Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP 2017)

95 authors
Alatan, Sonia Utari
Effectiveness of a Selfhood Builder Program in Improving Selfhood for a Six-Year-Old Child
Alfisyahri, Kinanti
The relationship between perceived organizational support and employee’s turnover intention through supportive co-worker workshop in division B at Company X
Amalia, Fadhilah
Using Group Therapy to Resolve Social Adjustment Problems of Sojourner Students at Universitas Indonesia
Arbiyah, Nurul
Developing a New Quantitative Reasoning Test for Indonesian High School Students using the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence
Arbiyah, Nurul
The Development of Visualization Test Based on Catell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence for Senior High School Student in Indonesia
Arbiyah, Nurul
The Development of a Lexical Knowledge Test: Assessing Lexical Knowledge of Indonesian High School Students using the Cattel-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence
Ariyanti, Tika Dwi
The Effectiveness of Social Stories and Video Modeling in Improving Self-Care Skills in Female Adolescents with Mild Intellectual Disabilities during Menstrual Periods
Arjadi, Retha
Feasibility Study of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Indonesians
Atyeo, James
Development and Validation of a Social Anxiety Scale (SAS)
Ayuningtias, Agnes Utari Hanum
Feasibility Study of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Indonesians
Bintari, Dini Rahma
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Reducing Stress Among Informal Caregivers Of Schizophrenia
Boediman, Lia M,
Using a Developmental-relationship-based Approach for Improving the Joint Attention of a Child with Autism: A Single-case Design
Damayanti, Khairunisa
Developing a New Quantitative Reasoning Test for Indonesian High School Students using the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence
Desiningrum, Dinie Ratri
Integrating an Employability Framework to Improve Occupational Self-Efficacy among Trainees of Vocational Training Institutions
Edwina, Yasmine Nur
Total-Task Presentation as a Technique to Develop Self-Drinking Skill: A Single-Case Study of an Autistic Child with Intellectual Impairment
Effendi, Rahmadia Trisia
The Relationship Of Improving Intrinsic Motivation On Turnover Intention By Using Job Crafting Workshop for Employee At Division X in a food company
Etikariena, Arum
The relationship between perceived organizational support and employee’s turnover intention through supportive co-worker workshop in division B at Company X
Etikariena, Arum
The Relationship Of Improving Intrinsic Motivation On Turnover Intention By Using Job Crafting Workshop for Employee At Division X in a food company
Etikariena, Arum
The influence of psychological empowerment on turnover intention through appreciative inquiry workshop for employee at Division X Company X
Fatheya, Fath
Catharsis-based Counseling and Relaxation Training as Intervention for Reducing the Symptoms of Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder: A Case Study
Gatari, Eka
The relationship between perceived organizational support and employee’s turnover intention through supportive co-worker workshop in division B at Company X
Gunarti, C.S. Indah
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Decreasing Anxiety in an Elderly Female Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Single-case Study
Handali, Kara Andrea
Increasing Emotion regulation skills with dialectical behavior therapy skills training: A single-case study on an elementary school student with borderline intellectual functioning
Hanum, Lathifah
Using Group Therapy to Resolve Social Adjustment Problems of Sojourner Students at Universitas Indonesia
Hanum, Lathifah
A Woman with Anxiety Symptoms: Did a Diary Help to Reduce them?
Hartianti, Fenny
Effectiveness of Training on Four Key Aspects to Develop the Interaction between Mother and Children in Early Childhood
Hartono, S. S. Budi
Catharsis-based Counseling and Relaxation Training as Intervention for Reducing the Symptoms of Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder: A Case Study
Herdiansyah, Martin
Systematic Desensitization for Treating Specific Phobia of Earthworms: An In Vivo Exposure Study
Development of the Associative Memory Intelligence Test for High School Students Based on Cattel-Horn-Carrol Theory
Hildayani, Rini
Effectiveness of Training on Four Key Aspects to Develop the Interaction between Mother and Children in Early Childhood
Humani, Diah Arum Witasari
Effectiveness of Training on Four Key Aspects to Develop the Interaction between Mother and Children in Early Childhood
Hutahaean, Bona S. H.
Using an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Approach in Group Therapy to Alleviate Preoccupation with Body Weight in Universitas Indonesia Students
Hutama, Erka T.
