Proceedings of the 1st UPI International Conference on Sociology Education (UPI ICSE 2015)
197 authors
- Musthafa, Bachrudin
- Expressive Writing in Minimizing Students’ Public Speaking Anxiety
- Nadjamudin, Lukman
- History of Buol : Study on The Border Territory and Exploitation of Mine
- Ningrum, Epon
- Learning Model Based on Local Wisdom to Embed the Ethics Land for Students
- Novianto, Aldy
- The Impact of Brand Image, Brand Trust Towards Brand Loyalty of Indosat Telecommunication Operator Customer in Bandung
- Noviyanto, Lud
- The Influence of Production Layout Strategy Towards Productivity
- Nurasyiah, Aas
- Islamic Financial Inclusion Contribution to the Empowerment and Development of Informal Sector
- Nurazizah, Ghoitsa Rohmah
- Community Based Tourism: A Corelation Between Knowledge and Participation in Mountain Based Destination
- Nurbayani, Siti
- Pedophilia and the Lack of Social Control ( A Case Study of Sudajaya )
- Nurbayani, Siti
- Social Responsibility for People With Mental Disorder
- Nurbayani, Siti
- The Status and Role of Women in The Community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu
- Nurbayani, Siti
- Establishing Social Capital among People Living with HIV/AIDS (Plwh)
- Nurbayani, Siti
- Impact of Korean Drama in Indonesia Through the Spread Moral Values for Young Generation
- Nurdin, Encep Syarief
- Tourism Workers in Asean Economic Community: Opportunities or Challenges?
- Nurhadi, Iwan
- Women Agency and the Ambiguity of Their Role in Disaster Management
- Nursalam
- The Resistence of Traditional Value at Kajang Community in Globalization Era
- Pasya, Gurniwan Kamil
- Could Tourism Development Act as The Living Strategy for The Indigenous People?
- Pheeney, Christine
- Revitalising Cooperative Values in Indonesian Educators for a Professional Learning Community
- Prasetio, Adhi
- The Impact of SNSs Usage on Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Organization
- Prasetio, Arif Prasetio
- The Impact of SNSs Usage on Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Organization
- Purnama, Ridwan
- Street Vendor: The Study of Heredity Job and Social Behaviour
- Purnomo
- A Model of Cultural Survival of Sundanese Ethnic Community
- Purnomo, Agus
- Study of Gender in Adaptation Strategies Post Kelud Volcano Eruption 2014
- Purnomo, Budi S.
- Development of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for Indonesian Local Government
- Rahayu, Agus
- The Influence of Brand Element and Education Service Marketing Mix on Brand Momentum of Higher Education Institution
- Rahmafitria, Fitri
- Community Based Tourism: A Corelation Between Knowledge and Participation in Mountain Based Destination
- Ramadin, Tendy Y.
- Influence of Infographic on Exhibition Space Towards The Level of Interest, Understanding, and Visitors Behavior (Case Study : Educational Exhibition on Implementation of Nuclear Power Plant Project)
- Ramadita, Dhafina
- Impact of Personal Selling on the User Decision to Use the Services of @wifi.Id
- Ramdhan, Rizki Muhammad
- Political Participations of Rural Communities
- Ranteallo, Ikma Citra
- Share What and How You Cook at Home! : Uncovering Social Identity
- Ratmaningsih, Neiny
- Education as Powerful Social Capital
- Rinekasari, Nenden Rani
- Model of Family Life Education Based on Family Sustainability
- Rofaida, Rofi
- Increasing Tourism Industry’s Competitiveness through Human Resources Planning
- Rohayani, Ida
- Teacher Annotation: Indonesian Students'Learning Behavior in Authoritative Parent Perspective
- Rosida, Rida
- Islamic Financial Inclusion Contribution to the Empowerment and Development of Informal Sector
- Rosita
- The Pleasant and Unpleasant in Leisure Experience (Study Of An Annual Tradition Called Mudik in Indonesia)
- Rosita, Rosita
- Parents’s Rights of Having Curriculum Information in Their Children Education Process
- Ruhimat, Mamat
- Society Preparedness in Facing Landslides (A Case Study of Sagalaherang District Society, Subang, Indonesia)
- Rusnaini
- Democracy and Local Autonomy Policy in Indonesia: A Particularist Perspective
- Samong, Fransiskus
- The Development of Character Education in Primary Schools through the Enhancement of School Culture
- Setiyorini, Heri Puspito Diyah
- Could Tourism Development Act as The Living Strategy for The Indigenous People?
- Shantini, Yanti
- Study on Analysis of Curriculum Nonformal Education Institution to Increase Student Self Directed Learning
- Shantini, Yanti
- Study of Nonformal and Informal Education Policy Toward Professionalism Education Services for Community
- Sholeh, Nurun
- The Religion of Festival (Case Study on The Celebration of The Prophet’s Birthday in East Lombok)
- Soeparjo, A. Harsono
- The Aspect of Social, Economic, Cultural and Public Health after Ten Years of Mining Closure Activities
- Sofia, Alfira
- Development of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for Indonesian Local Government
- Sofiah
- Communication Strategy in the Implementation of Expanding Maternal and Neonatal Survival Policy
- Sopandi, W.
