Proceedings of the Universitas Indonesia International Psychology Symposium for Undergraduate Research (UIPSUR 2017)
54 articles
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Teachers' Fostering Relevance Behavior and Middle School Students' Cognitive Engagement in Mathematics
Bellita Pratiwi, Linda Primana
Indonesia’s long-desired quality education has not yet attained as the national quality indicators consistently show students’ low achievement, as the result of their poor understanding of school subjects. It happens because of the frequent use of rote learning strategy, instead of deep level of cognitive...
Proceedings Article
Inside the Survivor's Mind: The Portrayal of the content of rumination of breast cancer survivors experiencing post-traumatic growth
Putri Widyautami
The objective of this study is to describe the substance of the rumination of breast cancer survivors experiencing post-traumatic growth during the stages of pre-diagnosis, living with cancer, living through cancer and living beyond cancer. The research used a qualitative approach with a phenomenological...
Proceedings Article
The Effect Of Caffeine Consumption On Attention: An Experiment Conducted on Psychology Students in Indonesia
Vanessa Arieputri, Virginia Hanny, Nicolas Kenji, Devy Permana
Caffeine, which contains a psychoactive substance that has a stimulating effect, plays a part in societal lifestyle, as well as being part of college students’ lifestyle. College students often consume caffeine during the night and morning to help them improve their attention and performance in doing...
Proceedings Article
Does Self-Monitoring Affect The Relationship Between Job Insecurity and Impression Management?
Nabilla Andriana, Debora Purba
Previous studies found inconsistent results on the relationship between job insecurity and impression management. This study aims to investigate the moderating effect of self-monitoring on the relationship between job insecurity and impression management. Drawing on the job adaptation and self-monitoring...
Proceedings Article
Association between Friendship Quality and Depression among High School Students in Jakarta
Umi Kharimah, Wuri Prasetyawati, Mita Sary
This study aims to investigate whether any correlation between friendship quality and depression among high school students in Jakarta. Friendship Quality Scale (FQS) and Hopkins Symptom Checklist 25 (HSCL-25) are used to measure friendship quality and psychological distress in the form of depressive...
Proceedings Article
Factors that Influence University Students' Attitude Towards Smoking Prohibition
Ryan Christian Prasetya, M. Sih Setija Utami
This study objective was to examine factors that potentially influenced university students’ attitude toward smoking prohibition in campus by improving the effectiveness of smoking policy. These altitudes are considered as important moderator in the process of adoption and compliance of smoking prohibition...
Proceedings Article
The Contribution of Perceived Father Involvement towards Relational Self-Esteem in Early Adolescence
Sarah Diori, Eko Handayani
In early adolescence, children experience significant changes in several aspects of their lives, including changes in social relationship, whether in relationship with family or friends. Those changes may cause adolescents to encounter adaptation problems. Adolescents need a positive relational self-esteem...
Proceedings Article
Perceived Social Support as Predictor of Suicide Ideation in Gunung Kidul High School Students
Safira Naila, Bagus Takwin
This study aims to examine the role of social support as a predictor of suicide ideation in Gunung Kidul, a resident with the highest suicide rate in Indonesian high school students. Previous research shows links between perceived social support and suicide ideation, but little is known if the relation...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Psychological Capital and Work Meaningfulness on Work Engagement in Generation Y
Monica Budi Sutrisno, Endang Parahyanti
Generation Ys are known as a lazy, demanding, and ungrateful generation, especially at work (Alch, 2006). Generation Ys are also seen as job-hoppers, needy, and deluded narcissistic (Gani, 2016). However, those stereotypes are not necessarily true. When asked, those young people said that they wanted...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Negative Celebrity Publicity and Celebrity Identification Towards Purchase Intention
Dhiajeng Hesti Prameswara, Bertina Sjabadhyni
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of negative celebrity publicity and celebrity identification on consumers' purchase intention. The negative celebrity publicity used in this study is a controversial news article about a celebrity who endorses a fictitious product. The consumers' level...
Proceedings Article
Relationship between Attitude toward Mathematics and Metacognitive Strategy in Completing Mathematic Word Problem among 3rd Elementary Student
Ariyati Ariyati, Lucia R.M. Royanto
Mathematical achievement of the students in Indonesia is low and it can be seen in PISA and TIMSS. Mathematics is one of the subjects that require higher order thinking skills, such as metacognition. This research was conducted to find out the correlation between attitudes toward mathematics and metacognitive...
