Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP 2017)
95 authors
- Alatan, Sonia Utari
- Effectiveness of a Selfhood Builder Program in Improving Selfhood for a Six-Year-Old Child
- Alfisyahri, Kinanti
- The relationship between perceived organizational support and employee’s turnover intention through supportive co-worker workshop in division B at Company X
- Amalia, Fadhilah
- Using Group Therapy to Resolve Social Adjustment Problems of Sojourner Students at Universitas Indonesia
- Arbiyah, Nurul
- Developing a New Quantitative Reasoning Test for Indonesian High School Students using the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence
- Arbiyah, Nurul
- The Development of Visualization Test Based on Catell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence for Senior High School Student in Indonesia
- Arbiyah, Nurul
- The Development of a Lexical Knowledge Test: Assessing Lexical Knowledge of Indonesian High School Students using the Cattel-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence
- Ariyanti, Tika Dwi
- The Effectiveness of Social Stories and Video Modeling in Improving Self-Care Skills in Female Adolescents with Mild Intellectual Disabilities during Menstrual Periods
- Arjadi, Retha
- Feasibility Study of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Indonesians
- Atyeo, James
- Development and Validation of a Social Anxiety Scale (SAS)
- Ayuningtias, Agnes Utari Hanum
- Feasibility Study of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Indonesians
- Bintari, Dini Rahma
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Reducing Stress Among Informal Caregivers Of Schizophrenia
- Boediman, Lia M,
- Using a Developmental-relationship-based Approach for Improving the Joint Attention of a Child with Autism: A Single-case Design
- Damayanti, Khairunisa
- Developing a New Quantitative Reasoning Test for Indonesian High School Students using the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence
- Desiningrum, Dinie Ratri
- Integrating an Employability Framework to Improve Occupational Self-Efficacy among Trainees of Vocational Training Institutions
- Edwina, Yasmine Nur
- Total-Task Presentation as a Technique to Develop Self-Drinking Skill: A Single-Case Study of an Autistic Child with Intellectual Impairment
- Effendi, Rahmadia Trisia
- The Relationship Of Improving Intrinsic Motivation On Turnover Intention By Using Job Crafting Workshop for Employee At Division X in a food company
- Etikariena, Arum
- The relationship between perceived organizational support and employee’s turnover intention through supportive co-worker workshop in division B at Company X
- Etikariena, Arum
- The Relationship Of Improving Intrinsic Motivation On Turnover Intention By Using Job Crafting Workshop for Employee At Division X in a food company
- Etikariena, Arum
- The influence of psychological empowerment on turnover intention through appreciative inquiry workshop for employee at Division X Company X
- Fatheya, Fath
- Catharsis-based Counseling and Relaxation Training as Intervention for Reducing the Symptoms of Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder: A Case Study
- Gatari, Eka
- The relationship between perceived organizational support and employee’s turnover intention through supportive co-worker workshop in division B at Company X
- Gunarti, C.S. Indah
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Decreasing Anxiety in an Elderly Female Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Single-case Study
- Handali, Kara Andrea
- Increasing Emotion regulation skills with dialectical behavior therapy skills training: A single-case study on an elementary school student with borderline intellectual functioning
- Hanum, Lathifah
- Using Group Therapy to Resolve Social Adjustment Problems of Sojourner Students at Universitas Indonesia
- Hanum, Lathifah
- A Woman with Anxiety Symptoms: Did a Diary Help to Reduce them?
- Hartianti, Fenny
- Effectiveness of Training on Four Key Aspects to Develop the Interaction between Mother and Children in Early Childhood
- Hartono, S. S. Budi
- Catharsis-based Counseling and Relaxation Training as Intervention for Reducing the Symptoms of Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder: A Case Study
- Herdiansyah, Martin
- Systematic Desensitization for Treating Specific Phobia of Earthworms: An In Vivo Exposure Study
- Hidayati
- Development of the Associative Memory Intelligence Test for High School Students Based on Cattel-Horn-Carrol Theory
- Hildayani, Rini
- Effectiveness of Training on Four Key Aspects to Develop the Interaction between Mother and Children in Early Childhood
- Humani, Diah Arum Witasari
- Effectiveness of Training on Four Key Aspects to Develop the Interaction between Mother and Children in Early Childhood
- Hutahaean, Bona S. H.
- Using an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Approach in Group Therapy to Alleviate Preoccupation with Body Weight in Universitas Indonesia Students
- Hutama, Erka T.
