Proceedings of the Mulawarman International Conference on Economics and Business (MICEB 2017)
93 authors
- Affan, Nurita
- The Influence of Organizational Commitment, Auditor Independence, Internal Control, and Ethical Leadership in Good Governance and Organizational PerformanceGood Governance and Organizational Performance
- Aluisius, Hery Pratono
- The Relationship Between Economic Growth, FDI, Trade, Labor, and Capital Formation in Indonesia
- Amalia, Siti
- Female Labour Force Participation and Economic Development in Southeast Asia
- Anam, Hairul
- The Influence of Variable to Taxpayer Compliance Agency
- Andaswari, Siswati
- Analysis the Effect of Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) on the Dividend Policy of Constructions Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Anggraeni, Ngurah Ayu Dian
- Paternalistic Leadership as a Reflection of Collectivism Culture
- Ardi, Rudi Prasetyo
- Exploring the Role of Islamic Work Ethics for Organizations in Indonesia
- Ariani, Hj. Misna
- The Importance of Teacher Performance: Case Study of Elementary School in West Balikpapan
- Arief, Sofyan
- The Opportunity of Intellectual Property on Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Malang Raya Region
- Arief, Sofyan
- The Potency of Intellectual Property Rights Regimes on Two Kinds of SMEs Industries
- Arifin, Syamsul
- Offshore Safety Culture Assessment
- Arifin, Zaenal
- Relative Short-Term Persistence and Absolute Short-Term Persistence of Islamic Mutual Funds in Indonesia
- Arrywibowo, Imam
- Does Job Orientation Affect the Performance of Employees: Case Study Section of Techniques Distribution Local Water Enterprises (PDAM) Balikpapan City
- Aziz, Roikhan Mochamad
- Analysis of Distribution of Bazis Scholarship Funds on the Improvement of Student Achievement
- Bakhri, Syaiful
- Exploring the Role of Islamic Work Ethics for Organizations in Indonesia
- Bangun, Harista
- The Problems of Taxpayers Compliance, Ethics, Tax Audit and Tax Penalty: Evidence from Samarinda
- Billah, Muwahhid
- Assessing Factors Influencing the Purchase Decision of Cosmetics among Middle Class Female Muslims
- Budiharto, Amelia
- The Relationship Between Economic Growth, FDI, Trade, Labor, and Capital Formation in Indonesia
- Defung, Felisitas
- The Impact of Economic Turbulence on Local Bank Efficiency: Does Common Wisdom Hold?
- Desi, MS
- The Importance of Teacher Performance: Case Study of Elementary School in West Balikpapan
- Deviyanti, Dwi R
- The Influence of Organizational Commitment, Auditor Independence, Internal Control, and Ethical Leadership in Good Governance and Organizational PerformanceGood Governance and Organizational Performance
- Dewi, Catur Kumala
- The Effect of Internal Factor and External Factor towards Beta and Stocks Returns in the Real Estate Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Dharma, Pawrtha
- Divorce Phenomenon of Young Couples: The Challenge to Get A Qualified Human Resource in Cilacap Regency, Central Java
- Dwiloka, Bambang
- A Dependence Level and Regional Contributions Effect on Income Level and Its Impact: a Case of Public Life Changes Patterns Kandri Agro Tourism Village, Gunung Pati Semarang
- Erdiyanti, Juspita
- Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Leverage, and Firm Value: The Moderating Role of Profitability
- Evendy, Ria Fransisca Ifa
- Factor Analysis of Employee Engagement of Generation Y in Padma Hotel Bandung
- Faisal, Achmad
- Analysis on Non Performing Loan PT. Bank X (Persero) Tbk Branch Samarinda
- Fajaria, Ardina Zahrah
- The Effect of Investment Decision, Funding Decision and Dividend Policy on Company Value
- Gani, Irwan
- Exploring Impact of the State of Family Towards Life Quality of the Youth Using Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square
- Haryanto, Tri
- Agriculture Land and Technology: Agricultural Production in the Welfare Improvement
- Harymawan, Iman
- Earnings Management through Real Activities and its Impact on Future Operating Performance
- Heksarini, Ariesta
- Knowledge Management Capabilty to Organizational Innovation Study at Indonesia Islamic Banking
- Hudayah, Syarifah
- The Impact of Economic Turbulence on Local Bank Efficiency: Does Common Wisdom Hold?
