Advances in Health Sciences Research
4234 articles
Proceedings Article
Concentration of Total Suspended Particulate on X Coal Mining in Kutai Kartanegara District
Hansen, Ratna Yuliawati, Deddy Alif Utama
The quality of inhaled air is determined by the amount of pollutant gases and by particulates in the air. Particulate especially total suspended particulate (TSP) contains heavy metal elements that can have serious health effects. Among all the processes that produce particulates, the coal mining process...
Proceedings Article
Correlation of Menstrual Pattern, Nutritional Status and Level of Knowledge With the Incidence of Anemia on Teenage Girls
Salma Nabilah, Hartati Eko Wardani, Rara Warih Gayatri
Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells, or hemoglobin concentration is below. The prevalence of anemia is mostly due to iron deficiency. About 50% of anemia in women worldwide is caused by iron deficiency (WHO, 2012). This study aims to determine the correlation of menstrual patterns...
Proceedings Article
Cardioprotective and Renoprotective Effects of the Use of SGLT2 Inhibitors in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Linda Sukiatno, Ikhwan Yuda Kusuma, Galih Samodra
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease due to the body’s inability to use insulin effectively resulting in an increase in blood sugar. Optimal blood glucose control has an important role to prevent complications in DM sufferers. Complications such as cardiovascular and kidney disease can cause morbidity...
Proceedings Article
Benefits of Sports Activities with FITT Principles During the Covid-19 Pandemic in a “New Normal” Life for Health
Sapto Adi
This article aims to provide an understanding of the importance of doing sports activities during the COVID-19 pandemic to maintain fitness and health. In this article, the author wants to explain that using the principle of frequency, intensity, time, and type (FITT) in sports activities will provide...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Prostate Volume in Patient Diagnosed with BPH with and without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Assessed with Transabdominal Ultrasonography
Lukmana Lokarjana, Elva Denengsih, Priatna, Laila Azra Pratesya
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the second most common urological disorder encountered in a urology clinic in Indonesia. This disease is commonly found in men over 50 years. one of the risk factors that are thought to influence the occurrence of BPH is diabetes mellitus (DM). The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
Risk Factors for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in Staff of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung
Sinta Sari Ratunanda, Melati Sudiro, Eveline Sabrina Ranti
Background: Referring to the risk factors for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in adults, especially found on the staff of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and stroke. Recognizing risk factors for OSA is very important so that OSA management can be comprehensive with improvement...
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Level of Physical Condition of the Center of Athletes Special Region of Yogyakarta
Rumpis Agus Sudarko, Endang Rini Sukamti, Risti Nur Fadhilah
Each branch has different fitness component demands, so there needs to be data about the physical condition of athletes. This research aims to find out the physical condition of Puslatda PON 2015 Yogyakarta athletes. This type of research is descriptively quantitative. The method used is a survey with...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Radiographer Knowledge Level With Compliance Level of the Use of Personal Protection Equipment (Ppe) at Dr.M.Djamil Hospital
Oktavia Puspita Sari, Anugrah Mentari
One of the causes of the radiation effect is the lack of attention of the radiographer to compliance with the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the shooting process. In addition to compliance, knowledge about PPE and the benefits of using PPE is also very important for other medical personnel...
Proceedings Article
Image of TNF- as Indicator of Imlamlamation in Women Taking Regiosacral Counter-Pressure Therapy for Reducing Menstrual Pain Level
Sri Rejeki, Achmad Sholechan, Fitri Nuroini, Satriya Pranata
Background: Severe pain can be experienced by women during menstruation which results in the disruption of daily activities and is not productive, therefore therapy is needed to reduce the pain. Regional counter-pressure therapy has been shown to reduce pain levels, but the pressure applied to the regiosacral...
Proceedings Article
Impacts of Effective Use of IDWG Calculator on Physical Health of HD Patients
Rika Maya Sari, Laily Isro’in, Sri Andayani
The final stage of chronic kidney disease, characterized by kidney dysfunction, needs special treatment, such as dialysis (hemodialysis). However, patients undergoing hemodialysis commonly suffer from excess fluid in their bodies. One innovation proposed to help them measure the amount of fluid in their...
Proceedings Article
Rifampicin Antibiotic Resistance Level Positive TB Results with Molecular Rapid Test (MRT) in Mataram City Hospital
Aini Aini, Ika Nurfajri Mentari, Muhammad Aminul Mukarram
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is the most dangerous infectious disease in the world. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of antibiotic resistance to rofampicin on positive TB results in the Mataram City Hospital. In this...
Proceedings Article
The effectiveness of additional classes in physical education among young males in an educational institution
Valeriy Kokin, Victor Bykov, Svetlana Korneeva
The purpose of the article is to develop and practically implement the pedagogical technology of additional classes in physical education on the basis of a free and informed choice of forms and types of motor activity. The formation of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious attitude to one’s own health and...
Proceedings Article
Patient Safety Dimension in Primary Health Care Padang City
Rizanda Machmud, Dien Gusta Anggraini Nursal
Primary health care (PHC) in Padang, Indonesia has a significant barrier to assessing risk reduction strategy, due to difficulties in identifying medical errors and adverse events. It is thought that patient safety initiatives can be framed within a public health model of prevention, but the initiative...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between Maternal Age and Chronic Energy Deficiency Status with Low Birth Weight Incidence in the Working Area of Arjuno Public Health Center
Nurotul Fitriyah, Lucky Radita Alma, Siti Nurrochmah
Indonesia ranked as the nine most LBW cases with a percentage of more than 15.5% of infant births in 2018. The trend of the incidence of LBW in East Java has increased from 2016 (3.6%) to 2017 (3.8%). In 2018, Arjuno Public Health Center experienced a trend of increasing the prevalence of LBW events...
