natural disasters emergency management system. Practice has proved that geographic information...
Proceedings Article

Automatically Recognizing Stock Patterns Using RPCL Neural Networks

Xinyu Guo
Stock patterns are those that occur frequently in stock time series, containing valuable forecasting information. In this paper, an approach to extract patterns and features from stock price time series is introduced. Thereafter, we employ two ANN-based methods to conduct clustering analyses upon the...
Proceedings Article

The Development of the Environment Friendly Machining Center Lubricant

Huang Fuchuan, Su Manrong, Lu Zhaoxia, Tang Xingzhong
In this paper, use the fuzzy AHP by the experimental filter, use polyalkylene glycol (PAG) as a base oil and additive blending. Likely to cause oil pollution in the cross-use of different lubricants for machining centers, resulting in the decline of the integrated performance of the machining center,...
Proceedings Article

Research On DB2 Performance Testing Automation

Lei Zhuang, Zhen Gao, Hao Wu, ChunXin Yang, Miao Zheng
Software testing play a significant role in modern software development and maintenance process, which is also an important means to ensure software reliability and improve software quality. With the continuous improvement of quality requirements of the software products and software engineering technology...
Proceedings Article

The Research of the Emergency Rescue Model of the Freeway

Yi Zhang, Yushu Zhang
There are so many people who are injured or dead in the traffic accidents due to not being rescued in time every year in China. Recently, death ratio per 10000 vehicles is 7.4 persons, and death ratio per 100,000 persons of traffic accident is 6.9 persons in China [1]. So the research of the emergency...
Proceedings Article

Predicting the Concurrent Relationships between GDP and GER Expansion in Japan and Korea by Using ARIMAX

Tien-Li Chen, Dian-Fu Chang
The return rates of investments in education have been estimated for a long time. The related advantaged linkage between extending higher education participation and economic growth has been spreading around the world. While the global expansion phenomena in higher education are not persistent to their...

Evaluation and Build to honeypot System about SCADA Security for Large-Scale IoT Devices

Kuan-Chu Lu, I-Hsien Liu, Jia-Wei Liao, Shao-Chun Wu, Zong-Chao Liu, Jung-Shian Li, Chu-Fen Li
Pages: 157 - 161
Under the trend of intelligent industrial control systems, it is very important to prevent network hackers from invading the system to attack devices. In particular, today’s hackers have multiple attacks and the number of attacks has increased year-by-year. How to stop hackers from attacking the system...

Effectiveness of Using Child Growth and Development Applications

Sandy Tegariyani Putri Santoso, Pertiwi Putri Setya
Children need stimulation according to their age. The child growth and development application is an application that aims to help parents know the stages of child development in accordance with the stages of their age. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the use of child development applications....

Employability Skills for High School Students According to the Needs of Industry 4.0

Hadromi, Suwahyo, MD Saputra, B Setiaji
The candidates of vocational schools graduates (SMK) who suit the needs of industry should have the technical skills and employability skills, and the start of the learning process. This paper aims to reveal the characteristics of employability skills for vocational students according to the needs of...
Proceedings Article

Construction of Mathematical Relationships and Software Implementation of a Simulation Model of the Behavior of Components of the Musculoskeletal System of a Person

Alena Nikonova, Rashit Nasyrov
The article is devoted to the creation of a software tool for modelling the behaviour of the components of the musculoskeletal system using the example of segments of the spine using the Orne-Liu formalism. A system of differential equations is written that describes the movement of the components of...
Proceedings Article

Chemical Materials Mastery of High School Students in East Java

Bertha Yonata
This article reveals student achievement in the Indonesia National Examination on Chemistry Material at the high school level in the East Java Province from 2015-2016, 2016-2017, and 2017-2018. The chemistry exam consists of Basic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry,...

Literary Visitors’ Experience to the Edensor Village

Misran, Alexandra J Kenyon
This research paper explores the visitors’ experience of the Edensor village (UK). The primary question is how visitors experience the place (Edensor village) and what they have experienced there. The research project was inspired by reading Andrea Hirata’s works, particularly the Edensor novel (firstly...

Building the Character of Elementary School Students through Javanese Language Learning

Yunita Ermawati, Darni, Surana, Murdiyanto, Sugeng Adipitoyo
Education is still considered as a pillar for young generations in undergoing a millennial era. Intellectual and character are a complete package that must be had by young generations in undergoing the millennial era. So in other words, school is an institution that is given the responsibility to produce...

