Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Innovation Track Accounting and Management Sciences (ICOSIAMS 2021)
110 authors
- Ab-Rahim, Rossazana
- Four-Way Linkages of Trade Openness, Income Inequality, Environmental Degradation and Economic Growth in Malaysia
- Abdurahim, Ahim
- Sharia Hotel Management Strategy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic (A Case Study of Namira Sharia Hotel Yogyakarta)
- Abdurahim, Ahim
- Model of Sharia Hotel Characteristics with Transcendental Dialectics Method to Create Yogyakarta Tourism Competitiveness
- Abidin, Ali Zainal
- The Meaning Transformation of Business Success among Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Surakarta Region
- Afriyanni
- The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
- Al Hadi, Abu Azam
- Social Profit Density of Health-Care Waqf
- Alam, Md. Mahmudul
- Assessment of Features and Market Segmentation of the Credit Card Industry in Malaysia
- Amalia, Siska Nur
- The Influence of the Internal Control System, Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, and Regional Financial Management System on the Implementation of Good Governance
- Amri, Nanda Hasanul
- The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
- Anggraini, Ratna Dewi
- The Influence of CEO Compensation on Disclosure of Related Party Transactions with Corporate Governance as a Moderate Variable
- Anjani, Alfi Muthia
- The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
- Anwar, Saiful
- The Preliminary Investigation of How Barakah Works
- Arifin, Agus
- Economic Development Analysis of Three Famous Tourist Destinations in Purbalingga
- Burhan, M.Umar
- Exploring the Effect of Covid-19 on Cooperative Financial Institutions in Bali
- Damayanti, Karisma
- Flexibility of Red Chili Supply Chain in Panjatan District Kulon Progo Regency
- Darmawan, Akhmad
- Does Financial Behavior Mediate The Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Financial Experience Towards Financial Performance of Small Businesses?
- Darojat, Priska Auliana
- Sharia Hotel Management Strategy in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic (A Case Study of Namira Sharia Hotel Yogyakarta)
- Dewi, Siwi Setya
- A Comparative Analysis State Owned and National Private Bank’s Financial Performance
- Dirie, Khadar Ahmed
- Assessment of Features and Market Segmentation of the Credit Card Industry in Malaysia
- Ernawati
- The Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Poverty Gap in Indonesia
- Fadilah, Affan Ghaffar
- The Effects of Human Resources and Information Technology Utilization toward Transparency of Village Financial Management with Organizational Commitment as a Moderated Variable (Empirical Study in Bantul Regency)
- Fauzan, Muhammad
- Flexibility of Red Chili Supply Chain in Panjatan District Kulon Progo Regency
- Fauzi, Akhmad
- Dutch Curse on Indonesia: Energy Poverty From Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loans
- Fitri, Ismi Nisaul
- Accountability, Transparency, Supervision, WC And OC On VG And VAPerformance
- Ghofirin, Mohammad
- KiBlat Analysis for Stock Selection with Growth Earning Lynch Model
- Gunawan, Barbara
- Analysis Factors Affecting Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Handayani, Siti Dyah
- The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
- Hartam, Wahid
- Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Management: Moderating Effect of the Corporate Life Cycle
- Hidayat, Bachtari Alam
- The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
- Ingratubun, Muhammad Amir
- Dutch Curse on Indonesia: Energy Poverty From Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loans
- Ismail, Russayani
- Assessment of Features and Market Segmentation of the Credit Card Industry in Malaysia
- Jatmiko, Bambang
- The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
- Jatmiko, Bambang
- The Influence of Human Resource Competency, Internal Control Systems, and Use of Information Technology on Quality of Village Financial Statements
- Jatmiko, Bambang
- Accountability, Transparency, Supervision, WC And OC On VG And VAPerformance
- Jatmiko, Bambang
- The Influence of the Internal Control System, Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, and Regional Financial Management System on the Implementation of Good Governance
- Khusniati, Navi’ah
- Financial Inclusion and the Role of Governance in Selected ASEAN Countries
- Kresnawati, Etik
- Accounting Conservatism and Earnings Management: Moderating Effect of the Corporate Life Cycle
- Kurniasih, Retno
- Can Company Characteristics and Google Search Increase Stock Returns? An Evidence from Jakarta Islamic Index
- Laras, Titi
- The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
- Lestari, Endah Dwi
- The Influence of Knowledge, Income Level, Transparency, and Trust in Muzakki’s Interest to Pay Zakat through The Zakat Organization outside Java and Java Island
- Lestari, Sri
- Can Company Characteristics and Google Search Increase Stock Returns? An Evidence from Jakarta Islamic Index
- Matara, Kusmawaty
- The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
- Momon, Momon
- The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
- Murtadho, Muis
- Does sustainability reporting improve financial and non financial performance in Indonesia Companies?
- Nabella, Rihana Sofie
- Maqashid Syariah and Profitability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia: Quadrant Analysis Measurement Approach
- Nabila, Arfeni
- Sharia Stock Performance Behavior in the Covid-19 Situation
- Nazaruddin, Ietje
- Implications of Strategic and Development Purposes on the Effectiveness of Performance Appraisals and Motivation to Improve
- Nuryartono, R. Nunung
- Dutch Curse on Indonesia: Energy Poverty From Asian Development Bank (ADB) Loans
- Nuva
- Is Using Biogas Fuel More Profitable for Rural Communities in Yogyakarta?
