Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Information Technology and Engineering (ICITE 2023)
31 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Ari Kusuma Wardana
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the [ICITE] during [Tuesday, September 26, 2023] in [Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Virtual Conference]. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the [ICITE Reviewers] and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Fuzzy Time Series and Fuzzy Time Series-Particle Swarm Optimization Methods in Predicting Bank BCA Share Price
Prizka Rismawati Arum, Kintoko, Nur Huriyatullah Rona Nabila, Eko Andy Purnomo
Investment is an investment activity that aims to enable investors or capital owners to benefit from the results of the investment or investment made. One of the profitabel investments is stock investment. PT Bank Central Asia (BBCA) is a private company engaged in banking finance. The Fuzzy Time Series...
Proceedings Article
Designing Hypothetical Learning Trajectory of Descriptive Statistics Through Ethnomathematics Problem Assisted TinkerPlots
Rahmi Ramadhani, Sahat Saragih, Suci Dahlya Narpila, Doni Irawan Saragih, Dwi Novita Sari, Nuraini Nuraini
Integration of Technology, Information, and Communication (ICT) in learning mathematics are one of the focuses developed in implementing “Kurikulum Merdeka.“ One of the ICT integrations is TinkerPlots. TinkerPlots is ICT-based mathematics learning media that allows students to explore learning flexibly...
Proceedings Article
Application of Edible Coating Chitosan with Citronella Essential Oil to Inhibit Decay Rate of Banana (Musa Sp.)
Suharman, Lana Santika Nadia, Pradeka Brilyan Purwandoko, Kintan Nuryantini
Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus ) is an essential oil with antimicrobial activity applied to postharvest handling of bananas to extend shelf life. This study aims to identify the combination of citronella essential oil with chitosan as an edible coating to inhibit the decay rate of bananas. The operational...
Proceedings Article
Physicochemical Characteristics of Local Cocoa Powder
Dewi Amrih, Atika Nur Syarifah, Adi Sutakwa, Nuril Khairunisa Izzati
Gunungkidul is one of the cocoa-producing areas in DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In addition to being marketed in the form of cocoa beans, farmer groups in the Gunungkidul area also process cocoa beans into cocoa powder. From the selected cocoa beans, the fermentation, drying, roasting, and pressing process...
Proceedings Article
System Design of Supply Chain Management (SCM) to Increase Productivity: SMEs in Indonesia
Rianto, Setia Wardani
SMEs have an important role in economic growth in developing countries. However, SMEs have many obstacles in carrying out business processes. Capital is a major problem for SMEs, limited information and access to investors are the main reasons for these problems. In addition to the problem of capital,...
Proceedings Article
Developing E-Module Based on Etnomathematics to Improve Students' Creative Thinking Skill
Riawan Yudi Purwoko, Supriyono, Nuryadi, Betty Kusumaningrum, Dafid Slamet Setiana
Electronic modules (E-module) are needed to support independent learning and provide character values to students during the Covid 19 pandemic. However, currently, the number is still minimal. This study aims to develop an e-module based on ethnomathematics that is effective and meets the valid and...
Proceedings Article
Design of an Arduino Nano-based Digital Spin Coater for Polystyrene Coating on Biosensors
A Methodological Approach
Dena Anugrah, Mira Setiana, Amalia Cemara Nur’aidha, Bangkit Ina Ferawati, Faza Agisna
The design of an Arduino Nano-based spin coater for coating biosensors using polystyrene has a very important urgency in the biomedical field. This is because biosensor coating is an important stage in making a biosensor which affects the quality and detection performance. By using an Arduino Nano-based...
Proceedings Article
Geometry Reconstruction and Performance Evaluation of Energy Storage and Return (ESR) Prosthetic Foot with CAD-FEA Method
Dhananjaya Kumarajati, Hasti Marfuah, Venti Yoanita
Prosthetic feet are artificial devices that restore the function of the human foot after amputation. They are designed to provide stability, mobility, and comfort for the amputee. One of the important aspects of prosthetic foot design is to replicate the energy storage and return (ESR) mechanism of the...
