Proceedings of the 2nd Lawang Sewu International Symposium on Health Sciences: Midwifery (LSISHS-M 2023)
22 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Sherkia Ichtiarsi Prakasiwi, Lia Mulyanti, Ariyani Lutfitasari
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 2nd Lawang Sewu International Symposium 2023 on Health Science: Midwifery during November 28, 2023 in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Semarang City, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the scientific...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between Low Birth Weight Babies and Exclusive Breastfeeding with the Incidence of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in Toddlers
Astin Prima Sari, Wahju Budi Martono
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an acute inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract mucosa caused by virus or bacterial pathogenic. There are several risk factors for the occurrence of ARI in toddlers, including low birth weight (LBW) babies and exclusive breastfeeding. The recurrence...
Proceedings Article
Supervision Improves Research Performance in Midwifery Departement Poltekkes Semarang
Budi Astyandini, Suwito Eko Pramono, R. R. Sri Endang Pujiastuti, Arief Yulianto
Lecturers as one of the resources in higher education carry out research to fulfill the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The main task of lecturers is to conduct research. In carrying out research, it is necessary to supervise to get maximum results Supervision is part of management. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article
Qualitative Analysis of Factors that Influence Feeding Difficulty in Children Aged 24–36 Months in Kedungmundu Village
Hema Dewi Anggraheny, Aisyah Lahdjii, Hafizha Sahda Aisy
As many as 55.5% of children have difficulty eating, 21.8% with malnutrition, and 10% with undernutrition. Difficulty eating conditions if not addressed immediately can lead to malnutrition. Factors that influence eating difficulties include organic and an organic factors....
Proceedings Article
Evaluation of the Use of Partographs in Midwives Post Normal Delivery Care Training
Erna Kusumawati, Siti Istiana
The partograph is an instrument for assessing the progress of labor. Monitoring labor with a partograph can avoid three delays that can cause maternal and infant death because it can avoid neglected labor, establish pathological conditions as early as possible and then make...
Proceedings Article
Literature Review: Differences in the Level of Anxiety in Primigravida and Multigravida in the Active Phase of Labor
Erna Kusumawati, Ratna Dylla Andini
Labor pain is an unpleasant sensation due to stimulation of sensory nerves. Pain is always subjective. Objective reactions to pain can include grimacing, tachycardia and hypertension. This reaction is used as a pain parameter, however, this symptom is generally not visible in chronic pain. Apart from...
Proceedings Article
Laws and Regulations for Exclusive Breast Feeding: Bibliometrics Analysis
Fitriani Nur Damayanti, Umi Khasanah, Zulvi Wiyanti
This study aims to determine the trend of the number of publications of laws and regulations for exclusive breastfeeding, the number of citations, and the direction of future research topics The research method applied to this study is Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Sequmil (School of Quran for Pregnant Women) Education Program as a Coping Strategy for Mental Health Disorders of Pregnant Women
Iiv Hayyu Chahyaya, Elly Naila Fauziah, Anna Malia
Pregnant women are vulnerable to mental health problems due to changes at various stages that affect their mental health. The preliminary study was conducted on 36 respondents and showed that 29 (80.6%) respondents experienced mental health disorders in pregnancy. This study aims to determine the effectiveness...
Proceedings Article
Literature Review: Overview of Giving Weaning Food to Babies Aged 6–24 Months
Lia Mulyanti, Yoni Meilinda Putri Stiawan
A person's nutritional status is a reflection of what they consume. The problem of malnutrition is influenced by several factors, including the provision of WEANING FOOD. You need to pay attention to giving WEANING FOOD starting from food intake, frequency, quantity, and portions. Aim: The aim of...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of E Health Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR) on Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness for Maternal and Neonatal
Maria Ulfah Kurnia Dewi, Nuke Devi Indrawati, Dea Ayu Paradila, Aniatul Jannah, Yoni Meilinda Putri Stiawan
Addressing the endeavor to diminish maternal and neonatal mortality (0–28 days) is crucial, given that the rates of maternal and infant mortality have not yet met the targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study seeks to assess the efficacy of the E-Health Birth Planning and Complication...