Proceedings Article
Gender Differences in Motor Coordination and Physical Activity
Riza Adriyani, Dody Iskandar, Lia Siti Camelia
The research highlights gender differences in gross motor coordination. Preadolescence is the best time for motor skill interventions. Good motor coordination indicates an increased physical activity in children. The purpose of this study was to know the differences of motor coordination and physical...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Increase Learning Outcomes in Game Basketball Shooting Through Force Command to Teach Students Culture of Class X High School Medan
Andi Nur Abady, Muhammad Syaleh
Location of the study was conducted in SMA Bina Culture Medan, which is the subject of this research is class X SMA Bina Culture Medan with the number of 41 students. This research method using PTK (Classroom Action Research).The results of this study concluded that learning through teaching style Command...
Proceedings Article
Molecular Resistance Status of Aedes aegypti to the Organophosphate and Pyrethroid Insecticides in Central Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara Provinces, Indonesia
Muhammad Choirul Hidajat, Edi Dharmana, Mega Tyas Prihatin, Martini, Triwibowo Ambargarjito
Currently, dengue has became a major public health problem in Indonesia. Aedes aegypti is confirmed as the main dengue vector. The organophosphate and phyretroid have been used in vector control program for more than 3 decades. Insecticide resistance evidences and mechanisms are essential to find the...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Jump to Box Exercises on Heading Ability
Ikhwanul Arifan, Eri Barlian, S Afrizal.
This type of research is artificial experiments, this research aims to know the extent of the influence of exercise Jump To Box against the ability of the Heading, (Experimental Study on Soccer Club athlete The son of Pasaman). The population in this research is the son of The Club’s soccer athletes...
Proceedings Article
Overview of Nutrition Intake for Pregnant Women with CED and High Risk in The Waru Health Center Area, Sidoarjo District
Iktafiani Nilna Aziza, Ani Intiyati, Inne Soesanti, Taufiqurrahman, Nuning Marina Pengge, Mujayanto
In 2022, pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency (CED) had a prevalence of 1.2%, up from 0.8% in 2021. This increase suggests a rise in CED among pregnant women in the Puskesmas Waru area. The research aimed to assess the macro and micronutrient intake and high-risk factors for pregnant women with...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Cold Compress 15 Minutes on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Bambang Trisnowiyanto, Mustofa Bayu Nirwana
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is an uncomfortable sensation or pain in the muscles after 12-24 hours of high-intensity physical activity, mainly dominated by eccentric and isometric muscle contractions. DOMS will physiologically disappear by itself. If the inflammatory process does not go well,...
Proceedings Article
Brand Awareness and Brand Equity of Outpatient
Serlly Frida Drastyana
The effort to build awareness in the minds of consumers of a particular brand is an important part that needs to create the uniqueness of the brand. Objectives: This study aims to analyse the correlation between Brand Awareness and Brand Equity of outpatient in RSIA Nun Surabaya. Method : This study...
Proceedings Article
Efectivity Of The Combination Foot Excercises And Hydrotherapy To Peripheral Circulation In Patients Diabetes Mellitus
Rumentalia Sulistini, Azwaldi Azwaldi
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease characterized by the body can not regulate blood sugar levels automatically. In Indonesia obtained mortality ulcer/gangrene diabetes ranged between 17-32% while the amputation rate between 15-30%. Patients died post-amputation was 14.8%, increased to 37% over three...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Teaching Physical Education on Junior High School in Indonesia
Kristi Agust, Adang Suherman, Nuryadi Nuryadi
The purpose this study was to determine the effectiveness of amount of time spent by students in teaching Physical Education process. The method used in this research is descriptive with subjects consisted of 4 junior high schools in the city of Pekanbaru Indonesia consisting of 7 Physical Education...
Proceedings Article
Anticancer Activity of Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb. Extract on WiDr Cell Line In Vitro
Ichwan Alamsyah Lubis, M. Farid Ichwan, Mustofa Mustofa, Denny Satria
Colon cancer is third of cancer cases that occur in the world's population. The incidence of new cases in men are 614.300 and women are 746.300, while the death rate in men are 373.600 and in women are 320.300. Colon cancer treatments are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. The problem with chemotherapy...
Proceedings Article
Correlation between Gestational and Maternal Age with Pathological Neonatal Jaundice
Umi Fetriyah, Anggrita Sari, Dini Rahmayani, Fitri Yuliana, Reni Jayanti
Pathologic jaundice is one of the causes of neonatal death, among the risk factor is pre-term pregnancy that causes prematurity. It affects the growth of the fetus due to the immaturity of the reproductive organs. The main objective of this study is to analyze the correlation between gestational and...
