Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Business and Engineering Management (ICONBEM 2022)
23 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Gita Widi Bhawika, Gogor Arif Handiwibowo, Ninditya Nareswari, Mushonnifun Faiz Sugihartanto
Proceedings Article
Understanding the Influence of Product Recommendation and User Generated Content on Customer Loyalty of Beauty-Techs in Indonesia
Ika Nurkasanah, Nita Ambarwati, Mudjahidin, Yosua Gibeon Leonardo, Yehezkiel Novianto Aryasena
Social Shopping Community (SSC) is an online shopping platform to search, share, recommend, rate, and buy products, including Beauty-Tech's products. SSC increases customer loyalty through the profound factors: Online Product Recommendation (OPR), Online Product Brokering (OPB), and User Generated...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Social Media Interaction on Repurchase Intention: The Mediation Role of Parasocial Interaction & Celebrity Attachment. Study on BTS and Samsung Smartphone
Farhan Azhari, Karto Adiwijaya
Celebrity influencers currently play an important role in marketing by introducing endorsed products to their audience. Hence, this study seeks to focus on the parasocial relationship of celebrity influencers on Instagram that can affect the smartphones industry. More precisely, this study aimed at identifying...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Social Media Marketing Activities on Revisit Intention at the Coffee Shop in Indonesia
Satrio Rustam Hidayah, Rifelly Dewi Astuti
The phenomenon of coffee shops in Indonesia is increasing with the emergence of unique local coffee shop brands that convey different values for each brand. Local coffee shops use social media as a marketing tool with the aim of building a brand and also as a communication tool to the target market they...
Proceedings Article
Study of the Influence of Augmented Reality Toward Consumer’s Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention
Vina Aristantia, Anne Yenching Liu
According to previous literature, the service of online retailers is limited as consumers cannot evaluate the goods, resulting in a poor online experience. With the technology’s advancement, businesses can improve their products’ presentation through augmented reality (AR). However, the use of AR in...
Proceedings Article
Strategies to Choose Financial Technology for Households
Ana Mufidah, Nely Supeni, Wildan Khsbullah
Financial Technology, commonly known as FinTech is one kind of financial innovations services that are gaining popularity in the digital era. FinTech is an innovation in the financial service industry that utilizes the use of technology, which can facilitate the public to process financial transactions...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Buying Behaviour: MICE in Three-Star Hotel from Indonesia
Suci Pebrianti Putri, Atik Aprianingsih
During pandemic, hotel is suffering from low occupancy rates that hotel cannot solely rely on the room sales. MICE as another product of hotel is identified as alternative revenue stream that can be focused on for hotel to survive. This study aims to analyze the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on organizational...
Proceedings Article
Designing an Integrated Logistics Information System
Elaeis Hafsah Jauhari, Liane Okdinawati
A state-owned enterprise construction company has many projects that need a logistics process to ensure supplies deliver on time. Currently, there is no logistics planning when project PIC (person-in-charge) requests the logistics to DSCM (Supply Chain Management Division) impromptu. With limited resources...
Proceedings Article
Factors Influence Satisfaction and Continuance Intention of Chatbot Users
Hisyam Binekas, Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan
The pandemic has led to increased penetration in the digitalization sector, one of which is online shopping. The increase in online shopping activities poses challenges for businesses serving consumers, especially customer service. In this situation, chatbots can be a solution to provide better service...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Ship Docking Variable Configuration on Ferry Docking Time
MA. Arisandi, A. A. B. Dinariyana
One of the strategy models in maintaining the financial performance company that operates Ferry Ro-Ro is through increasing revenue and optimizing company expenses by creating cost efficiency. Maintenance cost especially ship docking cost is the second-largest company expense because to meet with regulatory...
Proceedings Article
Designing Crowdfunding Platform Business Model (Study Case: DonasiAja)
Sulwani H. Afrizal, Dodie Tricahyono
Digital donations increased two to four times than before during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the mobility limitation has driven fundraising institutions to add online fundraising channels. A crowdfunding website is one solution, but managing it is still complicated for institutions with limited...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of SOR Framework on Omnishoppers’ Loyalty from Channel Integration Quality Perspective
Tigar Putri Adhiana, Milena Novita Piranti, Indro Prakoso
Omnichannel is a retailing model which integrates all available channels to provide customers with a smooth shopping experience. Every omnichannel retail company (i.e., IKEA, Starbucks, Sephora, etc.) tries to keep its customers from turning to competitors. The present research aims to investigate the...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Push-Pull Mooring Framework on Webrooming and Showrooming Behavior in Omnichannel
Tigar Putri Adhiana, Rasti Ajeng Wildariani, Indro Prakoso
One strategy that can be used to increase retail sales is an omnichannel sales strategy. Omnichannel strategy is a strategy that integrates all sales channels. This strategy gives options to customers to choose from and move from one channel to another. This results in webrooming and showrooming shopping...
