Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019)

178 authors
Paramita, RA Sista
Risk and Return Portfolio of Food and Beverages Companies in Ramadhan 2019
Permatasari, Faudina
The Development of Learning Devices with the Etnoid (Ethnoscience Android) Assisted Guided Inquiry Model on Vibration and Wave Materials
Prastowo, Tjipto
The Effectiveness of the Learning Devices Using Investigation-Based Multiple Representation to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Ability on Reflection and Refraction Materials
Prastowo, Tjipto
Development of OrSAEv Model Learning Materials to Improve Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Skills (Preliminary Study)
Prawoto, Budi
The validity of Teaching Materials Based on Hybrid Learning: The 21st Century Challenge
Prawoto, Budi Priyo
The validity of Teaching Materials Based on Hybrid Learning: The 21st Century Challenge
Purba, Damoyanto
Applying Spherical Triangle Concept in Simulator to Determine Distance and Direction of Ship
Purnomo, Aris Rudi
Exploration of Balai Materia Medica Batu: Field-Trip Supporting Biotechnology Learning
Purnomo, Erlix Rakhmad
Hepar Histology of Mice(Mus musculus L) Indicated by Pre-Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (Pre-Type 2 DM) After Red Rice Yeast Treatment
Purnomo, Tarzan
Biodiversity and Existing Condition of Coral Reef Ecosystem in Kondang Merak Beach Malang
Puspitawati, Rinie
Competency Profile of Junior High School Teachers in Developing High Order Thinking Questions of Science Subject
Puspitawati, Rinie Pratiwi
Competency Profile of Junior High School Teachers in Developing High Order Thinking Questions of Science Subject
Rachmadiarti, Fida
In-vitro Propagation of Elephantopus scaber Using Seeds as Explants in Various Culture Growth Media
Rahaju, Endah Budi
Students’ Proof Scheme for Mathematical Proving and Disproving of Divisibility Proposition
Rahayu, D A
Biodiversity of Invertebrates in Kemantren Coast, Lamongan
Rahayu, Dwi
Biodiversity of Invertebrates in Kemantren Coast, Lamongan
Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati
Integration of Scientific Article Writing in the Animal Systematics Course to Train Scientific Literacy
Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati
Enhancing the Digital Literacy of Pre-Service Biology Teacher through Animal Systematics Course
Rahayu, Sapitri
Development of OrSAEv Model Learning Materials to Improve Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Skills (Preliminary Study)
Rahmawati, Ditya
Students’ Proof Scheme for Mathematical Proving and Disproving of Divisibility Proposition
Rahmawati, Ditya Rifky
Students’ Proof Scheme for Mathematical Proving and Disproving of Divisibility Proposition
Ratnasari, Evie
Endemic Bacteria Potential for Decomposing Pesticide Prophenophos and Chlorantraniliprole from Pesticide-Exposed Soybean Field in East Java
Rusmini, Rusmini
The Study of Self-Cleaning Properties of TiO2 Coated on Cotton Fabrics
Rusmini, Rusmini
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanogold and Nanosilver as Leprosy Drug Candidates and Their Activity Tests in Leprosy Patients; Case Study
Sabtiawan, Wahyu Budi
Chlorogenic Acid Yacon Tubers [Smallanthus Sonchifolia (Poepp. Et Endl.) H. Robinson]. On The Use of Natural Inhibitors and Storage Temperature Variations
Sam'an, Muhammad
The Fuzzy Optimal Solution of Fuzzy Transport Problems Using A New Fuzzy Least Cost Method
Sari, Dhita Ayu Permata
Chlorogenic Acid Yacon Tubers [Smallanthus Sonchifolia (Poepp. Et Endl.) H. Robinson]. On The Use of Natural Inhibitors and Storage Temperature Variations
Sayitri, Sonia Dianita
Developing Instructional Video to EnhanceBiology Pre-Service Teachers’Metacognitive Skills
Septiana, Dilla Ayu
The effect of problem based learning with gallery walk strategy to creativity and communication skills
Setianingsih, R
Flexibility of Guardian and Artisan Selected Students in Solving Fraction Problems
Setiawan, Djoni
Development of SEA-MEA (Self Efficacy Academic-Means Ends Analysis) Learning Model to Increase Problem Solving Skills
Setiyawati, Enik
The Role of Local Wisdom-based Student Worksheet on Scientific Reasoning
Setyaningrum, Puspita Anggraini
Prospective Students’ Math Talk in Solving Secondary School Mathematics Problem
Shofiyah, Noly
The Role of Local Wisdom-based Student Worksheet on Scientific Reasoning
Siswanto, Siswanto
The Layer Profile of the Students’ Understanding of Image Making and Image Having in Completing Mathematical Problems
Slamet, Isnandar
Student’s Mathematics Anxiety in Solving Mathematical Problems of Logarithms Material
Soepardjo, Djodjok
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanogold and Nanosilver as Leprosy Drug Candidates and Their Activity Tests in Leprosy Patients; Case Study
Solekhudin, Imam
A Numerical Study of Diffusion-Convection Equations
Suarsini, Endang
The Application of Rhizobacteria and Indigenous Microorganism on Cow Rumen in Soybean Plants (Glycine max L.)
