Proceedings of the International Seminar and Workshop Public Health (ISWHOPHA 2023)

109 authors
Alshammari, Fahad
Infodemics response during COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A thematic analysis
Amalia, Najlah
Regional Differences in Self-reported Maternal Complications in Indonesia: Revisiting the Pattern
Amania, Chirza
Why Preadolescent Smoke? Intention and Smoking behavior of elementary students in a Rural Area in Central Java
Anggraini, Fitria Dewi Puspita
Prevalence and Associated Variables of Pornography Consumption Among Urban Students
Prevalence and Associated Variables of Pornography Consumption Among Urban Students
Long Courtship's Impact on Dating Violence and Sexual Behavior in Private Junior High School, Semarang City
Ardi, Wintanti
Prevalence and Associated Variables of Pornography Consumption Among Urban Students
Atique, Suleman
Infodemics response during COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A thematic analysis
Azmiardi, Akhmad
Regional Differences in Self-reported Maternal Complications in Indonesia: Revisiting the Pattern
Belladiena, Alfiena Nisa
Why Preadolescent Smoke? Intention and Smoking behavior of elementary students in a Rural Area in Central Java
Budiasih, Nestria
The State-of-the-Art Review and Meta-Analysis of High-Risk Conditions for Nosocomial Diseases (2019–2023)
Dheandri, Agnes Ajeung
The density of Aedes spp. in Public Areas: Analysis of Factors of Janitors Practices and Characteristics of Containers
Emerald, Mohamad Fajar
Perception of Behavior Control as a Dominant Factor Influencing Teacher Behavior in Conveying Information on Reproductive Health and Sexuality to Junior High School Students
Febrinasari, R.
Learning from the Pandemic: Sociodemographic Differences in COVID-19 Stigma among Healthcare Workers
Firnanda, Icha Wieke
The State-of-the-Art Review and Meta-Analysis of High-Risk Conditions for Nosocomial Diseases (2019–2023)
Gita, Anggi Putri Aria
Attitudes of Health Cadres in Handling Stunting in the Semowo Community Health Center, Semarang
Enhancing User Engagement in Digital Health Data: Factors Affecting the Usage of My Daily Data Repository
Haikal, Haikal
Peer-Review Statements
Hakam, Mochamad Abdul
Business Intelligence to produce Vulnerability System Based on Communicable Disease Data Analytics in Semarang City
Hakam, Mochamad Abdul
Analysis of Regional-based Infectious Disease Vulnerability in Semarang City
Handayani, Novia
Correlation between Stress Levels and the Incidence of Insomnia among Faculty of Public Health Students, Universitas Diponegoro
Hanif Pandu, S.
Applying Data Mining to Develop a Short Version of The Public Health Informatics Competencies for Primary Health Care (PHIC4PHC) Questionnaire
Hestiningsih, Retno
The density of Aedes spp. in Public Areas: Analysis of Factors of Janitors Practices and Characteristics of Containers
Hidayat, Muhamad Taufik
Prevalence and Associated Variables of Pornography Consumption Among Urban Students
Hsu, Min-Huei
From Cognitive Decline to Dementia: A Bibliometric Study of Health Literacy among the Aging Population
Imama, Imas
Behaviour and Information Access With Health Literacy About HIV / AIDS In Female Worker (FSW) In Coastal Area of Jember Indonesia
Indriati, Agustina Nur
Why Preadolescent Smoke? Intention and Smoking behavior of elementary students in a Rural Area in Central Java
Iqbal, Muhammad
Enhancing User Engagement in Digital Health Data: Factors Affecting the Usage of My Daily Data Repository
Itullah, Ramaiah
Infodemics response during COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A thematic analysis
The State-of-the-Art Review and Meta-Analysis of High-Risk Conditions for Nosocomial Diseases (2019–2023)
Khasanah, Uswatun
The Effect of Secondhand smoke exposure on Stunting Incidence in Cirebon, Indonesia
Behaviour and Information Access With Health Literacy About HIV / AIDS In Female Worker (FSW) In Coastal Area of Jember Indonesia
Khoironi, Adian
Peer-Review Statements
Kom, M.
