Proceedings of the International Conference of Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang on Technology and Environment (IWPOSPA-TE 2023)
Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference of Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang on Technology and Environment (IWPOSPA-T&E 2023)
Date: 16 November 2023
Location: Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia (offline)
Praise be gratitude for your graceful presence of God the Almighty in blessing us to successfully held the Proceedings of the International Conference of InlandWater and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang on Technology and Environment (IWPOSPAT&E 2023) at Novotel Hotel, Palembang in November 16, 2023. This International Seminar event can be realized by the seriousness and persistent efforts from great teamwork of Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang supervised by Dr. Eko Nugroho Widjatmoko, M.M., M.Mar.E as the Director. This event, under the theme “Role of Digitalization System and Renewable Energy in Improving the Safety of InlandWaterways and Ferries Transport” is aimed to provide an ideal platform to the researchers, experts and academic practitioners, governments, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), research institutes, and industries to meet and share cutting-edge progress in the fields. It provides an opportunity to enhance understanding of the relationships between knowledge and research related to InlandWater and Ferries Education. This event also aimed to accelerate the research development in InlandWater and Ferries major field.
The International Seminar included 6 invited keynote speakers and 50 presentations with a total of 200 participants that covered many of the most relevant topics of law, economic, technology,management, and environment. Participants and speakers came from four countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, and the Netherlands. The conference is divided into two different tracks including IWPOSPA-L&EM(Law, Economic, and Management) which includes Maritime Transportation System on Logistics, Costing of Transportation, Public Private Partnership in Inland Water and Ferries Transport Infrastructure, TheRole ofRegulation in InlandWater and FerriesTransport, Multimodal Transport Law Enforcement, Smartseas Efficiency, Accuracy, Safety ofMaritime Operations, Sustainable Utilization of Renewable Natural Resources, Integration of Inland Water and Ferries Transport; and the IWPOSPA-T&E (Technology and Environment) field discusses Technology and Communication of Short Sea Operations, Technology for Material Handling, The Effects of Climate Change on Inland Water and Ferries Transport, Smart and Green Infrastructure Design.
We acknowledge all the keynote speakers, Dr. Capt. Antoni Arif Pribadi, M.Sc., M.Mar.; Dr. Capt. Wisnu Handoko, M.Sc.; Prof. Ir. Nur Yuwono, Dip. HE., Ph.D.; Dr. Ahmad Faizal Ahmad Fuad; Dr. Muhammad Aziz; and Erbi Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., for their remarkable contribution of keynote speakers as the core of the event.
November 2023
Date: 16 November 2023
Location: Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia (offline)
Praise be gratitude for your graceful presence of God the Almighty in blessing us to successfully held the Proceedings of the International Conference of InlandWater and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang on Technology and Environment (IWPOSPAT&E 2023) at Novotel Hotel, Palembang in November 16, 2023. This International Seminar event can be realized by the seriousness and persistent efforts from great teamwork of Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang supervised by Dr. Eko Nugroho Widjatmoko, M.M., M.Mar.E as the Director. This event, under the theme “Role of Digitalization System and Renewable Energy in Improving the Safety of InlandWaterways and Ferries Transport” is aimed to provide an ideal platform to the researchers, experts and academic practitioners, governments, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), research institutes, and industries to meet and share cutting-edge progress in the fields. It provides an opportunity to enhance understanding of the relationships between knowledge and research related to InlandWater and Ferries Education. This event also aimed to accelerate the research development in InlandWater and Ferries major field.
The International Seminar included 6 invited keynote speakers and 50 presentations with a total of 200 participants that covered many of the most relevant topics of law, economic, technology,management, and environment. Participants and speakers came from four countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, and the Netherlands. The conference is divided into two different tracks including IWPOSPA-L&EM(Law, Economic, and Management) which includes Maritime Transportation System on Logistics, Costing of Transportation, Public Private Partnership in Inland Water and Ferries Transport Infrastructure, TheRole ofRegulation in InlandWater and FerriesTransport, Multimodal Transport Law Enforcement, Smartseas Efficiency, Accuracy, Safety ofMaritime Operations, Sustainable Utilization of Renewable Natural Resources, Integration of Inland Water and Ferries Transport; and the IWPOSPA-T&E (Technology and Environment) field discusses Technology and Communication of Short Sea Operations, Technology for Material Handling, The Effects of Climate Change on Inland Water and Ferries Transport, Smart and Green Infrastructure Design.
We acknowledge all the keynote speakers, Dr. Capt. Antoni Arif Pribadi, M.Sc., M.Mar.; Dr. Capt. Wisnu Handoko, M.Sc.; Prof. Ir. Nur Yuwono, Dip. HE., Ph.D.; Dr. Ahmad Faizal Ahmad Fuad; Dr. Muhammad Aziz; and Erbi Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., for their remarkable contribution of keynote speakers as the core of the event.
November 2023