Proceedings Article
Factors Affecting Delays in Reporting Cases of Violence Against Women and Children in Semarang: A Mixed Method Study
Arief Tajally Adhiatma, Chotimah Zainab, Nabil Hajar, Samiroh Samiroh, Bintang Tatius
Violence against women and children (KTPA) is a serious problem that can have long-term impacts on the physical and psychological health of women and children. In Semarang City, there were 74 cases, 72 of which were female victims. Delays in case reporting can cause difficulties in finding evidence during...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Determinants of Breast Self-Examination Practice in Midwifery Students, Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
Novita Nining Anggraini, Siti Nurjanah
Awareness is a way of early detection of tumors or lumps in the breast to reduce the death rate due to breast cancer. Breast cancer data in the World is 13%, in Indonesia 16.85% and in Semarang 39.63%. Breast cancer is known as one of the cancers that most often attack women after cervical cancer. Cancer...
Proceedings Article
Literature Review: Legal Protection for Midwifery Students in Midwifery Clinical Practice in Hospital
Fitriani Nur Damayanti, Puji Nor Fatimah
In the clinical practice learning process, midwifery students cannot be separated from legal consequences because during clinical practice there is interaction between students and patients so that it does not rule out the possibility of midwifery risks occurring which could be detrimental to the patient....
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing IVA Examination in Women of Childbearing Age in Kaligawe Flats, Semarang
Hema Dewi Anggraheny, M. Riza Setiawan
IVA examination is intended for women of childbearing age for cervical cancer screening. Data at the Gayamsari Health Center from January to July 2022 states that only 15% of the target of 100% of women of childbearing age have not had an IVA examination. This study aims to determine the factors that...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of E-Health Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) on Response Time of Midwifery Students
Maria Ulfah Kurnia Dewi, Nuke Devi Indrawati, Salsabila Rahmawati, Eno Noventa Rahma Dhani, Syifa’ Ashil Rahadatul Aisyi, Ika Faricha Zulfa, Yosefira Marliana Widyaningrum
In 2015, the world began working toward a new global development agenda, seeking to achieve, by 2030, new targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The proposed SDG target for child mortality aims to end, by 2030, preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Determinants of the Incident of Dysmenorrhea in the Al Mabrur Islamic Boarding School
Sherkia Ichtiarsi Prakasiwi, Endah Sulistyowati
Adolescence is a period of change, or transition from childhood to adulthood with an age range of 12–21 years. Menstruation is the process of the uterine wall (endometrium) experiencing repeated bleeding secretions every month. The type and severity of pain varies from mild to severe, dysmenorrhea is...
Proceedings Article
Literature Review: Analysis of Factors Influencing the Incident of Postpartum Blues in Public Women
Siti Istiana, Aniatul Janah
In the postpartum period, women experience significant life changes, such as becoming mothers. This situation is characterized by Emotional changes, changes in physical circumstances, family relationships, and adjustment to new rules as a mother characterizes it. Psychologically,...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Antenatal Screening in Detection Diseases in Pregnant Women at Batuyang Health Center
Siti Naili Ilmiyani, Moh Hakimi, Ismarwati
One of the causes of maternal death and fetal death is complications in the pregnancy process, based on the profile of the district health service East Lombok, one of the causes of maternal death is disease comorbidities in 15 cases (52.47%), comorbidities were complications and risks to pregnant women,...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influencing the Selection of Contraceptives: A Literature Review
Siti Nurjanah, Ariyani Lutfitasari, Novita Nining Anggraeni
Family planning is a role that helps a person or married couple to achieve the desired goals, application of pregnancy, manage the time and number of births in the conjugal relationship, and choose the number of children the family will have. Objective: This literature aims...
Proceedings Article
Health Believe Model of Growth Monitoring to Prevent Child Stunting by Mothers in the Pregnancy Classroom
Tyas Ning Yuni Astuti Anggraini, Nendy Wahyunia Utami, Putri Pusvitasari
The rapid growth and development in the first 1,000 days of life makes monitoring children's growth and development very important at this age. Monitoring growth and development is expected to always be a priority for parents, especially mothers, from pregnancy to the age of 2 years. The problem...
Proceedings Article
Bandura's Social Cognitive Model in Breastfeeding Counseling in Midwife's Independent Practice in the Semarang City
Umi Khasanah, Sherkia Ichtiarsi Prakasiwi
Breast milk contains high nutrients which are very beneficial for the baby's health. The risk of death in children who are not breastfed is 14 times higher than in children who are exclusively breastfed. Maternal efficacy in breastfeeding is very necessary so that mothers...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Parent and Teacher Education at School on the Implementation of the 5M Health Protocol in Early Childhood
Yoga Tri Wijayanti
Covid-19 is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by Coronavirus Strain Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 that was first identified in late 2019 in the city of Wuhan. The increase in the number of cases was quite rapid and spread to various countries in a short time. The government...