Proceedings of the International Symposium on Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities (ISSEH 2018)
202 authors
- Agustina, Agustina
- The Effect of Individual Characteristic, Communication, and Work Environment on Employee Performance PT Hilex Cirebon West Java
- Agustina, Heryani
- Implementation of Village Development Policies: Building Indonesia from suburbans
- Akbar, Gugun Geusan
- The Evaluation of Students' Soft Skill Development Program at Universitas Garut with Quadruple Helix Concept and System Model
- Akbar, Gugun Geusan
- Innovation in the Public Sector: The effectiveness of "LAPOR!" as one of the Smart City Programs in Bandung
- Alamanda, Dini Turipanam
- The Evaluation of Students' Soft Skill Development Program at Universitas Garut with Quadruple Helix Concept and System Model
- Alamanda, Dini Turipanam
- Investigating the True Meaning of Car Free Day for Indonesian People
- Alamanda, Dini Turipanam
- Innovation in the Public Sector: The effectiveness of "LAPOR!" as one of the Smart City Programs in Bandung
- Alwi, Muhamad
- The Influence of Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment and its Implications on the Performance of City Public Service
- Alwi, Muhamad
- The Effect of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Support as Intervening Variables to Turnover Intention of Employees
- Anam, Syafiul
- Investigating Experience on Blended Learning Classroom Practices in Tertiary EFL Students
- Andini, Intan
- Tourism Marketing Strategy to Enhance the Visitors’ Interest
- Andriany, Dian
- Tourism Marketing Strategy to Enhance the Visitors’ Interest
- Anggadwita, Grisna
- Innovation in the Public Sector: The effectiveness of "LAPOR!" as one of the Smart City Programs in Bandung
- Artadi, Ibnu
- The Study on Legal Issuance of the Statement of Environmental Management for Micro Industry of Lambak Cracker (A case study in Plered subdistrict – Cirebon regency)
- Asari, Ruli
- Modeling of Ecotourism Development in Tasikmalaya District, West Java
- Asman, Nasir
- The Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program by an Oil and Gas State Company (PERTAMINA) in Indonesia
- Badara, Aris
- The Relationship between Anxiety Level and Foreign Language Learners’ Reading Comprehension
- Baehaqi, M. Fadri Al
- Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste: A legal study of environmental health of fish and shrimp feed Industry in PT Suri Tani Pemuka Cirebon West Java Indonesia
- Basyari, Iin Wariin
- Designing Social Sciences Worksheets Based on Ethnoscience: A natural stone artisans community
- Bharoto, R. Mahendra Haryo
- Regional Plan of Public Relations: A strategy in tourism sector
- Boeriswati, Endry
- Platinum Model in Indonesian Language Learning for Elementary Schools
- Brahmayanti, Ida Ayu Sri
- The Role of Creating Shared Value in the Company
- Budi, Karno Setyo
- Literature Study on the Influence of Arduino Microcontroller Trainer Media on Creative Thinking Level and Student Learning Outcomes in Microcontroller Learning
- Budiana, Haris
- The Affective Factors Causing Students to be Passive During the Speaking Class
- Budianingsih, Tri
- Expert Perception on Quantum Approach Teaching Material Model for Speaking Mandarin
- Budiman, Mutiana
- The Evaluation of Students' Soft Skill Development Program at Universitas Garut with Quadruple Helix Concept and System Model
- Centeno, Patricia Ellice L.
- The Role of the National Government in the Preservation of the World Heritage Site of Crisologo Street Vigan Ilocos Sur Philippines
- Curatman, Aang
- Could the Loyalty Program Increase Store Loyalty?
- Darwanto, Darwanto
- The Planning Design to Improve Community Participation of Rural Areas Development
- Delviana, Evi
- The Development of Self Concept in Adolescent through Meaningful Movies
- Destia, Sella
- Effects of Uncertainty Reduction and Benefits on Online Airplane Tickets Purchasing
- Diponegoro, Ahmad Muhammad
- Violence among Senior High School Students in the City of Abepura
- Ernawati, Renatha
- Influence of Peer Group Conformity on Moral Identity and Penchant for Watching Violent Television Shows on Aggressive Behavior in University Christian Indonesia
- Estonanto, Carmina Dolor L.