The Spatial Effects of Trade and OFDI of China in “the Belt and Road” Regions*

Ao Lei, Yixiang Tian
The authors use the Moran’s I index to test the univariate spatial correlation of trade and investment from china in “the Belt and Road” areas and construct spatial lag panel models for export, import and investment in two weighted matrices: geo-distance and economic disparities to analyze the spatial...

A Discourse Analysis of Interpersonal Metafunction in Donald Trump’s Speech Recognizing Jerusalem as Capital of Israel

Muhammad Rayhan Bustam
This study examines the discourse strategies used by Donald Trump in his speech recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In implementing the analysis, the study employs Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) theoretical framework, specifically interpersonal metafunction elements, to analyze all uses of...

The Influence of Management Control System, Encouragement of Environmental Management, and Proactive Environmental Management on Carbon Emission Efficiency

M.J. Shodiq, H. Fauzi, I. Ghozali
The efficiency of carbon emissions in the production process contributes significantly to restrain the rate of global warming, and it is strongly correlated with industrial behavior. Therefore, this research was done to explore the dominant factors that influence the behavior of carbon emissions efficiency....

Analysis of Pedagogic Competence of Elementary School Teachers Based on Regional Characteristics

Ridwan Jusuf, Wahyu Sopandi, Ana Ratna Wulan, Udin Syaefudin Sa’ud
The ability of elementary school teachers to understand pedagogical competencies is absolutely necessary to carry out their duties as professional educators. The purpose of this study was to determine the pedagogical competence of elementary school teachers in understanding creative thinking assessment...

New Media: Cultural Confidence and Core Values Education in Colleges and Universities

Congcong Han
In the era of new media, along with the arrival of 5G era of the international Internet, new media has become the main field to broaden residents’ daily life communication. On the one hand, the development of new media brings new opportunities for college students’ education of socialist core values;...

Study of Environmental Carrying Capacity in the Development of Kayangan Api Tourism Object, Bojonegoro Regency

Nailul Insani, Dyah Rina Syafitri, Elia Vetty K Ningrum, Hanifa A Mufid
The progress of the tourism industry in an area is very dependent on the potential, management and improvement of the utilization of Tourism Destination Areas (DTW). The existence of the potential of tourism has an impact on the increase and the number of visitors and mass tourists. One of the tourist...
Proceedings Article

The Impact of the Implementation of Lunge Exercise with Heel Striking on Fencing

Puji Astuti, Boyke Mulyana, Pipit Pitriani, Mesianna Simbolon, Alimin Hamzah, Desmi Sartika
This paper is a scientific study of a review paper about fencing. The development of fencing sports, the more modern style game of fencing with a pattern of game, are fast and explosive. To support fast and effective movements, appropriate techniques and body movements are needed that can support fencing...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Curing Time on the Engineering Properties of Sawdust and Lime Stabilized Expansive Soils

John Bosco Niyomukiza, Sri Prabandiyani Retno Wardani, Bagus Hario Setiadji
Subgrade strength is the main factor in determining the required thickness of any pavement. Therefore, the properties of a pavement subgrade materials must be determined, as they can predict the service life of a pavement. This paper examines the deviation of strength attained by sawdust and lime stabilized...

Constitutional Court as the Guard of Enforcement Constitution: Is It Challenging?

Abustan, Hamdan Azhar Siregar, Otom Mustomi
Indonesia is committed that the rule of law as an idealized preposition to be achieved must always be pursued through constitutional enforcement. This confirms, Indonesia wants the law as the commander or front guard in solving all problems of state life, including democratic life, especially in election....

Text Categorization with Fractional Gradient Descent Support Vector Machine

Dian Puspita Hapsari, Imam Utoyo, Santi Wulan Purnami
Text documents on the web are an incredible resource including one example of big data, large size and so many variations that it becomes difficult for humans to choose meaningful information without the help of a computer. Text categorization job is to automatically classify text documents into standards...

Analysis of Financial and Tax Policies to Support the Development of New Energy Industry

Yongcai Jiang
The development of new energy is of great significance to a country. Although China’s energy development has entered a new stage from total expansion to improving quality and efficiency, the situation of energy sustainable development and environmental protection is still grim. The new energy revolution...

