Advances in Health Sciences Research

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4234 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Kondwani Joseph Banda, Sri Susanty
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 1st International Confrence Medical and Health Science Halu Oleo (IMHO) on date September 23, 2023 in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi of Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Division (Section...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Burhanudin Ichsan, Dodik Nursanto, Morita Sari, Firmansyah, Mitoriana Porusia, Dian Hudiyawati, Suryo Saputro Perdana
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Supatmi, Chlara Yunita Prabawati, Diah Priyantini, Septian Galuh Winata, Erfan Rofiqi, Dzakiyatul Fahmi Mumtaz, Ken Siwi
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Yuyun Yueniwati, Lim Choie Cheio Tchoyoson, Hamzaini bin Abdul Hamid, Putu Moda Arsana, Nobukazu Nakagoshi
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Anna Suraya, Renan Prasta Jenie, Gama Widyaputra, Bambang Sulistyo, Marina Indriasari, M. Arsyad Subu
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

R. Somashekhar, Preenon Bagchi, T. S. Rajesh, Richard Hill, Kathryn Rossi
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Mustafa M. Amin, Elmeida Effendy, Dina Keumala Sari, Kiking Ritarwan, Roger Ho Chun Man, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Zöe Bichler
All the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 6th ICoNaP USU during 17-18 May 2023 in Medan Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Reviewer Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Tika Dwi Tama, Dian Mawarni, Ema Novita Deniati, Anindya Hapsari, Yulingga Nanda Hanief, Prisca Widiawati
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the The 5th International Scientific Meeting on Public Health and Sports (ISMoPHS 2023) on August 31, 2023 in Malang, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Sunny Ummul Firdaus, Waluyo, Erna Yuliandari, Adji Suwandono, Dona Budi Kharisma
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Izzanil Hidayati, Rizal Kurniawan, Rahmadianti Aulia
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Luluk Rosida, Kyi Thar, Linda Gowan, Lisa Kenna, Andri Pranolo, Enny Fitriahadi, Astri Wulandari
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Yussy Afriani Dewi, Hamsu Khadriyan, Sinta Sari Ratunanda, Mohamad Razif Mohamad, Sandeep Uppal, Pongsakorn Tantilipikorn
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 19th PERHATI KL National Congress during 27-29 October 2022 in Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the 19th PERHATI KL National Congress and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Triwiyanto Triwiyanto, Slamet Wardoyo, Ayu Puspitasari, Sari Luthfiyah
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the the 6 th International Conference of Health Polytechnic Surabaya (ICoHPS) during 19-20 September 2023 in Surabaya, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Dyah Wulan Sumekar Rengganis Wardani, Sutopo Hadi
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2nd International Conference on Medical Science & Health (ICOMESH) during August 7th – 8in in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and approved by the...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Mustafa M. Amin, Elmeida Effendy, Inke Nadia Diniyanti Lubis, Fasihah Irfani Fitri, Roger Ho Chun Man, Hatta Sidi, Nerdy Nerdy, Sibylle G. Schwab
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 7th ICoNap USU during 06-07 July 2024 in Medan Indonesia These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Reviewer Committee and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Kartika Nugraheni, Zahra Maharani Latrobdiba, Hersanti Sulistyaningrum
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2nd Lawang Sewu International Symposium 2023 on Health Sciences: Nutrition on November 30th, 2023 in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Semarang City, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the scientific...
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Anindya Mar’atus Sholikhah, Sri Wicahyani, I Dewa Made Aryananda Wijaya Kusuma, Chanika Pinyorospathum, Eef Hogervorst
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [ISSES 2024] during [June 26th – 27th June 2024] in [Surabaya, Indonesia through online mode]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [Scientific Committee] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms...
Proceedings Article

Delayed Diagnosis of Oral Malignancy and Effect to Prognosis; Case Series

Yuli Fatzia Ossa, Citra Feriana Putri
Introduction: Oral cancer is one of most common cancer in the world. Oral cancer can affect any part of oral cavity and oropharyngeal. Etiology of oral cancer is multifactorial. Delay in diagnosis and management of oral cancer can worsen of prognosis and increase case mortality. Here we report 3 cases...
Proceedings Article

Antioxidant Activity of Peel Off Mask Preparation with Green Apple (Malus domesticus) Juice and Ultrasonic Extraction

Rini Tri Hastuti, Regia Desty Rakhmayanti
Apple is a plant that has the potential of antioxidant activity. Apples contain antioxidants which are good for skin health. Green apples contain lots of vitamins, such as vitamins A, B, C, minerals, and fiber. Green apple containing phytochemical compounds in the form of catechins, epichatechins, ploridzin,...
Proceedings Article

Antifungal Activity of Buni Fruit (Antidesma Bunius L.) Against Malassezia Furfur: In Vitro Study with Disc Diffusion Method