Development and Validation of a Social Anxiety Scale (SAS)
Ibadi, Aisyah
The Implementation of Resource Development and Installation (RDI) for an Adolescent with Non-Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI)
Ikram, Rami Busyra
Using an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Approach in Group Therapy to Alleviate Preoccupation with Body Weight in Universitas Indonesia Students
Iswardani, Tri
The Implementation of Resource Development and Installation (RDI) for an Adolescent with Non-Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI)
Jaya, Edo S.
Why Are There People With Psychosis And People Without? Is It All Due To Genetic And Vulnerability Factors?
Jaya, Edo S.
Feasibility Study of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Indonesians
Karyo, Vitriyanti Sukarno
Counseling, Progressive Relaxation, and Writing a Journal to Reduce General Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in an Undergraduate Student from Universitas Indonesia
Kristanti, Inez
Behavioral Intervention to Support Smoking Cessation and Treating Insomnia in an Elderly Woman Living in a Nursing Home: A Case Study
Kuntoro, Ike Anggraika
The Implementation of Resource Development and Installation (RDI) for an Adolescent with Non-Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI)
Kuntoro, Ike Anggraika
Development and Validation of a Social Anxiety Scale (SAS)
Kuntoro, Ike Anggraika
The Implementation of Social Skills Training (SST) to Improve the Social Skills of an Adolescent with Peer Relationship Problems at School
Kurniawati, Farida
Effectiveness of a Selfhood Builder Program in Improving Selfhood for a Six-Year-Old Child
Kusumah, Mutia Aprilia Permata
Increasing Compliance and Task Completion in a Child with Borderline Intellectual Functioning: An Application of the Behavior Modification Principle
Latifah, Melly
The Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Reading and their Influence on Reading Comprehension of Junior High School Students in the Upland Region of Java
Lubis, Anita Dwinata
Development of an Indonesian Figural-Inductive Reasoning Test for High School Students Based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory
Mangunsong, Frieda M.
Enhancing an Underachieving Middle School Student’s Motivation and Self-Regulation in Learning Mathematics with Self-Regulated Learning Program
Mangunsong, Frieda M.
Psychoeducation on Reproductive Health as Self-protection from Sexual Violence for 5- to 6-year-old Children
Manuella, Berlian Damenia
Enhancing an Underachieving Middle School Student’s Motivation and Self-Regulation in Learning Mathematics with Self-Regulated Learning Program
Mardian, Mayang Gita
Using a Developmental-relationship-based Approach for Improving the Joint Attention of a Child with Autism: A Single-case Design
Mardiati, Debby
Development and Validation of a Working Memory Capacity Test for High School Students
Maulina, Dewi
Development of the Associative Memory Intelligence Test for High School Students Based on Cattel-Horn-Carrol Theory
Maulina, Dewi
Development of an Indonesian Figural-Inductive Reasoning Test for High School Students Based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory
Maulina, Dewi
Development and Validation of a Working Memory Capacity Test for High School Students
Melontige, Siska Konda A.
Psychoeducation on Reproductive Health as Self-protection from Sexual Violence for 5- to 6-year-old Children
Menaldi, Adhityawarman
Behavioral Intervention to Support Smoking Cessation and Treating Insomnia in an Elderly Woman Living in a Nursing Home: A Case Study
Mursitolaksmi, Lucia Retno
The Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Reading and their Influence on Reading Comprehension of Junior High School Students in the Upland Region of Java
Mustika, Rizki
Reciprocal Teaching with Buddy to Improve Metacognitive Strategies of a High School Student with Reading Comprehension Difficulties
Nasa, Amatul Firdausa
Application of a Shaping Technique to Increase On-Task Behavior Duration in Children with ADHD
Nida, Dewa Ayu Diah Tri Paramita Putri
Teaching Self-Dressing Skill Behavior in a Child with Moderate Intellectual Disability and Low Vision with Backward Chaining Technique
Nofitri, Nurhayati F.M.