Improving the Quality of Financial Reports by Implementing SIMAK-BMN in KPU-RI

Tutty Nuryati, Bayu Pratama, Puja Refina
Qualified opinion (WDP) giving from BPK to National Election Commission (KPU) indicates that the fairness of financial report is still doubted. Just started in 2017 when financial reports of KPU obtains unqualified opinion (WTP). The reason of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) gave qualified opinion on...

Adoption of Islamic Bankruptcy Law Values Into Indonesian Bankruptcy Law to Protect Good Faith Debtors

Robert, Bismar Nasution
This paper discusses the reasons of Islamic bankruptcy law values that should be adopted by Indonesia as a country with the world’s largest muslim population. This study employs a qualitative research method by using secondary data. The results indicate that the current Indonesian bankruptcy law is not...

The Ethical Climate–Influenced Whistleblowing Intention

Siti Nur Hadiyati, Junaedi Yusup
This research aims to analyses whistleblowing intention influenced by ethical climate. The method used is an exploratory method followed by descriptive quantitative. Results showed ethical climate – principle affect both internal and external whistleblowing intentions. However, ethical climate- egoism...

Potential for Implementation of Asia-Pacific Region Experience in Developing Business-Incubators in the Russian Far East

Z V Petrunina, G A Shusharina
The proposed work explores the experience of business-incubators in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and the possibility of their use in the Far East of Russia. China, Japan and South Korea were identified as Asia-Pacific countries whose experience could be implemented in the above-mentioned...

Digital Technologies in Education and Their Influence on Modern Society

V.B. Dzobelova, L.A. Aguzarova, A.V. Olisaeva, E.E. Kornilova
Nowadays much attention is paid to assessing the results of students’ educational activities. International surveys compile the ranking and compare not only universities but also countries. Transparent results, social reports, the desire for improving the existing standards indicate the current trend...

Improve Creative Industry Competitiveness Penta Helix and Human Capital in Digital Era

Gendut Sukarno, Resa Rasyidah, Kholifatus Saadah
As it predicted as one of the creative industry proponents, the culinary industry is growing rapidly in Indonesia. The culinary industry sub-sector grows because of cultural and lifestyle shifts, as well as technology development. It becomes one of the determining factors in the successfulness of the...

Blending Learning: Self Reflection of Accounting Education in the Indonesian Vocational Higher Education

Kurnia Ekasari, Nurafni Eltivia, Hesti Wahyuni
The aims of this article are: (1) to explore how is blending learning from the perspective of accounting education in the Indonesian VHE based on the Community of Inquiry (CoI) concept; (2) to examine the weakness and the advantage of blending learning at accounting education in the VHE. The research...

Corporate Financial Control Transformation in the Conditions of Digitalization

Anna Rumyantseva, Elena Sintsova, Olga Tarutko, Vyacheslav Vaganov
This article addresses issues related to the digitalization impact on the enterprises financial management process, in particular, such a stage of management as corporate financial control. The analysis of the dynamics of the information society development factors included in the “Monitoring of the...

CT Characteristics and Pathological Comparison of Pulmonary Fungal Infection and Its Health Effects

Dongxu Wang, Qiuting Wen, Yuguang Wang, Fengxia Du, Tianyu Zhang, Dingguo Xu
In recent years, the incidence of pulmonary cryptococcosis has increased year by year, seriously affect the physical and mental health of our people, and the CT manifestations of nodular pulmonary cryptococcosis are similar to lung cancer, which has caused great concern among doctors. However, there...

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Personnel Management

E.O. Tappaskhanova, Z.A. Mustafaeva, R. A. Tokmakova
The modern concept of enterprise management involves the separation from a large number of functional areas of managerial activity of the one that is associated with the management of the personnel component of production - the enterprise staff. Global technological and structural changes, increasing...

The Effect of Media Powerpoint on Achievements Learning Natural Sciences Student Primary

Pramudya Cahyandaru, Herman Dwi Surjono
This research is descriptively aimed to know the tendency of learning achievement of science subject of earth and universe animals in grade III odd semester students of Jageran State Elementary School Yogyakarta in the 2017/2018 academic year by using powerpoint media and without using powerpoint media....