- Hudayah, Syarifah
- Factors on Mustahiq's Business Performance Through Productive Zakah at the Baznas in Kalimantan Timur Province
- I R Sari, Wulan
- The Influence of Organizational Commitment, Auditor Independence, Internal Control, and Ethical Leadership in Good Governance and Organizational PerformanceGood Governance and Organizational Performance
- I R Sari, Wulan
- How Does Policy on Accreditation Affect the Quality Improvement in Indonesian Hospitals
- Indriastuti, Herning
- Introducing Iconic Value Co-Creation to Indonesian Small Businesses
- Irwansyah, Irwansyah
- Tax Payer Compliance of SME (Small and Medium Enterprises): Samarinda Food Sector
- Irwansyah, Irwansyah
- Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Leverage, and Firm Value: The Moderating Role of Profitability
- Iskandar, Mr
- Tax Evasion: Is It Ethical or Unethical? (from Samarinda Taxpayers Perception)
- Iskandar, Rusdiah
- Analysis the Effect of Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) on the Dividend Policy of Constructions Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Iskandar, Rusdiah
- The Problems of Taxpayers Compliance, Ethics, Tax Audit and Tax Penalty: Evidence from Samarinda
- Junjunan, Mochammad Ilyas
- Business Approach Using Ecoefficiency Concept in Enhancing Competitive Advantage Based on Green Product Efforts
- Kristyanto, Visi Saujaningati
- Human Capital Investment and Its Role in Encouraging Inclusivity in East Java
- Kusumawardani, Anisa
- Tax Payer Compliance of SME (Small and Medium Enterprises): Samarinda Food Sector
- Kusumawardani, Anisa
- Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Leverage, and Firm Value: The Moderating Role of Profitability
- Lavindri, Edith
- The Use of Facebook Fanpages in Promoting Future Urban Transit: A Case Study of PT. MRT Jakarta
- Lestari Ginting, Yoremia
- The Problems of Taxpayers Compliance, Ethics, Tax Audit and Tax Penalty: Evidence from Samarinda
- Lestari Ginting, Yoremia
- Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, Leverage, and Firm Value: The Moderating Role of Profitability
- Maftuchah, Maftuchah
- The Potency of Intellectual Property Rights Regimes on Two Kinds of SMEs Industries
- Maftuchah, Ms
- The Opportunity of Intellectual Property on Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Malang Raya Region
- Majid, Nurhapizah
- Tax Evasion: Is It Ethical or Unethical? (from Samarinda Taxpayers Perception)
- Majid, Nurhapizah
- Factors that Influence the Taxpayers' Perception on the Tax Evasion
- Mandasari, Andina Eka
- Assessing Factors Influencing the Purchase Decision of Cosmetics among Middle Class Female Muslims
- Marta, Genisha
- Tax Payer Compliance of SME (Small and Medium Enterprises): Samarinda Food Sector
- Masud, Fuad
- Exploring the Role of Islamic Work Ethics for Organizations in Indonesia
- Masud, Fuad
- Paternalistic Leadership as a Reflection of Collectivism Culture
- Muhtarom, Abid
- Agriculture Land and Technology: Agricultural Production in the Welfare Improvement
- Muliati, Ms
- Exploring Impact of the State of Family Towards Life Quality of the Youth Using Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square
- Mulyati, Sri
- Relative Short-Term Persistence and Absolute Short-Term Persistence of Islamic Mutual Funds in Indonesia
- Nasution, Fatimah Z.