Analysis of Outpatient Registration System to Improve Health Services in Bhayangkara Hospital Semarang
Krishna, Vamsi
Infodemics response during COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A thematic analysis
Kusuma, Edi Jaya
Level Of Knowledge, Stigma, And Community Literacy On TB Disease Prevention Behavior
Kusumaningrum, Tanjung Anitasari Indah
Perception of Behavior Control as a Dominant Factor Influencing Teacher Behavior in Conveying Information on Reproductive Health and Sexuality to Junior High School Students
Lestari, Nita Indah
Behaviour and Information Access With Health Literacy About HIV / AIDS In Female Worker (FSW) In Coastal Area of Jember Indonesia
Maharani, Nanindita Fauziah
Prevalence and Associated Variables of Pornography Consumption Among Urban Students
Mahda, Ahmad Aviv
Behaviour and Information Access With Health Literacy About HIV / AIDS In Female Worker (FSW) In Coastal Area of Jember Indonesia
Manglapy, Yusthin M.
Level Of Knowledge, Stigma, And Community Literacy On TB Disease Prevention Behavior
Manglapy, Yusthin Meriantti
Why Preadolescent Smoke? Intention and Smoking behavior of elementary students in a Rural Area in Central Java
The Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude with Hypertension Control Behavior at Muara Bungo Subdistrict in Jambi
Martini, Martini
The density of Aedes spp. in Public Areas: Analysis of Factors of Janitors Practices and Characteristics of Containers
Miarso, Dani
Level Of Knowledge, Stigma, And Community Literacy On TB Disease Prevention Behavior
Mubarokah, Kismi
Prevalence and Associated Variables of Pornography Consumption Among Urban Students
Muhtar, Muhammad Solihuddin
From Cognitive Decline to Dementia: A Bibliometric Study of Health Literacy among the Aging Population
Muhtar, Muhammad Solihuddin
Analysis of Regional-based Infectious Disease Vulnerability in Semarang City
Mulyani, S.
Learning from the Pandemic: Sociodemographic Differences in COVID-19 Stigma among Healthcare Workers
Mulyaningsih, Tri
Regional Differences in Self-reported Maternal Complications in Indonesia: Revisiting the Pattern
Musthofa, Syamsulhuda Budi
Correlation between Stress Levels and the Incidence of Insomnia among Faculty of Public Health Students, Universitas Diponegoro
Nafisah, Laila Lu’luatun
Factors that influence the length of stay for Covid-19 patients in 5 Central Java Hospitals
Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini
Business Intelligence to produce Vulnerability System Based on Communicable Disease Data Analytics in Semarang City
Ningrum, Dina Nur Anggraini
Analysis of Regional-based Infectious Disease Vulnerability in Semarang City
Nugroho, Bayu Yoni Setyo
Enhancing User Engagement in Digital Health Data: Factors Affecting the Usage of My Daily Data Repository
Nugroho, Septyan Dwi
Regional Differences in Self-reported Maternal Complications in Indonesia: Revisiting the Pattern
Nurcahyati, Wulan Dwi
Factors Associated with Subjective Complaints of Muscle Pain in Home Industry Convection Workers in the Kalinyamatan District Area
Nurfadila, Audy
The Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude with Hypertension Control Behavior at Muara Bungo Subdistrict in Jambi
Nurjanah, Nurjanah
Peer-Review Statements
Nurjanah, Nurjanah
Why Preadolescent Smoke? Intention and Smoking behavior of elementary students in a Rural Area in Central Java
Nurmandhani, Ririn
Level Of Knowledge, Stigma, And Community Literacy On TB Disease Prevention Behavior
Pangesti, L.
Learning from the Pandemic: Sociodemographic Differences in COVID-19 Stigma among Healthcare Workers
Permatasari, Putri
Why Preadolescent Smoke? Intention and Smoking behavior of elementary students in a Rural Area in Central Java
Permatasari, Risma Esti
Analysis of Outpatient Registration System to Improve Health Services in Bhayangkara Hospital Semarang
Poncorini, E.
Learning from the Pandemic: Sociodemographic Differences in COVID-19 Stigma among Healthcare Workers
Prabaningrum, Tyas Ayu
Factors that influence the length of stay for Covid-19 patients in 5 Central Java Hospitals
Pradana, P. H. Firmansyah Kholiq
Why Preadolescent Smoke? Intention and Smoking behavior of elementary students in a Rural Area in Central Java
Pramitasari, Ratih
Factors Associated with Subjective Complaints of Muscle Pain in Home Industry Convection Workers in the Kalinyamatan District Area
Probandari, A.