Dara Ugi Aras, Mochammad Hatta, Suryani Tawali, Rezki Ainun Jariah
Pityriasis versicolor, also known as tinea versicolor, is the most common fungal skin disease found in Indonesia and is mostly caused by the Malassezia furfur. In herbal medicine, one of the natural products is Buni fruit which has active compounds such as tannins, saponins, flavonoids, phenols, and...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Music and Progressive Muscle Therapy on Insomnia in the Elderly in Sowan Village

Anita Lufianti, Fitriani Fitriani, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Sri Patmini
Analyzing differences in the effectiveness of music therapy and progressive muscle relaxation in the elderly with insomnia. This research is a quantitative study with a Quasy Experiment research design and uses a pretest and posttest group design approach. The sampling technique used in this study was...
Proceedings Article

Identification of Bacteriocin Gene in Lactobacillus acidophilus

Siska Telly Pratiwi, Panca Andana
Lactic acid bacteria have the ability to produce antimicrobial substances such as bacteriocins. They are of great interest to research due to some of the lengthy annals of safe use and the generally considered safe (GRAS) and presumed safety (QPS) status. Bacteriocins are small, hydrophobic, cationic...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Diabetes Mellitus’s Duration on Platelet Count and Mean Platelet Volume’s Rat Stroke Model

Nabila Nabila, Rahma Yuantari, Ety Sari Handayani
Hiperglikemia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) have an impact on increasing the coagulation activity of the human homeostatic system. DM is a comorbidity of stroke. An increase of Platelet Count (PC) and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) is useful for assessing the prognosis and severity of ischemic stroke....
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Factors Related to Compliance with Wearing Masks in the Mongging Market Based on the Health Belief Model

Ellya Fahira, Rara Warih Gayatri, Suci Puspita Ratih, Sapto Adi
Covid-19 is a virus that transmits rapidly from one person to another, one of which is in public facilities such as traditional market. This study aims to analyze factors related to mask use obedience behavior on traders and buyers in the Mongging Market Based on the Health Belief Model. This is a quantitative...
Proceedings Article

Critical Care Nurses’ Research Utilization and Competence Levels

Feras Mohammad Abuerwak, Mohammad Alsadi, Mohammad R. Alosta, Najlaa Mohammed Alnayef, Abdul-Monim Batiha, Mohammed Albashtawy
Nurses’ competency at critical care units is necessary to build their capacity in clinical decision making in the presence of life-threatening conditions. One of the major contributors to nurses’ competency is research utilization (RU). It affects their evidence-based decision-making, empower them and...
Proceedings Article

Pre-hospital Emergency of Covid-19 in Community Based on Care Providers’ Experience in Indonesia

Nur Mukarromah, Siswanto Agung, Septian Galuh Winata, Erfan Rofiqi, Diah Priyantini, Chlara Yunita Prabawati
This study aimed to explore pre-hospital emergencies of COVID-19 in the community based on care providers’ experience. Methods: This article’s design was descriptive, using a qualitative research approach with an in-depth interview. A total of 10 care providers were selected using purposive sampling...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Sobel and Laplacian Edge Detection Algorithms for Blue Plasma Lymphocytes in the Blood Smear of Dengue Fever Patients

Ahmad Fahrudi Setiawan, Yuyun Yueniwati, Kusworini, Setyawan P. Sakti, Aminah Rahmayani Hbs, Yushidayah Nur Savira
The presence of Blue Plasma Lymphocytes in a patient’s blood sample indicates that the person has been infected with dengue fever. Examination of the blue plasma lymphocytes is carried out under a microscope with visual observation. Blue plasma lymphocytes can now be observed using a computer due to...
Proceedings Article

The Effectiveness of One’s Decision to Report on Emergency Situation Victims: A Systemic Literature Review

Agung Cahyono Triwibowo, Fatma Lestari, Mila Tejamaya, Sabarinah Prasetyo, Putri Winda Lestari
Reporting on victims of an emergency by community members has been generally made. However, the effectiveness of such action is still in question. The ever-changing condition in the accident site and the community’s readiness to encounter it requires their preparedness. This literature review aims to...
Proceedings Article

Procedure of Thoracolumbal Radiographic Examination with Scoliosis Case at Radiology Department of Yogyakarta Regional Public Hospital

Ahmad Faesol, Alfisna Fajru Rohmah, Fisnandya Meita Astari, Widya Mufida, Ayu Dewi Puspitasari
Various radiographic projections are used to produce radiographic images of thoracolumbar vertebrae with scoliosis cases. In theory, the procedure for thoracolumbar radiographic examination with scoliosis cases uses PA (Postero-Anterior) or AP (Antero-Posterior) projections, lateral, Ferguson method,...
Proceedings Article

A Diplomatic Approach to Global Cooperation on Covid-19 Lockdown

Nurdina Tamelia, Sunny Ummul Firdaus, Najib Satria
In 2020 the world is facing a global COVID-19 pandemic and the biggest health crisis since World War 2. To overcome the spread of the epidemic, almost the whole world has implemented a “lockdown” policy or the closure of countries or cities from migration, including restrictions on the entry of goods...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Spousal Support on Work-Family Conflict of Women with Dual-Career Family in Padang City