Discouraging Employee Turnover through a Coaching Optimization Program
Nurtjahyanti, Harlina
Integrating an Employability Framework to Improve Occupational Self-Efficacy among Trainees of Vocational Training Institutions
Poerwandari, Elizabeth Kristi
Social Anxiety and Internet Addiction: CBT Intervention Module Development Based on Self-Reflection
Pohan, Lifina Dewi
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Decreasing Anxiety in an Elderly Female Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Single-case Study
Pohan, Lifina Dewi
Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for College Students with Depression Symptoms: A Case Study
Prakoso, Andhika
The Development of Visualization Test Based on Catell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence for Senior High School Student in Indonesia
Prianto, Rose Mini A.
The Effectiveness of the RAP (Read, Ask, Put) Strategy to Improve Functional Reading Comprehension for Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities
Primana, Linda
Increasing Emotion regulation skills with dialectical behavior therapy skills training: A single-case study on an elementary school student with borderline intellectual functioning
Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
Increasing Compliance and Task Completion in a Child with Borderline Intellectual Functioning: An Application of the Behavior Modification Principle
Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
Application of a Shaping Technique to Increase On-Task Behavior Duration in Children with ADHD
Putri, Ayu Pradani Sugiyanto
Social Anxiety and Internet Addiction: CBT Intervention Module Development Based on Self-Reflection
Putri, Utami Nurhafsari
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Reducing Stress Among Informal Caregivers Of Schizophrenia
Rahmandani, Amalia
Integrating an Employability Framework to Improve Occupational Self-Efficacy among Trainees of Vocational Training Institutions
Royanto, Lucia R. M.
The Effectiveness of Social Stories and Video Modeling in Improving Self-Care Skills in Female Adolescents with Mild Intellectual Disabilities during Menstrual Periods
Royanto, Lucia R. M.
Reciprocal Teaching with Buddy to Improve Metacognitive Strategies of a High School Student with Reading Comprehension Difficulties
Rusli, Erida
Social Anxiety and Internet Addiction: CBT Intervention Module Development Based on Self-Reflection
Salendu, Alice
Discouraging Employee Turnover through a Coaching Optimization Program
Saraswati, Ina
Using an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Approach in Group Therapy to Alleviate Preoccupation with Body Weight in Universitas Indonesia Students
Saraswati, Ina
Counseling, Progressive Relaxation, and Writing a Journal to Reduce General Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in an Undergraduate Student from Universitas Indonesia
Savitri, Luh S.Y.
The Implementation of Social Skills Training (SST) to Improve the Social Skills of an Adolescent with Peer Relationship Problems at School
Septiana, Eva
The Relationship between Moral Emotions of Shame, Guilt, and Moral Identity Among Undergraduate Students in Indonesia
Setiawati, Linda
Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for College Students with Depression Symptoms: A Case Study
Sukarlan, Augustine Dwi Putri
Using Group Therapy to Resolve Social Adjustment Problems of Sojourner Students at Universitas Indonesia
Sukmawan, Firsta A.
The Effectiveness of the RAP (Read, Ask, Put) Strategy to Improve Functional Reading Comprehension for Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities
Sumampouw, Nathanael J.
Systematic Desensitization for Treating Specific Phobia of Earthworms: An In Vivo Exposure Study
Suradijono, Sri Hartati R.
The Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Reading and their Influence on Reading Comprehension of Junior High School Students in the Upland Region of Java
Tetono, Marcelina M.D.
The Implementation of Social Skills Training (SST) to Improve the Social Skills of an Adolescent with Peer Relationship Problems at School
Tjakrawiralaksana, Mita Aswanti
Total-Task Presentation as a Technique to Develop Self-Drinking Skill: A Single-Case Study of an Autistic Child with Intellectual Impairment
Tjakrawiralaksana, Mita Aswanti
Application of a Shaping Technique to Increase On-Task Behavior Duration in Children with ADHD
Tjakrawiralaksana, Mita Aswanti
Teaching Self-Dressing Skill Behavior in a Child with Moderate Intellectual Disability and Low Vision with Backward Chaining Technique
Tunrisna, Patricia Yuannita
A Woman with Anxiety Symptoms: Did a Diary Help to Reduce them?
Utoyo, Dharmayati Bambang
Feasibility Study of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Indonesians
Waskita, Ariestianto
The Development of a Lexical Knowledge Test: Assessing Lexical Knowledge of Indonesian High School Students using the Cattel-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence
Wilutantri, Ajeng
The influence of psychological empowerment on turnover intention through appreciative inquiry workshop for employee at Division X Company X