Proceedings of selected papers of International Conference on Health, Science, and Environment (ICHSE 2023)
18 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
I Putu Mahendra, Sarmoko Sarmoko, Indra Pardede, Akaraphol Watcarawipas, Nur Ayunie Binti Zulkepli
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 1st ICHSE during 12th – 13th October 2023 in Bandar Lampung. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Volume Editors and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document is a truthful description...
Proceedings Article
Anti-Cancer Potency of Cucurbitacin D through PI3K and AKT1: A Molecular Docking Studies
Nisa Yulianti Suprahman, Rohansyah Al-Bari, Refsya Azanti Putri, Muhammad Yogi Saputra, Sarmoko
Cucurbitacin is a bitter-tasting compound found in the Cucurbitaceae family. Previously, cucurbitacin D was observed to have antitumor activity in several tumor cell lines in vitro. Several macromolecules have been shown affected by cucurbitacin treatment, including AKT1, JAK, and STAT3. Nevertheless,...
Proceedings Article
In Silico Molecular Docking Analysis of Breast Cancer Therapy Using Zerumbone Derivatives
A. Ashari, N. Y. Suprahman, R. Fauziyya, W. N. Auli, M. Zahra, E. C. Pane, L. Agustin, S. Fazila, K. Alsadila, Sarmoko
Cancer has high prevalence to cause a mortality in the world in case of breast cancer, although numerous medical treatment have been developed. Cancer treatment and therapy failures are frequently caused by drug resistance and toxicity. Therefore, efforts to develop and discover renewed cancer drugs...
Proceedings Article
Utilization of Gaharu Leaf Ethanol Extract as an Anti-Acne Herbal Patch
Gayatri Simanullang, Untia Kartika Sari Ramadhani, Nisa Yulianti Suprahman, Gres Maretta, Dewi Rana Syafitri, Pinka Mustika Saeli, Tsalsha Ashafila
Acne is a skin disease characterized by the presence of lumps on the surface of the facial skin caused by the presence of bacteria. Gaharu leaves have secondary metabolites, such as flavonoids, which can be used as antibacteria. This research aims to formulate acne patches from gaharu leaves ethanol...
Proceedings Article
Antioxidant and Anti-aging Activity of Parijoto Fruit (Medinilla Speciosa, Reinw.ex Bl.) Ethanolic Extract In Vitro
Aji Winanta, Gian Artika Sari, Rifki Febriansah, Arde Toga Nugraha
The Human skin can experience physiological changes with age, resulting in skin aging. There are several types of factors that cause skin aging, such as intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Parijoto fruit (Medinilla speciosa, Reinw.ex Bl) contains polyphenolic compounds that can improve the balance of ROS...
Proceedings Article
High Effectiveness of CoronaVac Vaccine Against Severe COVID-19 in Adult and Elderly Population in Indonesia
Didan Ariadapa Rahadi, Elfira Yusri, Syandrez Prima Putra, Cimi Ilmiawati
CoronaVac was the first COVID-19 vaccine used in Indonesia. Phase three clinical trial studies showed that the efficacy of CoronaVac in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection ranged from 50.7-84.4%. The effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine in the adult group relatively was better than the elderly group, this...
Proceedings Article
Combination of Jamblang Leaf Extract (Syzygium cumini) and Vitamin C Increased Albumin and Decreased Bilirubin Serum Level on Lead Acetate Induced Rats
Rauza Sukma Rita, Endrinaldi, Tofrizal
Oxidative stress from lead acetate can impair organ function. Antioxidants, which can be obtained from plants like Syzigium cumini, are necessary to counter oxidative stress. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the combination of jamblang leaf extract and vitamin C on serum albumin and bilirubin...
Proceedings Article
Android Based Application for Atherosclerosis Early Detection System Using Artificial Neural Networks
Agus Muliantara, Dewa Ayu Swastini, A. A. Deva Agung Wijaya
Nowadays, Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is one of the leading health issues in the world. Every year, this disease is the leading cause of death in the world. The number of people who have died from cardiovascular diseases has increased by 17.3 million since 2008. More than three million of these deaths...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Body Mass Index (BMI) and Physical Activity on Hand Grip Strength in Tangerang Society
Dyan Puspita Hanung Pratiwi, Winati Nurhayu, Iffa Afiqa Khairani, Andy Darmawan, Gres Maretta, Jeane Siswitasari Mulyana
Humans require good physical support to ensure the smooth running of heir activity. Lack of physical activity can lead to weight gain and increase in Body Mass Index (BMI). Increasing weight on the body can affect motor performance, including postural balance and muscle strength. Therefore, BMI can affect...