Proceedings Article
The Distribution of Facial Profile Photogrammetry of High School Students in Medan
Hilda Fitria Lubis, Mimi Marina Lubis, Siti Bahirrah
One of the main objectives of orthodontic treatment is to improve dental and facial esthetics. The understanding of soft tissues of the face in relation to the dentoskeletal tissues is essential in esthetic orthodontic treatment. Study of soft tissue facial profile by photogrammetry provides better information...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Self-Regulated and Disciplined Learning on Students’ Achievements
Ahmad Susanto, Farihen, Iswan
The background of this study is the still low self-regulated learning and learning discipline for students. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of self-regulated learning and learning discipline on student achievement, especially on social science subjects. The research method used is...
Proceedings Article
The Frequency of Fibromyalgia in Patients With Tension-Type Headache
Yahya Qasim M. Taher, Ali Abdulrahman Younis, Ali Neamat Sulaiman Alallaf
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a prevailing debilitating disorder that has been documented in patients with tension-type headache (TTH). The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of fibromyalgia in TTH patients as well as the features of TTH patients with concomitant FM. One hundred patients with...
Proceedings Article
Electronic Nutrition Care Process Accelerate the Documentation Time at Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang
Farah Paramita, Yayuk Hartriyanti, Susetyowati, Lutfan Lazuardi
Nutrition care is one of hospital health care that needs an information system to support documentation of Nutrition Care Process. There are some barriers in implementing NCP, one of them is lack of time in implementing Nutrition Care Process. Computer based information system is expected to be a solution...
Proceedings Article
Differences of Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Towards the Use of Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs (DMARD)
Rahmi Yosmar, Sindi Suija, Yoneta Srangenge, A. Almahdy
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease commonly associated with progressive disability and systemic complications. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by inflammation and synovial hyperplasia, production of autoantibodies, and destruction of bone and cartilage. One of the assessments of rheumatoid...
Proceedings Article
High Glucose Inhibits the Expression of EtcABC Which Resulted in Negative Regulation of Type III Fimbriae in Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates
Novaria S. D. Panjaitan, Soo Po-Chi, Lin Yin-Jia, Tsai Yi-Jhen
Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of abundant normal flora in human, but also well-studied as an opportunistic pathogen due to its ability to form biofilm. Biofilm could be formed by biofilm-forming bacteria as its survival method. Valid example for biofilm-associated medical issue is catheter-related diseases,...
Proceedings Article
Formula Optimization and Antioxidant Activity Test of Combination Drink of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale var. rosc) and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus): DPPH Method
Miftahul Adnan, Diana Nur Afifah, Gemala Anjani, Hardhono Susanto, Etika Ratna Noer, Sumardi Widodo
Ginger and lemongrass are herbal plants that have antioxidant properties. Ginger contains phenolic compounds such as gingerol, shogaol, and paradol which function as antioxidants. Lemongrass has secondary metabolite compounds such as saponins, tannins, alkaloids, steroids, phenols, and flavonoids, which...
Proceedings Article
Health Monitoring System for Elderly Patients
Erna Rochmawati, Winny Setyonugroho, Sentagi Sesotya Utami, Iman Permana, Tri Lestari
Indonesia experienced an increase in the number of elderly people from 18 million people (7.56%) in 2010 to 25.9 million people (9.7%) in 2019, and is expected to continue to increase where in 2035 to 48.2 million people (15,77%). On the other hand, this increase in age is accompanied by complexity of...
Proceedings Article
Family Support Relationship With The Level Of Anxiety In Cervical Cancer Patients Ulin Hospitals Banjarmasin
Fadhiyah Noor Anisa, Elvine Ivana Kabuhung, Ruthiana Amia
Objective: Identify and analyze the relationship of family support with the anxiety level of patients of cervical cancer at the Hospital General Regional Ulin Banjarmasin.Research Method: This research use analytic survey with cross-sectional approach. Population studies of cervical cancer patients and...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Plyometric Tuck Jumps and Lateral Hurdle Jumps on The Ability of Takraw’S Male Athletes to Do Smash Kedeng
Mr Sulaiman, Agus Raharjo, Wahyu Zaenal Abidin
Smash Kedeng is important to get points in Takraw’s game, but it's very difficult to do. Therefore, it is necessary to develop appropriate training. This study aims to examine the right exercise to improve smash Kedeng ability. This experimental research used sample of 20 male athletes using two independent...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Nutrition Messages Through Whatsapp Messenger Applications on Food Intake and Albumin Level In Surgery Patients At Bantul Hospital Yogyakarta
Ida Mardalena, Mundakir
Background. Nutrition status has been known to have a very important role in the process of wound healing surgery. The condition of malnutrition in hospital for patients is also known to affect the length of hospitalization period, changes in clinical conditions, increased use of hospital support resources,...
Proceedings Article
Bats As A Viral Reservoir: A Short Review Of Their Ecological Characters And Immune System
Desrayni Hanadhita, Aryani Sismin Satyaningtijas, Srihadi Agung Priyono
Bats are reported as natural reservoir host of several viruses, many of which cause severe human disease. Infected bats usually do not show any clinical symptoms and persistently infected. Bats immunity against viruses is an evolutional process of self-defense created by ecological adaptation between...
Proceedings Article
Prevalence and Predisposing Factors of Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Farm Deyeng Village Kediri District, East Java, Indonesia
Ani Setianingrum, Masdiana Padaga, Manik Sawitri, Mira Fatmawati, Fidi Dameanti, Zahrania Sulherman
Subclinical mastitis in dairy farm can cause many impact in milk production which lead to economic loss for farmers. The average of subclinical mastitis in East Java is 70-80% with average on milk yield loss about 2-3 liters per day. Early detection on subclinical mastitis in dairy cows are important...