- Prasetyani, Dwi
- The Meaning Transformation of Business Success among Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Surakarta Region
- Pratolo, Suryo
- Accountability of Covid-19 Handling Fund: The Role of Internal Control and Quality of Human Resources
- Pratolo, Suryo
- The Effects of Human Resources and Information Technology Utilization toward Transparency of Village Financial Management with Organizational Commitment as a Moderated Variable (Empirical Study in Bantul Regency)
- Primasari, Niken Savitri
- KiBlat Analysis for Stock Selection with Growth Earning Lynch Model
- Priyono, Rakhmat
- Economic Development Analysis of Three Famous Tourist Destinations in Purbalingga
- Pudjihardjo, M.
- Exploring the Effect of Covid-19 on Cooperative Financial Institutions in Bali
- Purnomo, Eko Priyo
- Is Using Biogas Fuel More Profitable for Rural Communities in Yogyakarta?
- Purwidianti, Wida
- Does Financial Behavior Mediate The Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Financial Experience Towards Financial Performance of Small Businesses?
- Putra, Wahyu Manuhara
- The Influence of Knowledge, Income Level, Transparency, and Trust in Muzakki’s Interest to Pay Zakat through The Zakat Organization outside Java and Java Island
- Putra, Wahyu Manuhara
- The Effect of Corporate Financial Pressure on Financial Statement Fraud during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Putri, Gustita Arnawati
- Interest Analysis of the Financial Technology-based Applications Usage during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Soloraya
- R, Anita Fitria
- Economic Growth Determinants in Selected ASEAN Countries
- Rachmawatie, Dessy
- Is Using Biogas Fuel More Profitable for Rural Communities in Yogyakarta?
- Rachmawatie, Dessy
- Economic Growth Determinants in Selected ASEAN Countries
- Raharti, Rini
- The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
- Rahmawati, Evi
- Quality of Accounting Information and Market Value
- Rahmawati, Ika Yustina
- Does Financial Behavior Mediate The Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Financial Experience Towards Financial Performance of Small Businesses?
- Rajasegar, Navanita
- Four-Way Linkages of Trade Openness, Income Inequality, Environmental Degradation and Economic Growth in Malaysia
- Rosalia, Amelia Choya Tia
- The Meaning Transformation of Business Success among Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Surakarta Region
- Rustariyuni, Surya Dewi
- Exploring the Effect of Covid-19 on Cooperative Financial Institutions in Bali
- Said, Jamaliah
- Assessment of Features and Market Segmentation of the Credit Card Industry in Malaysia
- Saksono, Herie
- The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
- Saputra, Gati Reditya
- Influence of Human Resource Competence, Internal Control System, Participation in Budget Preparation, and Accounting Control on Performance Accountability of Local Government Agencies
- Sari, Kartika
- Maqashid Syariah and Profitability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia: Quadrant Analysis Measurement Approach
- Satria, Dias
- Exploring the Effect of Covid-19 on Cooperative Financial Institutions in Bali
- Sawarjuwono, Tjiptohadi
- Social Profit Density of Health-Care Waqf
- Sofyani, Hafiez
- Implications of Strategic and Development Purposes on the Effectiveness of Performance Appraisals and Motivation to Improve
- Sudarman, Bena Balatin
- Factors Influencing Financial Accountability in Ciamis Regency
- Sulistyani, Adelia
- Do Environmental Issues Matter to Investors?
- Suryani, Mawar
- The Preliminary Investigation of How Barakah Works
- Susanawati
- Flexibility of Red Chili Supply Chain in Panjatan District Kulon Progo Regency
- Susesti, Dina Anggraeni
- Does sustainability reporting improve financial and non financial performance in Indonesia Companies?
- Susilawati, Desi
- A Comparative Analysis State Owned and National Private Bank’s Financial Performance
- Sutrisno, Triya Aprillia
- Can Company Characteristics and Google Search Increase Stock Returns? An Evidence from Jakarta Islamic Index
- Tahar, Afrizal
- The Effect of Work Motivation and Compensation on the Performance of Local Government Employees with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable: A Study on the Regional Government of Bantul Regency
- Tajuddin
- The Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Poverty Gap in Indonesia
- Tsara’nafisa, Nida’atha’fika
- Accountability of Covid-19 Handling Fund: The Role of Internal Control and Quality of Human Resources
- Tubastuvi, Naelati
- Does Financial Behavior Mediate The Relationship Between Financial Literacy and Financial Experience Towards Financial Performance of Small Businesses?
- Udin, Udin
- The Effect of SEZ Investment and Development on Labor Absorption
- Utami, Evy Rahman
- The Influence of CEO Compensation on Disclosure of Related Party Transactions with Corporate Governance as a Moderate Variable
- Utami, Evy Rahman
- Do Environmental Issues Matter to Investors?
- Utami, Yuli
- Social Profit Density of Health-Care Waqf
- Wahyudi, Setyo Tri
- Maqashid Syariah and Profitability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia: Quadrant Analysis Measurement Approach
- Wahyuningtyas, Endah Tri
- Does sustainability reporting improve financial and non financial performance in Indonesia Companies?
- Wardana, Linda Kusumastuti
- Analysis Factors Affecting Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Wardani, Dyah Titis Kusuma
- Financial Inclusion and the Role of Governance in Selected ASEAN Countries
- Wibowo, Sigit Arie
- Model of Sharia Hotel Characteristics with Transcendental Dialectics Method to Create Yogyakarta Tourism Competitiveness
- Wicaksono, Baskoro
- The Impact of Tourism and The Creative Industry on The Economy of The Community
- Widagdo, Ari Kuncara
- Interest Analysis of the Financial Technology-based Applications Usage during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Soloraya
- Widarjo, Wahyu
- Interest Analysis of the Financial Technology-based Applications Usage during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Soloraya
- Widiastuti, Harjanti
- Do Environmental Issues Matter to Investors?