- Development and Validation of a Social Anxiety Scale (SAS)
- Ibadi, Aisyah
- The Implementation of Resource Development and Installation (RDI) for an Adolescent with Non-Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI)
- Ikram, Rami Busyra
- Using an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Approach in Group Therapy to Alleviate Preoccupation with Body Weight in Universitas Indonesia Students
- Iswardani, Tri
- The Implementation of Resource Development and Installation (RDI) for an Adolescent with Non-Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI)
- Jaya, Edo S.
- Why Are There People With Psychosis And People Without? Is It All Due To Genetic And Vulnerability Factors?
- Jaya, Edo S.
- Feasibility Study of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Indonesians
- Karyo, Vitriyanti Sukarno
- Counseling, Progressive Relaxation, and Writing a Journal to Reduce General Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in an Undergraduate Student from Universitas Indonesia
- Kristanti, Inez
- Behavioral Intervention to Support Smoking Cessation and Treating Insomnia in an Elderly Woman Living in a Nursing Home: A Case Study
- Kuntoro, Ike Anggraika
- The Implementation of Resource Development and Installation (RDI) for an Adolescent with Non-Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI)
- Kuntoro, Ike Anggraika
- Development and Validation of a Social Anxiety Scale (SAS)
- Kuntoro, Ike Anggraika
- The Implementation of Social Skills Training (SST) to Improve the Social Skills of an Adolescent with Peer Relationship Problems at School
- Kurniawati, Farida
- Effectiveness of a Selfhood Builder Program in Improving Selfhood for a Six-Year-Old Child
- Kusumah, Mutia Aprilia Permata
- Increasing Compliance and Task Completion in a Child with Borderline Intellectual Functioning: An Application of the Behavior Modification Principle
- Latifah, Melly
- The Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Reading and their Influence on Reading Comprehension of Junior High School Students in the Upland Region of Java
- Lubis, Anita Dwinata
- Development of an Indonesian Figural-Inductive Reasoning Test for High School Students Based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory
- Mangunsong, Frieda M.
- Enhancing an Underachieving Middle School Student’s Motivation and Self-Regulation in Learning Mathematics with Self-Regulated Learning Program
- Mangunsong, Frieda M.
- Psychoeducation on Reproductive Health as Self-protection from Sexual Violence for 5- to 6-year-old Children
- Manuella, Berlian Damenia
- Enhancing an Underachieving Middle School Student’s Motivation and Self-Regulation in Learning Mathematics with Self-Regulated Learning Program
- Mardian, Mayang Gita
- Using a Developmental-relationship-based Approach for Improving the Joint Attention of a Child with Autism: A Single-case Design
- Mardiati, Debby
- Development and Validation of a Working Memory Capacity Test for High School Students
- Maulina, Dewi
- Development of the Associative Memory Intelligence Test for High School Students Based on Cattel-Horn-Carrol Theory
- Maulina, Dewi
- Development of an Indonesian Figural-Inductive Reasoning Test for High School Students Based on the Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory
- Maulina, Dewi
- Development and Validation of a Working Memory Capacity Test for High School Students
- Melontige, Siska Konda A.
- Psychoeducation on Reproductive Health as Self-protection from Sexual Violence for 5- to 6-year-old Children
- Menaldi, Adhityawarman
- Behavioral Intervention to Support Smoking Cessation and Treating Insomnia in an Elderly Woman Living in a Nursing Home: A Case Study
- Mursitolaksmi, Lucia Retno
- The Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Reading and their Influence on Reading Comprehension of Junior High School Students in the Upland Region of Java
- Mustika, Rizki
- Reciprocal Teaching with Buddy to Improve Metacognitive Strategies of a High School Student with Reading Comprehension Difficulties
- Nasa, Amatul Firdausa
- Application of a Shaping Technique to Increase On-Task Behavior Duration in Children with ADHD
- Nida, Dewa Ayu Diah Tri Paramita Putri
- Teaching Self-Dressing Skill Behavior in a Child with Moderate Intellectual Disability and Low Vision with Backward Chaining Technique
- Nofitri, Nurhayati F.M.
