Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP 2018)
215 authors
- Lubis, Dharmayati Utoyo
- The Effectiveness of Psychoeducation in Managing Caregiver Burden in Schizophrenia Caregivers
- Machdum, Sari Viciawati
- Collective Efficacy as a Factor in Group Empowerment among People with Disabilities: A Case Study of Wheelchair Tennis Players of Bogor District’s National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia
- Magsino, Maria Asuncion L.
- Students’ Metacognition and Personal Epistemology: View on Family
- Maisarah
- Exploring Teachers’ Understanding of Psychological Violence in Responding to Indonesia’s Violence-free School Climate Policy
- Mangundjaya, Wustari L.
- The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital in the Organizational Climate and Work Engagement Relationship
- Mangundjaya, Wustari L.
- The Linkage between Transformational Leadership, and Organizational Sustainability: Testing the Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment
- Mansoer, Winarini W.
- Attachment to Significant Figures, Resilience, and Delinquency Among Adolescents in Orphanages in Jakarta
- Manuaba, Ida Ayu Karina Adityanti
- Increasing the Engagement of Millennials: Finding Autonomy and Salience in High Workload
- Marliyani, Nina
- Parental Beliefs and Children’s Metacognitive Awareness
- Martoyo, Ihan
- Religious and Spiritual Struggle among Indonesian Students: Who Struggle More, Males or Females?
- Martoyo, Ihan
- Can Religiousness be Associated with Religious and Spiritual Struggles?
- Masril, Mardhiah
- Relationship between intellectual intelligence, Figural Creativity, and Innovation
- Maulina, Dewi
- False Memory after a Traffic Accident: The Effect of Word Types and Gender
- Mayangsari, Euis Desy
- Pain Management, Coping with Stress, and Quality of Life for Women with Fibromyalgia: A Qualitative Case Study
- Megawati, Alfath Hanifah
- Can emotion acceptance-based interventions alleviate depression symptoms and alcohol consumption?
- Megawati, Alfath Hanifah
- The Impact of Negative Symptoms and Self-Criticism on the Urge to Self-Injure
- Mulyadi, Seto
- Cultural contact, cultural values, and education for life and work as predictors of future orientation in the Baduy community
- Musabiq, Sugiarti
- Volunteering Motivation in Emerging Adults and Generalized Self-Efficacy
- Musabiq, Sugiarti
- Parents’ Marital Status and Psychological Distress among College Students
- Musabiq, Sugiarti
- Seeking the Mediating Effect of Optimism toward Hardiness and Health-Promoting Behavior among East Jakarta’s Low-Income Community
- Musabiq, Sugiarti
- Combining Methods of CBT and Progressive Relaxation for Treating Primary Insomnia: A Case Study
- Nabilla, Safira Putri
- The Relationship between Boredom Proneness and Sensation Seeking among Adolescent and Adult Former Drug Users
- Nadira, Hasna
- Counseling as Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in a Woman Participating Radical Organization: A Case Study
- Nainee, Sarvarubini
- Filial Piety and Life Satisfaction Among Malaysian Adolescents in a Multi-Ethnic, Collectivist Society
- Najih, Aizun
- Exploring Teachers’ Understanding of Psychological Violence in Responding to Indonesia’s Violence-free School Climate Policy
- Narindra, Syazka Kirani
- Combining Methods of CBT and Progressive Relaxation for Treating Primary Insomnia: A Case Study
- Ngo, Thanh Hue
- School Climate : A Quantitative Study of Middle School Students in Vietnam
- Nguyen, Hanh Lien
- School Climate : A Quantitative Study of Middle School Students in Vietnam
- Nugroho, Dwi Cahyo
- Are Go-Jek Services Really Safe? Developing a Perceived Risk Scale
- Parahyanti, Endang
- Counterproductive Work Behavior Among Government Employees: The Role of Basic Psychological Needs, Compensation, and Organizational Justice
- Parahyanti, Endang
- Trust Me in Team Work! Study of The Influence of Knowledge Sharing on Team Effectiveness with Virtual Team Trust as a Moderator
- Parahyanti, Endang
- Empowering Leadership and Work Engagement: The Role of Psychological Empowerment as a Mediator
- Parahyanti, Endang
- Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Affective Commitment: Moderating Role of Psychological Contract Breach
- Pasaribu, Patricia Evelyn
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment for Reducing Stress: A Case Study of Self-Acceptance in an Early Adult College Student
- Permadi, Didon
- Brief Positive Psychotherapy: Implication of Reducing Negative Thoughts in College Student’s Interpersonal Relationships
- Poerwandari, Elizabeth Kristi
- Pain Management, Coping with Stress, and Quality of Life for Women with Fibromyalgia: A Qualitative Case Study
- Poerwandari, Elizabeth Kristi
- Schizophrenia Behind the Great Jazz
- Poerwandari, Elizabeth Kristi
- The Journey of Finding Meaning in Life: Posttraumatic Growth Experience in Notable Holocaust Survivors
- Pohan, Lifina Dewi
- Brief Positive Psychotherapy: Implication of Reducing Negative Thoughts in College Student’s Interpersonal Relationships
- Pohan, Lifina Dewi
- Correlation Between Family Functioning and Caregiver Burden among Family Caregivers of Patients with Breast Cancer
- Pohan, Lifina Dewi
- The Correlation between Family Functioning and Quality of Life among Family Caregiver of Cervical Cancer Patients
- Poli, Liebe M. E. P. P.
