Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018)
337 articles
Proceedings Article
The Utilization of Edmodo in Blended Learning
Evy Nurvitasari, Riyawan Susanto, Khumaeroh Dwi Nur'aini, Etriana Meirista
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) develops rapidly in all fields in our lives, including education. The development of ICT will have an effect on the learning process which was initially face-to-face conducted conventionally to be more open by using ICT. Blended learning is a combination...
Proceedings Article
Students’ Mental-Modeling Ability (MMA) in Concept Understanding of Vector
Mr Supriyadi, Richard Samuel Waremra, Rachmi Nur Hidayati, Jusman Masyur, Ms Novia, Ms Kusrini
This paper explains the role of mental models in understanding the concept of physics vector. This research type is empirical research by analyzing data from individual thinking and interview with 2 high school students. Each student represents each category (High and Low). Subjects in this study were...
Proceedings Article
Increasing Indonesian Language Learning Results Through Reviewing Technique of Observation Result Through The Rotating Trio Exchange Method on Grade VI Students of Elementary School
Agus Kichi Hermansyah, Nova Estu Harsiwi, Ratna Purwanty, Yonarlianto Tembang
Based on observations the data obtained was that the results of Indonesian language learning for Grade VI students of SDN 3 Pandak only reached a mean score of 55.50%, students who had complete learning were 22.22% with a minimum completeness standard of 75%. The application of the Rotating Trio Exchange...
Proceedings Article
The Employee Performance of The Local Government Owned Water Utilities (PDAM) of Merauke in Papua Province
Simon Siamsa, Elisabeth Lia Riani Kore, Marlyn Eleida Alfons, Adrianus Aprilius
The higher the level of motivation, supervision and discipline of work, the higher the employee performance. This research aimed to determine the effect of incentive, education, knowledge, availability of facilities, employee discipline, and work control on employee performance of the Local Government...
Proceedings Article
The Royal Dinner Party Puri Anyar Kerambitan Tabanan: A Sustainable Cultural Tourism Attraction Based on Local Community
Ni Made Ruastiti, Gede Yoga Kharisma Pradana, I Gusti Ketut Purnaya, Komang Shanty Muni Parwati
The purpose of this research is to explore the aspects of sustainability of society in the Puri Kerambitan Tabanan. The cultural feast should be held with a traditional ceremony at Puri Kerambitan Tabanan. However, the Puri Kerambitan Tabanan often does cultural feast for tourists named ‘The Royal Dinner...
Proceedings Article
Society Empowerment Through Ecotourism
Siti Hafsah Budi Argiati, Henny Welsa, Ari Astuti, Nonik Kusuma Ningrum
This research is aimed to explore tourism potential of mangrove forest in Indonesia costal area and expected to be the foundation of national strategic policy, specifically in strenghtening costal area national economics. The object of this research is the society around mangrove forest in costal area....
Proceedings Article
“Ma’Sembong” as a Living Tradition of Tompaso’s Society
Donna Sampaleng, Mayske Rinny Liando
This study aims to examine a tradition that exists in the familial community of Tompaso Minahasa, Ma'sembong. It is an activity of togetherness that has profound philosophical meaning. The Tompaso tradition is very different from what is known as Mapalus. Ma'Sembong is one of the auxiliary traditions...
Proceedings Article
The Development Strategy of Paksebali Village Into Smart Eco-Village Destination as a Tourism Icon in Klungkung District-Bali
I Wayan Pantiyasa, Putu Devi Rosalina
The purpose of this study is to know the tourism potential, how the management condition of tourism village of Paksebali, and how the alternative strategies in the development of tourism village of Paksebali. The data was collected through observation, interview, documentation, and focus group discussion,...
Proceedings Article
Product Quality and Advertisement Effects on Purchasing Decision Considering to Brand Image
Hapsari Shinta Citra Puspita Dewi, Jun Surjanti, Sri Setyo Iriani
This study aims to examine the effect of product quality and advertisement on customer’s purchasing decision considering to brand image as an intervening variable for dines and restaurants having negative-connoted names in Surabaya. It was qualitative research conducted into two stages; first was by...
