Proceedings of the 1st UPI International Conference on Sociology Education (UPI ICSE 2015)

197 authors
Musthafa, Bachrudin
Expressive Writing in Minimizing Students’ Public Speaking Anxiety 
Nadjamudin, Lukman
History of Buol : Study on The Border Territory and Exploitation of Mine
Ningrum, Epon
Learning Model Based on Local Wisdom to Embed the Ethics Land for Students
Novianto, Aldy
The Impact of Brand Image, Brand Trust Towards Brand Loyalty of Indosat Telecommunication Operator Customer in Bandung
Noviyanto, Lud
The Influence of Production Layout Strategy Towards Productivity
Nurasyiah, Aas
Islamic Financial Inclusion Contribution to the Empowerment and Development of Informal Sector
Nurazizah, Ghoitsa Rohmah
Community Based Tourism: A Corelation Between Knowledge and Participation in Mountain Based Destination
Nurbayani, Siti
Pedophilia and the Lack of Social Control ( A Case Study of Sudajaya )
Nurbayani, Siti
Social Responsibility for People With Mental Disorder
Nurbayani, Siti
The Status and Role of Women in The Community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu
Nurbayani, Siti
Establishing Social Capital among People Living with HIV/AIDS (Plwh)
Nurbayani, Siti
Impact of Korean Drama in Indonesia Through the Spread Moral Values for Young Generation
Nurdin, Encep Syarief
Tourism Workers in Asean Economic Community: Opportunities or Challenges?
Nurhadi, Iwan
Women Agency and the Ambiguity of Their Role in Disaster Management
The Resistence of Traditional Value at Kajang Community in Globalization Era
Pasya, Gurniwan Kamil
Could Tourism Development Act as The Living Strategy for The Indigenous People?
Pheeney, Christine
Revitalising Cooperative Values in Indonesian Educators for a Professional Learning Community
Prasetio, Adhi
The Impact of SNSs Usage on Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Organization
Prasetio, Arif Prasetio
The Impact of SNSs Usage on Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Organization
Purnama, Ridwan
Street Vendor: The Study of Heredity Job and Social Behaviour
A Model of Cultural Survival of Sundanese Ethnic Community
Purnomo, Agus
Study of Gender in Adaptation Strategies Post Kelud Volcano Eruption 2014
Purnomo, Budi S.
Development of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for Indonesian Local Government
Rahayu, Agus
The Influence of Brand Element and Education Service Marketing Mix on Brand Momentum of Higher Education Institution
Rahmafitria, Fitri
Community Based Tourism: A Corelation Between Knowledge and Participation in Mountain Based Destination
Ramadin, Tendy Y.
Influence of Infographic on Exhibition Space Towards The Level of Interest, Understanding, and Visitors Behavior (Case Study : Educational Exhibition on Implementation of Nuclear Power Plant Project)
Ramadita, Dhafina
Impact of Personal Selling on the User Decision to Use the Services of @wifi.Id
Ramdhan, Rizki Muhammad
Political Participations of Rural Communities
Ranteallo, Ikma Citra
Share What and How You Cook at Home! : Uncovering Social Identity
Ratmaningsih, Neiny
Education as Powerful Social Capital
Rinekasari, Nenden Rani
Model of Family Life Education Based on Family Sustainability
Rofaida, Rofi
Increasing Tourism Industry’s Competitiveness through Human Resources Planning
Rohayani, Ida
Teacher Annotation: Indonesian Students'Learning Behavior in Authoritative Parent Perspective
Rosida, Rida
Islamic Financial Inclusion Contribution to the Empowerment and Development of Informal Sector
The Pleasant and Unpleasant in Leisure Experience (Study Of An Annual Tradition Called Mudik in Indonesia)
Rosita, Rosita
Parents’s Rights of Having Curriculum Information in Their Children Education Process
Ruhimat, Mamat
Society Preparedness in Facing Landslides (A Case Study of Sagalaherang District Society, Subang, Indonesia)
Democracy and Local Autonomy Policy in Indonesia: A Particularist Perspective
Samong, Fransiskus
The Development of Character Education in Primary Schools through the Enhancement of School Culture
Setiyorini, Heri Puspito Diyah
Could Tourism Development Act as The Living Strategy for The Indigenous People?
Shantini, Yanti
Study on Analysis of Curriculum Nonformal Education Institution to Increase Student Self Directed Learning
Shantini, Yanti
Study of Nonformal and Informal Education Policy Toward Professionalism Education Services for Community
Sholeh, Nurun
The Religion of Festival (Case Study on The Celebration of The Prophet’s Birthday in East Lombok)
Soeparjo, A. Harsono
The Aspect of Social, Economic, Cultural and Public Health after Ten Years of Mining Closure Activities
Sofia, Alfira
Development of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for Indonesian Local Government
Communication Strategy in the Implementation of Expanding Maternal and Neonatal Survival Policy
Sopandi, W.