Gumi Langerya Rizal, Zulian Fikry, Maya Yasmin
Along with times, changes in values and environment, as well as economic demands led to an increased number of working women. On daily basis, married women work to meet the financial needs of the family. This phenomenon creates a potential conflict between roles at work and in the family, also known...
Proceedings Article

Detection of Verocytotoxygenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) from Brilliant Green Lactose Bilebroth (BGLB) by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Yatri Drastini, Rini Widayanti, Winda Ayuningtyas
Verocytotoxygenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) is pathogenic bacteria for human and associated with dairy milk and dairy farm environment. VTEC isolation were carried out by inoculating in BGLB as enrichment media and then specified in Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) agar. This study aim to identify VTEC isolated...
Proceedings Article

Development Module of Sport Sociology on KKNI Curriculum

M. Irfan, Sabarudin Yunis Bangun, Budi Valianto
The provision of teaching materials in the Sociology of Sports course is the first step to creating an KKNI space in the lecture according to the course being lectured. Development of Sports Sociology teaching materials at the Faculty of Sport Science (FIK) Unimed was compiled based on inadequate lecture...
Proceedings Article

CASE REPORT: Paget’s Disease with Secondary Encephalopathy

Alfansuri Kadri, Eko Yandra
Introduction: Paget’s disease is a metabolic disorder of bone in which osteoclasts are more active than osteoblasts, resulting in increased bone resorption and compensated by excessive formation of new bone contributed by osteoblasts. Bones affected with Paget’s Disease stimulate hypervascularization,...
Proceedings Article

The Spectrum of First-Generation Student-Athletes’ Mental Toughness: Moderation and Mediation Analyses

Alexis Ramirez, Clarissa Delariarte
This study investigated the interaction between social identity as subscale of athletic identity and mental toughness (MT) as moderated ego-involved motivation and examined the serial mediation effects of task-involved and ego-involved motivation, between the relationship of positivity to mental toughness....
Proceedings Article

The Differences of Students’ Aerobic Endurance in Urban and Rural Areas Post Covid-19 Pandemic

Jamaluddin Jamaluddin, Muslim Muslim, Firmansyah Dahlan
This research aims to understand the differences in aerobic endurance between students in urban and rural areas post Covid 19 pandemic. This research is descriptive research using a quantitative approach. The sample used was junior high school (SMP) students in one of the districts in South Sulawesi...
Proceedings Article

Nutrition of Baby Cookies Made from the Red Rice and Anchovy as a Complementary Foods for Breast Milk

Abdul Azis, Muhammad Ardi, Muhammad Danial
Breast milk is the best and most suitable food for babies because it contains antibodies and all the nutrients needed for a baby’s growth. However, as the baby gets older, breast milk alone cannot meet the baby’s nutritional needs, so additional food is needed which is called complementary food. This...
Proceedings Article

Determinant Factors of Dental Caries Incidence Among Elementary School Children in Indonesia

I Made Adi Saputra, Devi Safitri Effendy, Mubarak Mubarak
Stunting is a condition where a child has a length or height that is less than their age and the most common form of malnutrition in children. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between stunting and salivary flow rate with dental caries (def-t) in elementary school-age children in...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of Oleuropein Isolate on Apoptosis Inducing Factor and High Mobility Group Box-1 Levels In Traumatic Brain Injury Model Rats

Abdurrahman Mousa Arsyad
Background Traumatic brain injury is a major public problem with an incidence of 10 million people annually, causing the most significant deaths and disabilities worldwide. Head injuries can be classified into primary and secondary head injuries. Secondary head injuries can be caused by...
Proceedings Article

The Difference in Knowledge, Attitude, and Skills of Mothers in the Practice of Complementary Feeding for Stunted Toddlers Aged 6–24 Months in Urban and Rural Areas in Bangkalan Regency

Ani Intiyati, Inne Soesanti, Imam Sarwo Edi, Riezky Faisal Nugroho, Luluk Widarti
Stunting, characterized by impaired linear growth due to chronic malnutrition or recurrent infections, is prevalent in both urban (31.5%) and rural (40.0%) areas from 2010 to 2018. In 2013, rural areas had a 42.1% prevalence, while urban areas had 32.5%. This study aims to assess differences in knowledge,...
Proceedings Article

The Importance of Adult Vaccination: Focusing on Pneumococcal Meningitis

Fandy Ong Jaya, Restuti Hidayani Saragih, Kiking Ritarwan
The shift of the population to older ages will impact health conditions and quality of life. Older adults are more fragile, with multiple comorbidities and waning immunity. These risk factors will lead to a higher infection rate, mainly if the population lacks herd immunity against vaccine-preventable...
Proceedings Article

Carbohydrate, Protein, and Protein Digestibility Contents of Silky Pudding with Goat’s Milk and Green Bean Flour Substitution