Proceedings Article
Competitive Advantages of Lecturers
Mr Baharuddin, Donna Sampaleng, Ms Marislinda, Diah Yuli Sugiarti, Rhini Fatmasari
This study aims to find out the lecturers’ competitive advantages in five universities (public and private). This study employed a qualitative approach by applying a descriptive method. The instrument in this study was the researcher as the main instrument. Data were collected through interviews, observations,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Green Supply Chain Management Implementation on Competitiveness, Environmental Performance, and SMEs Performance
Ms Erta, Andre Dwijanto Witjaksono, Ulil Hartono
This article analyze the implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) on competitiveness, environmental performance and food and beverage SMEs performance in Pasuruan. This study aims to determine how significant GSCM implementation to competitiveness, environmental performance, and SMEs performance....
Proceedings Article
East Java Human Development Index Modeling with Spatial Regression Approach
Wara Pramesti, Artanti Indrasetianingsih
The success of the development of the quality of life in a country or region can be measured through an indicator called Human Development Index (HDI). HDI is formed by three basic dimensions, namely a long and healthy life, knowledge, and decent standard of living. Since 2010 East Java Province has...
Proceedings Article
Personality Traits: The Mediating Role of Self Efficacy to Improve Entrepreneurial Intention
Ida Ketut Kusumawijaya
This research did to prove self efficacy to mediate the strengthening of personality in realizing the interest of the employees to create and manage their own business. Researcher identified entrepreneurial intention as a prediction of personality traits on star hotel employees in Bali, identify personality...
Proceedings Article
Historical Consciousness Among Millennial Generation
Mrs Umasih, Mrs Kurniawati, Mr Fakhruddin
This research aim to explore historical consciousness among young generation so called millennial generation especially those students of Universitas Negeri Jakarta, to describe how their socio-cultural has created their historical consciousness. The result of research show the student of UNJ who was...
Proceedings Article
Rural Women Cheating Strategy
Rosikh Musabikha Mutaqy, Ms Sarmini, Sri Sukartiningsih, Reni Rahmayanti, Busthomi Kurnia
Cheating a serious problem in the married life and the lives of social. Many impacts negati ve can arise due to the behavior of infidelity. The focus of the problem in this paper is the strategy of rural women infidelity that occurred in Trenggulunan Village, Ngasem District, Bojonegoro Regency. The...
Proceedings Article
Developing Integrated-Acoustic Learning Model Based on Banyuwangi Local Culture For Character Growth of First Class Students Primary School
Mr Martadi, Diana Nomida Musnir, Ms Yufiarti
This research aims to develop an integrated thematic learning model based on Banyuwangi local culture for the development of elementary school students' character. A developmental research by using the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation model is undertaken. The results of this...
Proceedings Article
Construction Integrity and Professionalism of Education Personnel
Mr Warsono, Ms Sarmini, Ulin Nadiroh
Education personnel are Human Resources who have an important role to support the performance of academics, who are obliged to provide academic services. In carrying out its duties, can not be separated from the existence of interdependence and even the relationship between one unit to another unit....
Proceedings Article
From Modification to Magic: The Significance of Winning and How to Get It in The Street Racing Arena
Susanti Endah Sulistyowati, Ms Sarmini, Siti Zahrotin Mauniyati, Arif Sobirin Wibowo, Niken Fitri Apritha, Sri Sukartiningsih
Street racing became a teenager trend in Pasuruan East Java Indonesia, although accidents often come to pass but do not dampen the spirit of teenagers in street racing competition. The focus in this articles analyze significance of winning and how to get it in the street racing arena. The research design...