Proceedings Article
Antioxidant Activities Test of Selada Air Extract (Nasturtium officinale R.Br) by Using DPPH (I, I-Difenil-2-Pikrilhidrazil) Method
Diana Sri Zustika, Hendy Suhendy, Witri Novita Sari
Selada air (Nastrium officinale R.Br) is a plant that grows in the highlands. Watercress is widely consumed by people as a vegetable. This study aimed to examine the antioxidant activity of watercress extract by using DPPH method. The extraction used the reflux method with n-hexane, ethyl acetate and...
Proceedings Article
The Overview of Nutritional Status of Children Between 6-24 Months with Feeding Difficulties in Working Area of North Cimahi Primary Health Center
Elly Noer Rochmah, Dini Ismayanti Permana, Sutedja, Nadhilah Lailani
Feeding difficulties in children is the lack of appetite or inability to eat and refuse certain foods. Feeding difficulties can be caused by several factors, specifically organic and non-organic factors. Feeding difficulties will be at high-risk of causing nutritional problems if not treated as they...
Proceedings Article
Innovation for Biomotor Training and Football Techniques
Fauzi Fauzi, Siswantoyo Siswantoyo, Danang wicaksono, Nawan Primasoni
This study aims to develop individual biomotor training tools and soccer techniques in the sport of football by integrating with technology. Research and development was used in this study. The development of this individual training tool is carried out in several stages, namely: (1) preliminary study,...
Proceedings Article
App development in a team sports: A Systematic Literature Review
Muhammad Irvan Eva Salafi, Fauzi Fauzi, Siswantoyo Siswantoyo, Danang Wicaksono
This study aims to conduct a systematic review and a survey in an exemplary academic setting to assess the present state of app development in a sports game along with the following research questions: (Q1) Are software engineering principles well understood in sports game app development? (Q2) Is the...
Proceedings Article
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome for Lung Fibrosis Post Covid-19 Infection-Case Report
Stefan Nugroho, Verdi Danutirto, Rouna Yauwenas, Sandy Qlintang, Petrus Fransiskus Cristanto Tan
Covid-19 has been a global health emergency and not only induced an unprecedented economic crisis in almost every country, but has led to social and educational crises. With the fast spreading and mutation rate of this virus, human lifestyle has been changed to mitigate the infection of SARS-CoV-2. However,...
Proceedings Article
Aging Beautifully with Healthy Sexual Life
Muhammad Rusda
Sexual health among older generations is still a major issue for individuals and couples. However, most people still believe that older adults are asexual. The reported prevalence of sexual problems in the elderly population was quite high, especially in postmenopausal women. For older women, menopause...
Proceedings Article
Factors Related to the Incidence of Cervical Cancer in M. Djamil Hospital Padang in 2021
Yuliva, Mahdalena Prihatiningsih, Rindu Reswari
Indonesia gets the third position of the countries with the highest death rate from cervical cancer in the last three years (42.2%), while West Sumatera province gets the eight position of the highest cervical cancer case. The number cervical cancer patients in M. Djamil hospital Padang in 2019 was 118...
Proceedings Article
Description of Patient Profile Undergoing Tracheostomy at Rsup Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung in 2021
Dara Fuji Rahayu, Ongka Muhammad Saifuddin
Introduction Tracheostomy is a surgical procedure that involves placing a tube through a skin incision above the trachea, allowing for direct access to the airway. It is commonly performed in intensive care units for indications such as airway obstruction, air safety during ventilation, and patient comfort...
Proceedings Article
Description Of Triglyceride Levels In The Elderly Who Have Hypertension
Dira Irnameria, Vhira Nurjumareta, Leni Marlina
Triglyceride is one of the types of fat that can be found in the blood and various organ in the body that can cause problems for human health when the level is above the normal range or it can be called as hypertriglyceridemia. A highly level of triglycerides is one of the cause from the increasing of...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Push Up and Pull Up on Jump Shoot Results in Hand Ball Games
Mia Kusumawati, Dindin Abidin
The purpose of this study is to find out how much Push Up and Pull Up Exercise Effect on Flying Shoot Results in Handball Ball Games Student Handball Community Unisma Bekasi. This research was conducted in Unipreneur Unisma Bekasi field from September 11, 2017 to October 11, 2017, the method used in...
Proceedings Article
Impact of Outdoor Education Mountaineering Program on Environmental Concern, Increasing Economy and Social Interaction on Mount Artapela Ascent
Dede Iman Suhendra, Ryan Abu Bakar, Amung Ma’mun, Yusuf Hidayat
The purpose of this study is to explore environmental problems in the Upper Citarum River by revealing the impact of the outdoor education program mountaineering program on Mount Artapela on environmental concerns and economic levels. The method used in this study is expose facto. The population is the...
Proceedings Article
Pilot evaluation of the therapeutic effect of Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) in Arresting dental caries in the primary teeth of Cambodian slum children
Mengkheng Chray, Shunhour Khorn, Sreykhouch Da, Bathsheba Turton, Callum Durward
Background. Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a clinically applied treatment that controls active dental caries and aids in preventing further progression of the car-ies process. Aim of study. To establish the effectiveness of SDF in arresting pri-mary tooth caries in 6-12-year-old Cambodian children....