Berniqa Andira Rizda Alyasa, Addina Rizky Fitriyanti, Erma Handarsari, Hersanti Sulistyaningrum
Background: Goat’s milk and mung beans are suitable food ingredients for enhancing the diet of stunting toddlers due to their significant nutritious content, particularly in terms of protein and carbs. Objective: The objective of this study is to assess the protein, carbohydrate, and protein digestibility...
Proceedings Article

Development of Web-Based Media for Sports Physical Tests

Fitri Agung Nanda, Hartati Hartati, Syamsuramel Syamsuramel
This research aims to produce a practical, valid and effective measuring tool for the physical training of FKIP Unsri physical education students. The method used in this research is the research and development (R&D) research method which produces products in the form of applications for measuring...
Proceedings Article

Improving Self esteem and Games Performances through Games based Learning in Physical Education Content Basketball at Secondary High School

Ahmad Hamidi, Sofyan Achmad Hanif, Mochamad Asmawi
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of games-based learning in physical education of Basketball game on junior high school students’ self esteem and skill play in class VII. This study uses quasi experiment with pretest-posttest without control group design which implemented...
Proceedings Article

A Cross Sectional Study: Metabolic Syndrome in Yogyakarta

Agil Dhiemitra Aulia Dewi, Silvi Lailatul Mahfida
Radiographer, in general, have a duty and responsibility to audit includes examining patients for radio diagnostic including nuclear medicine and ultrasonography (USG), radiation Metabolic syndrome (MetS) (at least 3 of the following: abdominal adiposity, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, hypertension,...
Proceedings Article

Porcine-specific Primer based on Cytochrome B by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method for Identification in Raw Meat

Nina Salamah, Yuny Erwanto, Sudibyo Martono, Abdul Rohman
Pork is a type of meat that is often used for counterfeiting products with a composition of beef. This counterfeiting can provide large profits to producers, given the price of pork is far below the price of beef. So we need specific methods to ensure the halal product. The purpose of this study was...
Proceedings Article

The Relation Of Peer Group With The Self-Concept Of Teenagers On Sexual Behavior

Delfriana Ayu A., Dinda Aljarina, Prodalima Sinulingga
Unhealthy sexual behavior among the teenagers, especially in those who are still single, tends to be increasing. Self-concept has influence on the behavior of the teenagers in which the teenagers will behave in accordance with the self-concept they own. The factor that can influence the forming of the...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship of Dental Perception and Orthodontic Treatment Need Based on Dental Aesthetic Index of SMA Negeri 15 Medan Student

Agnese Putri Pratiwi, Mimi Marina Lubis
Malocclusion is a form of occlusion that is irrelevant to the acceptable normal standard form of occlusion. Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) is a malocclusion index that has been accepted and used by WHO as a simple and valid method. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of dental perception...
Proceedings Article

Strategies to Increase the Selling Price of Coffee Through Product Diversification

Rina Indrayani, Ragil Pardiyono
Srikandi village is one of the coffee-producing villages in Pangalengan West Java. Most of the population are farmers. During this time the resulting coffee still has a selling price that is not optimal, so this research aims to create a marketing strategy to increase the selling price of coffee. With...
Proceedings Article

COVID-19 Clusters in Malaysia

A Descriptive Analysis

Zawiah Mansor, Siti Aisah Mokhtar
Understanding COVID 19 cluster infection is vital as it evaluates the current situation and serves as the basis of further action in control and prevention strategies. We aim to describe the characteristics of COVID-19 clusters in Malaysia based on location, types, positive percentage, and case fatality...
Proceedings Article

Factors Influencing Nutritional Practice of Mothers with Stunted Children

Apriyani Puji Hastuti, Tintin Sukartini, Yuni Sufyanti Arief, Nursalam Nursalam, Indari, Dina Nurpita Suprawoto
Background: The role of feeding in the first two years of life is closely related to the mother’s ability to fulfill nutrition. During this age, there is a risk of nutritional problems due to transition/weaning and infant feeding practices, particularly in terms of food variety, quality of diet, availability...
Proceedings Article

Applying Data Mining to Develop a Short Version of The Public Health Informatics Competencies for Primary Health Care (PHIC4PHC) Questionnaire

Enny Rachmani, Evina Widianawati, M. G. Catur Yuantari, Respati Wulandari, S. Hanif Pandu
The successful integration of digital technology in the healthcare sector frequently encounters obstacles due to various factors, mainly when patients are involved, and the other is the competency of health workers. The previous research developed a questionnaire to measure public health informatics...
Proceedings Article

Correlation Between Age, Gender, and Fasting Blood Sugar Levels with Peripheral Artery Disease Incidence in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Oxa Aqilla Putri Suharyono, Iin Novita Nurhayati Mahmuda, Rizky Febrian, ‘Ulayya Azzah Nadiroh
Diabetes mellitus is currently a major public health issue worldwide. The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus in 2019 was estimated at 9.3% and will increase to 10.9% in 2040. Peripheral arterial disease is an important complication of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus patients with peripheral...
Proceedings Article

