Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sport Science, Health, and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2018)
347 authors
- Sulton, Kuston
- Relationship between Gross Motor Skills and Body Mass Index of Children with Intellectual Disability
- Sultoni, Kuston
- Sedentary Behavior among Male and Female Older Adults (Demographic and gender study in West Java)
- Sumardiyanto, Sumardiyanto
- Sedentary Behavior among Male and Female Older Adults (Demographic and gender study in West Java)
- Sumarno, Gano
- Developing Physical Education Learning Model to Promote Active Lifestyle
- Sumarno, Gano
- The Difference of Anthropometric Growth and Development Velocity Between Lower Classes and Upper Classes Group of Primary School Children
- Sumarno, Gano
- Early Childhood Motor Development: Descriptive study in moslem kindergarten school
- Sumartini, Sri
- Quality of Nursing Work Life in Subang Hospital Indonesia
- Sumartini, Sri
- Risk Factors of Dementia in Elderly at Nursing Home
- Sumpena, Asep
- Applying of Patterns of Strength Training and Running Up Stairs with Interval Training Methods to Improve Futsal Player Fitness
- Suntoda, Andi
- The Influence of Self-Regulated Learning towards Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Control of Physical Education Students on Table Tennis Learning
- Suntoda Situmorang, Andi
- Anthropometrics’ Growth and Development Patterns of Elementary School Children in Bandung
- Suparto, Tirta Adikusuma
- Quality of Nursing Work Life in Subang Hospital Indonesia
- Sutisna, Nana
- Improving Active Learning Time on Physical Education Using Movement Education Model
- Sutresna, Nina
- Analytical Study on Nationalism Sense of West Java National Sport Week's Athletes
- Sutresna, Nina
- Improve Student Behavior Respect through Learner Model TPSR Judging from Assertiveness
- Suwandar, Etor
- Analytical Study on Nationalism Sense of West Java National Sport Week's Athletes
- Syafei, M.
- The Analysis of Fundamental Movement Skill in Primary School Student in Mountain Range
- Syahid, Angga M.
- Validity and Reliability of Penalty Stroke Tests in Hockey Games for Junior High School Students
- Tantra Paramitha, Sandey
- The Relationship between Abdominal Muscle and Legs Power with Turning Time on 100 Meters Free Style Swimming
- Tarigan, Beltasar
- Improving the Quality of Adaptive Health Education Services for Disabled Students (Influence of media in the use of volleyball games on courage and the results of down passing learning of deaf students)
- Tarigan, Beltasar
- Development of Test Instruments and Audio Based Concentration Measurements for Blind Students in Bandung, Indonesia
- Tarigan, Beltasar
- Needs Analysis of the Application of Sport Science to Improve Physical Condition of Junior Tennis Athletes
- Tarigan, Beltasar
- Content Validity of the Enjoyment Instrument in Physical Education Learning: A Field Study
- Turmudi, Turmudi
- Building Ability of Sport Students Statistical Reasoning through Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment (SRLE)
- Tuti Putri, Suci
- The Medical Officer Experiences of Indonesia Women Futsal Team
- Ugelta, Surdiniaty
- The Modern Rhythmic Motion Pattern as the Content of the Rhythmic Activity
- Umaran, Unun
- The Effect of Behavior on Short-Term Memory Capabilities
- Wahyudianto, Wahyudianto
- Application of Learning Softball Using Modified Glove and Ball for Developing Basic Movement Skills Throwing and Catching for High School Students
- Wahyudin, Wahyudin
- Building Ability of Sport Students Statistical Reasoning through Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment (SRLE)
- Wardiana, Widi
- Developing Fundamental Movement Skills Using Movement Education Models in Elementary School 3rd Grade
- Wasita, Brian
- Incidence and Risk Factors of Anemia in Breast Cancer Patients having Chemotherapy in Dr. Moewardi Hospital
- Wibowo, Ricky
- Developing Fundamental Movement Skills Using Movement Education Models in Elementary School 3rd Grade
- Wibowo, Ricky
- Skipping Rope and Double Dutch Lessons for Elementary School Students
- Wibowo, Ricky
- Early Childhood Motor Development: Descriptive study in moslem kindergarten school
- Wibowo, Ricky
- Anthropometrics’ Growth and Development Patterns of Elementary School Children in Bandung
- Wibowo, Ricky
- Development of Ergonomic Penjas Ball
- Wibowo, Ricky
- Developing Ergonomic Balls
- Wijaya, Made Agus
- The Influence of Chest Style Learning Methods on the Decreasing of Students Anxiety Level
- Wulandari, Febri Fitria
- The Influence of Chest Style Learning Methods on the Decreasing of Students Anxiety Level
- Yasin, Syahid Nur
- Contribution of Biomotoric Components to the Performance Athletes Number Canoeing 1000 Meter
- Yudiana, Yunyun
- The Influence of Teaching Styles on the Skill of Badminton Reviewed from Motor Educability
- Yudiana, Yunyun
- The Effect of Learning Model and Critical Thinking Skills to Solve Motion Situation Problem Ability in Invasion Game
- Yudiana, Yunyun
- Content Validity of the Enjoyment Instrument in Physical Education Learning: A Field Study
- Zafar Sidik, Dikdik
- Application of Games Model Training in Football Based On Multimedia
- Zaky, M
- The Effect of Behavior on Short-Term Memory Capabilities
- Zulfa, Siti
- The Medical Officer Experiences of Indonesia Women Futsal Team
- Zulfikar, Ahmad
- Development of Test Instruments and Audio Based Concentration Measurements for Blind Students in Bandung, Indonesia