Proceedings of the 1st UPI International Conference on Sociology Education (UPI ICSE 2015)
197 authors
- Abas, Tati
- Model of Family Life Education Based on Family Sustainability
- Abdurrohman
- The Religion of Festival (Case Study on The Celebration of The Prophet’s Birthday in East Lombok)
- Adiwikarta, Sudarja
- A Typology of Father Parenting in The Migrant Workers Family and Effect on Character of Children
- Adriani, Dessy
- Integration of Goods Market and Labor Market at Education Perspectives in Indonesian Agricultural Sector
- Agusta, Boni
- Influence of Infographic on Exhibition Space Towards The Level of Interest, Understanding, and Visitors Behavior (Case Study : Educational Exhibition on Implementation of Nuclear Power Plant Project)
- Alamsyah, Abimanyu T.
- The Aspect of Social, Economic, Cultural and Public Health after Ten Years of Mining Closure Activities
- Alia, Mirna Nur
- Social Responsibility for People With Mental Disorder
- Aliyah, Miftahul
- Actualization of Nationalism Thought in Indonesia Civil Society Development (Phenomenology Study of Moh. Natsir thought in the Development of the Citizenship Values)
- Andari, Rini
- Could Tourism Development Act as The Living Strategy for The Indigenous People?
- Andilolo, Imanuella R.
- Share What and How You Cook at Home! : Uncovering Social Identity
- Andriani, Ana
- Gempungan Tradition in Sundanese as Local Wisdom Learning Social Science Education in Primary School through Socio-Cultural Transformation
- Anggraeni, Leni
- The Development of Civic Engagement to Empower Student Potential through Entrepreneurial Student Program (PMW)
- Anggunitakiranantika
- Awakening through Career Woman: Social Capital for Javanese Migrant Worker on Southeast Asia
- Anwar, Saepul
- Tolerance Education Through Islamic Religious Education in Indonesia
- Apandi, Nelly Nur
- Development of Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for Indonesian Local Government
- Ardana, I.W.
- Increasing Critical Thinking Skill Through Class Debate
- Ardiwinata, Jajat S
- A Model of Cultural Survival of Sundanese Ethnic Community
- Ardiwinata, Jajat S
- Determinant Factors in Building Youth Character
- Ardiwinata, Jajat S.
- Study on Analysis of Curriculum Nonformal Education Institution to Increase Student Self Directed Learning
- Arsal, Thriwaty
- Marriage System in Arabian Culture
- Arwiyah, M.Yahya
- The Role Actualization of Society And National Organization in Law and Politic Education
- Aunurrahman
- Character Education in Higher Education (an Example of Genre-based Approach Practice)
- Bahari, Yohanes
- Conflict Resolution Based on Chinese Customs in Pontianak, West Kalimantan
- Bastiana
- Investigating Social Differentiations of Student (A case of Special Education Student in Universitas Negeri Makasar )
- Bestari, Prayoga
- The Policy Arrangement of Taxation Management Agency in West Java
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- Fundamental Sociological Symptoms as a Source of Occurrence of Turbulence Indonesian Society During The Post-Reform
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- The Development of Character Education in Primary Schools through the Enhancement of School Culture
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- The Community-Based Value Education to Develop Environmental Awareness Characters for Elementary School Students
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- Implementing Value Clarification Technique to Improve Environmental Awareness Among Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher
- Budimansyah, Dasim
- A Typology of Father Parenting in The Migrant Workers Family and Effect on Character of Children
- Budiyati, Ayuning
- The Implementation of Improving Creativity and Innovativity of Cimahi Municipality’s Human Resource Policy
- Cakhyaneu, Aneu
- Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil as an Islamic Financial Inclusion Institution Model Towards a Sustainable Development
- Christin, Maylanny
- The Impact of SNSs Usage on Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Organization
- Ciptagustia, Annisa
- Talent Management to Competitive Advantage Rattan Furniture Industry: A Case of Cirebon, Indonesia
- Darmawan, Cecep
- The Development of Civic Engagement to Empower Student Potential through Entrepreneurial Student Program (PMW)
- Darvina S., Vina Salvina
- An Alternative Model of Political Education for Political Parties Towards Human Security
- Demartoto, Argyo
- Supporting and Inhibiting Factors in the Structured Peer Network among Housewives in Coping with HIV/AIDS
- Dewi, Damajanti Kusuma
- Improving Critical Thinking in Academic Writing through Portfolio in Higher Education
- Dewi P.F., Kadek Aria Prima
- The Community-Based Value Education to Develop Environmental Awareness Characters for Elementary School Students
- Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
- The Influence of Brand Element and Education Service Marketing Mix on Brand Momentum of Higher Education Institution
- Disman
- The Influence of Brand Element and Education Service Marketing Mix on Brand Momentum of Higher Education Institution
- Djatmiko, Tjahjono
- The Impact of Brand Image, Brand Trust Towards Brand Loyalty of Indosat Telecommunication Operator Customer in Bandung
- Effendi, Mirna Nur Alia
- Impact of Korean Drama in Indonesia Through the Spread Moral Values for Young Generation
- Effendi, Ridwan
- Social Order Learning through Social Experiment
- Ekaputri, Judi Januarita Pratiwi
- Customer Delight Strategy in Hotel Industry
- Ferina, Rolyana
- The Impact of SNSs Usage on Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Organization
- Firmansyah, Firmansyah
- Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil as an Islamic Financial Inclusion Institution Model Towards a Sustainable Development
- Fuad, Jauhar
- Increasing Critical Thinking Skill Through Class Debate
- Furqon, Chairul
- The Influence of Production Layout Strategy Towards Productivity
- Gaffar, Vanessa
- Hallyu Wave Syndrome: Does Country of Origin Matter?