Dominating Sets in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks

Yegnanarayanan Venkataraman, T. Kalaiselvi, Jeyaraj Jane Rubel Angelina, Subhashini Sottallu Janakiram
Protein-Protein interactions (PPIs) are vital for explaining the structural and functional architecture of the cell. To have a wider comprehension of the mechanisms, finding driver proteins that are vital for the control of the said network is a pertinent task in systems biology. Lately, it has become...
Proceedings Article

Allergic Rhinitis from Disease Discovery to Patient Management

Teti Madiadipoera, Refika Padmis Sunaryo
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a clinically defined disorder of the nose characterized by symptoms triggered by allergen exposure, leading to an IgE-mediated inflammation. It is a global health problem affecting up to 50% of the world's population, with symptoms extending beyond nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea,...
Proceedings Article

Hemoglobin E Allele Screening in Adolescent Girls at Kepanjen and Gondanglegi Districts, Malang Regency, East Java-Indonesia

Nadira R Batubara, Chris Adhiyanto, Umi Fahmida, Hans-Joachim Freisleben
Woman in reproductive age have higher risk of iron deficiency anemia. However, there are other factors than iron deficiency that can cause anemia, such as genetic blood disorders or hemoglobinopathies. Hemoglobin E (HbE) is one of common blood disorders in Indonesia. HbE carriers have higher risk to...
Proceedings Article

Efforts awareness and interest farmers palm sugar through health promotion media

Dino Sumaryono, Linda Sitompul
His study is aimed determine the effect of health promotion media regarding food production a good way to increase awareness, inteterst and evalution palm sugar farmers in air meles atas village Rejang Rejang. Quantitative research methods to the design of the Pre posttest control group interventions...
Proceedings Article

Conventional and Modern Learning with Different Motor Abilities Towards Increasing Consistency of Groundstroke Forehand Drive in Tennis

Lokananta Teguh Hari W, Nining Widyah Kusnanik, Hari Setijono
This research was aimed to determine the different effects of learning approach using conventional and modern way with low and high motor ability towards the increasing consistency of groundstroke drive forehand in tennis. Research population are freshman in the Department of Sport Coaching Education,...
Proceedings Article

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems of Students Living under Mountain Hypoxia

V.A. Anzorov
The article studies the effect of high-altitude hypoxia on indicators of students' cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The results show that mountain conditions increase the level of blood oxyhemoglobin, duration of excitement to the ventricles, lung ventilation, blood pressure, a heart rate, atrial...
Proceedings Article

Development of Medical Devices Based on Protein Marker for Animal and Human Diseases

Aulanni'am Aulanni'am
The concept of medical devices based on immunochromatography, is a combination of chromatography technique (for separation of sample components based on differences of their movement through the sorbent) and the immunochemical reaction that has been implemented in various ways. In this review, we discuss...
Proceedings Article

Pharmacokinetic Drugs Interaction and Management in Margono Soekarjo Hospital in Stroke Patients

Desy Nawangsari, Ikhwan Yuda Kusuma
Stroke is a functional brain disorder in the form of nerve paralysis (neurologic deficit) due to blocked blood flow to the brain. Therapy in stroke patients usually gets more than two kinds of drugs so that drug interactions often occur. One mechanism of drug interaction is pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetic...
Proceedings Article

Physical Education Classroom Management and Social Inclusion

Eva Julianti, Mulyana Mulyana, Heni Widyaningsih
The aims of this study is to find out how the management of physical education learning classes in inclusive schools affects the social inclusion of students including students with special needs. And the results are expected to provide solutions to the problem of social inclusion in inclusive schools....
Proceedings Article

Influence of the Growth of Candida albicans on Several Alternative Medium

Khusnul, Gita Nafisa, Rudy Hidana, Dewi Pety Virgianti
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of some medium on tubers of decoction water on the growth of C. albicans and find out the type of medium of tubers boiling water which produced the best growth of C.albicans colonies. This study used the experimental method of Completely...
Proceedings Article

Management of Dislocation Injury Physiotherapy at PhysioSET Physiotherapy Clinic in Malang City

Anggi Afan Darmawan, Mulayani Surendra, Rias Gesang Kinanti, Slamet Raharjo
Physiotherapy is one way to deal with sports injuries in a more modern way. Injuries caused by sports one of which is a dislocation injury. This dislocation injury must immediately receive medical attention so that the joints return to their position, with comprehensive treatment and management to accelerate...
Proceedings Article

Perception, Acceptance, and Hesitancy of the Public Regarding Covid-19 Vaccine and Immunization: A Literature Review

Hamdia Ahmed, Karim Aziz, Ahmed Ali
Background: Developing a vaccine against COVID-19 is widely regarded as a critical method for containing the pandemic. Public adoption, on the other hand, is contingent on one’s view’s to accept and perceptions about the vaccine. The aim of this literature review is to determine the factors that influence...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Hydroxyapatite From Nile Tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus) Scale on Surface Hardness of Conventional and Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement (In Vitro Study)