Proceedings Article
Correlation Between Transformational Leadership, Psychological Capital and Work Engagement
Dea Hansel Pugar, Endang Parahyanti
This research aims to study the effect of transformational leadership and psychological capital (PsyCap) on work engagement. The idea of this research derived from the phenomena in a startup company in which it has high turnover. To address this problem, one possible solution needs to be taken is by...
Proceedings Article
Age-Related Changes in Children's Resource Giving: How Social Categories and Fairness Considerations Influence Distribution Decisions
Jessica Spence, Kana Imuta
This study investigated children‟s resource distribution decisions based upon photographs of unfamiliar children that differed in race and accent. Photographs were presented to children with accompanying audio. Seventy-six White 5- to 12-year-old children were given three coins to distribute to pairs...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation between Sibling Relationship and Career Adaptability among 9th Grade Students
Ulfa Nisaa'il Jannah, Airin Yustikarini Saleh
This study was conducted to find the correlation between sibling relationship and career adaptability on 9th grade students. The participants were 291 students from two public junior high schools in Depok and Jakarta respectively. Sibling relationship was measured using Riggio’s Lifespan Sibling Relationship...
Proceedings Article
Moderating Role of Psychological Capital on Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction among Working Mothers
Devy Fitria Rahmatika, Endang Parahyanti
This study aimed to prove whether work-family conflict (work interfering with family/WIF and family interfering with work/FIW) negatively related to job satisfaction and whether family supportive supervisor behavior as a moderator, could weaken the negative relationship between work-family conflict (WIF...
Proceedings Article
Case Study on Illness Perception and Treatment Belief in Breast Cancer Patient Who Undergo a Traditional Treatment
Arina Shabrina, Aulia Iskandarsyah
This case study aimed to describe the illness perception, medical and traditional treatment belief in breast cancer patients. Traditional treatment referred to health practices beyond medical treatment. Five breast cancer patients were recruited from an online survey, cancer community and traditional...
Proceedings Article
Academic Perfectionism among Adolescents: A Qualitative Study
Muhammad Ibrahim, Cathy Sofhieanty Syamsuri
In this post-millennial era, different generations have different values and ways of living. Millennials most notably tend to work less than older generations do. This degradation that happens in the millennial age motivated the researchers to acquire indepth portrayal about how academic perfectionism...
Proceedings Article
Relationship between Academic Buoyancy and Career Adaptability in 9th Grade Students
Diny Rachmayanti, Puji Lestari Suharso
This research aimed to find the correlation between academic buoyancy and career adaptability in 9th-grade students. In Indonesia, 9th grade students are about to face a career transition as they soon will be graduated and enter the high school. During this transition, students are expected to have prepared...
Proceedings Article
The relationship between social comparison and depressive symptoms among Indonesian Instagram users
Las Asimi Lumban Gaol, Amira Budi Mutiara, Nimas Linggar Saraswati, Rizqika Rahmadini, Maulidia Annisa Hilmah
Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. In Indonesia, Instagram has more than 22 million monthly active users. However, its use may increase depressive symptoms due to negative social interaction, particularly social comparison. We hypothesized that social comparison...
Proceedings Article
From Negative Feeling to Well Adjusted Person: Experience of Middle Aged Women in Empty Nest Phase
Ni Km. Peby Darmayanthi, Made Diah Lestari
The empty nest phase is a phenomenon occurs when the child begins to run their independent life. Empty nest syndrome refers to feelings of loss or grief experienced by parents, mostly mothers since most of her time spent by parenting. A good adjustment is highly recommended to the parents, especially...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Mate Copying Tendencies through Simulated Attraction towards Perceived Physical Attractiveness of Opposite Sex in Women
Magdalena A. Hanipraja, Bernadeth Deminiz, Adeline Dinda C., Nurul Arbiyah
This study is a replication of Dunn and Doria’s (2010) research, which intends to see the effect of mate-copying tendencies among young adult women in perceiving the level of physical attractiveness of the opposite sex. Mate-copying tendencies can emerge in various forms, one of which is through simulated...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Extraversion and Boundaryless Career Attitudes on Millennial Employees
Karina Amalia, Eka Gatari
This study was conducted to examine the relationship between extraversion with the dimensions of boundaryless career attitudes, boundaryless mindset and organizational mobility preferences on Millennial employees. This is a correlational study that used the survey as the data gathering method. Extraversion...