Proceedings Article
Needs Analysis of Mentoring Furniture Industry Craftsmen in Kampoeng Sembada Ukir, Petekeyan, Tahunan, Jepara
Jayanti Putri Purwaningrum, Nur Fajrie, Jati Widagdo, Evana Andriani
Kampoeng Sembada Ukir Petekeyan is located in Petekeyan Village, Jepara Regency. Most of the people in Petekeyan Village earn a living as craftsmen in the furniture/carved furniture industry. The commodities are interior products (cabinets, dining chairs, guest chairs, tolets) and exterior products (garden...
Proceedings Article
Study of Electromagnetic Radiation at Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) in Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
Herenda Sela W, Wahyu Sugianto
Public concern about the new health implications of exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted from several sources of electromagnetic fields, especially at extremely low frequencies, is a very interesting phenomenon to be investigated further. The negative impact caused by exposure to electromagnetic...
Proceedings Article
Mesh and Supermesh Analysis Methods of Electrical Circuits Using The Electronics Workbench Virtual Laboratory
Dena Anugrah, Amalia Cemara Nur’aidha
Electrical circuit courses require students to think analytically in understanding the context of the problems contained in electrical circuits. The use of formulas with a fairly long calculation process and the many mathematical equations used to analyze electrical circuits make students find it difficult...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Variation of CE on Surface Morphology and Roughness of PVC-PS-CE Film
Mira Setiana, Bangkit Ina Ferawati, Pebri Prihatmoko, Faza Agisna
Material selection, material mixing, and material processing to create a thin film affect the surface properties of the resulting layer. The surface properties in question are morphology and roughness. The surface roughness of a thin layer can be used as an indicator that expresses the surface area of...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Food Technology in Health Architecture
Ambar Rukmini
Global health is one of the priorities in Indonesia's G20 Presidency. Restructuring of the global health architecture is mentioned on the health sector's agenda. This can be achieved through adequate and quality food intake. Food sovereignty and security is a strategic issue to realize health....
Proceedings Article
The Importance role of Customer Relationship Management in Building Patient Satisfaction : Do Doctor Performance and Accesibility Matter?
Muhamad Alfin Hanif, Rina Anindita
The aim of implementation Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in hospitals is to get and retain customers and even work with consumers to achieve maximum results for the organization and consumers. However, it is necessary to pay attention to other factors that may affect the implementation of the...
Proceedings Article
Modelling of Air Pollution Dispersion in the Utilization of Used Oil as a Fuel
Arif Susanto, Wiliam Engelbert Yochu, Alifah Ainun Hasari, Rizky Mahlisa, Edi Karyono Putro, Anthony Andorful Manuel
The need for quicklime has led to increased utilization of used oil as a substitute for fuel in its combustion process. Mahaka Lime Factory produces SO2 and NOx, which are emitted through the chimney and proportional to lime burning. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the distribution of the emission...
Proceedings Article
Synergy of Eoq And Jit Methods In The Use of Recycled Wood For Furniture Products In Cv Limase Laras
Puji Asih, Siti Lestariningsih, Iva Mindhayani, Nirwan Fauzi
D'best Furniture CV. Limase Laras Yogyakarta is a furniture company with products exported to various countries. The wood raw material used for production is recycled wood which comes from the demolition of quality old houses. The procurement of raw materials is carried out manually with simple...
Proceedings Article
Study of the Durability and Strengthening of Historical Building Construction in Yogyakarta
Bayu Dwi Wismantoro
Yogyakarta has many historical buildings with a building age of more than 150 years. These buildings are historical heritage which is very important to be preserved because they are silent witnesses of events and stories that are beneficial for future generations. Historical buildings have had various...
Proceedings Article
Design Of Work Facilities For Sustainability The Process Of Making Bakpao Cakes
Siti Lestariningsih, Pujiasih, Iva Mindhayani
This research is a continuation of research conducted in 2020 related to operator work facilities in the form of Model I chairs in making Bakpao cakes. During work activities, the operator still feels pain in the upper right arm as much as 80% and in the thigh as much as 20%.
The goal of...
Proceedings Article
Infrastructure Improvement Program to Create A Healthy Environment Based on The Sustainable Development Goals in Badran Yogyakarta
Ye Suharno
The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets include sustainable settlements that are inclusive, safe, and resilient. The rapid population growth rate of the city of Yogyakarta (0.58% per year) will gradually raise problems in the settlement sector. This research focuses on the physical problems...