- The Role of the National Government in the Preservation of the World Heritage Site of Crisologo Street Vigan Ilocos Sur Philippines
- F., Muhammad Luthfi
- The Implementation of Regional Policy of One-Way Urban Road Networks in Addressing Traffic Congestion
- Fadjarajani, Siti
- Modeling of Ecotourism Development in Tasikmalaya District, West Java
- Fahrudin, Fahrudin
- Building Faith for Children through Learning Model of Kisah Qur`ani in Junior High School
- Fajarianto, Otto
- Cooperation between Teacher Guidance and Counseling with Islamic Religious Education Teacher to Provide Service Guidance Counseling
- Fajaryanti, Dewi
- Cooperation between Teacher Guidance and Counseling with Islamic Religious Education Teacher to Provide Service Guidance Counseling
- Faridah, Didih
- Investigating Experience on Blended Learning Classroom Practices in Tertiary EFL Students
- Fatimah, Siska Ernawati
- The Effect of Individual Characteristic, Communication, and Work Environment on Employee Performance PT Hilex Cirebon West Java
- Fazriyah, Maftuhatul
- The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Fikri, Akhmad
- The Study on Legal Issuance of the Statement of Environmental Management for Micro Industry of Lambak Cracker (A case study in Plered subdistrict – Cirebon regency)
- Firasati, Aoliyah
- The Effect of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Support as Intervening Variables to Turnover Intention of Employees
- Firmansyah, Asep
- Content, Structure, and Linguistics Realization of Popular Articles in Newspapers
- Fitria, Nila
- Content Analysis of Kindergarten Daily Learning Implementation Plans (RPPH) in Central Jakarta Region
- Gumilang, Iwan G
- Application of Criminal Delegation to Hate Speech on Consumer Complaints through Social Media
- Gunawan, Arie Indra
- The Effect of Local Wisdom Values in Micro Enterprises Based on Creative Economic toward Their Competitiveness
- Gunawan, Moh. Sigit
- Agreement as an Essential Element in Implementation of Diversion
- Hadian, Vini Agustiani
- Research-based Lectures to Improve Students' 4C (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity) Skills
- Hamdani, Acep Roni
- Enhancing Concept Understanding and Problem Solving Ability by Using Blended Learning System in Social Sciences Learning in Grade V SDN Tanjung III
- Hamia, Nursina
- Female Perspective on Learning Styles: English Department Students Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara
- Hamirul, Hamirul
- Helmets Law: The obedience of bikers
- Hanafi, Hasdar
- Cooperation between Teacher Guidance and Counseling with Islamic Religious Education Teacher to Provide Service Guidance Counseling
- Hanafi, Hilaluddin
- The Relationship between Anxiety Level and Foreign Language Learners’ Reading Comprehension
- Handayani, Rini
- The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Hanifah, Diena Siti
- Investigating the True Meaning of Car Free Day for Indonesian People
- Harijanto, Sutji
- Leadership Style of Principal and Organizational Culture Improve Teacher Job Satisfaction
- Harmaen, Dheni
- The Parameter of Character Reinforcement through Optimization of School Literacy Movement Oriented to Critical Discourse Analysis
- Harmanto, Lintang Sukma
- Innovation in the Public Sector: The effectiveness of "LAPOR!" as one of the Smart City Programs in Bandung
- Harmono, Harmono
- Application of Criminal Delegation to Hate Speech on Consumer Complaints through Social Media
- Hartini, Ayu
- Designing Social Sciences Worksheets Based on Ethnoscience: A natural stone artisans community
- Hartini, Nurani
- Developing Morphological Awareness in Adapted Teaching Materials
- Hartono, Edy
- The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
- Hartono, Hartono
- Javanese Local Colours in the Fictions of Umar Kayam
- Hendriawan, Nandang
- Modeling of Ecotourism Development in Tasikmalaya District, West Java
- Hendriwanto, Hendriwanto
- Developing Morphological Awareness in Adapted Teaching Materials
- Hendriyanto, Agus