Proceedings Article
Correlation between Assertiveness and Empathy with Adolescent's Social Adjustment in Social Home of South Jakarta
Elidayani Rodearni Simarmata, Anizar Rahayu
This research was conducted to study the correlation between assertiveness and empathy with social adjustment of adolescents in a social home of South Jakarta. Social adjustments include real appearances, adaptation to groups, social attitudes, and personal satisfaction. Assertiveness involves the ability...
Proceedings Article
The Comparison of Endorser Credibility and Corporate Credibility toward Consumers' Purchase Intension of Airlines Ticket
Indah Sari Febrina, Bertina Sjabadhyni
This study aims to find out the comparison of celebrity credibility and corporate credibility toward consumer’s purchase intention of airlines ticket. The design of this study 2x2 between subjects factorial design (high vs low endorser credibility and high vs low corporate credibility). Participants...
Proceedings Article
Association of Peer Acceptance and Depressive Symptoms among High School Student in DKI Jakarta
Shitta Mutyahara, Wuri Prasetyawati
Psychological distress is known as one of the most common mental health problems among adolescents which are manifested in depression and anxiety symptoms. There are several factors that contribute to the emerging symptoms of mental health problems. For adolescents, one of the most important contributing...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Passionate Love with Belief in Free Will, Belief in Determinism and Second-Order Volition
Ezra Putranto Wahyudi, Bagus Takwin
This study has a purpose to understand the effect of passionate love on the belief in free will and determinism and to observe the interaction effect of second-order volition in moderating the relationship between passionate love with belief in free will and belief in determinism. Passionate love in...
Proceedings Article
Choose Celebity or Common People? The Influence of Endorser Type on Instagram User's Purchase Intention
Virginia Vionasafira, Bertina Sjabadhyni
The aims of this study were to examine whether purchase intention based on online consumer review was higher than based on micro-celebrity endorsement on Instagram and whether purchase intention based on micro-celebrity review was higher than based on micro-celebrity endorsement and online consumer review...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Celebrity Endorsement Types and Congruency Celebrity with the Body Care Products on Instagram Users' Intention to Purchase
Ratu Laila, Bertina Sjabadhyni
This study aimed to examine the influence of types of celebrity endorsement and congruency celebrity with the product on purchase intention on Instagram users. This study was experimental online research with 2x2 factorial ANOVA between-subject design. Celebrity endorsement types (famous celebrity vs....
Proceedings Article
Mathematics Belief and The Use of Metacognitive Strategy in Arithmetics Word Problem Completion Among 3rd Elementary School Students
Josephine Indah Setyawati, Stephanie Yuanita Indrasari
This research aimed to see the relationship between mathematics belief and the use of metacognitive strategy in 3rd-grade elementary students tasked with completing arithmetics word problem. Based on a phenomenon that Indonesian students' performance is still lower than the other countries, this study...
Proceedings Article
Self Identity Construction in Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir Purwokerto
Rahadian Rizal Akmal, Mochammad Lathif Amin, Oom Qomariyah, Fika Rizki Nur Fadlillah
This research observes the construction of self-identity in a community called Wadas Kelir Creative House or Rumah Kreatif Wadas Kelir (RKWK) Purwokerto. RKWK is a community focusing on children’s creativity development particularly in literacy area. Reasoning and realization of children creativity are...
Proceedings Article
The Correlation of Narcissism and Selfie-Posting Behavior on Instagram among Millennials
Fadilla Andita Hernowo, Sri Fatmawati Mashoedi
This research aims to find the correlation between narcissism and selfie-posting behavior on Instagram among Millennials. Millennials, those who were born between 1982 and 2004, known to be more selfish and low in empathy compared to the previous generation (Firestone, 2015) and they post their selfies...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Written Emotional Disclosure to Subjective Distress and Mood on Individuals Experiencing Heartbreak
Sri Izzati, Bagus Takwin
Emotional distress caused by heartbreak can lead one to negative effects such as an increase of physical illness risks and stress-related diseases. Confiding in others about upsetting experiences such as heartbreak can be one of many ways to help one feel better, but not all are comfortable in sharing...
Proceedings Article
Internet Addiction and Its Correlation with Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Loneliness in Undergraduate Students of UIN Malang
Mely Santoso, Fathul Lubabin Nuqul, Gisni Rabiah Aqilah
The arrival of the internet in addition brings positive impacts such as facilitate communication. However, it also brings negative impacts. One of the negative impact brought by the technological development is the phenomenon called internet addiction that has been widely studied. This study aims to...