Implementing Value Clarification Technique to Improve Environmental Awareness Among Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher
Subhanudin, Husen
Establishing Social Capital among People Living with HIV/AIDS (Plwh)
Social Capital in Dealing with Neo-Patrimonial Governance of Street Vendors
Sudarsyah, Asep
Preliminary Study of Knowledge Improvement for Professional Practice through Collaborative-Reflective Supervision
Sudiapermana, Elih
Determinant Factors in Building Youth Character
Sudiapermana, Elih
Study of Nonformal and Informal Education Policy Toward Professionalism Education Services for Community
Suharto, Yusuf
The Validation of Undergraduate Student Theses of Geography Education Department, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Malang
The Study of Service Quality and Competitiveness of Secondary Education in West Sumbawa
Sukayat, Yayat
Social Identity, Ethnicity and Internal Mobility in Indonesia
Sukmayadi, Vidi
Cultivating Agents of Social Media Literacy through Service Learning
Sukriah, Erry
Development Pattern of Rural Tourism Based Creative Economy
Implementing Value Clarification Technique to Improve Environmental Awareness Among Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher
Sulistyani, Hapsari Dwiningtyas
Listening to Marginalized Women's Expressions of Anger (A Communication Study on the Use of Women’s Language for Resistance in the Prostitution Boarding Quarter at Sunan Kuning, Semarang)
Democracy Value Based Inquiry Model Development to Enrichment Critical Thinking in Civics Education
Increasing Critical Thinking Skill Through Class Debate
Sumanto, R.B.
Supporting and Inhibiting Factors in the Structured Peer Network among Housewives in Coping with HIV/AIDS
Communication Strategy in the Implementation of Expanding Maternal and Neonatal Survival Policy
Sumiati, Ema
Study of Indigenous Peoples Empowerment Model in Cireundeu Village
Sundawa, Dadang
Fostering Democratic Intelligence of Young Citizens Through the Implementation of Civic Education Classroom as Democratic Laboratory
Supriatna, Nana
Local Wisdom In Constructing Students’ Ecoliteracy Through Ethnopedagogy And Ecopedagogy
Supyandi, Dika
Social Identity, Ethnicity and Internal Mobility in Indonesia
Suryadi, A.
The Development of Character Education in Primary Schools through the Enhancement of School Culture
Sutarni, Nani
The Influence of Production Layout Strategy Towards Productivity
Suyanto, A.M.A.
The Role Actualization of Society And National Organization in Law and Politic Education
Civic Engagement, Political Development,and the Role of the Young Citizen
Syaifullah, Syaifullah
The Development of Civic Engagement to Empower Student Potential through Entrepreneurial Student Program (PMW)
Tandyonomanu, Danang
Space and Students Classroom Behavior in Elementary School
Treagust, David F.
Reflective Teaching Practice (Teachers’ Perspectives in an Indonesia Context)
Tresnawati, Fitria
Expressive Writing in Minimizing Students’ Public Speaking Anxiety 
Triatuti, Rini
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and The Challenge of Civic Education
Tridakusumah, Ahmad Choibar
Social Identity, Ethnicity and Internal Mobility in Indonesia
Utami, Suci Apriliani
Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil as an Islamic Financial Inclusion Institution Model Towards a Sustainable Development
Wahyudi, Wahyudi
An Alternative Model of Political Education for Political Parties Towards Human Security
Wardana, Lalu Ali
The Study of Service Quality and Competitiveness of Secondary Education in West Sumbawa
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Customer Delight Strategy in Hotel Industry
Wijaya, Mahendra
Prostitute’s Adolescent Clients’ Understanding of Local Wisdom on Social Relations
Wildayana, Elisa
Integration of Goods Market and Labor Market at Education Perspectives in Indonesian Agricultural Sector
Wilodati, Wilodati
A Typology of Father Parenting in The Migrant Workers Family and Effect on Character of Children
The Model of Integrating Culture and Nation Characters into the School based curriculum at the Remote Areas in the Border of Indonesia and Malaysia
Wulandari, Neni Sri
Islamic Financial Inclusion Contribution to the Empowerment and Development of Informal Sector
Wulandari, Puspita
The Status and Role of Women in The Community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu
Yadi, Ruyadi
Establishing Social Capital among People Living with HIV/AIDS (Plwh)
Yani, Ahmad
Parents’s Rights of Having Curriculum Information in Their Children Education Process
Yanuarti, Endah
Reflective Teaching Practice (Teachers’ Perspectives in an Indonesia Context)
Yuliani, Sri
Prostitute’s Adolescent Clients’ Understanding of Local Wisdom on Social Relations
Yuliani, Sri
Participation of Surakarta Children Forum in Development Planning Deliberation: Between Bureaucratic Formalism and Human Governance
Yuniarti, Rozmita D.
Development of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for Indonesian Local Government
Zainuddin, Fauziah
Social Sufism: Alternative in Solving Human Problem (Study of Religious Action at Jamaah Tabligh Group)
Zainuddin, Rasyidah
Social Sufism: Alternative in Solving Human Problem (Study of Religious Action at Jamaah Tabligh Group)
Zunariyah, Siti
Supporting and Inhibiting Factors in the Structured Peer Network among Housewives in Coping with HIV/AIDS
Zuryani, Nazrina
Student Internship for Integrated Learning in Population & Tax and Political Parties Accountability