Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019)
613 authors
- Zikra, Zikra
- The Influence Factors of Self-Acceptance Women Convict: Preliminary Research from Counseling Perspective
- Zikri, Ahmad
- Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Improving Critical Thinking in the Era of National Development
- Zoya Febrina Sumampow, Zoya
- Indonesian University Management in 21st Century (Issues And Challenges)
- Zuardi, Zuardi
- Learning Make A Match Using Prezi in Elementary School in Industry 4.0
- Zuardi, Zuardi
- The Effect of Cooperative Models of Pair Share Think on the PKN Learning Outcomes of Basic V Vocational School Students
- Zuhdi, Ulhaq
- English Language Communication in PGSD Through the TPR Method
- Zulfianti Rosyida Zahro, Zulfianti
- Role of Peers in Case of Self Suicide Peer Counseling: Youth Self Awareness to Suicide Cases
- Zuliarni, Zuliarni
- The Effect of Using A Blog as Reporting Media of Weekly Reading in Blended Learning Environment
- Zulminiati, Zulminiati
- Stimulation of Hearing Sensors for Toddler Children through Stuffed Stories in Early Childhood Education
- Zulmiyetri, Zulmiyetri
- The Implementation of Training Model to Improve Professional Competence of Teachers in Inclusive Education
- Zulmiyetri, Zulmiyetri
- Character Education for the 21st Century in Developing the Careers of Children Special Needs in Vocational Inclusive School
- Zulmiyetri, Zulmiyetri
- Analysis of the Needs of Parents Who Have Cerebral Palsy Children Reviewed from the Family Counseling
- Zuwirna, Zuwirna
- Implementing E-Assessment for Formative Test in Introduction of Education Course: Students’ Voice