Proceedings Article
Technique for the development of strength abilities in boys aged 10-11 years engaged in hand-to-hand combat at the initial training stage
Elena Kostsova, Elena Repnikova, Irina Izarovskaya
The purpose of the article is to increase the efficiency of training children with the help of dynamic and static exercises. Materials and methods: boys aged 10-11 years engaged in hand-to-hand combat were divided into two groups at the initial training stage: experimental and control (15 people each)....
Proceedings Article
Correlation Between Physical Activity and Health Status Among Elderly with Diabetes
Ema Wahyu Ningrum, Amin Susanto
Epidemiological studies show that the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance (GTG) increase in line with the age. The increase in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases is associated with changes in lifestyle, including smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages, physical...
Proceedings Article
Importance of Domestic Experience in Combating Epidemics When Solving Modern Global Problems
Y.G. Eshchenko, S.V. Vinogradov, E.V. Savelyeva, O.V. Liholet
The current topic of epidemics makes the regional experience of combating them in environmentally unfavorable, “difficult” areas relevant. The geographical location of the Lower Volga region as the “Caspian Gate” through which various epidemic diseases penetrated into Russia from Asia has led to the...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Age of Pregnant Women and Parity With the Incidence of Anemia in Third Semester Pregnant Women
Gisely Vionalita, Ninoy Tahta Permata
Objective: This research aims to determine the relationship between age of pregnant women and parity with anemia in third trimester pregnant women at Sidorejo Lor Health Center in 2019.
Methods: This is a quantitative research is conducted on third semester pregnant women in Sidorejo Lor Public Health...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Storage Time on Colonization of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Breast Milk
Putri Pasalina, Vitri Amran, Hendri Devita
Breast milk is the best food for babies in early life. Ignorance of employed mothers about how to store breast milk is an inhibiting factor for exclusive breastfeeding. Improper storage of breast milk can reduce the number of bacteria in breast milk. The probiotic bacteria of breast milk are important...
Proceedings Article
Determinants of Elevated Blood Pressure Among Young Adults in Indonesia
Vita Widyasari, Okti Ratna Mafruhah
Based on the results of the RISKESDAS 2018, the prevalence of hypertension in people aged > 18 years has increased from 25.8% (2013) to 34.1% (2018). Several factors, especially modifiable factors, need to be further identified to prevent an increase in blood pressure in young adults. The objective...
Proceedings Article
Anxiety and Dementia in Older Adults in Indonesia
Sri Susanty, Devi Savitri Effendy, Ramadhan Tosepu, Wa Ode Ratna, I Nengah Sunarto, Indrawati Indrawati, Sarah Faradillah
Previous studies have indicated that anxiety and dementia are correlated with a poorer quality of life. Therefore, it is important to pay attention because there is a lack of information regarding the prevalence and relationships of anxiety and dementia among older adults in institutions in Indonesia....
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Eye-Hand Coordination and Wrist Fitness on The Forehand Smash Ability of 13–17-Years Table Tennis Athletes
Jusrianto As, Widiastuti, Aan Wasan, Agus Sutriawan, Muh Nugrah Setyawan
This research aims to determine the influence of eye-hand coordination and wrist flexibility on table tennis forehand smash ability. This research uses a path analysis design with statistical processing using the SPSS application version 23.00 and a significance level of 0.05. The population is all Pinrang...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Medical Financing in Hospitals
Oktavia Lusiana Putri, M. Herzegovin Laxamana
Health funding is one of the factors that affects the health quality of individual countries in a meaningful way. Medical finance problems are: Lack of funds and additional funds. This writing method uses review literature. The purpose of this academic study is to increase knowledge about medical financial...
Proceedings Article
Experience Of High-Risk Pregnant Women Under The Implementation Of "Desa Siaga" (Alert Village) Program
Endah Suprihatin, Indriatie Indriatie
Through Desa Siaga (Alert Village) Program, Lumajang has been succeeded to decrease MMR. However, so far the researcher has not found any study which explored the implementation of Desa Siaga development in high-risk pregnancy care; therefore investigating the high-risk pregnant women's experience in...
Proceedings Article
Level Organization of the Venous Bed of the Human Kidney Depending on the Options and Types of Intraorgan Veins Fusion
E.S. Kafarov, S.V. Fedorov, I.I. Khidiyatov, I.M. Nasibullin, V.Z. Galimzyanov
The article aims to conduct a 3D analysis of links and levels of the intraorgan venous system of the human kidney and build a model of its levels and spatial hierarchy. 46 corrosive preparations of the renal venous system were produced. The preparations were subjected to 3D scanning. Using Mimics-8.1,...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of SNEDDS (Self-Nano Emulsifying Drug Delivery System) Black Cumin Oil Seeds (Nigella sativa L) to The Histopatology of Lung Organs of The Sprague Dawley Rats That Induced by DMBA
Iis Wahyuningsih, Hani Pertiwi Khoirunnisa
Lung cancer is the cancer that caused death, especially for men in Indonesia. One of the compounds that causes cancer is 712-Dimethylben(a)anthracene (DMBA). Black cumin seed oils (BCSO) is able to reduce the damage of lung cells to the DMBA-induced rat. To improve total medicine that could arrive...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of School-Based Program of Iron Supplementation in Preventing and Controlling Iron Deficiency Anemia Among Adolescent Girls: Literature Reviews
N. M. Parwati, Pande Januraga, Suarjaya
The iron nutrition supplementation is an intervening strategy in tackling the anaemia deficiency among children and adolescent girls for the realization of a healthy and productive generation. To measure the effect of iron supplementation programs in increasing the concentration of haemoglobin and serum...