Proceedings Article
Emerging Adults' Perceptions of Their Father Involvement: Significant to Sociosexuality
Zhillan Zhalyla
This study was conducted to examine the correlation between father involvement and sociosexuality among emerging adults. Father involvement defined as the extent to which father’s participation in all aspects of a child’s life (Finley & Schwartz, 2004). Meanwhile, sociosexuality defined as individual...
Proceedings Article
Relationship between Religiosity and Psychological Distress among College Students in Indonesia
Intan Kusumadewi, Sugiarti Musabiq
College students are prone to psychological distress due to their own characteristics. Numerous experience happened around these population, such as academic pressure, love life problems, family issues and so on. College students are emerging adults that most likely doing things to explore many aspects...
Proceedings Article
Self-Esteem and Emotional Intelligence among Students in a Public Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia
Farhana Nabila Fakaruddin, Ida Hartina Ahmed Tharbe
This study was conducted to identify the relationship between self-esteem and emotional intelligence among students in a public higher learning institution in Kuala Lumpur. The respondents were 100 college students randomly selected from six faculties in the university. The instruments used for the study...
Proceedings Article
Stigma of Mental Illness and Attitudes towards Seeking Mental Health Services among Undergraduates in a Public University in Malaysia
Hong Sing Yee
Many people with mental illnesses have faced, or are facing the burdened impact the stigma has acted on them. Needless to say, mental health stigma held by society is playing its role as a barrier that prevents many people from actively seeking professional mental help (Corrigan, 2004). Researcher then...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Organizational Commitment Scale for Non-Profit Organization
Afifah At Thohiroh, Mayadha Kristalindari, Afiyana Eka Nurilla, Lukita Mardhiah, Septiani Khaerunnisa, Dewi Maulina, Nurul Arbiyah
The increasing number of non-profit organizations followed by the needs of having committed members and also the weaknesses in the existing instruments of organizational commitment encourages the development of a Non-Profit Organizational Commitment Scale (NPOCS). NPOCS was developed based on Three-Component...
Proceedings Article
Time Pressure Increases Component Fluency of Creativity
Elsa Tamara Shalsabila, Elvara Wibowo Putri, Hanifah Hathimadinda Hosen, Selvia Ernas, Angelica Tabitha Hasibuan, Lucia Voni Pebriani
An assignment has become a familiar thing for students, and it is often given with deadline. For some students, the deadline is perceived as pressure. However, some other students claim that the deadline existence pushes them to come up with more ideas. According to Guilford's theory, these more ideas...
Proceedings Article
The Mediating Effect of Problem-focused Coping on the Relationship between Job Insecurity and Impression Management
Ananda Nadya Putri, Debora Eflina Purba
The study aimed to investigate the mediating effect of problem-focused coping on the relationship between job insecurity and impression management. Drawing on Transactional Stress Theory to explain the mediation model, we argued that perceived job insecurity would activate individual's problem-focused...
Proceedings Article
Association of Anxiety and Teacher Expectation among High School Students in Jakarta
Nadya Desita Siregar, Wuri Prasetyawati, Mita Puspita Sary
Adolescents as students spend their times more in school, so interaction with people in school could affect their socio-emotional development. In achieving academic achievement, the teacher has a significant role for them. Teacher gives expectation based on students' behavior and attitude in class. Based...
Proceedings Article
Metacognitive Strategy on Completion of Mathematics Word Problem and Mathematics Achievement among 3rd Grade Elementary Students
Inggar Trihimastin Cahayasti, Stephanie Yuanita Indrasari
One of the fundamental sciences to be learned is mathematics. In Indonesia, students learn mathematics even from preschool up to higher education. Nevertheless, based on the international studies, the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in International Mathematics and...
Proceedings Article
Relationship between Perceived Father Involvement with Early Adolescent's Subjective Well-Being
Hilmia Hilmia, Eko Handayani
The aim of this research is to investigate the relationship between perceived father involvement and early adolescent’s subjective well-being. Participant in this research were 162 early adolescents 12-15 years old. Nurturant fathering Scale (NFS) dan Father Involvement Scale Reported (FIS-R) by Finley...