Learning from the Pandemic: Sociodemographic Differences in COVID-19 Stigma among Healthcare Workers
Probandari, Ari
Regional Differences in Self-reported Maternal Complications in Indonesia: Revisiting the Pattern
Purwantisari, Susiana
The density of Aedes spp. in Public Areas: Analysis of Factors of Janitors Practices and Characteristics of Containers
Rachmani, Enny
Applying Data Mining to Develop a Short Version of The Public Health Informatics Competencies for Primary Health Care (PHIC4PHC) Questionnaire
Rachmani, Enny
Enhancing User Engagement in Digital Health Data: Factors Affecting the Usage of My Daily Data Repository
Rachmani, Enny
Infodemics response during COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A thematic analysis
Rahayu, Sintya Indah
Correlation between Stress Levels and the Incidence of Insomnia among Faculty of Public Health Students, Universitas Diponegoro
Rahma, Nis Syifa’ur
Long Courtship's Impact on Dating Violence and Sexual Behavior in Private Junior High School, Semarang City
Raniasmi, Prahita Indriana
Business Intelligence to produce Vulnerability System Based on Communicable Disease Data Analytics in Semarang City
Rohmah, D. A. Icha
Behaviour and Information Access With Health Literacy About HIV / AIDS In Female Worker (FSW) In Coastal Area of Jember Indonesia
Rokhmah, Dewi
Behaviour and Information Access With Health Literacy About HIV / AIDS In Female Worker (FSW) In Coastal Area of Jember Indonesia
Sadnaprila, Rahesti
Factors that influence the length of stay for Covid-19 patients in 5 Central Java Hospitals
Saputri, Mayang Widya
Perception of Behavior Control as a Dominant Factor Influencing Teacher Behavior in Conveying Information on Reproductive Health and Sexuality to Junior High School Students
Sari, V.
Learning from the Pandemic: Sociodemographic Differences in COVID-19 Stigma among Healthcare Workers
Setiono, Oki
Analysis of Outpatient Registration System to Improve Health Services in Bhayangkara Hospital Semarang
Shafira, Widya
The Effect of Secondhand smoke exposure on Stunting Incidence in Cirebon, Indonesia
Business Intelligence to produce Vulnerability System Based on Communicable Disease Data Analytics in Semarang City
Sifai, Izzatul Alifah
Health Education Improves Knowledge of Healthy Living and Cleanliness Behavior for Upper Respiratory Infection Prevention
Sucipto, Didy
Factors that influence the length of stay for Covid-19 patients in 5 Central Java Hospitals
Sugiyanto, Zaenal
Factors that influence the length of stay for Covid-19 patients in 5 Central Java Hospitals
Suhaeni, Eni
The Effect of Secondhand smoke exposure on Stunting Incidence in Cirebon, Indonesia
Suhito, Hanif Pandu
Business Intelligence to produce Vulnerability System Based on Communicable Disease Data Analytics in Semarang City
Suhito, Hanif Pandu
Analysis of Regional-based Infectious Disease Vulnerability in Semarang City
Learning from the Pandemic: Sociodemographic Differences in COVID-19 Stigma among Healthcare Workers
Udiyono, Ari
The density of Aedes spp. in Public Areas: Analysis of Factors of Janitors Practices and Characteristics of Containers
Ulinnisa, Rakhma
Factors that influence the length of stay for Covid-19 patients in 5 Central Java Hospitals
Werdani, Kusuma Estu
Attitudes of Health Cadres in Handling Stunting in the Semowo Community Health Center, Semarang
Widianawati, Evina
Applying Data Mining to Develop a Short Version of The Public Health Informatics Competencies for Primary Health Care (PHIC4PHC) Questionnaire
Widianawati, Evina
COVID-19 Cases in Central Java in 2021: A Map Based on K-Means Cluster
Widyaningsih, V.
Learning from the Pandemic: Sociodemographic Differences in COVID-19 Stigma among Healthcare Workers
Widyaningsih, Vitri
Regional Differences in Self-reported Maternal Complications in Indonesia: Revisiting the Pattern
Wiratama, Lucky
COVID-19 Cases in Central Java in 2021: A Map Based on K-Means Cluster