Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019)
178 authors
- Paramita, RA Sista
- Risk and Return Portfolio of Food and Beverages Companies in Ramadhan 2019
- Permatasari, Faudina
- The Development of Learning Devices with the Etnoid (Ethnoscience Android) Assisted Guided Inquiry Model on Vibration and Wave Materials
- Prastowo, Tjipto
- The Effectiveness of the Learning Devices Using Investigation-Based Multiple Representation to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Ability on Reflection and Refraction Materials
- Prastowo, Tjipto
- Development of OrSAEv Model Learning Materials to Improve Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Skills (Preliminary Study)
- Prawoto, Budi
- The validity of Teaching Materials Based on Hybrid Learning: The 21st Century Challenge
- Prawoto, Budi Priyo
- The validity of Teaching Materials Based on Hybrid Learning: The 21st Century Challenge
- Purba, Damoyanto
- Applying Spherical Triangle Concept in Simulator to Determine Distance and Direction of Ship
- Purnomo, Aris Rudi
- Exploration of Balai Materia Medica Batu: Field-Trip Supporting Biotechnology Learning
- Purnomo, Erlix Rakhmad
- Hepar Histology of Mice(Mus musculus L) Indicated by Pre-Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (Pre-Type 2 DM) After Red Rice Yeast Treatment
- Purnomo, Tarzan
- Biodiversity and Existing Condition of Coral Reef Ecosystem in Kondang Merak Beach Malang
- Puspitawati, Rinie
- Competency Profile of Junior High School Teachers in Developing High Order Thinking Questions of Science Subject
- Puspitawati, Rinie Pratiwi
- Competency Profile of Junior High School Teachers in Developing High Order Thinking Questions of Science Subject
- Rachmadiarti, Fida
- In-vitro Propagation of Elephantopus scaber Using Seeds as Explants in Various Culture Growth Media
- Rahaju, Endah Budi
- Students’ Proof Scheme for Mathematical Proving and Disproving of Divisibility Proposition
- Rahayu, D A
- Biodiversity of Invertebrates in Kemantren Coast, Lamongan
- Rahayu, Dwi
- Biodiversity of Invertebrates in Kemantren Coast, Lamongan
- Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati
- Integration of Scientific Article Writing in the Animal Systematics Course to Train Scientific Literacy
- Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati
- Enhancing the Digital Literacy of Pre-Service Biology Teacher through Animal Systematics Course
- Rahayu, Sapitri
- Development of OrSAEv Model Learning Materials to Improve Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Skills (Preliminary Study)
- Rahmawati, Ditya
- Students’ Proof Scheme for Mathematical Proving and Disproving of Divisibility Proposition
- Rahmawati, Ditya Rifky
- Students’ Proof Scheme for Mathematical Proving and Disproving of Divisibility Proposition
- Ratnasari, Evie
- Endemic Bacteria Potential for Decomposing Pesticide Prophenophos and Chlorantraniliprole from Pesticide-Exposed Soybean Field in East Java
- Rusmini, Rusmini
- The Study of Self-Cleaning Properties of TiO2 Coated on Cotton Fabrics
- Rusmini, Rusmini
- Synthesis and Characterization of Nanogold and Nanosilver as Leprosy Drug Candidates and Their Activity Tests in Leprosy Patients; Case Study
- Sabtiawan, Wahyu Budi
- Chlorogenic Acid Yacon Tubers [Smallanthus Sonchifolia (Poepp. Et Endl.) H. Robinson]. On The Use of Natural Inhibitors and Storage Temperature Variations
- Sam'an, Muhammad
- The Fuzzy Optimal Solution of Fuzzy Transport Problems Using A New Fuzzy Least Cost Method
- Sari, Dhita Ayu Permata
- Chlorogenic Acid Yacon Tubers [Smallanthus Sonchifolia (Poepp. Et Endl.) H. Robinson]. On The Use of Natural Inhibitors and Storage Temperature Variations
- Sayitri, Sonia Dianita
- Developing Instructional Video to EnhanceBiology Pre-Service Teachers’Metacognitive Skills
- Septiana, Dilla Ayu
- The effect of problem based learning with gallery walk strategy to creativity and communication skills
- Setianingsih, R
- Flexibility of Guardian and Artisan Selected Students in Solving Fraction Problems
- Setiawan, Djoni
- Development of SEA-MEA (Self Efficacy Academic-Means Ends Analysis) Learning Model to Increase Problem Solving Skills
- Setiyawati, Enik
- The Role of Local Wisdom-based Student Worksheet on Scientific Reasoning
- Setyaningrum, Puspita Anggraini
- Prospective Students’ Math Talk in Solving Secondary School Mathematics Problem
- Shofiyah, Noly
- The Role of Local Wisdom-based Student Worksheet on Scientific Reasoning
- Siswanto, Siswanto
- The Layer Profile of the Students’ Understanding of Image Making and Image Having in Completing Mathematical Problems
- Slamet, Isnandar
- Student’s Mathematics Anxiety in Solving Mathematical Problems of Logarithms Material
- Soepardjo, Djodjok
- Synthesis and Characterization of Nanogold and Nanosilver as Leprosy Drug Candidates and Their Activity Tests in Leprosy Patients; Case Study
- Solekhudin, Imam
- A Numerical Study of Diffusion-Convection Equations
- Suarsini, Endang
- The Application of Rhizobacteria and Indigenous Microorganism on Cow Rumen in Soybean Plants (Glycine max L.)