Proceedings Article
The Moderating Role of Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior in Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction among Working Mother
Prajnadhyma Bramadewandhana, Endang Parahyanti
Based on previous research and survey, women (especially mothers) generally have lower job satisfaction than men (especially fathers). We suspect work-family conflict to be the main cause of this phenomenon. Based on previous studies, we also propose psychological capital as potential buffer to reduce...
Proceedings Article
The Determinants of Academic Dishonesty in College Student
Wahyu Maulana Firdaus, Solicha Solicha
This study aimed to investigate the effect of moral disengagement (professor and student), perceived opportunity, culture (collectivism-individualism), and religiosity (organizational religiosity, non-organizational religiosity, and intrinsic religiosity) on academic dishonesty in college student. The...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Stigma towards Family Functioning in People Living with HIV/AIDS
Wanda Arista Dana Paramitha, Lifina Dewi Pohan
The aim of the study is to examine the effect of stigma towards family functioning on people living with HIV/AIDS in the daily life context. This study especially tries to examine how stigma can affect the effectiveness of family functioning in people living with HIV/AIDS when they deal with the problem...
Proceedings Article
Urban Civility: Train Commuters' Queueing Behaviour in Jakarta
Maria Astrid Susanti, Zulfikar Ilham Mirza, Her Daneswara Prajna Mahesa, Reandra Fasdityo Poerba, Aldi Riawan Kurningsih, Fairuziana Fairuziana
Queueing is an act of civility that exists in all parts of the world, particularly in the urban environment. This study looks at the queueing behaviour of commuter line passengers who are purchasing a ticket from a ticket booth in Manggarai Train Station, Jakarta, Indonesia. The behaviour indicated whether...
Proceedings Article
Resilience and Friendship Quality among Late Adolescents from Intact, Divorced, and Remarried Families
Karina Saraswati, Julia Suleeman
This research was conducted to find the relationship between resilience and friendship quality among late adolescents. Resilience is the manifestation of individual quality or the ability to cope and survive adversity or change. Friendship quality is an individual judgment of the degree to which a friend...
Proceedings Article
Experiences of Shame, Guilty Emotion, and Socialization of Batak Cultural Values among Batak Toba Older and Younger Generations
M. N. Erri Mutiha Hutapea, Julia Suleeman
This study aims to describe and identify shame and guilty emotions among older generation of Batak Toba people as compared to the younger generation. Fifty participants from each of the older generation and the younger generation were asked to complete Test of Self-Conscious Affect 3 (TOSCA-3). In addition,...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of School-Based Stepping Stones Triple P on Child and Parent Outcomes
Anagha Aery, Julie Hodges, Jamin Day
This paper investigated the effectiveness of delivering Stepping Stones Triple P (SSTP), a parenting intervention program, in special education settings and by education professionals to positively influence the potential of families of children with a disability. Questionnaire responses from 216 parents...
Proceedings Article
Predicting Factors of Sexual Identity among Adolescent Girls in Jakarta
Diah Miranti Dewi, Risatianti Kolopaking
The study aimed to assess peer acceptance, parent-adolescent communication, and religious orientation as predictors of sexual identity among adolescent girls in Jakarta. Participants were adolescent girls of 14 to 17 years (n=240). Sexual identity was measured using De Cecco-Shively Social Sex-Role Inventory...
Proceedings Article
Adolescents' Gadget Addiction and Family Functioning
Annisa Maulidya Chasanah, Grace Kilis
The aim of the study is to examine whether gadget addiction influences adolescent’s family functioning and its dimensions. Data were collected from 226 adolescents aged 12-18 years old. We used Smartphone Addiction Scale Short Version (SAS-SV) developed by Kwon et al. (2013) to measure gadget addiction...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship between Father Involvement and Dating Violence in Middle Adolescent
Maya Damayanti, Efriyani Djuwita
Dating violence is a form of aggressive behavior that is often shown as a form of problem-solving by adolescents when they conflict with their partner. However, such behavior can be prevented by parent involvement role, such as father involvement. Past studies have suggested that father involvement was...
Proceedings Article
Family Functioning as a Predictor for Internalizing Problem on Adolescences who Experience Bullying
Puspita Alwi, Fivi Nurwianti
This study was conducted to determine the family functioning as a predictor for internalizing problems on adolescents who experience bullying. In addition, this study aims to see the dimensions of family functioning that contribute to internalizing problem. The internalizing problem was measured using...