Proceedings of the International Conference on Sports Science and Health (ICSSH 2022)
149 authors
- Adi, Sapto
- Analysis of Factors Related to Compliance with Wearing Masks in the Mongging Market Based on the Health Belief Model
- Aisah, Hana Nur
- Effect of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Larvae to Market Biological Waste Management, Jombang Regency
- Aisyi, Dina Zahrotul
- The Correlation of Smoking Behaviour, Physical Activity, and Eating Patterns with the Incidence of Impaired Glucose Tolerance in DKI Jakarta in 2018
- Aji, Rama Kusuma Putra
- iSpring Application for Refereeing and Organizing Materials Basketball Competition
- Al-Irsyad, Muhammad
- The Effect of Using Handbooks on Increasing Community Knowledge About the Program Kampung Iklim (ProKlim)
- Alma, Lucky Radita
- The Correlation of Smoking Behaviour, Physical Activity, and Eating Patterns with the Incidence of Impaired Glucose Tolerance in DKI Jakarta in 2018
- Alma, Lucky Radita
- Relationship Between Environment and Attitudes with Perception of Adolescents About Early Marriage
- Anggraeni, Ratih
- Implementation of the Use of Website Media for High Risk Delivery Planning Towards Healthy Mothers and Babies in the Gondangwetan Health Center Area
- Anggraini, Sera Nimas
- Analysis of Students’ Attitudes in Physical Education Learning Class
- Annissa, Annisaa
- Analysis of Behavioral Predispositive Factors of Adolescent Women Towards Vaginal Discharge Phenomenon: A Case Study of Senior High School 1 Karangan, Trenggalek Regency
- Arifin, Munif
- Trial Recording and Reporting of Manual Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) at the Public Health Office P2KB Lumajang Regency
- Ariyadni, Fitramila Dwi
- Combination of Tolo and Soy Bean Ice Cream as an Alternatif Snack for Autistic Children
- Arnanda, Angelia
- Sexual Risk Behavior Among Adolescents in a State Senior High School in East Java, Indonesia
- Astutik, Erni
- Peer-Review Statements
- Aurellia, Danty Sekar
- Literature Review: Exclusive Breastfeeding Description in Indonesia from Social Cultural Aspects
- Baqiyudin, Galang
- Identification of Implementation of School Health Education Through Physical Education
- Damayanti, Ikhda Farah
- The Effect of Using Handbooks on Increasing Community Knowledge About the Program Kampung Iklim (ProKlim)
- Darmawan, Arief
- Basketball Basic Skills Levels of Students in East Java, Indonesia
- Deniati, Ema Novita
- Analysis of Behavioral Predispositive Factors of Adolescent Women Towards Vaginal Discharge Phenomenon: A Case Study of Senior High School 1 Karangan, Trenggalek Regency
- Dewi, Sandra Sangga
- The Role of Volunteers for Stunting Acceleration Prevention Program in Batu City
- Ekawati, Rany
- Literature Study: Relationship of Low Birth Weight and Exclusive Breastfeeding on Stunting
- Ekawati, Rany
- Adolescent Knowledge, Attitude, and School Roles About Premarital Sexual Behavior at High School in Batu City
- Fadhli, Nurrul Riyad
- Physical Activity Behaviour of Working Women with High Body Mass Index: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
- Fahira, Ellya
- Analysis of Factors Related to Compliance with Wearing Masks in the Mongging Market Based on the Health Belief Model
- Fanani, Erianto
- The Correlation Between Working Posture and Musculoskeletal Disorders of Rice Porters in Malang
- Fariadi, Alfinadelasari Putri
- Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude with Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women in One of Malang City Health Center
- Fatimah, Dewi
- Relationship Between Environment and Attitudes with Perception of Adolescents About Early Marriage
- Firmansyah, Abis
- Comparison of Interest in Sepak Takraw by Class VII and VIII Students at SMPN 12 Malang City and SMPN 1 Donomulyo Malang Regency
- Firmansyah, Awang
- Identification of Training Activities and Body Porportions of Athlete Students in Sports Schools
- Fitriady, Gema
- Alternative Assessment for Movement Skills in Physical Education: The Effectiveness of Online Self and Peer Assessment
- Garneta, Yuannisa
- The Effect of Educational Interventions and Stretching Practices on Musculoskeletal System Complaints (Case Study on Rice Portes at the Warehouse Department of Bulog GBB Kebonagung)