Subekti, Hasan
Exploration of Balai Materia Medica Batu: Field-Trip Supporting Biotechnology Learning
Sunarti, Titin
The effect of problem based learning with gallery walk strategy to creativity and communication skills
Supardi, Zainul Arifin Imam
Development of Student Worksheet for Improving the Self-efficacy and Ability to Argue of Chemistry Teacher Candidates Study on Junior High School Students Behavior Based on Keirsey Personality Type
Surarso, Bayu
The Fuzzy Optimal Solution of Fuzzy Transport Problems Using A New Fuzzy Least Cost Method
Susantini, Endang
Developing Instructional Video to EnhanceBiology Pre-Service Teachers’Metacognitive Skills
Susilo, Herawati
Exploration of Balai Materia Medica Batu: Field-Trip Supporting Biotechnology Learning
Suwono, Hadi
Exploration of Balai Materia Medica Batu: Field-Trip Supporting Biotechnology Learning
Suyatmi, Lilik
Endemic Bacteria Potential for Decomposing Pesticide Prophenophos and Chlorantraniliprole from Pesticide-Exposed Soybean Field in East Java
Syam, Aqsyari
The Use of Educational Game Media and Its Effect on Student Achievement of 6th Grade Elementary School Students in Mathematics Learning
Syam, Aqsyari Pujian
The Use of Educational Game Media and Its Effect on Student Achievement of 6th Grade Elementary School Students in Mathematics Learning
Syamsuddin, Agustan
The Use of Educational Game Media and Its Effect on Student Achievement of 6th Grade Elementary School Students in Mathematics Learning
Taufikurohmah, Titik
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanogold and Nanosilver as Leprosy Drug Candidates and Their Activity Tests in Leprosy Patients; Case Study
Tjandrakirana, Tjandrakirana
The Development of Student Worksheets (LKPD) in Learning Science through Group Investigation Learning to Train Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students
Tukiran, Tukiran
Development of Student Worksheet for Improving the Self-efficacy and Ability to Argue of Chemistry Teacher Candidates Study on Junior High School Students Behavior Based on Keirsey Personality Type
Tukiran, Tukiran
The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy to Reduce Misconception in Thermochemistry
Vernanda, Siska
Training Digital Literation by Digital Book Format Electronic Publisher Themes of Climate for Junior High School Students
Wasis, Wasis
Development of SEA-MEA (Self Efficacy Academic-Means Ends Analysis) Learning Model to Increase Problem Solving Skills
Widodo, Agus
Hepar Histology of Mice(Mus musculus L) Indicated by Pre-Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (Pre-Type 2 DM) After Red Rice Yeast Treatment
Widodo, Wahono
The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy to Reduce Misconception in Thermochemistry
Widodo, Wahono
The Development of Learning Devices with the Etnoid (Ethnoscience Android) Assisted Guided Inquiry Model on Vibration and Wave Materials
Wijayanti, P
Students' Ability to Arrange Learning Devices Using Discovery Learning Model in Innovative Learning II Course
Wijayanti, Pradnyo
Understanding the Quadrilateral Concept of Junior High School Students Based on APOS Theory in Terms of Differences in Cognitive Styles
Wijayanti, Pradnyo
Students' Ability to Arrange Learning Devices Using Discovery Learning Model in Innovative Learning II Course
Wikandari, Prima Retno
Chlorogenic Acid Yacon Tubers [Smallanthus Sonchifolia (Poepp. Et Endl.) H. Robinson]. On The Use of Natural Inhibitors and Storage Temperature Variations
Winarsih, Winarsih
Student Response on Solving Waste Problem in Department of Biology through Conservation of Natural Resources and Environment Course
Wonoraharjo, S
Training Digital Literation by Digital Book Format Electronic Publisher Themes of Climate for Junior High School Students
Yolenta, Desfhie
The Effectiveness of the Learning Devices Using Investigation-Based Multiple Representation to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Ability on Reflection and Refraction Materials
Yonata, Bertha
Chemical Materials Mastery of High School Students in East Java
Yuanita, Leny
Chlorogenic Acid Yacon Tubers [Smallanthus Sonchifolia (Poepp. Et Endl.) H. Robinson]. On The Use of Natural Inhibitors and Storage Temperature Variations
In-vitro Propagation of Elephantopus scaber Using Seeds as Explants in Various Culture Growth Media
Yuliani, Yuliani
Endemic Bacteria Potential for Decomposing Pesticide Prophenophos and Chlorantraniliprole from Pesticide-Exposed Soybean Field in East Java
Yunianti, Dwi Nur
The validity of Teaching Materials Based on Hybrid Learning: The 21st Century Challenge
Zakiyah, Imroatuz
The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy to Reduce Misconception in Thermochemistry
Zubaidah, Siti
The Application of Rhizobacteria and Indigenous Microorganism on Cow Rumen in Soybean Plants (Glycine max L.)
Zuhri, Zainullah
Applying Spherical Triangle Concept in Simulator to Determine Distance and Direction of Ship
anggaryani, mita
A Critical Analysis of Dramatization on Evacuation Drill
ducha, Nur
The Dynamics of Scientific Literacy Skills of Biology Students in Histology Lectures Using Scientific Literacy-Based Worksheet
hidayati, Siti
Training Digital Literation by Digital Book Format Electronic Publisher Themes of Climate for Junior High School Students
istiqomah, sri banun
Analysis of Consumption Habits of PostPartum Herbal Concoction in Postpartum Mothers