Proceedings of the 2017 5th International Conference on Machinery, Materials and Computing Technology (ICMMCT 2017)
814 authors
- Teng, Xianhao
- The optimal design of creative flat folding table
- Teng, Xianhao
- Math helps you wash a better hot bath
- Tian, Bin
- Identification and classification of aromatic hydrocarbons from fast pyrolysis of coal for the purpose of environment-pollution evaluation
- Tian, Ju
- A Study on the Gray Value Distribution Contour Curve Extraction Based on the Image of the Fracture Surface of the Material and Its Fractal Dimension
- Tian, Shengjun
- New Energy Power Generation and Their Application
- Tian, YuHe
- The Temperature Distribution of Bathtub
- Tian, YuHe
- The Receiver Circuit of Visible Light Communication
- Tian, Yuan-yu
- Identification and classification of aromatic hydrocarbons from fast pyrolysis of coal for the purpose of environment-pollution evaluation
- Tian, Yuanyu
- Bifunctional catalyst cracking gasification of vacuum residue for coproduction of light olefins and H2-rich syngas
- Tomoishi, Masahiko
- Combining Unification and Rewriting in Proofs for Modal Logics with First-order Undefinable Frames
- Ubul, Kurban
- A set for High-level comprehensive integrated crosstalk and delay estimation models
- Wan, Caigui
- The Testing Methods Research on Athletes Nutrition and Supplement of Anaerobic Endurance Track and Field Events Based on Wireless Scanning Technology
- Wan, Caigui
- Application of Embedded Wavelet Image Encryption Algorithm in Track and Field Route Optimization
- Wan, Ming
- Study on the Sufficient Certification of Cauchy Convergence Criterion
- Wan, Xupeng
- Biomechanical Analysis of Volleyball Jump Buffer and Pedal Skills of Top-lever Left-side-hitters from University
- Wang, An Jian
- Contribution of the post-collisional A-type granite to the formation of the Tebai gold deposit in Alxa League, Inner Mongolia, China
- Wang, Chengmei
- Research on Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through Aerobic Exercise
- Wang, Chuang
- The Implementation of Load Forecasting Platform Based on Cloud Computing
- Wang, Chuang
- Discussion on the method of overhead insulated conductor with connecting ground wire
- Wang, Chun-Ying
- Analysis and Solution of Typical Faults on the Video & Teleconference System
- Wang, Chun-Ying
- Emergency Treatment Process and Evaluation of Teleconference System
- Wang, Chun-Ying
- Safety Management of the Teleconference System
- Wang, Cong
- Finite element analysis of bending performance of basalt fiber reinforced concrete beam
- Wang, Fang
- Effects of pine bark procyanidins extract on blood glucose, blood lipid and antioxidation in diabetic mice
- Wang, Fengwei
- Research and Application of Certificate Management System with Floating Window
- Wang, GuangLin
- Automatic Trimming Algorithm and Process Testing of Precise Carbon Film Potentiometer
- Wang, GuangLin
- The simulation and experiment on mechanical properties of materials based on dispersed characters in micro-level
- Wang, Hao
- Optimization Analysis of Dynamic Modal Characteristics of Large Draw Ratio Rocket Body Structure
- Wang, Hao
- Load and Deformation Characteristics of Flexible Inflatable Wing Films Considering the Deformation Compensation
- Wang, HaoYang
- The simulation and experiment on mechanical properties of materials based on dispersed characters in micro-level
- Wang, He
- Performance Differences of Ta2O5 Films under Different Magnetron Sputtering Conditions
- Wang, Huifeng
- Automatic Trimming Algorithm and Process Testing of Precise Carbon Film Potentiometer
- Wang, JiQiang
- Earthquake Rescue Site Emergency Communication Research
- Wang, Jingwen
- Research Progress of Graphene Composites
- Wang, Jingyao
- Power system short-term load forecasting
- Wang, Jingyao
- The positioning of sun shadow
- Wang, Jun
- Effects of pine bark procyanidins extract on blood glucose, blood lipid and antioxidation in diabetic mice
- Wang, JunYuan
- Solar Shadow Positioning Based on Quadratic Function Fitting
- Wang, Ke
- Research on Neologism Detection in Entity Attribute Knowledge Acquisition
- Wang, Le
- School Choices in Fund Distribution
- Wang, Lei
- New method for detecting surface defects of the rotational parts in remanufacturing service
- Wang, Lei
- Analysis on the Common Problems of Metering Gateway Table
- Wang, Lina
- Research on Effects of Solvents on Propylene Epoxidation with the TS-1 Catalyst
- Wang, LingLing
- An Improved Digital Filtering Method Based on First Order Inertia Link
- Wang, LingLing
- An Improved Nonlinear PID Control Method for a Class of Servo
- Wang, LingLing
- A Simple Sliding Mode Control for Saucer-shaped Aircraft
- Wang, LingLing
- A Simple Fuzzy Backstepping Control Method for Saucer-shaped Aircraft
- Wang, LingLing
- Research on Variable Structure Control of Servo System Based on Nonlinear Sliding Mode
- Wang, Ming
- Multi-layer optimization for grid-connected micro-grid power planning considering metabolic capacity
- Wang, Na