- Assessing Factors Influencing the Purchase Decision of Cosmetics among Middle Class Female Muslims
- Ningsih, Etik Sulistiowati
- Allocative Effeciency Model of Shrimp Culture Enterprise Input in Muara Badak Regency, Kutai Kartanegara
- Nurlia, Ms
- The Influence of Variable to Taxpayer Compliance Agency
- Oktawati, Nurul Ovia
- Allocative Effeciency Model of Shrimp Culture Enterprise Input in Muara Badak Regency, Kutai Kartanegara
- Omsa, Sirajuddin
- The Role of Community for the Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises in Banjarmasin, Indonesia
- Pattisahusiwa, Salmah
- Analysis on Non Performing Loan PT. Bank X (Persero) Tbk Branch Samarinda
- Pitono, Hadi
- Analysis the Effect of Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) on the Dividend Policy of Constructions Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Prasetyo, Rudi
- A Dependence Level and Regional Contributions Effect on Income Level and Its Impact: a Case of Public Life Changes Patterns Kandri Agro Tourism Village, Gunung Pati Semarang
- Purwanegara, Mustika Sufiati
- The Use of Facebook Fanpages in Promoting Future Urban Transit: A Case Study of PT. MRT Jakarta
- Puspita, Dyah Retna
- Divorce Phenomenon of Young Couples: The Challenge to Get A Qualified Human Resource in Cilacap Regency, Central Java
- Rahmawati, Lina
- Earnings Management through Real Activities and its Impact on Future Operating Performance
- Rantelangi, Cornelius
- Tax Evasion: Is It Ethical or Unethical? (from Samarinda Taxpayers Perception)
- Rantelangi, Cornelius
- Factors that Influence the Taxpayers' Perception on the Tax Evasion
- Rantelangi, Cornelius
- The Influence of Organizational Commitment, Auditor Independence, Internal Control, and Ethical Leadership in Good Governance and Organizational PerformanceGood Governance and Organizational Performance
- Rina, Masithoh
- The Effect of Internal Factor and External Factor towards Beta and Stocks Returns in the Real Estate Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Setiobowo, Ronald
- The Influence of Experiential Marketing, Service Quality on Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction at the Pizza Hut Restaurant in the Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya
- Shofwan, Mr
- The Roles of Mobile Payments on Accelerated Financial Inclusion: An Evolving Framework
- Suarniki, Ni Nyoman
- The Role of Community for the Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises in Banjarmasin, Indonesia
- Sudarmo, Mr
- Offshore Safety Culture Assessment
- Suharnomo, Mr
- Exploring the Role of Islamic Work Ethics for Organizations in Indonesia
- Susanty, Ade Irma
- Factor Analysis of Employee Engagement of Generation Y in Padma Hotel Bandung
- Suyanto, Mr
- The Relationship Between Economic Growth, FDI, Trade, Labor, and Capital Formation in Indonesia
- Syaiful Bakhri, Ardi
- A Dependence Level and Regional Contributions Effect on Income Level and Its Impact: a Case of Public Life Changes Patterns Kandri Agro Tourism Village, Gunung Pati Semarang
- Wahyudi, Sugeng
- A Dependence Level and Regional Contributions Effect on Income Level and Its Impact: a Case of Public Life Changes Patterns Kandri Agro Tourism Village, Gunung Pati Semarang
- Wahyudi, Tri
- Human Capital Investment and Its Role in Encouraging Inclusivity in East Java
- Wahyuni, Sri
- Factors on Mustahiq's Business Performance Through Productive Zakah at the Baznas in Kalimantan Timur Province
- Winaya, Aris
- The Opportunity of Intellectual Property on Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Malang Raya Region
- Winaya, Aris
- The Potency of Intellectual Property Rights Regimes on Two Kinds of SMEs Industries
- Wiryono, Sudarso Kaderi
- The Use of Facebook Fanpages in Promoting Future Urban Transit: A Case Study of PT. MRT Jakarta
- Yudaruddin, Rizky
- The Impact of Economic Turbulence on Local Bank Efficiency: Does Common Wisdom Hold?
- Yudaruddin, Rizky
- Foreign Banks Lending During the Crisis; Do Profitability and Liquidity Matter?
- Yudaruddin, Rizky
- Female Labour Force Participation and Economic Development in Southeast Asia
- Yusuf, H.Tamzil
- Does Job Orientation Affect the Performance of Employees: Case Study Section of Techniques Distribution Local Water Enterprises (PDAM) Balikpapan City