- Local Wisdom Values in Kethek Ogleng Dance Tokawi Nawangan, Pacitan
- Herawan, Endang
- Designing Social Sciences Worksheets Based on Ethnoscience: A natural stone artisans community
- Heryanto, Yanto
- The Implementation of Regional Policy of One-Way Urban Road Networks in Addressing Traffic Congestion
- Hidayat, Moch. Sudrajat
- Government Policy on Additional Income to Civil Servants
- Hidayat, Moh. Taufik
- The Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Policies to Overcome Poverty
- Hidayati, R. Panca Pertiwi
- The Parameter of Character Reinforcement through Optimization of School Literacy Movement Oriented to Critical Discourse Analysis
- Imawan, Khaerudin
- Instagram as the Dispute Arena of Personal Branding of Local Head Candidates in West Java Province at 2018
- Indrayanti, Iin
- Regional Plan of Public Relations: A strategy in tourism sector
- Iskandar, Dadang
- Enhancing Concept Understanding and Problem Solving Ability by Using Blended Learning System in Social Sciences Learning in Grade V SDN Tanjung III
- Ismayana, Ismayana
- Agreement as an Essential Element in Implementation of Diversion
- Jaja, Jaja
- Representation of Linguistic Aspects in the Genre of Text in Junior High School’s Bahasa Indonesia Textbooks in the 2013 Curriculum
- Jaja, Jaja
- Study of Legends and Folklores as Efforts to Develop Instructional Materials in High Schools
- Javier, Jeanna Chelcea V.
- The Role of the National Government in the Preservation of the World Heritage Site of Crisologo Street Vigan Ilocos Sur Philippines
- Junaedi, Junaedi
- Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste: A legal study of environmental health of fish and shrimp feed Industry in PT Suri Tani Pemuka Cirebon West Java Indonesia
- Junaedi, Junaedi
- Could the Loyalty Program Increase Store Loyalty?
- Junawan, Jojo
- Agreement as an Essential Element in Implementation of Diversion
- Kamaluddin, Kamaluddin
- The Relationship between Anxiety Level and Foreign Language Learners’ Reading Comprehension
- Kania, Ikeu
- The Evaluation of Students' Soft Skill Development Program at Universitas Garut with Quadruple Helix Concept and System Model
- Kania, Ikeu
- Investigating the True Meaning of Car Free Day for Indonesian People
- Kania, Ikeu
- Innovation in the Public Sector: The effectiveness of "LAPOR!" as one of the Smart City Programs in Bandung
- Kartadireja, Welly Nores
- Student’s Self-Efficacy in Speaking Learning
- Kembara, Maulia Depriya
- Research-based Lectures to Improve Students' 4C (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity) Skills
- Khaerudin, I. Robia
- Curriculum Development Procedure in Unswagati Cirebon
- Khaerudin, I. Robia
- Curriculum Evaluation on Hotel Administration Study Program at Bandung Tourism Higher Education
- Komara, Acep
- Understanding of Principal Accounting Subject Based on Gender and Mathematics Ability: Empirical evidence from Indonesia
- Komariyah, Imas
- Improving the Performance of Facilitator through Individual Characteristic and Motivation in Development of Empowerment Teacher and Education Personnel (P4TK) Bandung – Indonesia
- Komarudin, Komarudin
- Improving the Performance of Facilitator through Individual Characteristic and Motivation in Development of Empowerment Teacher and Education Personnel (P4TK) Bandung – Indonesia
- Kuntarto, Eko
- Language Style of Opposition Politician Group in Indonesia: Critical discourse analysis
- Kurnia, Maya Dewi
- Representation of Linguistic Aspects in the Genre of Text in Junior High School’s Bahasa Indonesia Textbooks in the 2013 Curriculum
- Kusmana, Suherli
- Language Style of Opposition Politician Group in Indonesia: Critical discourse analysis
- Kusmana, Suherli
- Study of Legends and Folklores as Efforts to Develop Instructional Materials in High Schools
- Laquindanum, Edelyne S.
- The Role of the National Government in the Preservation of the World Heritage Site of Crisologo Street Vigan Ilocos Sur Philippines
- Lisnawati, Iis
- Student’s Self-Efficacy in Speaking Learning