Proceedings Article
The Use of Fundamental Analysis on Sustainable Energy’s Investment Decisions in Registered Mining Companies in the Sharia Stock Index
Wulan Dari
Investors are starting to pay attention to Islamic value issues to achieve sustainability in energy. Recently, not only financial, social, and environmental, but also sharia value information has emerged to convey investment information on organizations' responsibility for the business of energy...
Proceedings Article
Development of Knowledge Management System for the Women Farmers Group “Migunani”
Muhammad Fairuzabadi, Wibawa, Margala Juang Bertorio
The development of a Knowledge Management System (KMS) for the Women Farmers Group (Kelompok Wanita Tani - KWT) "Migunani" represents a pivotal initiative in enhancing knowledge sharing and collaboration within the group. This KMS aims to address various challenges faced by the group, including...
Proceedings Article
Developing An Android-based Smart Hydroponic Farming (SHIFA) Monitoring System
Marti Widya Sari, R. Hafid Hardyanto, Prahenusa Wahyu Ciptadi, Firdiyan Syah, Ginanjar Setyo Nugroho
This research aims to develop agricultural digitalization through the Smart Hydroponic Farming Model, using IoT technology, in greenhouses to assist in monitoring plants, so that plant growth and yields are optimal. The research method used is the research and development method, with research stages...
Proceedings Article
Developing A Smart Farming Greenhouse Monitoring System based on Internet of Things Technology
Marti Widya Sari, R. Hafid Hardyanto, Prahenusa Wahyu Ciptadi, Bayu Linggar Pangestu, Eni Kriswandari
This research aims to develop agricultural digitalization through the Smart Farming Model, using Internet of Things (IoT) technology, to assist in monitoring plants, so that the growth and yields of horticultural crops are optimal. Building a greenhouse is very necessary so that the living environment...
Proceedings Article
Design of a Crowd Restriction Based an Internet of Things during the covid-19 pandemic at University PGRI Yogyakarta
R. Hafid Hardyanto, Marti Widya Sari, Rinda Dwi Cahya
The Covid-19 pandemic has restricted human activities. In Indonesia, to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, crowd restrictions are carried out. The limitation imposed at UPY is by limiting the number of visitors entering the room at Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta. This article will discuss the system...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Digital Prescriptions through an Android-Based Drug Use Information System
Puji Handayani Putri, Anis Febri Nilansari
Advances in computer technology have penetrated all fields, one of which is the health sector. The application of advances in computer technology in the health sector can be in the form of developing information systems that can make it easier for health workers to provide services to patients. Based...
Proceedings Article
E-Yudisium Application Design at Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
Sunggito Oyama, Firdiyan Syah
This study aims to for the process of registering the judiciary in the eligibility of the files that have been submitted by students, can facilitate the administration of the Faculty of Engineering in checking and approving the documents that have been given by students as a condition for doing the graduation....
Proceedings Article
Decision Support System Direct Cash Village Fund Using TOPSIS Method
Taufik Ihsani, Ari Kusuma Wardana, Tri Hastono
The COVID-19 pandemic became a world problem in early 2020. One of the impacts is the decline in the Indonesian economy. One of the efforts made by the Indonesian government to overcome this is by refocusing the budget from various existing budget posts. The Village Fund is one of the refocused budget...
Proceedings Article
Monitoring of Gas Levels and Air Cleaner Based on IoT
Abdhul Nur Hidayat, Marti Widya Sari, R. Hafid Hardyanto, Banu Santoso
A The level of air quality in a place makes a measure of cleanliness against air pollution. Likewise with closed areas such as indoors. The percentage of gas trapped in the room is much higher than in the open. This is because in the area there is activity in and out of the air that can cause air pollution...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of IoT on Heart Rate Monitoring System
Prahenusa Wahyu Ciptadi, Dhananjaya Yama Hudha Kumarajati, Perdana Harya Perkasa
The increasing number of patients with heart disease and deaths from heart-related diseases has prompted various researchers to develop systems capable of diagnosing, monitoring, and ultimately preventing heart attacks. One of them is a heart rate monitor. Heart rate is an important health parameter...
Proceedings Article
Sentiment Analysis of Covid Vaccination Policy In Indonesia Using Random Forest
Nurirwan Saputra, Ahmad Riyadi, Meilany Nonsi Tentua
The World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, has declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic and Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Non-Natural Disasters for the Spread of CORONA VIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19)...