Proceedings Article
Children With Mild Mental Retardation Interest in Sports and Health Activities
Sony Putra Dewantara, Olivia Andiana, Mahmud Yunus
This study aimed to find out how much interest the children with special needs (ABK) mild mental retardation to sports health activities in SDLB Jaya Putra Malang. In research this do researchers a descriptive, form non test instruments shaped questionnaire, then do analysis form technique descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Case Series: Handling of Fertilization Program in the Cervical Polyp Case
Ivanna Beru Brahmana
Pregnancy programs are carried out at the Obstetrics & Gynecology clinic with infertility causes in the form of cervical polyp around 10%. Provide a series of four cases of cervical polyps in pregnancy program patients. The first case occured in primary infertile 1.5 years, P0A0 27 yo, with irregular...
Proceedings Article
Midwives’ Knowledge and Practice Regarding Immediate Care of Newborns at Khartoum State Hospitals 2022
Kawther Mohammed Mokhtar, Foauzi Mohmmed Farah, Alam Aldin Mohamed Ibrahim, Ahmed Awad Ahmed Alagabna
Most newborns breath and cry at birth with no help, and immediate care after birth is simple but important. This study aimed to assess midwives’ knowledge and practice regarding immediate care of the newborn. The study was conducted on 116 midwives in three hospitals in Khartoum state. A descriptive...
Proceedings Article
Characteristics of Laryngeal Carcinoma Patients Who Underwent Surgery in Bali, Indonesia
I Gde Ardika Nuaba, Made Gita Ratnasari
Laryngeal carcinoma is a frequent malignancy in the world. However, limited data are found in Indonesia, including in Bali which is one of the famous tourisme placed in the world. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of patients with laryngeal carcinoma who underwent surgery...
Proceedings Article
Literature Review: Legal Protection for Midwifery Students in Midwifery Clinical Practice in Hospital
Fitriani Nur Damayanti, Puji Nor Fatimah
In the clinical practice learning process, midwifery students cannot be separated from legal consequences because during clinical practice there is interaction between students and patients so that it does not rule out the possibility of midwifery risks occurring which could be detrimental to the patient....
Proceedings Article
Learning from the Pandemic: Sociodemographic Differences in COVID-19 Stigma among Healthcare Workers
V. Widyaningsih, R. Febrinasari, E. Poncorini, Sumardiyono, S. Mulyani, V. Sari, L. Pangesti, A. Probandari
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the novelty of the virus, the related social restrictions, and the surge of information often caused misperception amongst communities, including on stigma. This study assessed the stigma and discriminatory behaviours against anyone perceived to have been in...
Proceedings Article
Spiritual Caring of Nurse’s at Patient Departemen in the Pandemi Covid 19 of RSI Sultan Agung Semarang
Tri Hartiti, Sasa Anissa, Arief Yanto
Background: Caring is a caring attitude of nurses in providing nursing care to patients by treating patients with sincerity, sincerity, affection, both through communication, providing support, and direct action. Nurses must have a caring attitude in fulfilling patient needs, because for 24 h nurses...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Service Quality on Interest in Repeat Visits with Patient Satisfaction Intervening Variable
Marina Indriasari
The large number of health facilities from time to time has made business in the health service industry an unavoidable business competition and a future challenge for business people. To face future competition and challenges, Dr. Marina seeks to improve service quality and patient satisfaction in the...
Proceedings Article
Risk Factors of Hypertension in the Elderly at the Work Area of the Sihepeng Health Centre, Siabu District, Mandailing Natal Regency
Mutia Sari Lubis, Sri Sartika Sari Dewi, Ahmad Safii Hasibuan, Delfi Ramadhini, Lola Pebrianthy
Hypertension is often found in the elderly and usually the systolic pressure increases. Elderly with hypertension are at risk of experiencing various kinds of complications. The most likely complication of hypertension is stroke. This study aims to determine the risk factors for hypertension in the elderly....
Proceedings Article
Age Characteristics of the Body Proportions of the Older Age Groups of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Alla Guryeva, Alena Osinskaya
The aim of the study was to identify age-related features of body proportions of Yakut men of older age groups. The analysis of the somatometric survey of 591 men of three age groups was carried out: the second mature period, the elderly and the senile ages. The obtained material was processed by the...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Tayammum Pack to Reduce Number of Bacterial Colonies
Sunardi Sunardi, Khaera Ummatin, Zaqqi Ubaidillah
Patients hospitalized could experience spiritual distress for praying because of ablutions obstacle. One of holistic care is fulfill of spiritual needed patients and one of alternative to ablutions is tayammum pack (dust made of pure clay), unfortunately there are many differences perception that dust...
Proceedings Article
Effect of High Molecular Nano-Chitosan Addition on The Impact Strength of Heat Polymerized Polymethyl Methacrylate Denture Base Resin
Ika Devi Adiana, Trimurni Abidin, Lasminda Syafiar
Addition of reinforcing material to improve the mechanical properties of heat-polymerized polymethyl methacrylate is being developed. One of them is by adding nano-chitosan gel. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of nano-chitosan gel addition on the impact strength of heat-polymerized polymethyl...