- Discouraging Employee Turnover through a Coaching Optimization Program
- Nurtjahyanti, Harlina
- Integrating an Employability Framework to Improve Occupational Self-Efficacy among Trainees of Vocational Training Institutions
- Poerwandari, Elizabeth Kristi
- Social Anxiety and Internet Addiction: CBT Intervention Module Development Based on Self-Reflection
- Pohan, Lifina Dewi
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Decreasing Anxiety in an Elderly Female Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Single-case Study
- Pohan, Lifina Dewi
- Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for College Students with Depression Symptoms: A Case Study
- Prakoso, Andhika
- The Development of Visualization Test Based on Catell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence for Senior High School Student in Indonesia
- Prianto, Rose Mini A.
- The Effectiveness of the RAP (Read, Ask, Put) Strategy to Improve Functional Reading Comprehension for Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities
- Primana, Linda
- Increasing Emotion regulation skills with dialectical behavior therapy skills training: A single-case study on an elementary school student with borderline intellectual functioning
- Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
- Increasing Compliance and Task Completion in a Child with Borderline Intellectual Functioning: An Application of the Behavior Modification Principle
- Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
- Application of a Shaping Technique to Increase On-Task Behavior Duration in Children with ADHD
- Putri, Ayu Pradani Sugiyanto
- Social Anxiety and Internet Addiction: CBT Intervention Module Development Based on Self-Reflection
- Putri, Utami Nurhafsari
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Reducing Stress Among Informal Caregivers Of Schizophrenia
- Rahmandani, Amalia
- Integrating an Employability Framework to Improve Occupational Self-Efficacy among Trainees of Vocational Training Institutions
- Royanto, Lucia R. M.
- The Effectiveness of Social Stories and Video Modeling in Improving Self-Care Skills in Female Adolescents with Mild Intellectual Disabilities during Menstrual Periods
- Royanto, Lucia R. M.
- Reciprocal Teaching with Buddy to Improve Metacognitive Strategies of a High School Student with Reading Comprehension Difficulties
- Rusli, Erida
- Social Anxiety and Internet Addiction: CBT Intervention Module Development Based on Self-Reflection
- Salendu, Alice
- Discouraging Employee Turnover through a Coaching Optimization Program
- Saraswati, Ina
- Using an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Approach in Group Therapy to Alleviate Preoccupation with Body Weight in Universitas Indonesia Students
- Saraswati, Ina
- Counseling, Progressive Relaxation, and Writing a Journal to Reduce General Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in an Undergraduate Student from Universitas Indonesia
- Savitri, Luh S.Y.
- The Implementation of Social Skills Training (SST) to Improve the Social Skills of an Adolescent with Peer Relationship Problems at School
- Septiana, Eva
- The Relationship between Moral Emotions of Shame, Guilt, and Moral Identity Among Undergraduate Students in Indonesia
- Setiawati, Linda
- Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for College Students with Depression Symptoms: A Case Study
- Sukarlan, Augustine Dwi Putri
- Using Group Therapy to Resolve Social Adjustment Problems of Sojourner Students at Universitas Indonesia
- Sukmawan, Firsta A.
- The Effectiveness of the RAP (Read, Ask, Put) Strategy to Improve Functional Reading Comprehension for Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities
- Sumampouw, Nathanael J.
- Systematic Desensitization for Treating Specific Phobia of Earthworms: An In Vivo Exposure Study
- Suradijono, Sri Hartati R.
- The Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Reading and their Influence on Reading Comprehension of Junior High School Students in the Upland Region of Java
- Tetono, Marcelina M.D.
- The Implementation of Social Skills Training (SST) to Improve the Social Skills of an Adolescent with Peer Relationship Problems at School
- Tjakrawiralaksana, Mita Aswanti
- Total-Task Presentation as a Technique to Develop Self-Drinking Skill: A Single-Case Study of an Autistic Child with Intellectual Impairment
- Tjakrawiralaksana, Mita Aswanti
- Application of a Shaping Technique to Increase On-Task Behavior Duration in Children with ADHD
- Tjakrawiralaksana, Mita Aswanti
- Teaching Self-Dressing Skill Behavior in a Child with Moderate Intellectual Disability and Low Vision with Backward Chaining Technique
- Tunrisna, Patricia Yuannita
- A Woman with Anxiety Symptoms: Did a Diary Help to Reduce them?
- Utoyo, Dharmayati Bambang
- Feasibility Study of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Indonesians
- Waskita, Ariestianto
- The Development of a Lexical Knowledge Test: Assessing Lexical Knowledge of Indonesian High School Students using the Cattel-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Intelligence
- Wilutantri, Ajeng
- The influence of psychological empowerment on turnover intention through appreciative inquiry workshop for employee at Division X Company X