- Gayatri, Rara Warih
- Analysis of Factors Related to Compliance with Wearing Masks in the Mongging Market Based on the Health Belief Model
- Gusdernawati, Aulia
- The Effectiveness of Minum Kuy as a Reminder of the Water Consumption Schedule for Athletes
- Hanania, Rida
- Physical Activity Behaviour of Working Women with High Body Mass Index: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
- Hanief, Yulingga Nanda
- Peer-Review Statements
- Hanief, Yulingga Nanda
- The Effect of the Drill Method on the Forearm Passing Ability of Volleyball Athletes, Senior High School Students, and Junior High School Students: A Meta-Analysis Study
- Hanief, Yulingga Nanda
- The Effect of Imagery Training on Performance Improvement in Basic Football Techniques: A Meta-Analysis Study
- Hapsari, Anindya
- Peer-Review Statements
- Hapsari, Anindya
- Literature Study: Relationship of Low Birth Weight and Exclusive Breastfeeding on Stunting
- Hapsari, Anindya
- Adolescent Knowledge, Attitude, and School Roles About Premarital Sexual Behavior at High School in Batu City
- Hapsari, Anindya
- The Relationship Among Knowledge, Mothers' Occupation, and Support of Health Workers to Exclusive Breastfeeding in Ngajum Public Health Centre, Malang
- Hapsari, Anindya
- Literature Review: Predisposing, Enabling and Reinforcing Factors that Influence Community Open Defecation Behavior in Indonesia
- Hapsari, Anindya
- The Correlation Between Compliance with the Use of PPE with the Incidence of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) at PT. Alba Unggul Metal
- Hapsari, Anindya
- The Effect of Educational Interventions and Stretching Practices on Musculoskeletal System Complaints (Case Study on Rice Portes at the Warehouse Department of Bulog GBB Kebonagung)
- Hapsari, Anindya
- Combination of Tolo and Soy Bean Ice Cream as an Alternatif Snack for Autistic Children
- Hardiansyah, Ade Nando
- Basketball Basic Skills Levels of Students in East Java, Indonesia
- Hariadi, Imam
- Physical Activity Behaviour of Working Women with High Body Mass Index: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
- Hariadi, Imam
- The Effect of the Drill Method on the Forearm Passing Ability of Volleyball Athletes, Senior High School Students, and Junior High School Students: A Meta-Analysis Study
- Hartoto, Setiyo
- Identification of Training Activities and Body Porportions of Athlete Students in Sports Schools
- Heynoek, Febrita Paulina
- Basketball Basic Skills Levels of Students in East Java, Indonesia
- Heynoek, Febrita Paulina
- iSpring Application for Refereeing and Organizing Materials Basketball Competition
- Heynoek, Febrita Paulina
- The Importance Having Fundamental Basketball Techniques Mobile Learning-Based Media
- Heynoek, Febrita Paulina
- Development of Teacher Modules for Learning Manipulative Movement for Autistic Students
- Heynoek, Febrita Paulina
- Podcast as a Media Learning Basketball
- Heynooek, Febrita Paulina
- Relationship Invasion Games on Mobile Learning-Based Media PJKR FIK UM
- Humairo, Mika Vernicia
- Peer-Review Statements
- Humairo, Mika Vernicia
- Effect of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Larvae to Market Biological Waste Management, Jombang Regency
- Indrawati, Nonik
- Relationship Between Diet and Physical Activity with the Nutritional Status of Adolescents During the Covid 19 Pandemic at the Laboratory High School, State University of Malang
- I’tamada, Eldiene Zaura
- Physical Activity Behaviour of Working Women with High Body Mass Index: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
- Januarto, Oni Bagus
- Basketball Basic Skills Levels of Students in East Java, Indonesia
- Juita, Ardiah
- The Effectiveness of Minum Kuy as a Reminder of the Water Consumption Schedule for Athletes
- Katmawanti, Septa
- Literature Review: Predisposing, Enabling and Reinforcing Factors that Influence Community Open Defecation Behavior in Indonesia
- Katmawanti, Septa
- Literature Review: Exclusive Breastfeeding Description in Indonesia from Social Cultural Aspects
- Katmawanti, Septa
- Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude with Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women in One of Malang City Health Center