- “As if There is a Stranger in my House Now:” Psychological Ambiguous Loss Experienced by Spousal Caregivers of Patients of Anxiety Disorders
- Prabowo, Hendro
- Cultural contact, cultural values, and education for life and work as predictors of future orientation in the Baduy community
- Pramono, Rudi
- Religious and Spiritual Struggle among Indonesian Students: Who Struggle More, Males or Females?
- Pramono, Rudi
- Can Religiousness be Associated with Religious and Spiritual Struggles?
- Pratama, Ahimsyah Wahyu
- Counterproductive Work Behavior Among Government Employees: The Role of Basic Psychological Needs, Compensation, and Organizational Justice
- Prianto, Rose Mini Adi
- Improving Reading Comprehension using Summarization Techniques for Students with Borderline Intellectual Functions
- Primasari, Indira
- Counseling as Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in a Woman Participating Radical Organization: A Case Study
- Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
- The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to Decrease Aggressive Behavior in a Child with Alopecia
- Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
- Yuk Makan! Program as an Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Principle to Overcome Selective Eating Problem in a 7-Year-Old Child
- Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
- “As if There is a Stranger in my House Now:” Psychological Ambiguous Loss Experienced by Spousal Caregivers of Patients of Anxiety Disorders
- Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
- Ethnic-Racial Socialization as an External Predictor of Tolerance for Diversity: A Study of Chinese-Indonesian Young Adults
- Purba, Debora Eflina
- Is the Relationship of Proactive Personalities to Creativity Mediated by Voice Behavior in Indonesian Marketing Employees?
- Purba, Debora Eflina
- Proactivity and Employee Creativity: Mediator Roles of Feedback-Seeking Behavior and Moderating Effect of Task Feedback
- Purba, Debora Eflina
- Organizational Embeddedness Dimensions’ Roles in Perceived Career Opportunities: Turnover Intention of Indonesian Millennials
- Purba, Debora Eflina
- How Does Leader-Member Exchange Affect Employee Creativity? The Role of Felt Responsibility for Change
- Purwakancana N., Manggala
- The Role of Age and Tenure as Moderators of Relationship Organizational Climate and Readiness for Change in Indonesian Air Force
- Putri, Gusti Medinda Ridha
- The Effectiveness of Behavior Modification Using the Fading Technique to Improve the Vocabulary of Deaf Students in SLB-C Negeri Pembina Banjarbaru
- Putri, Raissa Dwifandra
- Attachment to Significant Figures, Resilience, and Delinquency Among Adolescents in Orphanages in Jakarta
- Qandhi, Fika Fatia
- Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education
- Qatrunnada, Rizqi Zulfa
- Empowering Leadership and Work Engagement: The Role of Psychological Empowerment as a Mediator
- Qoyyimah, Uswatun
- Exploring Teachers’ Understanding of Psychological Violence in Responding to Indonesia’s Violence-free School Climate Policy
- Radikun, Tulus Budi Sulistyo
- Authentic Leaders May Increase Employee Innovation: The Mediation Effect of Psychological Capital
- Rahayu, Puji
- Tolerance and Attitudes toward Diversity in Concrete Operational Stage Children
- Reksodiputro, Linda Mutiara Larassati
- The Effect of Perceived Maternal Acceptance-Rejection on Mental Illness among Orphaned Adolescents in Indonesia
- Riahta, Rafidah
- The Sekolah Ramah Inklusi (SERASI) Training Program’s Effectiveness in Improving the Attitude of Primary Teachers to Inclusive Education
- Rizkiah, Chairunnisa
- Relationship Between Personality Traits and Attitude Toward Inclusive Education in Indonesian Preschool Teachers
- Rochmi, Artisita
- The Mediating Role of Affective Commitment in Perceived Organizational Support and Readiness for Change
- Rumalutur, Nur Aisyah
- The Attitudes of In-Service and Pre-Service Teachers Toward Inclusive Education
- Rusli, Rudi
- The Effectiveness of Behavior Modification Using the Fading Technique to Improve the Vocabulary of Deaf Students in SLB-C Negeri Pembina Banjarbaru
- Sabila, Hanifah
- Parental Attitudes of Preschool Children toward Students with Special Needs in Inclusive and Non-Inclusive Kindergartens: A Comparative Study
- Safitri, Jehan
- The Effectiveness of Behavior Modification Using the Fading Technique to Improve the Vocabulary of Deaf Students in SLB-C Negeri Pembina Banjarbaru
- Sani, Riryn
- Religious and Spiritual Struggle among Indonesian Students: Who Struggle More, Males or Females?