Astrid Yudhit, Kholidina Harahap, Sabrina Chairunnisa Nasution
Surface hardness of restoration materials affected its wear resistance and longevity. The addition of hydroxyapatite could improve mechanical properties of restoration material. Hydroxyapatite can be synthesized from fish scales for it contain calcium carbonate. The aim of this study was to evaluate...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Belly Circumference and Hypertension Occurence on Elderly in Tulungagung, Indonesia

Devi Wulandari, Hartati Eko Wardani, Rara Warih Gayatri
Hypertension causes the highest death in Indonesia namely in the amount of 37%. The highest category suffers from hypertension in Indonesia is at age 65-75 years old namely 26,7% - 27,9%. Hypertension is the increase of systolic blood pressure more than 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure more than 90 mmHg...
Proceedings Article

Temperature Optimization and Inhibition Test of Lactobacillus acidophilus Bacteriocin Against Salmonella typhi Bacteria

Siska Telly Pratiwi, Muhammad Bagas Aditya, Endah Hamidah Abbas
Typhoid fever is an infection of the digestive tract caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. One of the Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in the digestive tract is Lactobacillus acidophilus which has bacteriocins to protect the digestive tract. Bacteriocin is an antimicrobial protein compound that is bactericidal...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between the Level of Parental Knowledge About Covid-19 and the Application of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior in Early Childhood During The Pandemic

Afrah Diba Faisal, Ira Suryanis
The increasing number of Covid-19 cases in children in Indonesia has caused parents to make more efforts to protect their children. Parents’ knowledge is the domain in the formation of Covid-19 prevention behavior by implementing clean and healthy living behaviors in children. This study aims to determine...
Proceedings Article

The Association Between Physical Activity with the Nutritional Status of Student in Faculty of Medicine Tarumanagara University in 2019-2020

Yemima Graciela Munawar, Susy Olivia Lontoh
Physical activity as one of the factors that contribute to energy expenditure is related to nutritional status which is described as the energy balance of nutritional intake with the body’s energy needs. This study aims to study the relationship between physical activity and nutritional status of students...
Proceedings Article

Self Determined Plan to Reduce The Risk of Pesticide Tocixity in Karo

Sri Fajar Ayu, Destanul Aulia, Anisah Baharom
Farmers in Desa Gajah, Simpang Empat Subdistrict, Karo, use pesticide to protect their crop from pests and diseases. Poor self-determined pland to reduce the risk of pesticide toxicity among farmers ruined the safe usage of the pesticide. This conditions warrants further research on the usage of personal...
Proceedings Article

Injury in sports aerobics

Gulnara Aizyatullova, Tatiana Sakharnova
The purpose of this article is to determine the main causes of injuries in sports aerobics for highly skilled athletes (Russian national team). Materials and methods. The questionnaire for coaches and highly skilled aerobics athletes was used, as well as analysis of video recordings of the Russian, European...
Proceedings Article

Prevalence and Risk Factors E. coli in Subclinical Mastitis in Ettawa Crosbreed Goat (PE) in Special Region Yogyakarta

Widodo Suwito, Widagdo Nugroho, Andriani
Subclinical mastitis in Ettawa Crosbreed goat (PE) in special region Yogyakarta (DIY) which caused by E. coli can be economic los because decrease the milk production. The purpose of these study was to determine prevalence and risk factors E. coli in PE goat subclinical mastitis in DIY. A total of 314...
Proceedings Article

The Biogenic Stimulator for Nonspecific Immunity Provocation in the Experiment “in vivo” in the Stress Condition

A.V. Grebenshchikov, L.I. Vasilenko, O.N. Ozherelyeva, O.U. Mal’tseva, K.V. Rogov, A.A. Lopatina
A biogenic stimulant (Patent RU 2648466) was used as a study subject. Comparison objects are Ligfolum and Spleninum. Nonspecific resistance of experimental animals was estimated with the use of some leucocytal indices: the Krebs index (KI), leucocytal index of intoxication (LII), white blood cells dislocation...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Ethical Moral Stimulation on Psychosocial Development of Toddlers

Zolla Amely Ilda, Tisnawati
Disorders of psychosocial development of toddlers causes various problems in social interaction and behavior, such as a moral crisis in the future. Bullying and fights among toddlers are the form of unsuccessful moral and ethical values educations in the early childhood. Psychosocial development in toddlers...
Proceedings Article

Factors Related to the Unmet Need for Family Planning in Married Women of Childbearing Age in West Nusa Tenggara Province

Aulia Amini, Indriyani Makmun, Ana Pujianti Harahap, Catur Esty Pamungkas
Based on the data from Demographic and Health Survey 2017, family planning unmet needs in married women aged 15-49 as much as 11%. The proportion of unmet need in Indonesia is not in line with the case of unmet need in West Nusa Tenggara province which is equal to 15.6%. The aim of this research is to...
Proceedings Article

Blended Development Learning of Soccer Courses for Education in Physical Health and Recreation Students

