Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018)
386 authors
- Hendarso, Yoyok
- Effect of the Moderation of Economic Institution on Local Economic Development
- Hendrawan, Renaldi E.
- Dispute Settlement on Pig Products: Case study of European and Russian trade
- Hendriani, Ani
- Profile of Students Prospective Teacher’s Foundational Critical Attitude of Educational Utopia
- Hendrijanto, Kris
- Total Communication Learning Model: Using pictures, writing and reading to increase language capacity for deaf children
- Hendriyani, Hendriyani
- Predicting Employee Engagement: A study among millennials
- Herizon, Herizon
- Green Innovation as a Determinant of Competitive Advantage in Creative Industry in Indonesia
- Hernawati, Riza
- The Development Policy of Ruhul Islam and the Religiosity Improvement
- Herri, Herri
- Green Innovation as a Determinant of Competitive Advantage in Creative Industry in Indonesia
- Hidayat, Asep Ramdan
- Application of the Ijarah Contract on Educational Financing through Empowerment of Laboratory of Mini Sharia Bank in Higher Education
- Hidayat, Yayat Rahmat
- The Effectivity of Education Program of the Sharia Fund
- Hindersah, Hilwati
- Construcion of the Spatial Concept of Art and Culture in Keraton Kacirebonan, Indonesia
- Hirzi, Aziz Taufik
- Sentics (Emotional Communication) Management on Islamic Review in Family Environment
- Hugeng, Diana
- Obligations for Indonesian Banks to Report Its Customers Data to Tax Office Under Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Stipulations
- Hutomo, Maria F. Cindy
- Family Orientation and Internationalization of Family Business: A case study
- Ibrahim, Mohamad Andri
- Analysis of the Implementation of Fikkiyah Ad-Dhararu Yuzaal Principle for Investment of Indonesian Hajj Funds
- Ibrahim, Mohamad Andri
- The Effectivity of Education Program of the Sharia Fund
- Ibrahim, Teguh
- Profile of Students Prospective Teacher’s Foundational Critical Attitude of Educational Utopia
- Ilahi, Fadilah
- Analysis of the Implementation of Fikkiyah Ad-Dhararu Yuzaal Principle for Investment of Indonesian Hajj Funds
- Ilmi, Ma'amuliah Annida Nurul
- Gratitude and Organizational Commitments in the Office Boy
- Ilyas, Ilyas
- Risk Aversion of Special Penalties against Illegal Fishing
- Imaniyati, Neni Sri
- Criminal Liability of Sharia Banks in Financing Disbursement
- Imaniyati, Neni Sri
- The Implementation of Sharia Principle in Bank Products as Corporate Identity of Sharia Bank
- Indraddin, Indraddin
- Persuasive Sustainable Models for Conflict Resolution Post-Earthquake
- Indratno, Imam
- The Social Transformation Value in Lava Tour, Merapi Mountain, Yogyakarta
- Indriani, Sri Seti
- The Meaning of Films for Acehnese
- Inten, Dinar Nur
- Literation of Al-Quran for Early Age with Playing Techniques
- Irasanti, Siska Nia
- Correlation between Anxiety Levels with Oral Case Presentation Test Results
- Irawati, Irawati
- Control of Foreign Labor in Indonesia
- Irfani, Aminuddin
- Knowledge Sharing as a Model in Building Sustainable Learning Organization
- Iriani, Julia
- Importance of Performance Analysis and Potential Gain in Customer Value’s of Service Quality in Hospitals
- Iskandar, Doddy
- Environmental Journalism in the Flood News: An advocacy model
- Ismawati, Ismawati
- A Journey to a Better Community Service in Religious Boarding School Pesantren
- Ismawati, Ismawati
- Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)
- Isnandar, Ade Dikdik
- The Effect of Green Purchase Behavior and Housing Environment Preferences on Property Pricing Strategies
- Isnawijayani, Isnawijayani
- Group Information Society (KIM) in Representing Information and Prosperous Village in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatera
- Isniarno, Noor Fauzi
- Strategy of Increasing Competence of Geological Mining Student in Geodetic Mining Survey
- Joemadi, Firman Rosdjadi
- Cigarette: The GATT non-discrimination clause
- Juwita, Winda Marlina
- Profile of Students Prospective Teacher’s Foundational Critical Attitude of Educational Utopia
- K, Nian Qisthi
- Tightening Loose Ends in Eradicating Card Fraud (Reviewing card skimming case verdict in Denpasar, Indonesia)
- Karman, Karman
- Representation of Indonesian Democratic Leaders by Jamā’ah Anṣāru Tawḥīd and Ḥizbut Taḥrīr as Radical Muslim Groups
- Kelly, Patricia
- Dispute Settlement on Anti-dumping Policy: Case studies of pulp and paper products
- Kharisma, Yuktiana
- Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)
- Khasanah, Andhita Nurul
- Process of Translation of the Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale in Indonesia
- Khasanah, Andhita Nurul
- Types of Bullying in Junior High School Students
- Khuza'i, Rodliyah
- Developing a Waqf Institution through Repairment Management and Insitutional Legalization
- Khuzai, Rodliyah
- The Community Knowledge of Violence Against Children
- Khuza’I, Rodliyah
- Islamization of Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi's Knowledge (Study of Contemporary Epistemology)
- Krustiyati, J. M. Atik
- Obligations for Indonesian Banks to Report Its Customers Data to Tax Office Under Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Stipulations
- Kuntorini, Ririn Sri
- The Influence of Quality of Management Accounting Information System on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance and It Impacts on the Company Performance
- Kurniadi, Oji