Strategic Planning: Developing a Model for Senior High Schools

Fransiskus Z. M. Deidhae, Masrukhi, Wahyu Hardyanto, Fathur Rokhman
Since the implementation of the School Based Management (SBM) in the early 2000s, strategic planning has become a mandatory program for all the school in the country. However, the implementation of strategic planning in the schools in Ende District, Indonesia shows variation of models, analysis tools,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Sheet Powerpoint on Mind Map Towards the Natural Sciences Affective Learning Competency of The VIII Grade Students of Junior High School (SMP 5) Bukittinggi

Welli Sriwahyuni, Azwir Anhar
The results of observations obtained in VIII classes of SMP Negeri 5 Bukittinggi City showed that the students’ affective competence was still low. The efforts that can be made to overcome these problems are to use Sheet PowerPoint on Mind Map in learning. This research aims at determining the effect...

Implementing E-Government Using Web 2.0 at Ministry Of Education And Culture

Rona Uly, Irwansyah
The background of this research comprises; (1) demands to improve public services in the digital era are increasing, (2) the government launches digital services as an adjustment to the behavior of modern people who always rely on the internet in their daily lives, (3) easy access to the government through...

Greenwashing, Does it Work Well for Indonesian Millennial Buyers?

Agustina Fitrianingrum, Selly Celsya
Greenwashing has been used by certain international companies as the strategy to improve the branding of products or services since years ago. Greenwashing defined as a promoting activity of green products or services that lead customers to have a perception and expectation beyond what products or services...

Problems of Structural Understanding of the Image of Medieval Town/City

Aleksey Shchenkov, Nataliya Antonova
The main object of the article is a problem of interconnection of material and non-material in the image of city. The authors start with a supposition that elements of non-material heritage of a settlement or its historical centre possess a structure, in many aspects similar to that one of the complex...

Mapalus Local Wisdom in Overcoming Inter-Village Conflict

Thelma Wawointana, Margareth Inof Riisyie Rantung
The emergence of various security and public order issues in Southeast Minahasa Regency such as criminal acts, inter-group conflict, and inter-village conflict proves that the level of security and public order is disturbed. This study aims to determine the Mapalus cultural value system that applies...

An Evaluation of Indonesian English Textbook for Secondary School: Teachers’ Perspective

Susiati, Elok Mufidati
This study aims to explore teachers’ views on the quality of When English Rings a Bell as a nationally used English handbook in Indonesia. Employing the criteria of a good textbook from Cunningsworth, the textbook was analysed. English teachers were interviewed to give their insights about the textbook...

Development of Podcasts as Teaching Materials for Students of Higher Education in the Pandemic Covid-19

Faiz ‘Urfan, Ayu Sekar Ningrum, Kronika Br. Ginting
The Covid-19 pandemic has driven many universities in Indonesia to conduct online learning. However, the implementation of online learning has encountered many obstacles, one of which is the uneven network quality and the low purchasing power of students for internet packages. This has an impact on decreasing...

The Challenges Experienced by Professional Teachers in Teaching and Learning on Online Platform

Fidel, Sitti Fatimah
Indonesian professional teachers are demanded to master four basic competencies: spiritual, social, pedagogical, and professional competencies. Professional competency requires teachers to be able to apply information and communication technology (ICT) in both online and offline learning mode. Online...

Communication Strategies in Efforts to Restore Tourism Villages During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Study at Pentingsari Tourism Village, Sleman

Hendra Dwi Wibowo, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Andre Noevi Rahmanto
This study aims to find out how the communication strategy was carried out by managing the Pentingsari tourism village in Sleman Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is motivated by the absence of tourism activities, which results in no economic turnover in the tourist village so that it affects...

L2 Acquisition of THE: Error Type, Error Cause and Negative L1 Transfer

Junling Ou, Ming Zhang, Siqi Zou, Hu Kevin Zhi Wei
This paper studies the types and causes of Chinese EFL learners’ misuse of English definite articles. In this study, 145 undergraduate and graduate English learners and 30 high school students were surveyed online and offline respectively. The questionnaire included judging whether a given sentence is...

Effect of Quality of Work Life on Performance: The Role of Satisfaction and Work Discipline

Siswoyo Haryono, Yuni Pamungkas
This research aims to study the influence of the Quality of Work Life on Job Performance of Statistic Bureau of Yogyakarta Special Province with Job Satisfaction and Work Discipline as an intervening variable. The data collection is by distributing questionnaires to all Statistic Bureau of Yogyakarta...