Proceedings of the International Conference of Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang on Technology and Environment (IWPOSPA-TE 2023)

93 authors
Amanda, Monica
Peer-Review Statements
Amanda, Monica
Implementation Of Life Safety Equipment On The Sulthan Murhum Kmp On The Baubau-Waara Trail, Southeast Sulawesi Province
Amrillah, Muhamad Fahmi
Design and Construction of A 2X550 WP Solar Power Plant as A Source of Energy for The Main Procurement Motor for Training Ships
Amrillah, Muhammad Fahmi
Peer-Review Statements
Amrillah, Muhammad Fahmi
Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Reviewing Electrical Energy Consumption on Solar-Powered Cadet Training Ships
Amrullah, Romanda Annas
Application of Ballast Water to Maintain the Stability of The Ship when Loading Avtur in The Lecturer Internship Program on The MT Senipah
Argo, Junian Budi
Efforts to Optimize MDO Purifier Maintenance to Support The Smooth Operations of The Main Engine at MV. Tanto Manis
Application of Ballast Water to Maintain the Stability of The Ship when Loading Avtur in The Lecturer Internship Program on The MT Senipah
Astuti, Septiana Widi
Overview Of Pollution Control In Waterways And Sheet Ferry Harbor
Barus, Geryan Fernando
Collision Prevention Through The Implementation of The Use of Electronic Navigation Equipment on The KMP. DLN Oasis at the Time of Entering The Shipping Channel Surabaya
Casmudi, Adi
Efforts to Prevent Leakage of Cargo Pipes on MT. Anggraini Excellent
Diani, Oktrianti
Peer-Review Statements
Djari, Janny adriani
Efforts to Prevent Leakage of Cargo Pipes on MT. Anggraini Excellent
Fachruddin, Imam
Tugboat Engine Modification Using Biodiesel Fuel: Bridging the Policy-Industry Gap in Indonesia
Fadillah, Rono Muhammad
Review of Efforts to Prevent Pollution in Waterways in Ketapang Banyuwangi Port Area, East Java Province
Benefits of Electrical Energy Efficiency in Office
Firdian, Muhammad
Evaluation of The Waste Management System at The Bungus Bay Ferry Port, West Sumatra Province
Firzatullah, Raden M.
Peer-Review Statements
Firzatullah, Raden Muhamad
Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Reviewing Electrical Energy Consumption on Solar-Powered Cadet Training Ships
Firzatullah, Raden Muhamad
Development of A Web-Based Asset Rental Information System in The Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytecnic of Palembang
Firzatullah, Raden Muhamad
Design and Construction of A 2X550 WP Solar Power Plant as A Source of Energy for The Main Procurement Motor for Training Ships
Fitrial, Denny
Tugboat Engine Modification Using Biodiesel Fuel: Bridging the Policy-Industry Gap in Indonesia
Gunawan, Novan Wijaya
Implementation Of Life Safety Equipment On The Sulthan Murhum Kmp On The Baubau-Waara Trail, Southeast Sulawesi Province
Ikhsan, Arrafi Wal
Design of a water level and river discharge monitoring system using internet of things (IoT) technology
Iqbal, Muhammad
Efforts to Optimize MDO Purifier Maintenance to Support The Smooth Operations of The Main Engine at MV. Tanto Manis
Jaya, Misra
Analysis of the Effect of Sea Water Salinity and Temperature on Propeller Corrosivity Rate on a Traditional Fishing Boat
Karim, Feby Abu
Implementation Of Life Safety Equipment On The Sulthan Murhum Kmp On The Baubau-Waara Trail, Southeast Sulawesi Province
Kartini, Sri
Development of A Web-Based Asset Rental Information System in The Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytecnic of Palembang
Kartini, Sri
Evaluation of The Waste Management System at The Bungus Bay Ferry Port, West Sumatra Province
Kartini, Sri
Use of the ‘Ship Calculator’ Application as a Learning Media to Help Accuracy and Speed in Calculating Ship Operational Costs
Kelana, Sri
Development of A Web-Based Asset Rental Information System in The Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytecnic of Palembang
Kelana, Sri
Readiness Analysis of Implementation of Online Ticketing Aplications at Crossing Ports of Central Sulawesi Province
Kelana, Sri
Efforts to Optimize MDO Purifier Maintenance to Support The Smooth Operations of The Main Engine at MV. Tanto Manis
Kelana, Sri
Use of the ‘Ship Calculator’ Application as a Learning Media to Help Accuracy and Speed in Calculating Ship Operational Costs
Khairani, Muhammad
Overview Of Pollution Control In Waterways And Sheet Ferry Harbor
Lapolalan, P.Marcello
Analysis of the Effect of Sea Water Salinity and Temperature on Propeller Corrosivity Rate on a Traditional Fishing Boat
Latuheru, Paulina M.