Proceedings Article
Optimizing Five Academic Skills in English Teaching Learning Process Improving The Academic Performance
Wulan Retno Wigati
This study is intended to examine the effect of optimizing the five academic skills, 1) Speed reading: reading speed and accuracy of understanding ; 2) Taking notes: organizational records, identification information, and the write speed; 3) Paraphrasing: choosing synonyms, and using alternate grammar;...
Proceedings Article
Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Culture to The Strategic Alignment Maturity, Business Performance and Corporate Sustainability at the Consumer Service
Muhammad Syarif
This study explains that, corporate social responsibility has a significant effect on Strategic Alignment Maturity with the direction of positive relationships, corporate social responsibility has a significant effect on business performance with the direction of positive relationships, corporate culture...
Proceedings Article
Integration of Moral Didactic Values and Patriotism of Hikayat Hang Tuah in Social Studies Learning to Build the Soul of Nationalism in Middle School Students in Surabaya
Agus Trilaksana, Ms Sarmini, Ms Nurjati, Ms Sutarwiyah, Adji Suharko, Ririn Fatayati
Planting the soul of nationalism is important starting from the beginning to deal with the erosion of national identity along with the process of globalization. One effort to build the spirit of nationalism can be done through internalizing the value of didactic morality and patriotism in the learning...
Proceedings Article
Survival Strategies of Young Widows to Strive in Their Social Environment
Latifatul Fauzi, Ms Sarmini, Sri Sukartiningsih, Vivit Novia Harirotul Abadiah, Muhamad Miftahul Alim, Iwan Yulianto
The community tends to have negative perceptions towards widowhood which leads to discriminatory treatments. The focus of this study illustrates the strategy of young widows in the District of Sukun in Malang City to strive in their social environment. The design of this research was phenomenology with...
Proceedings Article
Pak RT is Our Hero
Lailatul Badriyah, Ms Sarmini, Siti Dina Safrianti, Yosi Trisa, Arif Rahman Muttaqien, Nur Fuad Zakiyatul Azizah
Beggars become a social problem in Situbondo. Poverty is the main reason for begging. Not infrequently they settled on the streets because they do not have a place to stay. Based on the paradigm of the functional structure of the focus of research illustrates how beggars sought shelter and assistance...
Proceedings Article
Anti-Corruption Education (PAK) Teaching Materials Based on Local Character in Social Science Subjects (IPS) to Build Anti-Corruption Culture for Young Generation in Surabaya
I Made Suwanda, Ms Sarmini, Ms Listyaningsih, Ms Murtiningsih, Mr Misbakhun, Nor Chomariyah
Teaching materials are important elements in the achievement of learning objectives, including anti-corruption education. In order to ensure the quality of teaching materials, researchers conducted a trial of the feasibility of teaching materials that have been developed regarding anti-corruption education...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Feasibility of The Appropriate Technology Investment and Green Supply Chain Management Planning on Moringa Products
Andre Dwijanto Witjaksono, Erina Rahmadyanti, Diah Wulandari
Moringa, especially moringa flour, is a featured product in Sumenep, Madura. To possibly enter global market, technological investment support and managerial improvements are strongly required. One of which is by implementing Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). This study aims to analyze the feasibility...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Learning Model of Civic Education Based on Multicultural Education to Build Indonesian Identity for Young Generation in Surabaya
Rr. Nanik Setyowati, Ms Sarmini
Globalization opens the way for the entry of foreign values and cultures that can be a threat to the identity of the Indonesian nation, especially for the younger generation. Multicultural based Pancasila education is important for young people to strengthen Indonesian identity. This study aims to analyze...
Proceedings Article
From the Road to the Arena: The Role of Kampung Anak Negeri for Street Children
Ms Sarmini, Sri Sukartiningsih
Street children are a serious problem in Surabaya. Loss of educational rights, involved in crime, promiscuity and susceptible to drugs. The study aims to find a role of Kampung Anak Negeri for the transformation process towards normal life. This case study research uses Talcott Parson's functional structural...