- Implementing Value Clarification Technique to Improve Environmental Awareness Among Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher
- Subhanudin, Husen
- Establishing Social Capital among People Living with HIV/AIDS (Plwh)
- Sudarmo
- Social Capital in Dealing with Neo-Patrimonial Governance of Street Vendors
- Sudarsyah, Asep
- Preliminary Study of Knowledge Improvement for Professional Practice through Collaborative-Reflective Supervision
- Sudiapermana, Elih
- Determinant Factors in Building Youth Character
- Sudiapermana, Elih
- Study of Nonformal and Informal Education Policy Toward Professionalism Education Services for Community
- Suharto, Yusuf
- The Validation of Undergraduate Student Theses of Geography Education Department, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Malang
- Sukardi
- The Study of Service Quality and Competitiveness of Secondary Education in West Sumbawa
- Sukayat, Yayat
- Social Identity, Ethnicity and Internal Mobility in Indonesia
- Sukmayadi, Vidi
- Cultivating Agents of Social Media Literacy through Service Learning
- Sukriah, Erry
- Development Pattern of Rural Tourism Based Creative Economy
- Sulastri
- Implementing Value Clarification Technique to Improve Environmental Awareness Among Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher
- Sulistyani, Hapsari Dwiningtyas
- Listening to Marginalized Women's Expressions of Anger (A Communication Study on the Use of Women’s Language for Resistance in the Prostitution Boarding Quarter at Sunan Kuning, Semarang)
- Sulistyarini
- Democracy Value Based Inquiry Model Development to Enrichment Critical Thinking in Civics Education
- Sulton
- Increasing Critical Thinking Skill Through Class Debate
- Sumanto, R.B.
- Supporting and Inhibiting Factors in the Structured Peer Network among Housewives in Coping with HIV/AIDS
- Sumardiyono
- Communication Strategy in the Implementation of Expanding Maternal and Neonatal Survival Policy
- Sumiati, Ema
- Study of Indigenous Peoples Empowerment Model in Cireundeu Village
- Sundawa, Dadang
- Fostering Democratic Intelligence of Young Citizens Through the Implementation of Civic Education Classroom as Democratic Laboratory
- Supriatna, Nana
- Local Wisdom In Constructing Students’ Ecoliteracy Through Ethnopedagogy And Ecopedagogy
- Supyandi, Dika
- Social Identity, Ethnicity and Internal Mobility in Indonesia
- Suryadi, A.
- The Development of Character Education in Primary Schools through the Enhancement of School Culture
- Sutarni, Nani
- The Influence of Production Layout Strategy Towards Productivity
- Suyanto, A.M.A.
- The Role Actualization of Society And National Organization in Law and Politic Education
- Syaifullah
- Civic Engagement, Political Development,and the Role of the Young Citizen
- Syaifullah, Syaifullah
- The Development of Civic Engagement to Empower Student Potential through Entrepreneurial Student Program (PMW)
- Tandyonomanu, Danang
- Space and Students Classroom Behavior in Elementary School
- Treagust, David F.
- Reflective Teaching Practice (Teachers’ Perspectives in an Indonesia Context)
- Tresnawati, Fitria
- Expressive Writing in Minimizing Students’ Public Speaking Anxiety
- Triatuti, Rini
- The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and The Challenge of Civic Education
- Tridakusumah, Ahmad Choibar
- Social Identity, Ethnicity and Internal Mobility in Indonesia
- Utami, Suci Apriliani
- Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil as an Islamic Financial Inclusion Institution Model Towards a Sustainable Development
- Wahyudi, Wahyudi
- An Alternative Model of Political Education for Political Parties Towards Human Security
- Wardana, Lalu Ali
- The Study of Service Quality and Competitiveness of Secondary Education in West Sumbawa
- Wibowo, Lili Adi
- Customer Delight Strategy in Hotel Industry
- Wijaya, Mahendra
- Prostitute’s Adolescent Clients’ Understanding of Local Wisdom on Social Relations
- Wildayana, Elisa
- Integration of Goods Market and Labor Market at Education Perspectives in Indonesian Agricultural Sector
- Wilodati, Wilodati
- A Typology of Father Parenting in The Migrant Workers Family and Effect on Character of Children
- Witarsa
- The Model of Integrating Culture and Nation Characters into the School based curriculum at the Remote Areas in the Border of Indonesia and Malaysia
- Wulandari, Neni Sri
- Islamic Financial Inclusion Contribution to the Empowerment and Development of Informal Sector
- Wulandari, Puspita
- The Status and Role of Women in The Community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu
- Yadi, Ruyadi
- Establishing Social Capital among People Living with HIV/AIDS (Plwh)
- Yani, Ahmad
- Parents’s Rights of Having Curriculum Information in Their Children Education Process
- Yanuarti, Endah
- Reflective Teaching Practice (Teachers’ Perspectives in an Indonesia Context)
- Yuliani, Sri
- Prostitute’s Adolescent Clients’ Understanding of Local Wisdom on Social Relations
- Yuliani, Sri
- Participation of Surakarta Children Forum in Development Planning Deliberation: Between Bureaucratic Formalism and Human Governance
- Yuniarti, Rozmita D.
- Development of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for Indonesian Local Government
- Zainuddin, Fauziah
- Social Sufism: Alternative in Solving Human Problem (Study of Religious Action at Jamaah Tabligh Group)
- Zainuddin, Rasyidah
- Social Sufism: Alternative in Solving Human Problem (Study of Religious Action at Jamaah Tabligh Group)
- Zunariyah, Siti
- Supporting and Inhibiting Factors in the Structured Peer Network among Housewives in Coping with HIV/AIDS
- Zuryani, Nazrina
- Student Internship for Integrated Learning in Population & Tax and Political Parties Accountability