- Gautama, Cindy Agustina Krishna
- Hallyu Wave Syndrome: Does Country of Origin Matter?
- Gitasiswhara
- Could Tourism Development Act as The Living Strategy for The Indigenous People?
- Gunarto, Muji
- Analysis on the Positioning of Private Higher Education Institutions Based on Fields of Science
- Habsari, Sri Kusumo
- Communication Strategy in the Implementation of Expanding Maternal and Neonatal Survival Policy
- Hadi, Nur
- Bringing Back Kasada Ceremony Identity in The Middle of State Religious Penetration at Tengger Community
- Hakim, Maksud
- Transformation of Fishermen Community: From Deterministic to Rational-Instrumental Culture
- Halim, Harifuddin
- Social Sufism: Alternative in Solving Human Problem (Study of Religious Action at Jamaah Tabligh Group)
- Handayani, Lilik Rita
- The Reconstruction of Gender In Politics
- Harahap, Fitri Ramdhani
- Small Scale Mining in Belinyu District
- Hardini, Tri Indri
- A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Transnational Marriage: Franco-Indonesian Marriage Case
- Hartoyo, Djoko
- The Aspect of Social, Economic, Cultural and Public Health after Ten Years of Mining Closure Activities
- Haryanti, Rina Herlina
- Participation of Surakarta Children Forum in Development Planning Deliberation: Between Bureaucratic Formalism and Human Governance
- Hasanah, Viena Rusmiati
- Determinant Factors in Building Youth Character
- Hatimah, Ihat
- Study on Analysis of Curriculum Nonformal Education Institution to Increase Student Self Directed Learning
- Hendrayati, Heny
- Impact of Personal Selling on the User Decision to Use the Services of @wifi.Id
- Herlambang, Arie
- The Aspect of Social, Economic, Cultural and Public Health after Ten Years of Mining Closure Activities
- Hidayat
- The Current Conditions of Social Institutions in the Environmental Changes and Modern FishingAn Analysis on the Local Institutions of Fisherman Communities of Two Ecological Types in the East Coast of North Sumatra
- Hidir, Achmad
- Coastal Community Treatment Patterns in Riau Province
- Hufad, Achmad
- A Model of Cultural Survival of Sundanese Ethnic Community
- Hufad, Achmad
- The Status and Role of Women in The Community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu
- Hufad, Ema
- Study of Indigenous Peoples Empowerment Model in Cireundeu Village
- Humsona, Rahesli
- Prostitute’s Adolescent Clients’ Understanding of Local Wisdom on Social Relations
- Humsona, Rahesli
- Participation of Surakarta Children Forum in Development Planning Deliberation: Between Bureaucratic Formalism and Human Governance
- Hurriyati, Ratih
- The Influence of Brand Element and Education Service Marketing Mix on Brand Momentum of Higher Education Institution
- Huryati, Ratih
- The Impact of SNSs Usage on Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Organization
- Huryati, Ratih
- The Effect of Ethnocentrism on Purchase Behavior of Domestics and Foreign Products
- Indah, Diani
- The Implementation of Improving Creativity and Innovativity of Cimahi Municipality’s Human Resource Policy
- Jahidi, Idi
- The Implementation of Improving Creativity and Innovativity of Cimahi Municipality’s Human Resource Policy
- Jubaedah, Yoyoh
- Model of Family Life Education Based on Family Sustainability
- Kartika, Titing
- Tourism Workers in Asean Economic Community: Opportunities or Challenges?
- Komariah, Aan
- Transformational Leadership for School Productivity in Vocational Education
- Komariah, Kokom Siti
- Core Value (Ta’?wun) in Inclusive Education Development Program
- Komariah, Siti
- Local Wisdom of Ciptagelar Community in Managing Environmental Sustainability
- Komariah, Siti
- Establishing Social Capital among People Living with HIV/AIDS (Plwh)
- Kosasih, Aceng
- Inter-Religion Harmony
- Kuswandi, D.
- Increasing Critical Thinking Skill Through Class Debate
- Leibo, Jefta
- Prostitute’s Adolescent Clients’ Understanding of Local Wisdom on Social Relations
- Lisnawati
- The Effect of Ethnocentrism on Purchase Behavior of Domestics and Foreign Products
- Luturlaen, Bachrudin Saleh
- Perceived Value and Customers Satisfaction in Hotel Industry: A Systematic Conceptual Model
- Ma'mun, Sitti Rahma
- Analysis of Livelihoods Security of Three Farmer Communities at Nickel Mining Area
- Machfiroh, Runik
- The Role Actualization of Society And National Organization in Law and Politic Education
- Mahri, A. Jajang W.
- Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil as an Islamic Financial Inclusion Institution Model Towards a Sustainable Development
- Malihah, Elly
- Pedophilia and the Lack of Social Control ( A Case Study of Sudajaya )
- Malihah, Elly
- Social Responsibility for People With Mental Disorder
- Malihah, Elly
- Impact of Korean Drama in Indonesia Through the Spread Moral Values for Young Generation
- Marhanah, Sri
- Development Pattern of Rural Tourism Based Creative Economy
- Mattalitti, Muhammad Ikhsan
- Analysis of Livelihoods Security of Three Farmer Communities at Nickel Mining Area
- Mediawati, Elis
- The Quality of Financial Reporting: Sharia Supervisory Board Role in Zakat Management Organization
- Moita, Sulsalman
- The Reconstruction of Gender In Politics
- Muslim, Ahmad Bukhori
- Identity, Language and Social Cohesion: Car Plate Number Preference Among Indonesian Diaspora