Proceedings Article
Use Of Pt/Mesoporous Silica from Silica Beach Sand for Hydrocracking of Castor Oil and Reusability
Siti Salamah, Wega Trisunaryanti, Indriana Kartini, Suryo Purwono
Biofuel is essential in addressing petroleum-based fuel issues. The most widely used biofuels are vegetable oils. One of the processes to convert vegetable oil into fuel is hydrocracking which requires a catalyst with good activity. This research studied platinum-based mesoporous silica (MS) catalyst...
Proceedings Article
Review on the Competency of Evaluators at Information Technology Product Security Testing Laboratory Based on SNI ISO/IEC 19896–3:2018
Ratih M. Arti, Novianto B. Kurniawan, Astrid M. Sugiyana
Comparison between the results of the safety evaluation of the Testing Laboratory is permitted in the ISO/IEC 15408 series. However, the testing laboratory must be able to guarantee the comparability of the evaluation results as a basis for mutual recognition, one of which is by ensuring that the competence...
Proceedings Article
Developing Ordering Management System in an Indonesian Multinational Packaging Machinery Company
Samantha Tiara Widjaja, Tanika Dewi Sofianti, Aditya Tirta Paratama
Ordering Management System (OMS) is the fundamental system that is required by companies that sell goods. A company that sells packaging machinery require the development of their information system and their ordering management system. In this research, the company is still using the traditional method...
Proceedings Article
How Entrepreneurship and Internship Programs Attracted Millenial Students
(Case Studies in Accounting Department: Implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka)
Agustine Dwianika, Edi Purwanto, Irma Paramita Sofia, Fitriyah Nurhidayah, Sila Ninin Wisnantiasri, Rudi Harianto, Farhan Ady Pratama
Living standards and creating wealth, not only for entrepreneurs but also for related businesses, so entrepreneurship is so important. An internship is a good program for companies to get competitive young employees. The Independent Learning Campus Independent Program (MBKM) is one of the drivers of...
Proceedings Article
From VUCA to BANI: A Challenge of Strategic Environment for Higher Education in Indonesia
Gembong Baskoro
Pandemic of Covid 19 was a roller coaster pressure for any organization including but not limited to higher education especially in Indonesia. The pressure further than just an adaptation of education using digital based technology to overcome the problem of face-to-face learning. After the pandemic...
Proceedings Article
Business Process Improvement of Hospital Administration and Design of Standard Operating Procedures by Using the DMAIC Method
(Case Study: SMEC Eye Hospital)
Jelita Plastcynthia Sari, Mushonnifun Faiz Sugihartanto, Imam Baihaqi
A business process is a sequence of interrelated activities to produce a product or service. At the same time, business process management has the goal of improving business processes without having to use new technology that is useful for providing better results for customers, following the vision...
Proceedings Article
A Bibliometric Study of Digital Marketing Strategy
Prahardika Prihananto, Syarifa Hanoum, Raihan Putra Satyas
The development of information technologies and selling through digital marketing should represent a turning point in marketing techniques. Currently the Covid19 pandemic is affecting almost all areas of life, especially in business and economy. The objectives of this research are to review publications...
Proceedings Article
Analysis the Effect of Job Burnout and Resilience on Turnover Intention During the Covid-19 Pandemic on Bank Employees in Indonesia
Luthfia Zahra Yasmin, Ni Gusti Made Rai, Geodita Woro Bramanti
Based on PPM Management's research, eighty percent of corporate employees in Indonesia felt burnout in the COVID-19 pandemic and service sector employees gave the highest burnout response, namely thirty-one percent. Likewise, since 2018, the largest bank companies in Indonesia have experienced a...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors that Influence Consumer Trust in Purchase Intention: Case Study from Luxury Branded Bag in Online Stores
Silviana Khalilatus Sa’adah, Bahalwan Apriyansyah, Nabilah Silmina Hakim, Satria Fadil Persada, Shu-Chiang Lin
A business process is a sequence of interrelated activities to produce a product or service. At the same time, business The development of internet utilization in purchasing transactions causes a consumer's behavioral shift from offline to online purchase. During this type of purchase, the most...
Proceedings Article
A Literature Review on Risk-Based Premium: Interest Income Versus Moral Hazard
Geodita Woro Bramanti, Ninditya Nareswari, Aang Kunaifi, Muhammad Saiful Hakim
The function of the deposit insurance is to guarantee depositors fund to stabilize the banking industry. However, the higher the percentage of the insurance can increase moral hazard which in the long run causes instability in the banking industry. The application of a risk-based premium and a limited...