Proceedings Article
Relationship Between Body Height with Upper Arm Length, Sole Length and Foot Width in the East Jakarta Region
Aviani Rinfi Shafira, Winati Nurhayu, Iffa Afiqa Khairani, Andy Darmawan, Gres Mareta, Jeane Siswitasari Mulyana
Height or stature is one of the four main parameters used to identify individuals, along with sex, age, and ethnicity. In cases where a body has been fragmented or dismembered, estimating a person’s height by measuring long bones can help determine his identity. Research on the relationship between height...
Proceedings Article
Digit Ratio 2D:4D Variation and the Relationships to Aggressivity in Sumatran Institute of Technology Students
Vienza Gita Hapsari, Winati Nurhayu, Iffa Afiqa Khairani, Andy Darmawan, Gres Maretta, Jeane Siswitasari Mulyana
The ratio index finger length (2D) to ring finger length (4D) or digit ratio 2D:4D is a trait of sexual dimorphism. The prenatal testosterone influences the digit ratio 2D:4D since the growth of the fetus in the womb. High levels of prenatal testosterone will affect the development of finger which is...
Proceedings Article
Improving Viability and Vigor of Corn (Zea mays) Seeds using Bio-priming
Taufiqurrahman, Erma Suryanti, Dewi Chusniasih, Khaerunissa Anbar Istiadi, Hida Arliani Nur Anisa
The demand for corn is increasing every year; therefore, increasing the productivity of corn is crucial. Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) are microbes that can promote plant growth from the beginning of the germination process. The germination process is the initial point of plant growth and development,...
Proceedings Article
Life Form Identification of Coral Reef and Genera in Pahawang Island to Support Ecosystem Rehabilitation
Novriadi, Andy Darmawan, Gres Maretta, Budhi Agung Prasetyo, Winati Nurhayu, Agus Rayendi Gurning, Muhammad Afrizal, Mahib Abdul Malik
The widespread degradation of coral reef ecosystems, including on Pahawang Island, Lampung, is commonly addressed through coral transplantation activities as a means of rehabilitating the natural structure of coral reef ecosystems to once again support the life of fish and other marine biota. To support...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Antioxidant Gel Formula Green Tea Leaf Extract (Camellia sinensis L.) With Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
Dyani Primasari Sukamdi, Afifah Zahrah, Sabtanti Harimurti, Vella Lailli Damarwati, Rima Erviana, Azura Amid
Gels containing antioxidants can be topical preparations to ward off free radicals. One natural ingredient with a high antioxidant content is green tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Green tea contains polyphenols consisting of several chemical compounds such as flavanols, flavandiols, flavonoids, and phenolic...
Proceedings Article
Isolation and Cytotoxic Assay of α-amyrin from Callistemon citrinus Stem Bark Against Cervical Cancer Cells (HeLa)
Melysa Saleh, Rahmat Kurniawan, Hawa Purnama Celala Ary Cane
Cervical cancer attitudes a significant health challenge due to its high prevalence and mortality rates. As an alternative approach to treating cancer, scientists are exploring the use of bioactive compounds derived from herbal plants. One such plant is the bottle brush plant (C. citrinus). Isolation...
Proceedings Article
The Improvement of α-Amylase Enzyme Stability from Aspergillus fumigatus through Immobilization Method Using Hybrid Zeolite/Chitin Matrix
Ella Gita Silviana, Yandri Yandri, Tati Suhartati, Bambang Irawan, Sutopo Hadi
The stability of enzymes against pH and temperature is an important factor in the industry. Generally, enzymes can work on physiological conditions and unresistant to extreme pH and temperature conditions. To be used in industry, it is necessary to enhance enzyme stability. This research aims to enhance...
Proceedings Article
16S rRNA Fragment of Metagenomic DNA, Antibacterial and Cellulase Activity from Garbage Enzymes of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) Peels
I Nengah Wirajana, I Made Bramandita, I Made Sukadana
Organic waste, such as fruit peels, has potential to be processed into useful products, for example through fermentation into garbage enzymes (GE) or also known as eco-enzymes. This study aims to determine 16S rRNA gene fragment amplicon of metagenomic DNA, antibacterial activity against the Staphylococcus...
Proceedings Article
A Review of Metroxylon Sago Plant Restoration Towards Recovery Populations With Special Emphasis on Lampung
Jayusman Jayusman, Slameto Slameto, Zahara Zahara, Meidaliyantisyah Meidaliyantisyah, Marsudin Silalahi
Rumbia or (Metroxylon sago), which has a long history of economic benefits for sago farmers, naturally grows on Lampung Province, Indonesia. In one of the fragmented areas with scattered trees, the sago habitat is now in a state of decline. The reduced area of sago is due to the pressures that are several...