Proceedings Article
Study of Total Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Antioxidant Activity in Goat Milk Yoghurt Fortification with White Rice Bran Flour
Ajeng Haskito, Masdiana Padaga
Yogurt is one of functional fermented food products from milk created by the addition of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) which has many health benefit. Goat milk yogurt has components of bioactive peptides with antioxidants potency. Antioxidant derivatives of bioactive peptides in goat milk yogurt includeproline,...
Proceedings Article
Knowledge of Supervision on Treatment About Prevention and Infection of Tuberculosis
Upik Rahmi
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends treatment for tuberculosis with the Directly Observed Treatment Short course chemotherapy (DOTS) strategy, one of which is in the form of a health worker. It is very important to ensure that the patient has swallowed all the medicines given as directed by...
Proceedings Article
Formulation and Evaluation of Suppositoria Supplies Extract of Pinang Seeds (Areca catechu L.) as Anthelmintik
Lusi Nurdianti, Fajar Setiawan
Areca palm is a type of palm and is commonly found in India, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia and other Asian countries, both individually and in populations (Jaiswal wt al, 2011). The pharmacological potential of Areca catechu is one of its benefits as an anthelmintic. Part taken from areca nut for anthelmintic...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors That Influence Stunting On Toddlers
Fitriana Noor Khayati, Ratna Agustiningrum, Puput Risti Kusumaningrum, Febriana Putri Hapsari
Stunting is one of the health problems that is closely related to the delayed growth and development of children. Children can be classified as stunting if their height is less than -2SD. Along in the 2018 stunting had been decreased from 37,2% to 30,8%. Those data were still higher than WHO restricted...
Proceedings Article
Interactive Multimedia as a Guidance for Adherencing to Maintain Fitness for High School Students
Masrurdin Ilmi, Ari Wibowo Kurniawan, Febrita Paulina Heynoek
The objective to be achieved in this research is to describe students’ motivation in attending PE education in Bali and East Java. The data analysis method uses quantitative analysis and is processed into descriptive statistics, namely percentage and mean analysis. Intrinsic Motivation results get a...
Proceedings Article
Movement Behavior and Gross Motor Skills of Preschool Children in East Java Urban Area
Nurrul Riyad Fadhli, Imam Hariadi, Dona Sandy Yudasmara, M. E. Winarno, Taufik, Eldiene Zaura I’tamada, Rida Hanania
The purpose of this study is to identify preschool children’s movement behavior and gross motor ability level in the East Tawa Urban Region. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Test of Gross Motor Development Second Edition (TGMD-2) were employed as instruments in the cross-sectional...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Detraining during the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Endurance Ability of Vo2max Karate Athletes, State University of Malang
Monica Septinia Widhayanty, Ahmad Abdullah, Olivia Andiana
Detraining is a condition where the body is no longer healthy and the quality of the body decreases, this is not only happens to athletes but to all sports players, when someone is not routine doing sports detraining will happen. During this pandemic, many activities did not work properly, such as the...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Safety Building Facilities as a Fire Prevention Effort at the State University of Malang’s Faculty of Sports Science
Lingga Fitriana Sarida, Moch. Yunus, Sendhi Tristanti Puspitasari
A fire hazard is one of the potential hazards of Occupational Safety and Health or K3 in buildings. In high-rise buildings, escape routes are few and limited, necessitating the implementation of effective, efficient, and integrated fire prevention measures. The purpose of this study is to determine the...
Proceedings Article
Chrome Hole Dermatitis Due To Work Habit Of Electroplating Workers In Candi, Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Abdul Hakim Zakkiy Fasya, M. Farid Lusno
Objectives: Electroplating industry using hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) for main ingredient to metal plating. Chromium when contact with skin can cause dermatitis. This study aimed to analyze chrome hole dermatitis on electroplating workers due to their work habit in one of electroplating industry in Sidoarjo....
Proceedings Article
The Palm Date Treatment to Anaerobic Muscle Fatigue on Running Athlete
Mursid Tri Susilo, Ms Mardiana
The fitness of an athlete is very important. Running athletes need enormous energy in a short time thereby they should increase the risk of anaerobic muscle fatigue. One of the effort to delay it was by increased of glycogen deposits and potassium intake which indicated to prevent and reduce anaerobic...
Proceedings Article
The use of fins in initial training of swimmers aged 8-9 years
Alexey Kotlyarov
The purpose of the article is to find effective means in the initial swimming training for children 8-9 years old. The article aims to justify the effectiveness of the use of fins in swimming training for children 8-9 years old. Materials and methods. The experiment involved 30 children aged 8-9 years...
Proceedings Article
Compliance of the Use of Personal Protective Equipment for Workers
Tri Niswati Utami, Sahrir Sillehu
The obligation to use personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration No. 08/Men/VII/2010. Ship crew accidents include slipping, falling into the sea, hitting the wall of the ship and being shocked by electricity. Health problems...
Proceedings Article
Livelihoods System and Level of Vulnerability of Rice Farmer Households Due to Climate Change at Swampy Lowland in Sungai Pinang Village Banyuasin Regency
Elly Rosana, Thirtawati, Muhammad Arbi
The main problems in the development of swampy lowland are floods during the rainy season and drought in the dry season which cannot yet be predicted accurately. Climate change causes problems in swampy lowland farming. Farmers find it difficult to run their farming, especially in terms of determining...