Wasis Djoko Dwiyogo, Estrado Isaci Selestiano Rodriguez
The purposes of this study were to produce a teaching material for soccer courses based on blended learning (face to face, offline, online) and test the effectiveness, efficiency, and attractiveness of development products. The specifications of soccer courses teaching material arranged based on blended...
Proceedings Article

Solitary Neurofibroma of the Palate

A Very Rare Case

Oke Kadarullah
Neurofibroma (NF) is a benign nerve tumor originating from the peripheral nerve sheath. NF can occur as a solitary lesion or as part of the Von Recklinghausen disease syndrome. The solitary type rarely involves the head and neck regions, especially the oral cavity. However, few reports mention that NF...
Proceedings Article

Antihyperglycemic of Olive Leaf (Olea Europaea L.) Ethanol Extract in Obesity Diabetic Male Mice (Mus musculus)

Nurhidayati Harun, Elin Herlina, R Siti Rahmah Kurnia
Olive leaf (Olea europeae) contains the primary polyphenols: oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, luteolin 7-glucoside, apigenin 7-glucoside, and verbascoside. Empirically olive leaf is used for lowering blood sugar because it has antioxidant properties. This study aimed to determine the antihyperglycemic activity...
Proceedings Article

Combination of Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Meniran Leaves and Kenikir Leaves Against Shigella dysenteriae

Rizal M. Rukmana, Antoni A. D. Sawal, Dionysius A. A. Wibawa
Shigellosis is an acute inflammatory disease in the human digestive tract. One of the pathogenic bacteria that causes shigellosis is Shigella dysenteriae. Some natural ingredients believed to have good antibacterial activities are Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) and Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.)....
Proceedings Article

Relationship Between Low Birth Weight Babies and Exclusive Breastfeeding with the Incidence of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in Toddlers

Astin Prima Sari, Wahju Budi Martono
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an acute inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract mucosa caused by virus or bacterial pathogenic. There are several risk factors for the occurrence of ARI in toddlers, including low birth weight (LBW) babies and exclusive breastfeeding. The recurrence...
Proceedings Article

Understanding the Correlation of Parkinson’s dataset with Multivariate Analysis Packages

A. Rajha Priya, Preenon Bagchi
Parkinson’s dataset available in open source was used in this work. Inferential statistical analysis is used here to inspect each unit from this dataset and to test a hypothesis depending on the sample data. From the analysis inferences could be extracted by applying probability and make generalizations...
Proceedings Article

The Concept Analysis of Self-Management in Coronary Heart Disease Patients After Coronary Intervention

Marlinda Ismiati, Ayu Pratiwi, Mujiono Mujiono
The 2017 Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study identifies a notable rise in cardiovascular disease-related deaths, particularly in coronary heart disease (CHD). Despite advancements in surgical interventions reducing mortality, effective self-management strategies are essential...
Proceedings Article

Related Health and Fitness in Children Aged 7-12 Years in View of Availability of Public Open Space and Socio-Economic Level in Ponorogo District

Adi Pramudya, Dona Sandy Yudasmara, Zihan Novita Sari, M. E. Winarno, Nurul Riyad Fadhli, Imam Hariadi, Taufik Taufik
It is possible to enhance children’s development and progress by using physical fitness as a benchmark for their motor abilities. This study aims to identify and monitor the movement behavior of elementary school-aged children with different levels of socioeconomic status and the accessibility of public...
Proceedings Article

Trend of Blastocystis Infection as an Opportunistic Infection: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis

Jhons Fatriyadi Suwandi, Noviany Noviany, Juspeni Kartika, Agnes Kurniawan
Blastocystis, a common intestinal protozoan, has garnered significant attention over the past two decades due to its controversial role as an opportunistic pathogen. This study will to examine the trend of Blastocystis infection, specifically as an opportunistic infection, through a comprehensive bibliometric...
Proceedings Article

Government Policy in Strengthening Innovative Ecosystem as the Representation of Integration and Collaboration in Covid-19 Prevention and Handling in Surakarta Indonesia

Argyo Demartoto
Conducive environment in facing Covid-19 pandemic development innovation ecosystem should be developed consciously and continuously. This research aims to study government policy in innovative ecosystem and to strengthen integration and collaboration in facing pandemic in Surakarta Indonesia. This study...
Proceedings Article

Chlorogenic Acid Attenuated Inflammatory Response in Kidney Disease with Ischemic Reperfusion Injury

Ali Multazam, Sri Rini
Ischemia reperfusion injury (I/R) at kidney has known as the primary cause of AKI and the most seeing through it. Chlorogenic acid (chlorogenic acid/CGA) is one of the most common polyphenols in the human diet. Chlorogenic acid has an antioxidant effect, antiapoptosis, antiinflammation, antifobrosis....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of HIV-Related Knowledge on The Willingnes to Participate in Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) Among Nursing Students

Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Anselmus Aristo Parut
Youth aged 15-24 years old have the high vulnerability to HIV infection. Students who lack parental supervision have more opportunity to try new things including sexual matter. Nursing students frequently provide care for several patients who unaware of their HIV status. These increases the students'...
Proceedings Article