- Subekti, Hasan
- Exploration of Balai Materia Medica Batu: Field-Trip Supporting Biotechnology Learning
- Sunarti, Titin
- The effect of problem based learning with gallery walk strategy to creativity and communication skills
- Supardi, Zainul Arifin Imam
- Development of Student Worksheet for Improving the Self-efficacy and Ability to Argue of Chemistry Teacher Candidates Study on Junior High School Students Behavior Based on Keirsey Personality Type
- Surarso, Bayu
- The Fuzzy Optimal Solution of Fuzzy Transport Problems Using A New Fuzzy Least Cost Method
- Susantini, Endang
- Developing Instructional Video to EnhanceBiology Pre-Service Teachers’Metacognitive Skills
- Susilo, Herawati
- Exploration of Balai Materia Medica Batu: Field-Trip Supporting Biotechnology Learning
- Suwono, Hadi
- Exploration of Balai Materia Medica Batu: Field-Trip Supporting Biotechnology Learning
- Suyatmi, Lilik
- Endemic Bacteria Potential for Decomposing Pesticide Prophenophos and Chlorantraniliprole from Pesticide-Exposed Soybean Field in East Java
- Syam, Aqsyari
- The Use of Educational Game Media and Its Effect on Student Achievement of 6th Grade Elementary School Students in Mathematics Learning
- Syam, Aqsyari Pujian
- The Use of Educational Game Media and Its Effect on Student Achievement of 6th Grade Elementary School Students in Mathematics Learning
- Syamsuddin, Agustan
- The Use of Educational Game Media and Its Effect on Student Achievement of 6th Grade Elementary School Students in Mathematics Learning
- Taufikurohmah, Titik
- Synthesis and Characterization of Nanogold and Nanosilver as Leprosy Drug Candidates and Their Activity Tests in Leprosy Patients; Case Study
- Tjandrakirana, Tjandrakirana
- The Development of Student Worksheets (LKPD) in Learning Science through Group Investigation Learning to Train Critical Thinking Skills of Junior High School Students
- Tukiran, Tukiran
- Development of Student Worksheet for Improving the Self-efficacy and Ability to Argue of Chemistry Teacher Candidates Study on Junior High School Students Behavior Based on Keirsey Personality Type
- Tukiran, Tukiran
- The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy to Reduce Misconception in Thermochemistry
- Vernanda, Siska
- Training Digital Literation by Digital Book Format Electronic Publisher Themes of Climate for Junior High School Students
- Wasis, Wasis
- Development of SEA-MEA (Self Efficacy Academic-Means Ends Analysis) Learning Model to Increase Problem Solving Skills
- Widodo, Agus
- Hepar Histology of Mice(Mus musculus L) Indicated by Pre-Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (Pre-Type 2 DM) After Red Rice Yeast Treatment
- Widodo, Wahono
- The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy to Reduce Misconception in Thermochemistry
- Widodo, Wahono
- The Development of Learning Devices with the Etnoid (Ethnoscience Android) Assisted Guided Inquiry Model on Vibration and Wave Materials
- Wijayanti, P
- Students' Ability to Arrange Learning Devices Using Discovery Learning Model in Innovative Learning II Course
- Wijayanti, Pradnyo
- Understanding the Quadrilateral Concept of Junior High School Students Based on APOS Theory in Terms of Differences in Cognitive Styles
- Wijayanti, Pradnyo
- Students' Ability to Arrange Learning Devices Using Discovery Learning Model in Innovative Learning II Course
- Wikandari, Prima Retno
- Chlorogenic Acid Yacon Tubers [Smallanthus Sonchifolia (Poepp. Et Endl.) H. Robinson]. On The Use of Natural Inhibitors and Storage Temperature Variations
- Winarsih, Winarsih
- Student Response on Solving Waste Problem in Department of Biology through Conservation of Natural Resources and Environment Course
- Wonoraharjo, S
- Training Digital Literation by Digital Book Format Electronic Publisher Themes of Climate for Junior High School Students
- Yolenta, Desfhie
- The Effectiveness of the Learning Devices Using Investigation-Based Multiple Representation to Improve Students’ Problem Solving Ability on Reflection and Refraction Materials
- Yonata, Bertha
- Chemical Materials Mastery of High School Students in East Java
- Yuanita, Leny
- Chlorogenic Acid Yacon Tubers [Smallanthus Sonchifolia (Poepp. Et Endl.) H. Robinson]. On The Use of Natural Inhibitors and Storage Temperature Variations
- Yuliani
- In-vitro Propagation of Elephantopus scaber Using Seeds as Explants in Various Culture Growth Media
- Yuliani, Yuliani
- Endemic Bacteria Potential for Decomposing Pesticide Prophenophos and Chlorantraniliprole from Pesticide-Exposed Soybean Field in East Java
- Yunianti, Dwi Nur
- The validity of Teaching Materials Based on Hybrid Learning: The 21st Century Challenge
- Zakiyah, Imroatuz
- The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy to Reduce Misconception in Thermochemistry
- Zubaidah, Siti
- The Application of Rhizobacteria and Indigenous Microorganism on Cow Rumen in Soybean Plants (Glycine max L.)
- Zuhri, Zainullah
- Applying Spherical Triangle Concept in Simulator to Determine Distance and Direction of Ship
- anggaryani, mita
- A Critical Analysis of Dramatization on Evacuation Drill
- ducha, Nur
- The Dynamics of Scientific Literacy Skills of Biology Students in Histology Lectures Using Scientific Literacy-Based Worksheet
- hidayati, Siti
- Training Digital Literation by Digital Book Format Electronic Publisher Themes of Climate for Junior High School Students
- istiqomah, sri banun
- Analysis of Consumption Habits of PostPartum Herbal Concoction in Postpartum Mothers