Proceedings Article
Klithih: Invisible Crime by Teenagers
Ms Sarmini, Nining Kurniyatuti, Sri Sukartiningsih
Klitih is a form of juvenile delinquency by fighting, throwing stones, injuring and even killing victims in Yogyakarta. Various attempts have been made by the government, educational institutions and the police to overcome them. This paper discusses the strategy of Geng Klithih in avoiding police capture....
Proceedings Article
Scoring Sustenance with Simpati Capital: The Beggar's Strategy in Getting Money
Ms Sarmini, Syamsul Musthofa, Sri Sukartiningsih
Beggar is a social problem that is difficult to overcome in Jombang and Mojokerto districts. Begging activity is often used as a profession because it produces profits. The focus of this research is to find out how the beggar strategies in getting donations. This paper uses phenomenological design with...
Proceedings Article
I still Feel Abnormal: Self Recovery after being Sexually Abused
Ms Sarmini, Wiwit Maharesti
Sexual abuse towards children may cause psychological, physical, and social trauma. This study focuses on self-recovery attempts of victims after being sexually abused. Phenomenology design referring to Creswell perspective as knife analysis was utilized. The data were obtained by doing an in-depth interview...
Proceedings Article
Between Curiosity and Love: The Meaning of Premarital Sexual Behavior for Students in Malang City
Ms Sarmini, Agung Dwi Bahtiar El Rizaq
Sexual behavior is considered as contemporary activities and become part of adolescence lifestyle. The substance of this study is reveals the meaning of sexual behavior in the students of university perspective. The research design used was interpretive by referring to George H. Mead's symbolic interactionism...
Proceedings Article
I Treat My Body For My Customer Satisfaction
Ms Sarmini, Ulin Nadiroh, Sutoyo Budiharto
Body has an important meaning for commercial sex workers (CSWs). The body becomes the main capital to attract and attract customers. Having a beautiful and awake body is a special attraction to maintain existence in the world of prostitution. The focus of this study describes the pattern of body care...
Proceedings Article
Children Aggressive Behavior: Child Development Implications Due to Father’s Gambling
Ms Sarmini, Nur Fuad Zakiyatul Azizah
Family harmony has a significant relationship with children development, as well as gambling family. The focus of this paper examines the development of children in gambling families. The research design used is phenomenology with an analysis that refers to the perspective of Creswell. Data obtained...
Proceedings Article
The Pattern of Early Marriage for Girls
Ms Sarmini, Ulin Nadiroh, Aminatuz Zuhriyah
The practice of early marriage has been banned in international agreements because of the many negative impacts in terms of health, economy and psychology for mothers and children. But the practice of early marriage was still going on with different patterns between one region and another. The focus...
Proceedings Article
Trial of Character-Based Learning Models for Pancasila and Citizenship Education to Build Anti-Corruption Culture for Young Generation
Totok Suyanto, Ms Sarmini, Mr Harmanto, Agung Dwi Bahtiar El Rizaq, Wiwit Maharesti
Corruption is a serious problem for countries in the world because it has a big negative impact on society. Various efforts have been made to prevent the danger of corruption, one of which is by building an anti-corruption culture in schools through the planting of anti-corruption character values integrated...
Proceedings Article
Teaching English Through Games
Mr Sukirmiyadi
There are many kinds of teaching techniques and methods to apply. However, the teaching of foreign language is not such an easy thing to do. It is the fact that many of the Indonesian learners are not capable of speaking English very well although they have been learning it for more than 10 (ten) years....
Proceedings Article
Understanding the Forest Conservation Society actions "Tengger" ethnic Based Local Wisdom "Sesanti Panca Setya" in East Java - the Republic of Indonesia
Ms Sumarmi
Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park is the location where "Tengger" ethnic people live. The Tengger ethnic people are mostly farmers around the protected forest area. This study aims to understand the Tengger ethnic community in conserving the forests based on local wisdom "Sesanti Panca Setya" or ”sesanti...