The Correlation between Genital Hygiene and Pathological White Discharge on Students at Vocational High School

Anies Muzayyanatul ‘A Midwifery, Erlinda Ratih Wulan
One of the factors that can cause pathological vaginal discharge is Genital hygiene that is not true. This study is aimed to determine the Genital Relationship Hygiene with Pathological Whitishes to the students in SMK this research is cross sectional with the samples number of 86 female students taken...
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness evaluation of chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide combination toward anaerobic gingival sulcus bacteria

Arya Adiningrat, Uray Lacti, Yasinta Pangastuti, Pandu Kridalaksana
—Anaerobic bacteria in the gingival sulcus is the critical etiological factor for initiation and development of periodontal disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis. In addition to scaling and other regular treatments, supporting treatment such as giving irrigating solution using chlorhexidine and...
Proceedings Article

The Comparison of Lidocaine 2% with Adrenaline 1: 100.000 Onset in First or Second Maxillary Molar Extractions in Two Age Groups at Oral Surgery Department Faculty of Dentistry, University of North Sumatera March-April 2017

Ahyar Riza, Yulia Handayani Siregar
Local anesthetics are very commonly used in dental extraction procedures. Local anesthetics are performed to relieve pain locally in an anesthetic region for a short period. Lidocaine is one type of local anaesthesia that is often used in the field of dentistry. Infiltration anaesthesia is the most common...
Proceedings Article

Reproductive Health Information Access of Health Faculty Students

Izzatul Arifah, Meutia Fildzah Sharfina, Meira Sri Widowati
The increase of knowledge through accessing Reproductive Health (RH) information lessens adolescents’ behaviors that adversely affect their reproductive health. Health faculty students have an opportunity to access information through various sources. Knowledge of sources and types of information is...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Competence and Locus of Control Towards Government Internal Auditors Performance Mediated by Job Satisfaction at Inspectorate Office of Endez Regency

LD Gadi Djou, Fitri Lukiastuti
The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the influence of competence and locus of control on the performance of government internal auditors with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. This research is an explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The sample in this study were...
Proceedings Article

Effect of Agility Training Towards Soccer Dribbling Skills

John Arwandi, Mhd Firdaus
The problem in this research is the provision of agility training in improving soccer dribbling skills. This study aims to determine the effect of agility training on dribbling skills on SSB SerojaJambu Air Bukittinggi players. The method used in this research is an experiment. Sampling using a purposive...
Proceedings Article

Rethinking on Implementation of Sport Policy in West Java, Indonesia: A Scoping Study Systematic Literature

Sandi Arisma Cipta Perdana Ilsya, Amung Ma’mun, Nuryadi, Marisa Noviyanti Fajrah Ilsya, Agus Gumilar
Sport policy in West Java is currently based on Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2015 concerning the Implementation of Sports which is a derivative of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2005 concerning the National Sports System. In these regulations, in general, sports are divided into...
Proceedings Article

The Relationship Between Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

Arinil Hidayah, Edy Sujoko, Febrina Angraini Simamora, Nanda Masraini Daulay
Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus includes as one of the top ten causes of death in the world. There were 415 million adults with diabetes in 2018, a four-fold increase from 108 million in 2015. It is estimated that the number will increase up to 642 million in 2040. The population of Indonesian age over...
Proceedings Article

Integrating Life Skills into Volleyball Extracurricular Activity Program

Rita Rohmanasari, Amung Ma’mun, Tatang Muhtar, Risma Risma, Isna Daniyati Nursasih
Youths participation in sports is entrusted to develop life skill and positive adolescence development. The purpose of this research was to find out of the impact of sports extracurricular to the development life skills of the senior high students. The method of this research was quasi-experimental design....
Proceedings Article

Development of a model for assessing the potential of health resorts based on landscape-recreational and medical-climatic conditions

Oksana Kotlyarova, Tatiana Bai, Igor Platonov
The article is dedicated to theoretical and methodological research and the development of an effective model for assessing the potential of health resorts in the Chelyabinsk region based on an analysis of landscape-recreational and medical-climatic conditions. The authors’ model for assessing the potential...
Proceedings Article

Strengthening Microscopy as a Strategy to Reduce Malaria in Jayapura City

Melda Suebu, Ivon Ayomi, Mardi Raharho, Antonius Oktavian, Octavianus Karapa, Anton Wambraw
Papua is still a malaria-endemic area, despite malaria prevention and treatment programs in the past and ongoing. To ensure quality microscopy services, a researcher wants to examine the microscopy capacity at the Public Health Services Center, to determine and the availability of laboratory facilities...
Proceedings Article

Development of Bakastaball Games as a Basic Motion Learning Media in Elementary School Level

Suryadi Damanik, Asep Suharta, Saipul Ambri Damanik
This study aims to develop a game that can be applied to learning physical education, sports and health at the elementary school level. The game is designed by combining multiple basic technique game rules and the field of ball game of rounders, handball and basketball. The motion activity in this game...