Proceedings of the 3rd Universitas Lampung International Conference on Social Sciences (ULICoSS 2022)
113 articles
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Implementation of Protection for Domestic Violence (KDRT) Victims in Indonesia
Ani Agus Puspawati, Dewie Brima Atika, Rahayu Sulistiowati, Yudha Suchmasasi, Laila Rahmawati
Domestic violence in Indonesia is seen as a form of human rights violations and acts of discrimination. The Indonesian government issued a policy of Law number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence. One of the goals of eliminating domestic violence is to protect victims. Protection...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Hustle Culture on Psychological Distress with Self Compassion as Moderating Variable
Yuningsih, Nova Mardiana, Habibullah Jima, Muhammad Derry Prasetya
Globalization in Indonesia has resulted in changes in lifestyle. These lifestyle changes result in a hustle culture, and this allows psychological distress to occur. Psychological distress will have a negative impact on the work environment. This article provides a theoretical contribution to the factors...
Proceedings Article
Coffee Farmer Assistance Intervention in Rural Development in West Lampung, Indonesia
Yulianto, Asnani, Dewi Ayu Hidayati
The full level of community participation in rural development is very much needed. Participatory development actually comes from the community, is implemented, monitored and evaluated by the community as well. The implementation of rural development receives intervention by the central, regional, local...
Proceedings Article
Multimedia-Based Learning Media in Increasing Spss Student Learning Independence
Tedi Rusman, Mutiasari Nur Wulan, Nurdin, Riyan Yuliyanto, Gilang Ramadhan
Students in carrying out the preparation of the final project still often experience difficulties both in terms of data processing and interpretation of research data. The difficulties experienced by these students are due to lack of experience in conducting research and students are not fully aware...
Proceedings Article
Ngediyo Performance: From Oral Literature at the Dance Show
Amelia Hani Saputri, Siska Meirita, Dewi Asmarawati
The ngediyo performance is the development of the form of the ngediyo procession that produces elements of novelty from the aspect of style, taste, and meaning of a literary work. This process is what brings dance performances while writing literature. The study in this paper discusses the form of ngediyo...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Study of Waste Management Between Seoul and Bandar Lampung to Support Environmental Security
Khairunnisa Simbolon, Zalfa Zahirah, Indra Jaya Wiranata, Deyna Yulian Putri, Gita Karisma
The World Bank states that cities worldwide produce around 2 billion tons of waste annually. The waste will bring problems and threaten the environment's safety, so waste management is vital in city policy. Seoul is a city that used to have waste management problems and managed to make fundamental...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ Efforts to Improve Student Learning Outcomes During Online Learning
Cheri Saputra, Risma Margareta, Myristica Imanita
This study aims to find out what efforts are being made by teachers to improve student learning outcomes at SDN 1 Sumberejo during online learning, while the method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The teacher's efforts to improve student learning outcomes in the midst of...
Proceedings Article
Tourism Development Policy Strategy in Lampung Province Based on Community Capacity
Dian Kagungan, Yulia Neta, Helvi Yanfika, Rudy, Ryzal Perdana, Anna Gustina Zainal
The long-term goal of this research is to produce a tourism development policy strategy in Lampung Province based on community capacity. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The location of this research is Wisata Alam 21, Aji Egypt Village, Tulang Bawang Regency and The Land Above the Clouds...
Proceedings Article
Significance of Independent Graduation for Beneficiary Families in Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) Program in Indonesia
Yudi Apriansyah, Hakimul Ikhwan
This study aims to determine the meaning of Beneficiary Families (BF) Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT) choosing Independent Graduation. The subjects of this study were independent-graduation BF from the CCT program in 2019–2021 who came from underdeveloped areas in the Pagar Dewa sub-district. Independent...
Proceedings Article
Divergence of Tobacco Control Regulation Facing the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia
Agung Budi Prastyo, Satria Prayoga
Indicators of a country’s well-being can be seen from the level of health of its citizens. Uncontrolled tobacco consumption is one-factor causing declining health and is a Threat because tobacco use is beginning to touch various fields and has a chain effect this has prompted WHO and its member states...
Proceedings Article
Card Legal Review of Social Security Providing Agency Health (BPJS Kesehatan) is a Mandatory Requirement for Administration in Notarial Buying Agreement
Dwi Rimadona, Aprilianti, Nurul Riski Yanti
currently has 2 (two) categories with each variant. The VoI category consists of Mu, Eta, Iota, Kappa, and Lambda variants. Then the VoC category consists of variants of Delta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma and the latest is Omicron. The Indonesian government always strives to increase the distribution...
Proceedings Article
Islamic Inheritance Law Review in Notary Practices in Indonesia
Eka Suci Indria Sari, Rohaini, Dwi Rimadona
In this world humans rule, exploit and explore. Human power becomes the center or focus of all life activities in the world. As subjects, people have interests in this world and demands that need to be fulfilled or fulfilled. Whether in the past, the present, or the future, from birth to death, people...
Proceedings Article
Relationships of Laya Civilization, South Sumatra with Gamolan Lampung
Hasyimkan, Muhammad Randi Dimas Prayoga, Agung Hero Hernanda, Bian Pamungkas
purpose of this study is to answer the history of Gamolan Lampung which has a relationship with the Laya civilization originating from Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu District and Pagar Gunung District, Lahat Regency, South Sumatra. Laya is the name of a puyang that has a relationship with the ancestor...