Peer-Review Statements
Latuheru, Paulina M.
Application of Ballast Water to Maintain the Stability of The Ship when Loading Avtur in The Lecturer Internship Program on The MT Senipah
Latuheru, Paulina M.
Efforts to Prevent Leakage of Cargo Pipes on MT. Anggraini Excellent
Latuheru, Paulina M.
Collision Prevention Through The Implementation of The Use of Electronic Navigation Equipment on The KMP. DLN Oasis at the Time of Entering The Shipping Channel Surabaya
Latuheru, Paulina M.
The preliminary study of river water quality evaluation: case study of Gerong River, South Sumatera
Latuheru, Paulina M.
Benefits of Electrical Energy Efficiency in Office
Lopulalan, Pierre Marcello
Implementation Of Life Safety Equipment On The Sulthan Murhum Kmp On The Baubau-Waara Trail, Southeast Sulawesi Province
Magdalena, Susiarni
Readiness Analysis of Implementation of Online Ticketing Aplications at Crossing Ports of Central Sulawesi Province
Muhaddats, Dwi Redha
Overview Of Pollution Control In Waterways And Sheet Ferry Harbor
Nabella, Riska Putri
Analysis of the Effect of Sea Water Salinity and Temperature on Propeller Corrosivity Rate on a Traditional Fishing Boat
Noprianto, Windi
Evaluation of The Waste Management System at The Bungus Bay Ferry Port, West Sumatra Province
Novaliana, Renta
Application of Ballast Water to Maintain the Stability of The Ship when Loading Avtur in The Lecturer Internship Program on The MT Senipah
Nurochman, Khafid
Collision Prevention Through The Implementation of The Use of Electronic Navigation Equipment on The KMP. DLN Oasis at the Time of Entering The Shipping Channel Surabaya
Patonangi, A. Fahreza
Application of Ballast Water to Maintain the Stability of The Ship when Loading Avtur in The Lecturer Internship Program on The MT Senipah
Prasetyo, Slamet
Peer-Review Statements
Pratama, Wahyu Agung
Review of Efforts to Prevent Pollution in Waterways in Ketapang Banyuwangi Port Area, East Java Province
Priadi, Antoni Arif
Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Reviewing Electrical Energy Consumption on Solar-Powered Cadet Training Ships
Priadi, Antoni Arif
Design and Construction of A 2X550 WP Solar Power Plant as A Source of Energy for The Main Procurement Motor for Training Ships
Purwanto, Mochamad
Efforts to Optimize MDO Purifier Maintenance to Support The Smooth Operations of The Main Engine at MV. Tanto Manis
Pusriansyah, Ferdinand
Peer-Review Statements
Putra, Eko Septiansyah
Design of a water level and river discharge monitoring system using internet of things (IoT) technology
Rangkuti, Fahmi Muhammad
Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Reviewing Electrical Energy Consumption on Solar-Powered Cadet Training Ships
Rosanto, Firmansyah Abdullah
Benefits of Electrical Energy Efficiency in Office
Use of the ‘Ship Calculator’ Application as a Learning Media to Help Accuracy and Speed in Calculating Ship Operational Costs
Santoso, Habibi
Analysis of the Effect of Sea Water Salinity and Temperature on Propeller Corrosivity Rate on a Traditional Fishing Boat
Sari, Desti Yuvita
Development of A Web-Based Asset Rental Information System in The Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytecnic of Palembang
Sari, Yulia Puspita
The preliminary study of river water quality evaluation: case study of Gerong River, South Sumatera
Setiawan, Bambang
Peer-Review Statements