- Katmawanti, Septa
- The Correlation Between Working Posture and Musculoskeletal Disorders of Rice Porters in Malang
- Katmawanti, Septa
- Pumpchees Bar Development (Pumpkin Seeds and Chia Seeds) as an Alternative High-Fiber Snack
- Katmawanti, Septa
- Combination of Tolo and Soy Bean Ice Cream as an Alternatif Snack for Autistic Children
- Katmawanti, Septa
- Relationship Between Diet and Physical Activity with the Nutritional Status of Adolescents During the Covid 19 Pandemic at the Laboratory High School, State University of Malang
- Kurniawan, Agung
- Literature Review: Exclusive Breastfeeding Description in Indonesia from Social Cultural Aspects
- Kurniawan, Agung
- Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude with Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women in One of Malang City Health Center
- Kurniawan, Agung
- Pumpchees Bar Development (Pumpkin Seeds and Chia Seeds) as an Alternative High-Fiber Snack
- Kurniawan, Ari Wibowo
- Analysis of Students’ Attitudes in Physical Education Learning Class
- Kurniawan, Ari Wibowo
- Development of Application-Based Pencak Silat Learning Materials for Teachers of Physical Education Subjects, Junior High Schools, in Jember Regency
- Kurniawan, Rama
- Peer-Review Statements
- Kurniawan, Rama
- Relationship Invasion Games on Mobile Learning-Based Media PJKR FIK UM
- Kurniawan, Rama
- iSpring Application for Refereeing and Organizing Materials Basketball Competition
- Kurniawan, Rama
- The Importance Having Fundamental Basketball Techniques Mobile Learning-Based Media
- Kurniawan, Rama
- Analysis of Students’ Attitudes in Physical Education Learning Class
- Kurniawan, Rama
- Development of Teacher Modules for Learning Manipulative Movement for Autistic Students
- Kurniawan, Rama
- Podcast as a Media Learning Basketball
- Kurniawan, Rama
- Comparison of Interest in Sepak Takraw by Class VII and VIII Students at SMPN 12 Malang City and SMPN 1 Donomulyo Malang Regency
- Kustono, Djoko
- Sharpening Public Health’s Goals and Tools in Currently Global Issue
- Laily, Siti Ukhdatul
- Podcast as a Media Learning Basketball
- Lestari, Nugraheni Puji
- The Correlation Between Compliance with the Use of PPE with the Incidence of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) at PT. Alba Unggul Metal
- Mandan, Ali
- The Effectiveness of Minum Kuy as a Reminder of the Water Consumption Schedule for Athletes
- Maulana, Iqbal
- The Effect of Imagery Training on Performance Improvement in Basic Football Techniques: A Meta-Analysis Study
- Mawarni, Dian
- Peer-Review Statements
- Mutakifah, Lu’lu’im
- Literature Study: Relationship of Low Birth Weight and Exclusive Breastfeeding on Stunting
- Nandini, Nurhasmadiar
- Peer-Review Statements
- Ningati, Dinda Ayu
- Development of Application-Based Pencak Silat Learning Materials for Teachers of Physical Education Subjects, Junior High Schools, in Jember Regency
- Nisahika, Gimida
- Trial Recording and Reporting of Manual Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) at the Public Health Office P2KB Lumajang Regency
- Noor, Dhana Alvia
- Pumpchees Bar Development (Pumpkin Seeds and Chia Seeds) as an Alternative High-Fiber Snack
- Noviardah, Dwi Putri
- Development of Teacher Modules for Learning Manipulative Movement for Autistic Students
- Nugraha, Akbar Aldi Surya
- Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Teamwork in SMAN 1 Sooko Basketball
- Nurhidayati, Titik
- The Effect of Using Handbooks on Increasing Community Knowledge About the Program Kampung Iklim (ProKlim)
- Nurrochmah, Siti
- Alternative Assessment for Movement Skills in Physical Education: The Effectiveness of Online Self and Peer Assessment
- Paramita, Farah
- Combination of Tolo and Soy Bean Ice Cream as an Alternatif Snack for Autistic Children
- Paramita, Farah
- Relationship Between Diet and Physical Activity with the Nutritional Status of Adolescents During the Covid 19 Pandemic at the Laboratory High School, State University of Malang
- Prakoso, Bayu Budi
- Identification of Training Activities and Body Porportions of Athlete Students in Sports Schools
- Prakoso, Bayu Budi
- Identification of Implementation of School Health Education Through Physical Education