- Bionic Moldboard Surface Combination of Mathematical Modeling and Optimization Design
- Wang, Qi
- Analysis and Countermeasures Research on the Computer Network Security at the New Stage
- Wang, Qiang
- The Implementation of Real-time Rendering for Elbow Training in AR-based Rehabilitation System
- Wang, Qinghao
- The Development and Application of Electric Sealing Pliers
- Wang, Qinghao
- Research on Judging Methods for Oil-Paper Capacitive Bushing Oil Lacking
- Wang, Qinghao
- The Implementation of Load Forecasting Platform Based on Cloud Computing
- Wang, Qinghao
- The Application of Artificial Neural Network in the Transformer Oil Chromatographic Test
- Wang, Qiqi
- Teaching and Management of Power Electronics Course Based on Curriculum Group Model
- Wang, Rong
- Investigation and analysis on the illumination of the university classroom
- Wang, Rui
- Analysis of Computer Communication Network and Its Security Technology
- Wang, Rui
- Analysis on Software Bus Architecture of Distributed Computer
- Wang, Rui
- Research of Database Encryption Technology and Its Application
- Wang, Sheng-jia
- Identification and classification of aromatic hydrocarbons from fast pyrolysis of coal for the purpose of environment-pollution evaluation
- Wang, ShuHeng
- A Novel Four Rotor Aircraft Adaptive Control Algorithm Based on the Optimized Fuzzy Neural Network
- Wang, Shuzhong
- Ignition and Extinction Modeling of Hydrothermal Flames
- Wang, Tianyao
- The Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Gemini Cationic Asphalt Emulsifier
- Wang, Xi
- Experimental Study and Motion Simulation of Biomass Particles in Suspension Fluidized Unit
- Wang, Xin
- Development of Henan Power Video Quality Monitoring and Analysis System
- Wang, Xinrong
- Design and Implementation of Current Monitoring System Used in Ship-borne Radar
- Wang, XuDong
- A Method for Evaluating Noise Reduction Effect of Low-noise Asphalt Pavements Based on Damping Characteristics
- Wang, Xue
- Discussion on the method of overhead insulated conductor with connecting ground wire
- Wang, Xue
- Analysis on the Common Problems of Metering Gateway Table
- Wang, Yanfang
- Study on the Construction of fans to achieve city air duct
- Wang, Yao
- Study on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Tuff Stone Powder Concrete
- Wang, Yi
- The Development and Application of Electric Sealing Pliers
- Wang, Yi
- Research on Judging Methods for Oil-Paper Capacitive Bushing Oil Lacking
- Wang, Yi
- The Application of Artificial Neural Network in the Transformer Oil Chromatographic Test
- Wang, Yi
- Analysis on the Common Problems of Metering Gateway Table
- Wang, Yue
- Research and Application of Certificate Management System with Floating Window
- Wang, Yue
- A kind of Ball Rebound Tester for Flexible Cellular Polymeric Materials
- Wang, ZhaoYuan
- Research on The Impact of Opening Enclosed Residential Community to Traffic
- Wang, Zhenxing
- Performance Differences of Ta2O5 Films under Different Magnetron Sputtering Conditions
- Wang, Zhi-Sheng
- Investigation and analysis on the illumination of the university classroom
- Wei, Li
- Design of Laser Guiding Target for Shield
- Wei, Wei
- Intelligent expression the transceiver system design ideas based on NFC technology
- Wei, Yizhou
- A Novel Four Rotor Aircraft Adaptive Control Algorithm Based on the Optimized Fuzzy Neural Network
- Wei, Yuan
- Load and Deformation Characteristics of Flexible Inflatable Wing Films Considering the Deformation Compensation
- Wen, GuoLiang
- Research Progress in Dinoflagellate Prevention and Control Through Algae-lysing Bacteria
- Wen, Lingfeng
- Study on application of SDN technology in electric power communication network
- Wen, Yuehua
- Effect of extra Li content on the property of tetragonal Li7La3Zr2O12 solid electrolyte prepared by auto-consolidation method
- Wu, Chen
- Earthquake Rescue Site Emergency Communication Research
- Wu, Chengbao
- A Study on the Gray Value Distribution Contour Curve Extraction Based on the Image of the Fracture Surface of the Material and Its Fractal Dimension
- Wu, Dan
- Robot localization based on visual odometry
- Wu, HongLin
- Research on Neologism Detection in Entity Attribute Knowledge Acquisition
- Wu, HuaLi
- A Simple Sliding Mode Control for Saucer-shaped Aircraft
- Wu, HuaLi
- A Simple Fuzzy Backstepping Control Method for Saucer-shaped Aircraft
- Wu, HuaLi
- A Simple Backstepping Control Method for Saucer-shaped Aircraft
- Wu, HuaLi
- Research on Variable Structure Control of Servo System Based on Nonlinear Sliding Mode
- Wu, HuaLi
- An Improved Digital Filtering Method Based on Weighted Average of Input and Output Data
- Wu, Jun-yi
- Determination of potassium content in potassium hydrogen terephthalate used for fireworks and firecrackers based on Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (EDXRF
- Wu, Jun-yi
- Determination of potassium content in potassium perchlorate used for fireworks and firecrackersbased on Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (EDXRF