- Ethics in the Television Programme
- Kurniaputra, Sugiharto
- Cigarette: The GATT non-discrimination clause
- Kurniasari, Nia
- Waste Management Awareness Education for Senior High School Students
- Kurniati, Nia
- Developing a Waqf Institution through Repairment Management and Insitutional Legalization
- Kusdiyati, Sulisworo
- The Influence of Parental Support on Student Engagement through Self-System Processes
- Kusdiyati, Sulisworo
- Gratitude and Well-Being in Unfixed-salary Teacher
- Lestari, Rini
- The Influence of Quality of Management Accounting Information System on the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance and It Impacts on the Company Performance
- Lestari, Rini
- The Relationship of Organizational Culture and Management Policy in the Utilization of Social and Economic Value of Zakat
- Listiani, Endri
- The Reception Audience of the Woman’s Beauty in Korean Drama
- Lobo, Albertina Nasri
- Empowering Poor Families through Conditional Cash Transfer in Papua
- Mahmud, Ade
- The Judgment of Judge Against Intention in Determining Criminal Responsibility of Corruption’s Perpetrators to Seek Material Truth
- Mahmud, Ade
- Criminal Liability of Sharia Banks in Financing Disbursement
- Malik, Dedy Djamaluddin
- Leadership Communication: Three Model Approaches
- Malinda, Yola
- Regional Economic Improvement Model through Integration of West Sumateran Rubber Market with ASEAN Regional Market
- Marleni, Marleni
- Persuasive Sustainable Models for Conflict Resolution Post-Earthquake
- Maryanto, Maryanto
- Strategy of Increasing Competence of Geological Mining Student in Geodetic Mining Survey
- Mascita, Dede Endang
- Moral Values Found in the Swathi’s “Di Antara Dua Dunia” Novel
- Mashudi, Didi
- Analysis of the Implementation of Fikkiyah Ad-Dhararu Yuzaal Principle for Investment of Indonesian Hajj Funds
- Masnipal, Masnipal
- Early Childhood Education Management Workshop to Improve the Quality of Pos PAUD Service
- Mattola, Muhammad Galib
- Being Young and Interreligious: Makassar young muslim generation views toward interfaith dialogue
- Maulida, Meta
- Understanding Scabies in Religious Boarding School (Pesantren)
- Mawardi, Imron
- The Empowerment of Economic Community After the Action of 212
- Ma’arif, Bambang S.
- Persuasive Da’wah Activities and the Socio-Demographic Factor
- Megawati, Veny
- Migration and Development: A case study of Indonesian migrant workers
- Miftachul, Munir
- Study on the Threat of Coastal Area Damage in Bancar District, Tuban Regency
- Mubarak, Ali
- Process of Translation of the Children’s Worlds Subjective Well-Being Scale in Indonesia
- Mufidi, H. M. Faiz
- The Indonesian Law Perspective on the Authority of Beauty Practitioners in Performing Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- Muhammad, Fakhri
- Tobacco Farmers and Local Economic Development
- Muhardi, Muhardi
- Knowledge Sharing as a Model in Building Sustainable Learning Organization
- Mujahid, Ilham
- Elucidation and Criticism on the Hadith of Jihad
- Mulyana, Ahmad
- The Reception Audience of the Woman’s Beauty in Korean Drama
- Mulyana, Deddy
- The Reception Audience of the Woman’s Beauty in Korean Drama
- Mulyani, Dewi
- Literation of Al-Quran for Early Age with Playing Techniques
- Murdiawati, Dewi
- Effect of Greenhouse Gas Emission Disclosure, Environmental Performance, and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility Report on Financial Performance
- Musafir, Musafir
- The Role of Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariat Islam (KPPSI) Organization for Development of Islamic Civil Society in the Bugis Community of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Musrifah, Sri
- Study on the Threat of Coastal Area Damage in Bancar District, Tuban Regency
- Nabilah, Dini Dwi
- Correlation between Anxiety Levels with Oral Case Presentation Test Results
- Natsir, Muhammad
- Reactualization of Inclusive Islam to Deal with Terrorism Issue in Indonesia
- Nour, Muhammad
- Migration and Development: A case study of Indonesian migrant workers
- Nugraha, Nugraha
- Importance of Performance Analysis and Potential Gain in Customer Value’s of Service Quality in Hospitals
- Nugraha, Suci
- Adherence and Quality of Life in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- Nugrahawati, Eni Nuraeni
- Muru’ah and Self-presentation through Virtual Display of Affection in UNISBA Female Students
- Nurcahyono, Arinto
- Reconstructing Clean Water Policy Based on the Perspective of Idea Law of Pancasila the Indonesia’s Principles
- Nurdiansyah, Rikrik
- Building Systematic Think Ability
- Nurdin, Ahmad Ali
- Promoting Moderate Islam Through Educational Institution (The case of faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Bandung)
- Nurdin, Encep Syarief
- Internalization of Religious Values in Z Generation through 5 (T) Program
- Nurdin, Nurdin
- Knowledge Sharing as a Model in Building Sustainable Learning Organization
- Nurfahmiyati, Nurfahmiyati
- Islamic Work Ethics Implementation in Islamic Bank
- Nurhasanah, Neneng
- The Implementation of Micro Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks in Undertaking Social Intermediary Function
- Nurhasanah, Neneng
- The Implementation of Sharia Principle in Bank Products as Corporate Identity of Sharia Bank
- Nurhayati, Nunung
- The Implementation of Micro Financing in Sharia Commercial Banks in Undertaking Social Intermediary Function