Proceedings Article
Awareness of Pharmacists & Pharmacy Students About Doping, and the Need for Doping Education in Iraq
Hasan Aldewachi, Aya Raheem, Wafaa Mohammed
Objective. To evaluate the knowledge and views of pharmacists and pharmacists in sports and to investigate curriculum needs for sports pharmacy undergraduates
Methods. A web-based cross-sectional survey of pharmacy students was carried out from 2nd of Feb to 5th of March 2021 at the University of Mosul,...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Herbs-Infused Water on Body Weight and Waist Circumference in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome
Astri Purwanti, Sugiarto, Dono Indarto
Adults with metabolic syndrome have higher risks to suffer non communicable diseases like diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. In daily life, some Indonesian communities have routinely drunk spices and herbs-infused water instead of drinking pure water. However, the efficacy of this mixed water...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Paired Upper Passing Exercises to the Passing Ability of Volleyball Games at the University of Nusa Cendana Penjaksesrek Women’s Team
Yudabbirul Arif, Lukas Maria Boleng, Veramyta M. M. F. Babang
The formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is an effect of the upper passing practice on the accuracy of the passing of volleyball? This study aims to find out whether with upper passing training in pairs can increase the volleyball’s passing ability.This type of research uses a quantitative...
Proceedings Article
Overview of Garbage Management in the Passenger Ships That Leans on Port of Bima
Muhammad Al-Irsyad
Assessment of garbage management in the ship needs to be done to prevent health risks that may arise from the garbage. To find out an overview of garbage management in the passenger ships that leans on Port of Bima. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive observational approach. The researcher...
Proceedings Article
Prognostic Value of Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio, D-Dimer Levels, and Scoring of Lung Lesion on Chest X-Ray on Mortality of COVID-19 Patients
Which is the Best?
Yudith Yunia Kusmala, Jusron Iriawan, Fariz Albarri, Tersia Viradanti, Sunnatul Mufarrohah
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) plays an important role that increases mortality in COVID-19 patients. Several parameters have been tried to predict the patient’s condition for worsening and even death. The objective of this study was to determine the prognostic value of the neutrophil-lymphocyte...
Proceedings Article
Chemical Components and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oil Extracted from Citrus x aurantifolia Peel
Elidahanum Husni, Sofia Ramadani, Suryati, Mesa Irna Suryani, Dachriyanus
Citrus species are among the plants that generate essential oils, which include a variety of chemical components with antibacterial properties. Citrus x aurantiifolia is one of the citrus types developed by a cross between lime (Citrus aurantifolia) and lemon (Citrus hystrix). The purpose of this study...
Proceedings Article
The Effects of Giving Probiotics in Dadiah Sampled on Increasing Immunoglobulin A (Iga) of Intestinal Tissue in Rats Model of Diabetic Nephropathy
Rinita Amelia, Meta Oktora
Dadiah is a traditional food of West Sumatra made from buffalo milk fermented in a bamboo tube container. Dadiah is a functional food because it is made through a spontaneous fermentation by lactic acid bacteria in the buffalo milk and bamboo tubes of the “Aua” type. This study aims to examine the effect...
Proceedings Article
Stone Free Rate and Complications in Kidney Stone Patients Undergoing Open Nephrolithotomy and Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) Methods
Exsa Hadibrata S, Suharmanto Suharmanto, Siska Lania, Deviani Utami
The operations for treating kidney stones include open nephrolithotomy, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL), Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL), ureteroscopy, and laparoscopic surgery. The aim of this study was to analyzing the differences in stone free rates and complications in kidney stone...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of the Effriction Method in Increasing Range of Motion (ROM) in Shoulder Injuries
Arif Setiawan
The aim of the research was to test the level of effectiveness of the effriction method in helping the recovery process increase the range of motion (ROM) of the shoulder joint in athletes or people who enjoy sports who have suffered sports injuries. The high percentage of shoulder injury cases was caused...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Feeding Sea Rabbit-Papaya Naget Cakes on Learning Achievement and Hb Levels in Children Primary School for Stunting Suffering - Lack of Nutrition in Bajo Indah Village, Soropia District
Sultan Akbar Toruntju, Kameriah Gani, Sirajuddin Sirajuddin, Evi Kusumawati
Stunting is one dietary issue that affects many elementary school students. Children’s health and academic achievement are significantly impacted by stunting in elementary school students. Finding out how providing papaya and sea rabbit fruit cakes affects learning outcomes and hemoglobin levels in undernourished...
Proceedings Article
Work Stress and Job Satisfaction of Nurses During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Ana Zakiyah, Iswati Iswati, Ika Ainur Rofi’ah, Sela Tri Cahyani
Job satisfaction is a positive emotional state that arises from an assessment of one’s work or work experience. Low nurse job satisfaction still occurs in developing countries. The situation of the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in job demands and increased nurse workloads that have the potential to cause...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Knowledge Levels About Covid-19 and Compliance with the 5M Program in Reducing the Spread of Covid-19 Among Students of the Medica Farma Husada Polytechnic Mataram
Baharuddin Condeng, Syamsurianyah Syamsurianyah, Azizah Saleh, Jihadil Qudsi
Since the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has captured the attention of the whole world. Infectious diseases that are included in this global category, have a fairly fast transmission speed. After the lockdown program, the government launched the 5M (in bahasa) program, namely washing hands...