Setiawan, Bambang
Efforts to Prevent Leakage of Cargo Pipes on MT. Anggraini Excellent
Setiawan, Bambang
Collision Prevention Through The Implementation of The Use of Electronic Navigation Equipment on The KMP. DLN Oasis at the Time of Entering The Shipping Channel Surabaya
Setiawan, Bambang
Design of a water level and river discharge monitoring system using internet of things (IoT) technology
Sidartha, Driaskoro Budi
Review of Efforts to Prevent Pollution in Waterways in Ketapang Banyuwangi Port Area, East Java Province
Sidharta, Driaskoro Budi
Peer-Review Statements
Sidharta, Driaskoro Budi
Use of the ‘Ship Calculator’ Application as a Learning Media to Help Accuracy and Speed in Calculating Ship Operational Costs
Sidharta, Driaskoro Budi
Benefits of Electrical Energy Efficiency in Office
Sofian, Ian Mochamad
Design of a water level and river discharge monitoring system using internet of things (IoT) technology
Sonia, Putri
Readiness Analysis of Implementation of Online Ticketing Aplications at Crossing Ports of Central Sulawesi Province
Sulistiyono, Noor
Efforts to Optimize MDO Purifier Maintenance to Support The Smooth Operations of The Main Engine at MV. Tanto Manis
Sulistiyono, Noor
The preliminary study of river water quality evaluation: case study of Gerong River, South Sumatera
Sulistyo, Didik
Tugboat Engine Modification Using Biodiesel Fuel: Bridging the Policy-Industry Gap in Indonesia
Use of the ‘Ship Calculator’ Application as a Learning Media to Help Accuracy and Speed in Calculating Ship Operational Costs
Sutrisno, Slamet Prasetyo
Benefits of Electrical Energy Efficiency in Office
Treevansyah, Mayo
Efforts to Prevent Leakage of Cargo Pipes on MT. Anggraini Excellent
Triwahyuni, Siti Nurlaili
Peer-Review Statements
Ulya, Febriyanti Himmatul
Readiness Analysis of Implementation of Online Ticketing Aplications at Crossing Ports of Central Sulawesi Province
Utami, Fisca Dian
Peer-Review Statements
Utami, Fisca Dian
Overview Of Pollution Control In Waterways And Sheet Ferry Harbor
Utami, Fisca Dian
The preliminary study of river water quality evaluation: case study of Gerong River, South Sumatera
Widjatmoko, Eko Nugroho
Design and Construction of A 2X550 WP Solar Power Plant as A Source of Energy for The Main Procurement Motor for Training Ships
Widjatmoko, Eko Nugroho
Evaluation of The Waste Management System at The Bungus Bay Ferry Port, West Sumatra Province
Wulandari, Retno Sawitri
Tugboat Engine Modification Using Biodiesel Fuel: Bridging the Policy-Industry Gap in Indonesia
Yuda, Dimas Pratama
Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Reviewing Electrical Energy Consumption on Solar-Powered Cadet Training Ships
Yuda, Dimas Pratama
Design and Construction of A 2X550 WP Solar Power Plant as A Source of Energy for The Main Procurement Motor for Training Ships
Yuda, Dimas Pratama
Review of Efforts to Prevent Pollution in Waterways in Ketapang Banyuwangi Port Area, East Java Province
Yuda, Dimas Pratama
The preliminary study of river water quality evaluation: case study of Gerong River, South Sumatera
Yulianto, Andri
Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Reviewing Electrical Energy Consumption on Solar-Powered Cadet Training Ships
Yulianto, Andri
Analysis of the Effect of Sea Water Salinity and Temperature on Propeller Corrosivity Rate on a Traditional Fishing Boat