- Sani, Riryn
- Can Religiousness be Associated with Religious and Spiritual Struggles?
- Santoso, Elisabeth
- The Effectiveness of Antecedents Control and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviors in Reducing Screen Time on an Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Single-case Design
- Saraswati, Harum
- Using a Cognitive–Behavioral Approach to Reduce Aggressive Responses in an Adolescent with Borderline Intelligence
- Saraswati, Ina
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to Reduce Caregiver Strain in Mothers of Autistic Children
- Sari, Salsabila Mayang
- Effectiveness of Positive Reinforcement to Improve Discipline through Caregiver
- Sesilia, Ayudia Popy
- Is the Relationship of Proactive Personalities to Creativity Mediated by Voice Behavior in Indonesian Marketing Employees?
- Shabrina, Adrianisa Kamila
- Volunteering Motivation in Emerging Adults and Generalized Self-Efficacy
- Siregar, Sandra M. W.
- Parenting Styles and Gender Practices of Teachers and How These Effect the Way Gifted Girls Face Adversities
- Sulaeman, Nabilah Puteri
- A Comparative Study of Emotion Word Production Between Sundanese Females and Males
- Sulaiman, Nessi
- Attachment to Significant Figures, Resilience, and Delinquency Among Adolescents in Orphanages in Jakarta
- Sulaiman, Riza
- Relationship between intellectual intelligence, Figural Creativity, and Innovation
- Suradijono, Sri Hartati R.
- Parental Beliefs and Children’s Metacognitive Awareness
- Susantya, Carissa Dwilani
- Teacher Characteristics and Gifted Student Engagement as Influencing Factors on Academic Performance in Junior High School
- Sya, Inggil Sholata
- A Virtuous Company Makes Me Engage! The Mediation Role of Organizational Identification in the Workplace
- Tan, Chee Seng
- Filial Piety and Life Satisfaction Among Malaysian Adolescents in a Multi-Ethnic, Collectivist Society
- Tan, Soon Aun
- Filial Piety and Life Satisfaction Among Malaysian Adolescents in a Multi-Ethnic, Collectivist Society
- Tan, Ting-Ying
- Relation of Work-life Balance to Counterproductive Work Behavior and Turnover Intention among Malaysian Employees
- Tanael, Judy S.
- Students’ Metacognition and Personal Epistemology: View on Family
- Tedjasaputra, Mayke Sugianto
- The Effectiveness of Antecedents Control and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviors in Reducing Screen Time on an Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Single-case Design
- Tedjasaputra, Mayke Sugianto
- The Effectiveness of Backward Chaining in Improving Buttoning Skills in a Child with Moderate Intellectual Disability and Poor Vision: Single-Case Design
- Tran, Thu Huong
- School Climate : A Quantitative Study of Middle School Students in Vietnam
- Turnip, Sherly Saragih
- Support Group Intervention Reduces Social Alienation and Loneliness among College Students with Victimization Experience
- Tyara, Ayunda Shabriani
- Yuk Makan! Program as an Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Principle to Overcome Selective Eating Problem in a 7-Year-Old Child
- Umemuro, Hiroyuki
- Changes in Affective Experiences in Convergent and Divergent Creative Group Works
- Umemuro, Hiroyuki
- The Impact of Affect and Leadership on Group Creative Design Thinking
- Utama, Fajrin Putra
- Proactivity and Employee Creativity: Mediator Roles of Feedback-Seeking Behavior and Moderating Effect of Task Feedback
- Utami, Aryani Rahmah
- Changing Hitting Chest to be Stroking Chest with Shaping and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior Method for a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder with Intellectual Impairment